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Show Ogden, Utah, October 22, ML XII. 10 JUDGE TUFT, F F Two Men DENVER, the East CINCINNATI. Taft left t 1 Ohio, Oct IS. Wm. oclock this moraine , Monday. Aaide from Joining the Cltiaenr Taft dub at Cincinnati, to which he made a Monday address. and reviewing a parade of the delegatee to the convention of Maaona in aeaaion in thia city, Judge Taft spent a quiet day yeaterday. Dr J. J. Richard eon, of Washington, throat specialist, who la traveling vitb Judge Taft, aald that hia patient exhibited wonderful power, of recuperation. He believe, the candidate will be able to meet the many epeech-ma- k which the national Ing appointment, committee ha, made for him between low and the end of the campaign. The day's rent had a very favorable effect on Mr. Taft'a condition, according to the doctor. the AURORA, Indiana, Oct IS. Judge Taft epeaking at thia place declared that If aa reported men are giving or drre to be filled in the event tie ia elected, and not filled if Bryan la vie at Least Colo., Oct. 11 A. William. aizteen mile, from Salida, and Warren Blyden- burgh, a ranchman near Sara- toga, Wyoming, ,r dead, the victims 0f a bllisard that la de- vaatating Colorado and Wyo- mlng today. Wllliama lost his way and was froaen. Blyden- burgh'a wagon overturned en route to hie ranch and he died of the cold. Snow fell on the mountain! today heavier than in the plains and the fall was ac- compa tiled by a high wind. Is Keeping All News Suppressed. LONDON, Eng., Oct. 23. Warfare between 130.000 Austrian troops and a thousand insurrection lata in Bosnia and Herxegovlna has been In progress for the pant ten days, according to a d Montenegrian agent arriving here to-day for the purpose of Investigating ithe course England will pursue regard ing Bervla and Montenegro in the event they declare war against Austria. This agent declares that a guerilla warfare le raging in the mountain of the annexed provinces and has been since SEES VICTORY Austria's stroke early in the month. The situation is so dangerous that Austria is rushing reinforcements to the provincial sriny. Scores hsve been killed, according to the report of this agent, and anarchy exists In the eastern and southern sections of the annexed territory. Austria is exercising a censorship and la keeping secret the tea ltuation. a state of siege has been declared by Austria for ten daya. The temper of the people is such the agent declares, that they will never submit to annexation. VIC ident of Republican Success INJIE Than at Any Time Before. EAST "WSV 'fttXiSSSt 3n ial re-fto- AMERICA AND JAPAN RESULT OF FLEETS VISIT Enraged New York Farmers 'Take by Serious. In Reply to President Roosevelt's Knox Letter Democratic LONDON. Oct The very serious matter of th unemployed in England came up for discussion In the house of common yesterday, but a larger dole of money than last year and the expeditproing of the naval gramme were the only expedients proposed by Premier Asquith In hie unfolding of the government'! plan to meet the situation. The gravity of the case arising from !h fact that hundreds of thnuaandM ar on the verge of starvation through iaek of work was fully recognised by the premier, but he could not undertake, In ihe legislative field, to grapple with the permanent causes thereof until the next session. The government, he said, wn prepared to provide a fund of 1.500,000 to help the unemployed and the admiralty wae giving out orders for the construction of nine torpedo boat destroyers and five armored cruisers, to coat a total of 13.8(10,000, two months earlier than originally hnd been intended. The premier made also a hid for recruits, saying that the war office wae reedy to take on 24.000 men for the winter training in the special reserve, ship-buildin- g Father. leader Refers to labor Day Speech. IOI NT PLEASANT, W. Va.. Oct William J. Bryan declared today rtgarding President Roosevelt's letter to Senator Knox assailing hia (Bryans) labor views, that If the president desired information on tlila point all lie had to do waa to read the speech delivered to the laboring nun iu Chicago on Labor Day. Mr. Bryan will reply to the president at length later. The ltenuM-ratileader delivered twenty speeches in West Virginia today. Tomorrow he will deiiart for New Jersey and New York. Today he appealed to l lie farmers and laboring men, repeating his former arguments and protesting agulnst the alk'ged union of voters by the great corpora t ions. TWO SPECIALS FORJIHD-U- P Democrats Plan Spectacular Fea- TO AST REST MONROE, N. Y.. Oct 23. It le re ported today that fifty farmers, armed with rlfiee, are surrounding Charles Pitney, accused by Barah Bmlth, aged twelve years, of criminal assault The William P. Stoker of Plain City girl, who is dying from the effects, crawled to her home and named her Succumbs to Attack of PneuThe assailant. Bhe then collapsed. father formed a posa and la scouring monia at Home. the cemetery, where the crime was committed. Later it was reported that Pitney had stolen a bicycle and that a poaae waa following him in an autoAt his home In Plain City, where he mobile. has been been a respected resident fur nearly lialf a century, William F. Stoker, died at 0:1 o'clock last night, CRACKSMEN GET succumbing to an attack of pneumunia which had confined him to his bed for CASH AND ESCAPE a week past. Mr. Stoker had host of friends in Weber county and had been prominently Identified with the of Utah for many years. He growth SIOUX FALLS. 8. D.t Oct. 22. The wae born In England, June 4, 1850. of was looted State Bank of Virgil coming to this state in 1881 with his 4,700 In cash and valuable papers by parents. He was active in fanning cracksmen today by the dynamiting of and mercantile business st Plain City the vaults. The thieves escaped and for many years. there la no clew. Deceaaed Is survived by a wife, elx eons and five daughters, his children being: Thomas Stoker of Huntsville, Charles Stoker of. Stir Valley, Edgar Stoker of Ugden, Mra Emma Green-wel- l, Mrs. Daniel Burch, Walter Stoker, Richard Stoker, Victoria Stoker end Miss Ruby Stoker of Ogden and Mrs Rose Covington of Rexburg, Idaho. A DAY Mrs. George Fierce of Salt Lake City. Funeral arrangements will be an nounced later. - cltlee were In attendance during the session: Piute, Reno, Ely, Boise, Rawllne, Milwaukee, Toledo, Denver, San Francisco, Nevada, Idaho, Wyoming, Wisconsin. Ohio, Colorado, California, Chicago, Rockford, Sioux Falla, LeavenNew Detroit, Omaha, worth, York City. Ililnola, South Dakota, Kansas Nebraska, Michigan, New ture for Close of Campaign in Ohio and Indiana. CHICAGO. III., Oct. 2. The Demo- cratic national committee announced today that n the week preceding the election two special trains loaded with would invade Ohio and Indiana, hoping to mnke those states "doubly safe.' The orators will include Thomue Marshall, candidate for governor of Indiana; Judson Hannon, candidate for governor of Ohio; David H. Francis, of Missouri; Charles A. Town, of New York; Congressman Calytnn, of Alabama: John W, Kern, candidate for vice president; Hoke Smith, of Georgia ; senator Thomas P. Gore, of Oklahoma, and Congressman Rainey, of Illinois. The Itinerary will he arranged t a meeting at Indianapolis this af- ternoon, MOHEYROILS IB BUTSLOWLY one. The following toasts were given during the banquet: Noble R. 8. Joyce, toastmaster; Noble F. J. Ausdenatured sem-setin; moral uplift as it applies to Ogden, Noble C. W. Morse; assimilated novice. Novice A. H Heywood; UnlteJ States of America, Noble H. A. McMillan. Impromptu speeches were also made C. by the following: J. K. Persons, F. Schramm. Salt Lake City; H. A. Lee, Denver; F. M. Foote, Evanston. One of the pleasing features of the evening waa th presence of Richard Jose, and who, being a Hhriner. was invited to attend the ceremonial close of the banquet with several selections. establishes Discard B,ak of rcrecy and treat the east-!1tlon openly Is the aentlment STS th n Japan as a result ofsentl--th Amerin fleet. This t . bared by the officers of the , Ire beginning to understand th reatne" of Japan aa a nation. j. officials today expressed a ,n vor calling a conven-itWtlnn "IT04 Powm to discuss the nj formulate tentro of the Pacifica policy for the ocean. Toklo 2! m Later the officers attended the embassy. The party with the British host tonight the is bankers .association at a theotrical performance at the e. Kabukl theater, Japan's largest the President Shlbushiawa, enaroused president of the society, thusiasm by paining the Americana. Sixteen thousand business men toog procession tonight part In a lantern Admiral Sperry ad the other following go to Yokohoma tomorrow dinners. and reception final day the sails Saturday. The fleet pT-houe- The latest advices say th typhoon In the At Aparri a thrilling rescue of 100 native. Clark and Postmaster Trodw.y of Robert Lleutenant wM mede by submerged In the fishing village were 00 Fosa The survivors say Clark and Postmaster Lieutenant from a boat fought their way through the carrying to house and ! this way savrf STbkeEImmlng from house damaged. are greatly about 100. Crops itavtt.A p L oct 22. Reports $11,000 Received1 and Gives Names. ur ganization were the committee who have charge of matters pertaining to the annual encampment of the Grand Army veterans In Balt Lake City next year. The committee desires that Ogden take hold of the matter as early as possible and contribute to the en tertalnment as murh as the capital city members. The committee in composed of W. I Russell, W. M. Boats ph and Thomas Lundy. If the eastern executive committee comes to Utah, finds the cities of the state unequal to the task of properly-t caring for th, encampment, the mewill be held some other place. For thin reason the local committee le securing Ihe aid of Ogden bodies to procure necessary accommodations. HOLD GOOD MEETING offl-ee- 22. National Committee MAKE READY MODERN WOODMEN rs OsakL Simultaneously the fleet were entertained by the mayor and Prince Shimoaaau at luncheon. to Control Pacific. Democratic CHICAGO, III., Oct II The Democratic national committee today anto the nounced 10,44 contributed campaign fund In the last three daye Headcontributors. from thirty-foing the list la Former Senator Petti4,000, grew of South Dakota with Former Senator Clark of Montana with William J. Bryan, York. Local members of the Grand Army of another 1,000; Over 00 were served at a sumptuous the Republic were entertained at the profits from the Commoner, 500; Mayof Cleveland, banquet prepared by the ladles of the meeting of the Chamber of Commerce or Tom L. Johnson 1,000. Eastern Star. The menu was a fine last evening. The members of the or- an unwritten alliance between America and Japan. a Nearly 4.000 sailors from Yoke bomat party today attended a garden HIbiya Park, the guests of Mayor Between Two Nations Oct. Desperate are declaring leaders and the press Japanese Is that the visit of the fleet Strong for Closer Relations Japan, ation OF OGDEN CITY FOR O TOKIO. Work-Situ- SHRINERS TAKE POSSESSION Ec-tie- Among MADE CLEAR Law Into Their Own Hands Led ing pluralities in that state. CHICAGO, III., Oct. 22. Senator As to Missouri, Kentucky and MaryDixon, of Montana, arrived at Repubas land, he regarded the last state He lican today. headquarters surely Republican, and in the other, Roosevelt wae W ther th0Ufht fl,ht,n,&nMeHa? New York, Ohio and In Adam Patterson Will Take Active certainly Republican. Chair- Candidate James Hitchcock man will arrive tomorrow. of Nevada nacall Charge at B. Sherman made a hurried Project tional headquarters. He said the poll CHICAGO. 111.. Oct. 22. A straw Closed by Ogden Men. of the state, which would be mad pubtaken by the Record Herald in vote show would of this lic the last week, M Ichlgan Indicates a pluarsllty for Taft In that sweeping Republican victory not be stopped. of from BO.OOO to 104.000. Adam Patterson of Ogden will leave New York state could shortly for Nevada, where he will assume active charge of what has been known as the Sparka-Harre- ll ranch. Just purchased by Ogden capitalists, s, Messrs. M. 8. Browning, David Joseph Bcowcroft and Adam Patterson being the investors. The mammoth deal, which involves a spot cash Investment of over 1800,-Mwas practically closed some weeks ago, as published exclusively at that time in the Dally State Journal. The final transfer waa mad a day or two Waiter's Life Expires While Ceremonial Session ofEIKalah ago, Messrs. Browning and Eccles Negro completing negotiations. Shrine Held at Masonic Preparing Supper in DinAltogether, about a million dollars will be spent in the includpurchase, which ing necessary improvements ing Car. Temple. must be made. The stocking of the blgranch. which is larger than all of Belt Lake valley and comprises hunThree hundred or more Shriners from A short distance from Rock. Springs dreds of square miles of rich graxlng Lak City arrived In Ogden on Union Pacific train N- Salt on the tend, will entail another large investa In waiter a FTed train last night, making the negro a White, special ment Mr. Patterson, who is one of night, run in 44 minutes. They came to atdining car, dropped dead while preparn, the best known stockmen in this his tend a ceremonial session of El Kalah for supper. He grasped at bewill have active management of ing fell to the floor, expiring and shrine and over 400 were In line for a heart, the affairs of the big ranch. Close to M could be given. Physicians magnificent street parade, of which the fore 1M.00Q head of sheep will be added to pronounced the trouble as high alti- Arab Patrol waa one of the leading the 0,000 cattle already upon the tude, which affected the action features. The following class of 2 range. novices croused the burning sands: breathing. W. 8. Ferris. L. 8. Baumgart, Wm, McConnahay. Thos. Donovrel, A. . E. Boug, Dr. C. A. Wherry, Salt Lake City: W. O. Stanley, C. F. Dinsmore, H. J. Craven, G. Y. Candlah, Wm. Cook, A. It. Heywood, A. E. Becker, Ogden; H. B. Merrlhew, Lehl; G. J. Cunningham, G. A. Graven, Wm. Van Alen, R. D. Robbins, Geo. H. Bartlett. C. Ogden; Jerome Bourgard, Sr., Dr. N. Ray, Bingham; Fred T. Williams, Tyng, American Fork; Park City; T. Olm-tea- d. Geo. T. Dunn, Scofield; Dr. A. C. Nev. Welle, H. Braddlih, Jaa Vis'ting members from the following Sentiment 10 US FIEND Hitchcock More Conf- NEW YORK, Oct. 22. On the eve Reports From New York, Ohio and it only indicatea that the electof reutore hie last campaign visit to Chicago, not would ion of Mr. Bryan Indiana Encourage Party Leadconfidence. where be will remain two days. Chairman Hitchcock of the Republican na2. Judge Oct. ers and Workers. MILAN, Indiana, himaelf tional committee expressed thia at Taft addreaaed the farmer, more confidently than at any time place thia morning painting out their since he assumed the managamenet of that and the advantagea proaperlty Oct 22. WASHINGTON, D. C would come to them ae a reault of Re- the Republican campaign. of Indiana, Governor abMiller, Lieutenant declared He New was that Tork publican aucceuu. solutely safe for the national and state assured President Roosevelt today that tickets and added that he was confident that California, Oregon end Washington would give large Republican STOCK RANCH pluralities. He was satisfied, also, he j largely from Indianapolis. The country said, with conditions in Colorado, Ne- - districts, he said, were firm for Repub-br- a ska and Kansas, and he thought jucanlsm. The German vote le all right WITH' SHEEP b.ild POSSE HUNTS ON AIL SIDES Chairman to Give Unemployed 23. lorioua, II NIS POSITION Reports Reach England That Austria Has Large Army Out In Efforts to Crush Insurrection and . tour of Indiana, to a lawrenceburg jt In Indiana and ,111 spend three daya York. He will alao New then K to on In Connecticut speech one nak fg, BRYAN SAYS Parliament Forced to Adopt Plans Mate Whirlwind Finish in V STARVE Fearful Storm Sweeping Colorado ann Wyoming Brings Death to for Indiana and (ales Earl; Start Will Hi WAR 254 NO. III RENEWS FIGHT H. Ill VICTIMS 190S. PROGRESSING Utah Construction Company Wil Soon Complete Big Western Pacific Contract E. O. Wattla, one of the proprietors of the Utah Construction company, of Ogden, has Just returned from a trip of inspection of the company's work out in California on the Western Pacific and the Southern Pacific railroads, and reports work to be ' favorable in all branches of both projects. He asserts that work on th Western Pacific system, parts of which are expected to commence operations by January 1, la progressing rapidly. The Southern Pacific tunnel work out In the Sierras la alao coming on good, about two hundred men being at work. AH material for the rapid pushing of this work Is at hand In the territory between Colfax and Clipper Gap, and as soon aa weather will permit, extra gangs will be put on. ,,A Mr. Wattla says that most of 'fhe real of In the bard feats th, construction,, Last evening, the Modern Woodmen of America held what Is termed as a sort of a rejuvenation meeting, for the purpose of Inducing enthusiasm among "the dead ones. There were two candidates up for Initiation. Judge J. A. Howell, being one of them. After th ceremony was through, the Judge, In a few words, told what he thought of fraternity as it exists today, and also spoke on the principle of Insurance. After the Judge's speech an ex hlbitlon drill was given by the team, under the leadership of Capt. Otto G. Western Pacific railroad have. teen acWeber, of Salt Lake City, and .was complished, and that In a ftw.jnonths the whole Job will be completed. greatly appreciated by all. well-chos- en |