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Show THE DAILY STATE JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER e PAGE THREE. CHOI i HUGE Days. Doings In Utah I 21, 19C8. Grand Opera House Wednesday, Oct. L 21 HEIRS TALKS "AMERICA'S 9 GREATEST CONTRA-TENO- R , F L. H. SMYTH Salt Lake Theatre Packed for IS MARSHAL soon the outlook will br verygloomy Deputy Receives Temporary Aindeed. The rtorms have made the sugar ppointment Pending Result of beet firltls wet. damp and heavy. It ceasing la almost ImjUMSible now to haul beets Done. Election on Spry. from the fields, for the teams sink in Days and Damage and get stuck in the niire. Not alone that, but the roads are very bad and the farmers caning haul their beets Lucian H. Fmyth. for nearly 1! years Tb Fait Lake Herald today aaya: to the factory. been bard hit chief u-e- t men have deputy in the office of the United "If we are favored with decent fugStr States of atorma the marshal at Salt Lake, was appaat weather, we will be able to get the enty the unceasing blow tire to to first crop pointed the factories and the heavy by Judge Marshall Tuesday to inside of few days y twenty dsys. If the bad weather the position of United Mates marshal Industry hereabouU came yestei-jti with the closing down of the Gar-Un- d keeps up, the sugar beet industry will to succeed William Spry, resigned. receive a body blow. We are hopeful sugar factory. Upon receipt from Washington of the beeU and see the to futo what harvest near augar the waiting Inability mason assigned for the closing ture u ill bring us. As it Is now, the notice of resignation. Judge Marshall K rf the Garland factory. The continued whole Industry hangs in the balance Immediately convened court and made It Impossible and the season's run will be determined Deputy Smyth to the office to Mormy weather has on one way or the other by the weather. act until the president makes bis apto get the beets out of the fields, "The Garland factory has had tu pointment. Marshal Smyth will file recount of the had roads and the all close because the supply of beets rail his bond of $20,000 this therefore and soil, miry morning and beavy, mgar beet factories report a shortage sho:t and the fanners cannot get beets will Immediately enter upon the active to the factory under the present con- duties of bis office. f beets United States Marshal Sinyth came rnlesa the weather clears up soon, ditions We have six factories, four all of the sugar beet factories in Utah in Idaho and two In Utah, and their to Salt Lake nearly l f years ago, and affected seasons work dejiends on the weather. Ivgan his service us chief deputy unand Idaho will he seriously der Marshal Miller. He remained and will be compelled to close down, If the weather clears soon the employes of the various factnrha In this with him for his term of four years, according to George A. Smith, secretary Utah-Idah- o state will be rushed to the fields to help and was retained In the same office to the general manager of the in an the farmers to get their beets out. He 's said, during the four years of Marshal Sugar company. re"The beet crop hla fall la normal. It term. With the appointment interview last night to a Herald is a fair crop, neither above nor be- of Marshal Spry, Deputy Smyth was porter: relow the average, but we are up against retained and during the three year The sugar beet Industry has unthe the handicap of having to contend with eight months of the administration of ceived a serious setback by relief so much wet weather in the harvest Marshal Spry, has continued to fill the favorable weather and unless office in a highly efficient manner. from the continued storms la In sight time - At a thi- hunt- - place tin s.ih i,iui r tiit-air- mmpuu-i- THE SWEETEST SINGER THE WORLD lust night, filling tha INTER-OCEAN- Mcnnttr il i ,, Interesting Political Forecast by New York Herald Saints in Utah, Idaho Showing How Latter-da- y and Wyoming May Hold Balance of Pow- er in Presidential Election. sum- situation last Saturday contained the following which will be of considerable local Interest: The New York Herald, In discussing the probable result of the presidential campaign, given a new angle to the iltuatiun by showing how the Mormon church Is apt to name the next president of the United States. The Her-I- d says It is entirely ' within the bounds of possibility that the presidency in 1908 may be settled by the Mormon church. Should the election he close there is little doubt that the nine electoral votes of Idaho, Wyoming and Utah, which are controlled by the Mormons, will be the determini- ng fa i tor. At the beginning of the national campaign the Democratic managers eatabliahed branch headquarters of their national committee In Denver and placed John E. Osborn, at one time governor of Wyoming, In charge. You May Enjoy Your Meals M You Will With the But Equip Your Stomach Right Means to Hindis Osborn has a fully equipped machine at work under full pressure and la now confidently laying claim to eleven of the twenty electoral voice for which he is fighting. Three are the five of Colorado and three each of Nevada and Montana. He frankly avers that the nine other electoral votes the three each of Utah, Idaho and Woymlng ere absolutely in the keeping of the Mormon hierarchy at Salt Lake City, and that unless William J. Bryan can show beyond doubt between now and the last week in October that he has the presidency won, he cannot hope to obtain a vote In any of the three states named. Should it be made to appear reasonably certain, however, to Joseph Smith and other rulers of the Mormon church, according to Governor Osborn, that Bryan has winning strength thea week before the ballots are cast, Mormon church esn be depended upon to throw the determining weight of Its 'powerful Influence to him. Control Three States. "It would be silly for me to beat about the bush in this matter, said Osborn. "Everybody in this part of the country knows that the Mormon church controls Utah, Idaho and Wyoming as completely as either of the great parties does its states. Likewise Is everybody In this part of the country aware of the hard and fast deal made by Mark Hanna the Food, 1 e 'SILVER THREADS WERE d THE GOLD. i I OWN SELECT COMPANY, COMEDY THE HILARIOUS Prices 25c to $1.00. i.t 5 eat Sale Monday IV ' t The Clansman n Grand Opera House &i it M a Do You Ever i Use a Flat Iron? If : So, Why Not Try An Electric 1 fi fi V Flat Iron $ J They Are FREE On 30 Days' Trial Telephone 102 U6HT & UTAH WINTER I for One I RAILWAY GO. EXCURSION j . RATES !l Lr-- M TO Southern California now on H sale Two Daily Palatial Trains t. Unexcelled Dining Car Service a la Carte " i Standard and Tourist Sleepers Bend 10c. m Another Asamuption. for sample to The Herplclde Ca, Then let It be assumed that Taft is itamp C stroll. Michable to hold hts own state of Ohio and m mo -- ge seats and IUI to carry Kansas and South Dakota. The line-u- p would then be: ECONOMISTS FOR MEN Republican Statea 10 North Dakota... California Connecticut I Ohio ...a... S Oregon Delaware . . Illinois. MM 27 Pennsylvania 13 Rode Island . . Iowa . B South Dakota Maine 14 Vermont For Further Information Ask Any Salt Lake Route Agent or Write to J. H. Manderfleld, A. D. P. A., Salt Lake City. '5t 1 -- i lchuseVt.;' J GO Dont Tell My Wife .... pluralities 1900, through which 13 iMlnnMOta . ... 11 Wisconsin . . which Bryan carried the three Mormon HaTTipKhre. 4 If you go Into a restaurant, cafe or 235 .... 12 Total MteL where all your environments, the over night and their electoral votes j Short of majority.7 Xhts. ihxzllng linen, silver, cut glass, Democratic States fturtc, chatting and laughing women, were given to McKinley., 11 Nebraska . "I have no false notions about this Alabama to foretell of a meal, pleasant 9 Nevada . . and Indulge in no diplomatic jArkanM thing lour stomach should not when revolt Mor-- 1 B New York . . 19 Colorado Jou read the menu card, language in discussing it toThe B North the party Florida Carolina. 12 mon church gives its vote steaks, soups, oysters, entrees. II Oklahoma . ... shows winning qualities, and o j Georgia hou,d hold no terrors for that If 15 South Carolina. v1 next two weeks i Indiana the within the healthy I say not. stomach and they do II Tennessee heads of the church become con- -; Kentucky . the bnJt Stuarts Dyspepsia vlnced that Bryan Is going to win, we Louisiana I Texas . biet placed in your vest will 8 Virginia pocket the In clean Maryland the platter sufficient guard against the mad shall sweep 10 under my statea placed 1 mountain five w'orn-ostomach. 18 Total . . ...230 one United A tablet taken a few minutes after jurisdiction and gain B Short of majority.! Montana Reed defeating by States senatorship wplous meal will remove any ill same Balance of power ood from mir stomach and Smoot in Utah. We shall at the yJn 3 I Wyoming Idaho nilr rat as generously as those time retain the eenate eeat we now Utah . . . I Charles "out you. hold in Colorado by electing I Total . . One of these little tablets will of lt-t- nr J. Hughes, Jr., to succeed the toveteran in Foup Years. Change Big etand declined who a11 Henry M. Teller, Vtloiie of Indigestion for Idaho was very strongly for Bryan in meml 04 will place your 1890, giving him a plurality of 18.808. mach and digestive The Heraid'a latest estimate of the Again in 1900 Bryan carried It, hut by organa In a a aa be taken Jter randitlon for the next. electoral situation may reduced plurality of 2,417. these three the greatly dmiLblood wlH enriched, and the basis aa showing how the Mormon The combination made by Senator "tric fluids win be rebuilt. states, controlled by Hanna In that Fear in Utah did not Tablets are nat-to7- v. church, as Osborn aaya, might eaaily reach Into Idaho, because the Mormons DyPP' e' digestive agents who give hold the balance of power between were not so strongly intrenched in Juices the elements they Taft and Bryan. the state as now. lack the stomach, remove Wyoming was carried by McKinley In trrit.fi k1 May Turn tha Tids. and enrich and stimulate the 1890 by S8S plurality, and again in 1000 j Eliminating Wyoming Tha Herald estimated that the Republicans were by 4.118. The Mormons are much statements may be verl- - reasonably sure of states having 185 stronger there than la generally suput a little of your electoral votes Supposing that thR-publica- ns posed. and the large plurality for Mctlm. ,7U w,u Prove them. were able to carry In addi- Kinley In 1000 waa due to the support - tion to these New Tork and Wisconsin. of the church being given to the Ret gl carries DysStuart's p.,,A i.abIe In etock and will tell 52 electoral votes, this would leave publican candidates. jrm These tablets eel the Republicans stlti five electors short Utah gave Bryan B1.03S plurality In (nr 5jL or send us your name of the necessary majority. The situ-ati- 1890, but when the deal was made be- tiq the Mormons and the Republican nI w will send you at oiv (tween would, therefore, be this: , I committee in 1900 It gave the National trial package free. Statea diw, p 1?a l Republican 39 electors of the state to McKinley by ... . rt Ca 1M Btuart BId' Calliumia Tork New . .10 . 4 3,133. 7 North Dakota . j Connecticut HIS - U. $, state. KNOWN.-CHICA- ETC. s. effect." Fold hy loading druggists. EVER "WHEN YOU AND YOUNG, MAGGIE," "BELLE BRANDON, "DEARIE, PRESENTING .... ....... HAS . Whose Voice Has Made Famous AMONG out to hear Frank S. at Ogden several ilaye agi .! .it Judge O. W. 1ouera. The name ol i.iyan. alien mentioned, was applaud,.! I,, tiw who. In a 1. 1. ail-- ) report of the meeting, the Her jui inday says in part: When. - t!ir name of Hryan was mention- i tin- audience cheered vociferously I..- - sevtrul minutes. At one point Mr .Vuiiin ii mentioned the name of Judge T.iU. mid an incipient demonstration as Ik gun. one man In the first row started to clap his hauds. Mr. Moi. nett waited quietly for the Taft demonstration. Two others in the audience lapped their hands a few times, tit. n blushing under the attention they Mere culling to themselves, quickly subsided, if there was another Tan man in the house, he failed to Join in the faint applause of his three And those three Wei- ivideiitiy converted to Dethe meeting endmocracy long ed, for. although Taft's name waa mentioned frequently, after that there waa no more applause greeting! it. Judge i. V. Powers made a particularly huppy talk on local conditions, with particular reference to the position Of the Bryan electors on the Democratic ticket, saying that the Democrats did not promise to make it difficult for tlie voters to vote for Mr. Bryan If they chose to do so. He said that the cicitlon of Mr. Bryan at president of the United F tales was far more IniiKirtunt than the election of all the other Democratic candidates were He mid that the Republicans not afting in good faith when they withdrew the Taft electors from the "American'' ticket. He asked whether or not they would have withdrawn their legislative ticket if the America nk laid seen fit to endorse IL Theater le Packed. The theater was jacked when the lust evening. Every meeting ok-neseat was tilled and hundreds stood during tlie meeting. The theater was tastefully decorated with American Over the stage the 4 (tugs and bunting. I Oreogn . !T Pennsylvania . 14 motto, "Shull the People Rule? was Minot, Rhode Island. , 4 hung, with a picture of Mr. Bryan. On 4 one side of tlie stage waa an oil paint8 Vermont Maine . . Massachusetts .. 18 Washington , . 5 ing of Jesse William Knight, who will 7 be the first Democratic governor of 14 West Virginia. Michigan Minnesota . . .. 11 Wisconsin . ., II Utah, and on the other side was a 4 Vew Hampshire. painting of Mr. Bryan. A border of 137 pictures of Bryan and Kern extended New Jersey .... 12 Total Short of maJorlty.S around em-- gallery of the theater. State Chairman Samuel A. King Democratic States railed tlie meeting to order and In a 11 Nebraska . . Alabama words Introduced Judge O. W. Arkansas iB Nevada. . .. IS few Powers aa the chairman of the meetNorth Carolina. Colorado S3 ing. IS Ohio Judge Powers then Introduced Georgia B Oklahoma 7 Frank 8. Monnett as the first man who Florida hall ever brought John D. Rockefeller IB South Carolina. Indiana 10 Tennessee . ... 12 before a bar of Justice and forced Kansas IS South Dakota.. 4 him to testify in court. Kentucky 18 Texas Louisiana IS Virginia Maryland MEN ARE POWERLESS Mississippi . ... 10 S37 18 Total Missouri S Short of maJorlty.S Tm Montana right Against Disease Hales They Strike nt the Underlying Cnnan, The balance of power S S Wyoming Utah To treat Dandruff, and railing Hair, S Idaho , , vtth Irritants or oils on which a pars, 9 jltle germ will prosper, la like scooping Total eater from the ocean to prevent the ltd Combinations like the above, perfectrising. ly plausible In the present unsettled from Tou cannot accomplish a satisfactory political condition, might be made In- sure without having a right undemtand-'n- g definitely. Here is one that may prove of tha fundamental cauaeo of the very striking: .rouble. Let It be assumed that Wall Street Tou must kill the Dandruff Germ. and all the men who are betting on Taft Newbro's Herplclde does this because it carylng New Tork city are In error and is specially made to do that very thing that New York city, the great city of When the germ Is removed, the hair the unemployed, should pile up for has no choice but to reaumo healthy beauty. Bryan a majority sufficient to overcome jrowth and the causo, you remove the the rural countries and give him the "Destroy OF In Its I? Cheered. Bryan Hey-wnod- The New Tork Herald ming up of the campaign ij. ocratic Rally and Name of TO CLOSE UP FOR SEASOH Beet Men Hard Hit by UnSugar Storms of Past Few RICHARD J. Dem- Journal Want Ads Pay $3.00 SHOES are IT aa J li t 'f4 :! f: P. r vno H'-av- t ut EMPIRE PENINSULAR DOUBLE .... yhon "h on A strictly ate pries. high-gra- HEATING BASE BURNER construction of elegant design at very de moder- Reflector Style Top adds greatly te the heating power by spreading the heat, and throws a cheerful glow around the room. s, magaxine guppliee a steady amount of Large, eoal to the fire so that an equal temperature is maintained with'but litone-prie- eelf-feedi- tle attention. Roomy tea ksttle attachment has a Large griddle hole and Will take good sired utensil. Heats upstairs and downstairs at the earns time. We have Bold and put up three of thoeo hard coal stoves within tha past thirty days. -- tir y !! K Si. 6 u if i l,A BOYLE HARDWARE CO. -- THE HOME OF GOOD STOVES-1-- ii ii ... ii |