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Show DAILY PAGE FOUR. Slip Daily lUalj iatr Journal UTAH STATE JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY, APRIL WHEN ROOSEVELT QUITS GAG RULE t, 1931 IS is a shell we do with our that is nut like.y to trouble the American people la the case of Theodore Roosevelt whatever may be stid about others. In the news columns yesterday it was announced on authority coming from the VI hits Telephones. -- l ring. House that upoa the completion of his term as president Bell M- -l ring. Ini. Business Ofltre WASHINGTON. D. C.. April . AnInd. rings. Mr. Roosevelt will make the grand tour of th world, BU riot. Editorial Booms a & U. than more Grant other of General gag rule was adopted by the Remuch after the style leaden of the House today to of a TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. ago, publican centruy Quarter tha mor in a than consume U one will tour This ms year make naval appropriation bill the By J' will be hetped upoa RooseBy mail six months honors By this last rule general and certainly making null three months be ly mail in order Thursday, . will debate has no American other certainiy such as enjoyed, velt one month jiy and Saturday and until tha hoar nut since the time of Grant. Whatever else may be alil By earner one without adPay no money to t airier. for or against Mr. Roosevelt It must b admitted by all for convening Monday will the DemThis prevent In or out of office, ever Impressed journment In a single one matter at the pnstofflee at that ao other American, from ocrats Entered as second-clagetting S. 17. himself upon the Iramagtnatlun of foreign nations, cer- of their Ogden. Utah. under Act of Congress of March dilatory roll calls for three tainly not In recent times, as President Roosevelt has days. Managing Editor dune. Hla determination to make of this nation a great M. F. CUNNINGHAM Business Manager world B. A. BOWMAN power, hla leading part la tha Battlement of the Russian Fighting Geese. war between Russia and Japan, and tbs very personRussia Ia NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. pits for cock fighting are man lisvc made n deep and lasting Impression some 60 Yen should receive your paper net later than 6:45 p. ality of the unknown, but gooeeplts m. If net received at that heur call Phono 664 and it will on all nations ago wera common throughout years be delivered yen by special messenger. Tha tour will keep the President In the public eye that mighty kingdom. The effect of or ether collectors unless Pay ne money te carriers and at th same time furnish him with material sufficient this can be seen in the geese the undersigned. they present credentials tram will camera er cel lectors be to make htin Indenpendeat for life should he desire to which are indigenous to the country, Under ne circumstances must be varieties allcwcd tc take Stops. All notices of this kind or utilise It. Already the author of many books of Interest the Arsamas and thato Tula in er er person, letter, office direct by this dea marked given tc showing particularly as his a he be wider would the result of range given phono 664, on, ring. JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO. travels that should add to the literature of this country gree tha fighting characters of their Alum, Uo PSiosphala Arsamaa gander has a Tha ancestors. Then and at the same time swell the authm'a fortune. bill which is entirely different in form theie is the lecture platform open to him. What a min from that of tha geasa known In any of wealth there would be for the lyceum that could place other part of the world. This special COUNTY. Roosevelt on lta Hat for tha next five yean! Theodore WEBER structure enables the bird to take a THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF Humor of Spain. The Praise and criticism have been heaped upon the head firm grip cm tha neck or back of Its SETTLE The Spanish peasant is tAe most of thla man as upon the head of no other man In tbls antagonist In but the OUT IS world, gentleman polished, OUR generation In this or any other country. Ho haa made the provincial dandy la not a pleasant both Intensely loyal friends and Intensely bitter enemies; person. Ha does not limit himself to Sure Cures. Two day for Ogden. On the ate a If you want to know a sure care admiring one (which might be rlSTKKDAY moment and without previous warning but ha haa not permitted himself to be Ignored. And he ho laughs at one. Since the will not permit himself to be ignored In the future, for rheumatism. said tha pretty sh entertained a former member of President Roosevelt's because that it not hla nature. a long p'ece of twine foreign city hat la different from the take woman, cabinet, one of the moat successful mining promoters In It will be many years before Theodore Roosevelt la and te It around your waist, up under Spanish town hat, the Spanish town WASHINGTON, D. C., April the world and a delegation representing practically all lust to the sight of the public. When someone asked your arms and down again around hst laughs and points ita finger; even of Agriculture today nuuk Secretary octhe vital Interest of Japan. your wrist, and let It etny there. In a lady hat will do this. It never Grover Cleveland what ahnu.d b( done Wfth r curs to he has had the Limited public be Overland will Spanish correspondence provincial perfectly Owing to the delay of a train, tha i. h said ha ifl not know unless It waa to shoot them. three days you la very funny, too that cently with the Secretary of the Intthat It cure I know a than better cured. to enabled men atop were these for the east prominent we mistake not Mr. Roosevelt will demonstrate that If amini, that, said tha tall, thin boy. Taka a Is beesuse a Spaniard Is under It, and erior showing the little It la fur a few hours In this city and taka part 1 not necessary to resort to such an expedient In hla black cat out to a graveyard on a dark therefore It must be right; If the for- ment arrived at by the ufflclals of the jlroffnan huffgdly jpreparl (for flielr enetrtalninetiR case. He wll take care of himself whatever happens. eign city hst laughed, the resentment reclamation service and the forest renight and cut off both Its ears and That they wera so .well entertained and that they were of its tall Put tha ears - and would be deep. Louise Closser Hale, serve service with the object In view piece sent on their way with such a good opinion of Ogden and of settling the controversies that haw tall on the roof of the house to sun, la Harper's Ita people la due In great measure to the enterprising COMPLEX POLITICS arisen between the ahecpineu and wesand when there's nothing left of them tern Irrigators. members of tha Weber club. you'll quit having rheumatism. I To reach a proper Violin as a Hair Restorer, Republican state committee In 1U meeting on It waa a bad day, as to weather, and Ogden was very understanding TIIE now Is a It fact officers of tha forest and recUunatioa one touched live of when scientifically proved asserted It wire heartiness but the her at heat, far from appearing British Bclsntlfic Farming. that music exercises a great Influence aervloea will thla summer meet reprtha welcome accorded and the good fellowship expressed that only those electors who agree to support the RepubA new era In British farming seems on the grow h of the hair. It la with esentatives 4 tha wool growers associnuide up fur many minor deficiencies. Every guest took lican ticket from top to bottom are entitled to take part to be developing from the experiments reason that great musicians, ation and other sheepmen and decide u good In a waa live city and Republican primaries and conventions . hla departure convinced that Ogden at the Cambridge university farm at such as Paganini, Lists and Paderew- to the amount of graxing that is to M Tills la aimed, of course, at th Americans. that generous, wideawake men are on the lookout for the Many Implngton. During tha last eight ski. are represented with a growth of dona on tha watersheds. of these assert that they art Just aa good Republicans aa yean all known varieties of wheat hair which Absalom city's interests. might have enWhen it became known that the train for the east they ever were in national politico, but that there ! no hnve been collected, and, while most vied. Science has proved that stringed An Evaryday Word. waa delayed a committee Jumped Into the harness; cars Republican party In UUh and therefore they owe no of them could not be a Delimited, a few Instruments hnve a favorable Influence Tha things some people do lot been selected for resistance to on the have on the Rapid Transit wer secured through the courtesy allegiance to the local party calling Itself Republican. growth of the heir, while braaa rust, good cropping capacity, free mill- Instruments act In the opposite direc- krow are astonishing," observed tM At the proper tlm the Democrats will be brought Dice of that company; a rida over the city waa extended tha To every man you meat tbs ing quality, stiff straw, etc. end have tion. one hue probably ob- pedant word penkntft Is familiar, yet plenty travelers; a reception at the Weber club was Improvised; to ftce with the aam problem. Democrats In the Amer- been crossed with British wheat ao served Everya ns rare that bald violinist la of them would give It up If you asksl a hearty welcome extended In fitting word by Mayor ican" organisation make the same plea aa to national successfully as to promise an Immedi- ns a bald ham player Is common. them how the name TM originated. Brewer speaking for the city and President Plngree politics. They assert Just as loudly aa the Republican ate increase In value of 16 per cent or Wood as such tha flute, o i part Is that Instruments, never Is stop they more. of were Like served refreshments and for Americans tha are In their with improvement National club; barley that speaking they party seem to have no pronounced Influence wender. Of know Cut readers course, la everything possible was done on no abort a notice te politics, but that la Utah there la no Democratic organl end other plants anticipated. either way. not so long ago, before steel pens wen render the stay of tha visitors both pleasant and pro- satlon. hence they are forced to be Americana ) In general use, the clerk's lnstrumest fitable. The Republican Americana have asserted that they Were Out the 6 new. was a quin. Sharpening one end d This is tha aptrlt that brings good results. Every on will demand recognition In the Republican national conMy old friend Crabtree of the reel Harm In Roentgen Rays. thin was all that was necessary ts of the visitors who partook of tha Improvised hospitality vention; and the Democratic Americana have assarted early Oklahoma days telle this tale According to a Danish medical make a pen, and every man wu his One Journal the of Ogden and tha Weber club yesterday will go on hla way that they will demand recognition at Denver. It Is rea- about an early day snowstorm: own penmaker and small knives wars Roentgen rays were i of dry weather after many days day 6 a need old, yearn boy upon la ke. t for thla purpose. Yea, of coon of It the the oeatly best the rtaln that neither will receive recognition by city. singing praise advertising. sonably big snow cams and visited our who .was treated In hospital for a you knew all thla before, but than the regular organisations in Utah, ao that tha only re land. The facet o disease of the hair. After 25 applica- are a good many folks who do not course they will have la In contesting delegations. the termers were all smiles, because tions of the rays the lad wan sent THE TAIL OF THE FOX It would add materially to the interact of an already It meant a wheat crop. But ulna! aa home cured. But whereas his nature Superlatively Parliamentary. wind came up from the south had previously been bright and Intelcomplex political situation In Utth wera contesting del a motion before the bourn A. 8. CONDON, who seems to get as much pleasure Theres to be aent to the great national conventions by that blew about 40 miles an hour and ligent. now he became DR. out of life aa gatlona lime. President, holding the g aye man eras met hr the community, any drifted the enow northward for a day. and unreliable, and waa seat back to el so that her rings came Into tM the Americana. coining down to his office the other morning' chuckling wind the hospital. He haa been for some What Is your wish reViewed from the standpoint of party discipline then Then came an foreground. to himself aa though a Joke was struggling to esetpo. Mme. President," can be no fault found In th action of th Republican from the north that drifted it beck time since under medical observation, garding When he could hold In no longer h said: south again. This condition of wind and the pronouncement of the doctors gins the new member, rising with s state In committee Americana' out from tha continued dally until the enow storm shutting Why I waa laughing at on of Esnp'a fables that "Mrs. Justine," recognises attending the case le that the Roent- flutter. cams to my mind. Tou know the story. An old fox deliberations of the party when they openly avow their was blown and worn out and not a gen rays can easily penetrate the thin the president I move that the me Intention to defeat the local ticket put forwtrd by the snowflake could be found anywhere la had hla tall raught in a trap and sooner than loose of a child and hnve an nndeslr-abl- tlon be carried." Chicago Erasing scalp If It la In Ita power to do ao. Tha Democratic party the county. Watonga Herald. Influence on the brain. his life he pulled away leaving hla tall In the trap. What party Post will be forced to take the same stand it Will take the did he do but go about among all the other foxes of hla stand without being forced, and the American party acquaintance urging that tails were no longer fashion- will do likewise. able and that all should have them cut off. waa The listener waited he confident something waa till to follow. WHERE MANHOOD COUNTS "You know tile doctor said still chuckling; these fellows In town who have rotten, wooden fences In front H EIRE la significance In the Item of news priced of their places have raised a loud cry that all fences in the State Journal In relation to the action of the should come dofcn, that fences are no longer fashionable. boys at the Balt Lake Industrial school. Thar Is an Now I have a nice Iron fence that cost me considerable curagement In It. There la that in It which renews faith money. There are others in the same fix. and that story In human nature. of the fox who lost hla tail seems to us to apply to tho When boy who are held for supposed derelictions situation. and waywardness will voluntarily take action egainat There la force In what the doctor says. Reform la companions for breach of faith; when they hold to the bound to cost some more than It does others. There are principle that a word once given must be redeemed there some who must always make greater sacrifice than others la a certainty that the final outcome for those boys must when are Inaugurated In the city, and th.se be good. After all manhood la the thing. No other fores can rescue any boy from a downward course. No other things should be taken Into consideration. STOCK OF LACE CURTAINS BELOW MILL COST. At the same time the State Journal Is convinced that element can keep him In the right path once ho haa In the Interest of the city as a whole, for the general secured the famous as pairs from prominent maker, whose goods right path. and of fence come should the the harmony beauty city, Incldentlally It may be said that the school that very best in style, finish and quality in country, go into this down. operates on thla principle, that stimulates this spirit Is A sale prices never before made on such goods. The. bargains are doing great work for society. OGDEN, UTAH PUBLISHERS JOURNAL PUBLISHING COMPANY (Incorporated.) Published Every Evading Eaeept Sunday. WliAT iHt ay ' ss Absolutely Pure Tho oaty baking powder taado with Reyn Grape Groom of Tartar Line do to-da- y One-Side- red-lett- HILL d er ); fc.- -Th, head-gea- drought-stricke- old-tim- n e absent-minde- d itr -- e . Lace Curtain Sale T the Balcony on a SURPLUS a the great AFTERJjTHE PAPER TRUST BIDDER, editor of the New York Staats-Zel-lung and president of (h Amerlctn Newspaper Pub- TjHERMAN fl lishers association, la measuring swords with Congress in the matter of free wood pulp and free Print paper. The Bute Journal Is In receipt of the following under date of April 4 and signed by Editor Bidder: Please telegraph Immediately to Joseph G. Cannon. Speaker of the House of Representatives. Congressman Sereno E. Payne. Chaliman of the Ways and Means Committee. and Congresaman John Dalsell. Republican leader, and your congresaman, Washington. D. C- - urging them to advance th Stevens bill placing print paper and wood pulp on th De 1WL Tour prompt action Imperative. We have written pledges majority of both house Congress In favor of measure. Cannon, Payne and Dalsell bolding It back. Also please write. First telegraph and thi-- write. It may be assumed that a similar communication was aent to every Important newspaper In the country. It will be decidedly Interesting to hot the outcome. Speaker Cannon la opposed to action In the way of removing the duty on any commodity at this session of Congress. If he remains firm with President Roosevelt firing special messages at him from on, side and Herman Bidder firing broadsides at him from the other side he will exhibit a fine quality of backbone even If he falls eh rot In discretion. POPULISTS TT must be a source of genuine satlsfatrlun to w. J. Bryan 1 and his real friends that the Populists failed to endorse him In their recent convention. Whatever they may have stood for In the the Populists do not appeal to common sense this year. Their convention was a farce, their platform Is ridiculous and their candidate Is simply a seeker after notoriety. Mr. Bryan would be stronger with his parly today, he would be stronger with the country, if he had not in the past chased so many n politics. Fusion with the Populists has done him much more harm than good. It haa certainly been disastrous to hla party. If he and his party are through with this foolishness now It will be well for them. ist Somehow the Idaho Bclmltar reminds us of with one string. a fiddle the at such as have seldom been offered. Every known weave and style in domestic lace curtains, and one can hardly appreciate the importance of this sale until you see the really beautiful specimens before you at these low prices. Hotel keepers and housewives will profit handsomely. 250 Womens Sample Tailored Suits 33 13 PER CENT OFF - Did you ever catch yourself thanking the clock for tailing you the time of day? Look about you and count up some of the blessings that you never noticed tiefore. f r Too bad Anna Eva Fay got away from Salt Lake Pity so soon. She could hnve located that fin toien from the t'tnh National bank In a way to make the heads of the Pinkertons spin. are LAST |