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Show DAILY UTAH STATE JOURNAL r : ' ;.r:L SATl 23, :X.'. PACE FIVE THE BIG FIGHT WILL TIKE PLACE 'N CORsr'T Makes Gets Bus, h art F P,' thr a i and Persona ij! Trouble. T. delicious ROYAL Baking Powder is indispensable to the preparation of the finest cake, hot-bread- s, and it a" i '' Incited - An Ra.: FaUi-- ui me eople hod C,.r.-- KVr.; L Mus.cal Earning j,i jj, Fr.snds .Hill Ask anybody, man. woman or child, who has the best Soda in town. They w.l. teil you CULLEY'S. Ask anybody whoso Ico Croam is tho best. You will got the same answer. Look for tho most crowdsd fountain n tha city and you will find that tho sign above tho door is I i: l. o. i: i hviulx. Has a x. Uirtluiur.iuil con:. ji.iv.A .nnmul the .uii-e- r tr.wk Il.r liy the I.. ... ,;i .i,.rt und. : pievlou M;,s tlwt - mill would Prescription SpeciaSet take ek.lrhii'.y enjoyable. Y i.isi when ih,. urt yi,Ui:g ho. 479 WASHINGTON AYE. j,lv. iih-inho oiv front U-- -i anlimr i h.i tii,. in,. H n,y ur of I'ei-and reoini ,t a tilitiiy, M.m.iger Emery and Manm ii.,. iilIBe ager I h;,U1no!1 thereupon divUivd all uuilii-n.-- ll.lltl'l'lllg tveeptio;. h Inch fr evei.i at tint., of each liuiulx-- i they Here xiv-- it Tl.i- MiiM.i-.were iueil at the m- - the an ovation. The pro: am . tlgii1.:.if n mown puKior TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY several difficult uuutlier all of h hti-lof tl I'n si Ih.piiM Kai-of Dr. I : in, :,nd tin- ministerial ass.via-tlo- Here rendered lit a iiiuninv that left no to genera! belnf. vlum u doubt a to tile ubtitiy of the pci-f- FOR SALK An Interest In a Nevada ment. milling pnieriy. See our advertiae-niei- it colei i( .f politU-iananxiJlr. Hitchcock, in a drui-intlelsewhere lu this paper. Hunmono-- ! ous !o sone noln-- dial so lor.g us un 2S-- 2. r ue, captured his audli-inatlh ln' ter A Kennedy. adiiiiulslralloii govern Salt ieti-es-- ! character inierpretaiiona. Lake i. n prizefights ran lie given there. l furnished house. that of the elderly mall at a FOR RENT Men who were 111 the w disappointeil football lud. Rhone 7H5. Inquire 321-2gam croilH pointed out Unit alien Ezi.t RELIE- FAt the conclusion of concert the the Thoiiisoii, the present "Ainerli-jima.'-'nas a Republican mayor, no op. il'xit- was cleared for dancing und it WANTED To talk ultli people who have $25 or $50 to tnvesl In a mining position nas offered to prizefight. Has a lute hour before the party W hen com puny. See our and prosiei-(lnj. Lynch was a Republican The musical program tendered h chief of police, no opposition h as advertisement el wen Iter In this pas . to prizefights. 2$-- L per. Hunter A Kennedy. Following is the program: Following ail umuHiitrement In the March. "The ilutser" tlturte l Ft R SALE An interest lu a Nevada Repulilican organ jesieid.iy inoriilug mining pnqierty. See our advertisethat the light of t'orbett and Hyland Hubyl. Fol mailer Sisters' orchestra; ment elsewhere In this paper. Hunwould not be allowed to be pulled off, Overture. "Morning Noon and Night" 21-- 2. ter A Kennedy. (SupiK-l- , Folmatlcr Sisters' RepuMii-aiiOrchestra; politician yesterday vore Kopt-unsolo, from "Berceuse," an air of pubtlation. Dislrii-- i WANTED To talk with people who F. t laiofbountw. Assistant Attorney) j "Joo-l- ii," violin obligato ttoxlard). have $25 or $50 to Invest In a mining t'nuuiy Miss E. Phyllis; String The quartet, Willard Hhiisoii und diver Attorney and prosiecilng company. Sea our other Republican politicians, w ho have Darkles Return," Hhlstllng rhoru advertisement elsewhera In this palhitherto been Interested epeetutnr at Folmutler Sisters; Cornel solo, "Nellie 2$-- 2. mer. Hunter A Kennedy. prize tights, declared Jubilantly that no Gray, air varie (H. 1. Fliambers). Miss llelc La WelEleurelte, lie; (A. caprice Hould be allowed, anil Mr. Hanlight Dramatic CHICAGO TO NEW YORK OVER non hus present and exulting when lesley), l'olmatler Sisters; NIGHT. Mr. monologue, original, Hilclicock; Sheriff Emery stopped the event. Leaves Chieage 2:30 p. m. Arrives Vocal trio, Night of Joy, Blue Danube Give Peace Benda. New York (Grand Central ttatian) tStrausa), Misses E. Phyllis. Helene, Lu 9:30 neat At 3 o'clock In the afternoon the en- Selw; Trombone solo. morning. Warran J. Lynclv Star" Pas Traffic tire bunch of talent apieared before Tannhauser, (Wagner), "Evening Mgr Chicago. s; Miss K. lliyl-liJudge i'. U. Dlelxl In the city court and Trio. "For all Eternity" (Mascagni) gave bonds to keep the ieace. It was Misses Lu Heist, Helene, E. Pauline; their intention to go ahead a lilt the Descriptive overture, "Cow s In the Cottight mid forfeit the bonds. ton" (Hall). Pulmutler Sisters; Duet, latter the ministerial assix-la- t ton "Miserere." from IX Trovatore" (Verdi) secured another blanket warrant, Misses Helene and K. Phyllis; Xylowhich It was Intended Sheriff Emery phone solo, selected, Mlse luu K.; Amhould serve at the ringside oil all erican Volunteer, march (Tobanl), Learning of this warrant, Pulinatler Sisters Orchestra. all parties apjieared before Judge Hut where are Diehl late In the evening and gave adWALL PAPER. ditional bond you going to For spring doing Beautiful efforts When these additional bonds were In $01 designs and colors, at Monta, huy your spring Buit? given Judge Diehl Issued an order to Twenty-fourt- h 8L Both 'Phones. Are you going to 8tep Sheriff Emery not to serve the blanket fowarrant Inasmuch as those into the first store you Bee whom It waa issued had surrendered them- MANY FRUIT TREES or have us show you what selves to the jurisdiction of hla court. CONDEMNED YESTERDAY we have? There are lots Tha promoters of the fight were publ-lan- t, and thought their troubles were of good clothes on the ' over. The Mate board of horticulture is market but we have the Mr. Brown was not to be blocked. waging a battle war on tho nuraury kind that helps. Hearing that the fighters and their companies who are shipping diseased allies had given ball, he went before tree Into Utah. Yesterday another big Justice Bishop, who does not live In batch of trees was condemned In Og-dSIS SUITS and destroyed. Every shipment is $10, $12 Salt Lake, and who has no real jurisdiction here, and secured John Doe" being carefully watched and all treea NONE MORE, NONE LESB. not found clean and free from disease warrants. Theae warrants were placed In the will be promptly burned. hands of Sheriff Emery and he waa InWALL PAPER structed to take them to the ringside, BURLAPS and MOULDINGS Latand serve them when occasion demanded. and when Speck" Smith and est designs and colorings, at MorrU, SATISFIED WE HELP. St Both 'Phone Jack Clayton appeared for the first $0$ Twenty-fourt- h John Does" were preliminary, the served and the exhibition declared closed. . . Fightera Fast Badly. Young CorbelL more philosophical than moat of the crowd that filled the Saucer, had little to aay for publication. He felt sore and looked It "Just tell them that I am still a young fellow and I- guess will be able to make my living by boxing," said he. Corbett will leave In a day or no for New York and Philadelphia, where he haa two bouts scheduled. Perhaps Dick Hyland took the setback harder than anyone else. Hyland's folks lost their all In the San Francisco earthquake, and Fighting Dick?, had painted visions of going home with enough money to start hla people off again. Hyland had figured hla share large enough to furnish hla mother's house anew, but now. Instead of helping them, he flnda hlmisslf In debt on account of hla training. Alex Greggalna. trainer for Hyland, and McCUntock, manager tor him, were both In the same boat aa Hyland, and were not in much of a humor to talk .... .ii (!.l-i- j-.- i - U ij - i i - i '! . tasty hot biscuit V .,nj at To Was Largey oT Antered Her... (in- ill i Best Soda in Town.. HONOR OF en ll.l. In &e SEASON FR ENDS. Enjjaee G Kuii-r:- : ,:.i Ftt:::nq In. k Hy. ai-.- gn-eit-i- 1 1 i - Ki-t- i : - n. oi the Theaters THE WOTHE CASE.,, frt plays In receot years have cre-sso Biueh comment as Clyde Fitch -jin Woman in the Case," which for crowded the Herald tour month Squirt theatre. New York, to Its ind which after a brief summer to the Madison Tuition returned Bqsu theatre ln' Aufust, only to the Impreaelon made on Its visit to New York. , There is likely to be an unusual frmand for seats visa Mian Walsh presents her now fuaoai play at the Grand Thursday matinee and night. Like most of Mr. ntch'i contributions' to the stag The Wtmaa hi the Case" Is very much Briefly epeeklng. It telle the story ef a loving, faithful wife who will not believe In the accusations aphwt her husband, although they are supported by sufficient evidence to land him In prison. She not oniy believes Urn to be Innocent, but proves him WALSH IN ts qr, dup-He- at pre-vio- vi ta. the victim of a woman's re-ta woman of the type that have supplied the yellow journals with the He la pi: - i fol-Io- NEW YORK In recent criminal theatre, New York, la presented at the biggest head-lincases. Grand, Monday. May Tlh. theatregoers While the action of the play, which 'will have an opportunity to pa Judg-Imeculminates In what has come to be upon a play that not only liaa called in New Tork the famous third rivaled In popularity this authors act, la somewhat melodramatic, It la character comedy. "The Music Masperfectly plausible. Indeed, the great ter," but has taken rank as one of the success the play has enjoyed Is chief- great dramatic successes of the year. The Lion and the Mouse" deals In ly due to the fact that the story In Its mdln features la almost Identical with vigorous fashion with one of the most that of one of the most famous ac- discussed problems of the day that of tual life dramas with which the courts the power exercised by wealth In Amof Justice have had to deal recently. erican politics. The title suggested by As for Miss Walsh herself, local play- -i that of Aeaop's Fable la strikingly apt goers will be glad to see her again In for the play, treats of the struggles be!a role In which her well-knofemtween a strong man, who la a mighty inine charms have opportunity of dis- factor In the flnanclal world and the play. Her gowns are the creations of daughter of the man he has wronged. the famous Mrs. Osborne, and they are The cast will Include the names of aald to be for the feminine playgoers some of the best known players before an alluring attraction In themselves. the public today, Arthur Byron, GerThe play Iq In four scenes, two of trude Coghlan, George Parsons, Grace Interiora Thome, Joseph Kllgour. A. S. Lip man, which are richly decorated that are intended to reflect the art. Flora Juliet Bowley, Edith Bhayne, luxury and comfort of the Fifth avenue Florence Gerald, W. H. Burton, P. 8. palaces of New Tork. Another hard- Barrett, Edward See, Lillian Dlx and ly leas Interesting Is the visitors' room Ada Curry. In the famous Tombs- - prison. The THE LYCEUM. fourth shown the tawdry home of a famous show girL Recitations made up tne amateur program last night at the Lyceum, the THE LION AND THE MOUSE. three contestants for honors .being When Charles Kleln'a latest play, Blanche Smith, Florence Doxey and The Lion and the Mouse, which la Master Bernard Holst, all Juveniles. now in Its sixth month at the Lyceum The latter received the greatest amount of applause, and was arwarded the prise by the management As usual this feature of the entertainment drew large crowds, and the standing room only" sign waa out at all tha Louis Maurice, who for the past four aeasona haa been with David Belasco aa musical director of The Darling of the God," haa been engaged by Henry Miller aa conductor for the- Princess theater, New Tork city. Mr. Maurice haa recently published The Lantern Dance," dedicated to Blanche Bates, and "Lucy," both publications having met with a popular sale by the muaic houses who placed them before the public. HEAVY DAMAGES . FROM THEJION . PACIFIC Excuse Me ! William Edwards of Evanston, Wyoming, through hla attorneys, Maglnnla it Com, la suing the Union PacUlo Railroad company for $51,000 alleged to be due aa damages sustained by tha breaking of a certain dam across the Beaver river. Edwards, according to the complaint, had a dam merry time when that dam broke. He waa in bed and the dam water flooded tha house and the cakes of Ice that rode thereon played hide and seek with him In his bed room, all to hla damage in the about it sum of $50,000. The other $1,000 la Manager Jim Donaldson said that for damages to his property. on advice of his attorney he thought It would be better to say nothing, but Devil's Island Torture Intimated that he waa not through with la no worse than the terrible case of it yet Plies that afnicted me 10 years Then . Will Be at the Grand. 1 waa advised to apply Bucklln's Arwere Thla afternoon arrangements nica Salve, and leas than a box per- made for and the house Grand the opera manently cured me, writes L. 8. Na- contest will be pulled off In that place. pier, of Bugles, Ky., Heals all wound Grant telephoned the State Manager 25c at Bums and Sores like magic Journal from Salt Lake that he had Ogden Druggists. rented the house to the management of the club for the bout. Tor Monday A Lively Tussle. ( The whole programme as It evening. with that old enemy of the race, Con waa scheduled for the Salt Palace will atlpatlon, often ends In Appendicitis. be given. Including the preliinlnarie To avoid all serious trouble -- 1th Stomtickets ach, Liver and Bowel a, take Dr. King's All those holding unredeemed New Life Pills. They perfectly regu fir the Salt Palace will be given the MISS BLANCHE WALSH. late these organa, without pain or dis- eats called for at the Grand aa near Woman in the as la poaalble. Case, at the Grand, Thursday Night and Matinee. comfort. 25c at Ogden druggists. i Our new 2-- 7. r nt MAN IN c e Aii.-i-.i-.t- ii" es ml ! IIS . ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO BLANCHE . . land Sail off rolls and mufiins. No otter taking powder equals it in strength, parity and wholesomeness. t ROYAL HAS NO SUBSTITUTE At o Stops t. Chsap Spit ii :t. ri.-;-u- You- C TON NIGHT THEIR snj Si t Like in LADIES Et ELiS ETERTV M th:s city. in the lightest most HIT AND HYLAND TO Ant LIST front is now completed. No more inconvenience. . . . Ready for customers At and The HELPER 302 25th NP SPECIAL PRICES ON Karpen Couches Saturday we offer our entire line of these celebrated couches at a discount of 20 per cent. These couches are guaranteed for three years, and are the finest couches in the world. Dont let this opportunity pass. BOYLE FURNITURE CO. Sole Agents Karpen Furniture Dee -- Stanford Shoe Co. |