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Show DAILY I POLITICAL ' man Bill JZ, any potoffl-no- u B,u FUN SCHOOLS ! : 44444444444t I not (Foil tin w. ut-.- l JOURNAL. DISPENSED BE gg'i-gation SPSCiA PROGRAMS IN HONOR VARIOUS LODGES. 0? Eiectlc Lo.-- ed and High Wire Walking jing the Loop Aro Among the Attractions. il1 f.ii t il.:it the Soithern Carnival IV to huh forth in Ogden :uxt wit-:,- - h.m caused thrill of Joy to the ple.ixure-lo- v log peo ple uf i 'ilen atnl xurro'iiiitiiig coun-ti'The SoMthern Carnival company ii.nle ,i great hit in Salt Lake a year i!'o w it'.i its aggregation of shows and ainusiMi e':H ainl the fact that it will lie her.- - next week w ilh a bigger and better show than ever, is hailed with Fii-drills will he resumed next week delight. Manager Xat Reis lias sparIn all the schools. ed no pains or expense In providing i,en a Gre broke out ln a school In Brooklyn recently a thousand drilled children marched quietly to the street ln three minutes The only danger came from a mob of undrilled mothers who fought to get In at the doors and would have caused a blockade and a panic If the teachers had not forced them back. I s - V. Loop-the-l.ii'- e Tlw Logan Republican says that the state committee thinks smubllcan !ugh of Bunko Bill as a - pay him a goodly sum of money to state." The Logan Journal itamp the that accounts for Bill's presence; Is there will the Or where the carrion spell-bind- er nlture be also." " Democratic There was a rousing Nearly all rtlly ,t t'lntah last night. were present and many the candidates g them addressed the audience, The breaking of the water pump at which was a large and enthusiastic the Five Points school one day this gge. The cause of Democracy la proweek shut off the water supply of the Is school for a this district and in much pping of it on November 8. day or two. ccted Miss Costley's room at the Mound The Republican candidates are' con -- Fbrt school presents an the holding of another ance. One corner to fittedunique appeartinplating up as a store at Scotty Rankin's headquarters where children are tilly taught to purchase street. Twenty-fourt- h M different articles, make proper change, etc., while In another part of the room The Democratic candidates will ad-j- u a manual training bench has been ini meeting of the people of Farr stalled, where little articles needed In West tonight. the school are constructed by the puand teacher. Miss Costley to a pils The meeting to be addressed by the graduate of the training school at the Hon. 0 W. Powers and the Hon. James state university. Grand at the opera house K Moyle sext Friday night promises to be one In thirty seconds by actual count g the most enthusiastic gatherings the pupils of the Mound Fort school g the campaign. From every part were In marching order and passing g the county delegations are expected to their rooms after the door bell rang the at the usual hour. u be present, and considering losti ln the city who will crowd to btar the orators, the opera house will HIGH 8CHOOL NOTES. lodied be taxed to its utmost capacithe Ogden high school footToday ty. The calumles which the Republicball team plays the agricultural college ans have circulated regarding Judge of Logan. powers have but strengthened that (entleman's position ln the estimation Manager Hendershot received a very g the people and weakened that of favorable offer from the football team Ms opponent of the county high school of Elko. Nevada, for a game to be played ln OgCurse Chills and Fever. If arrangements can be made & W. Wrlrt, Nacogodohes, Texas, den. His daughter had chills and the game will be played here. ays: not fever for three years; he .could Saturday next October 29th, the Ind anything that would help her till His wife will net Salt Lake high school and the Ogden ki used Herblne. high school teams will play In Salt tep house without It, and cannot say Lake. The high school will run an extoo much for It" 50c. For sale by cursion. Tickets, 1. George F. Cave. ip ' Im. Mum. your sooty it you don't life CAKE MAKING n accompltol y most good ho n aeknowl f highly Importan Elents that good rake Porta nee pkery 10 U u that above Purpose mine fl others. , made ,0GI)ffl MILLING by- - Direction Korthweatern Theatrical AHociatIoa t COMPANY ELEVATOR irm.ll Socl.Urt C.mpir Com" ery You it uit as A Alexakurb Grant, It. Arthur silverware we are selling at very than ona would really Imaglns fine jewelry could be sold for. purchaser and the a I nnlf knwuav Both th intending i Q LUUIV nlljnOj parson who just shopping aro much less Kes. Mgr. Talfo lullls equally walcome hers. We know our prioea are the lowest of the lew. Whether you are in a buying mood or not, COME IN AND TAKE A LOOK ANYWAY. Wateh and jawelry repairing by sxporiancsd workmen a ape- - and J. Emmett Baxter C. Aiston Want You to Inspect Vie TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 25th PAUL W. S1XCHER eia'ty. PRE8ENT 9468 WASHINGTON AVINPE JANE CORCORAN Supported by ANDREW ROBSON Apd a Company of Rscognized Excellence in Frances swa' Picturesque Romance Aymar Math- - Pretty, Peg'g'y THE GREATEST TRIUMPH Or RECENT YEAR8 Lavish Display of the Unique aand Beautiful Costumes of the Eighteenth Century. THE ORIGINAL PONDEROUS PRODUCTION Complete in Every Detail as Presented FIVE MONTHS IN NEW YORK CITY AT THE HERALD SQUARE AND MADISON SQUARE THEATERS. .Prices, S1.50, $1.00, 75c, 50c, 25c. Sale of 8eats Opens Monday, 9 a. m. Next Week This neat and substantial Iron bed In either full or three-quartsize, and assorted colors. er $2.75 Next Week We have nearly one hundred other kinds and prices. Grand Opera House Direction Northwestern Theatrical Association. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED S. ALEXANDER GRANT, Res. Men. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27th . A, tornado of Music and Mirth. Melody, Linoleum A Carload of And can show you an alegant line in English Inlaid or printed designs. Prices in tha Printed from $1.00 to $1.85 per yard. Inlaid, $3.00 to $4.25 per yard. The greatest yet and for ONE NIGHT ONLY. A RUNAWAY Carpets MATCH We have a strong line of tall carpet; just received. New and THE HIT OF NEW YORK. Presented by almost the entire cast of original players. Beautiful Belles attractive patterns. Clever Comedians. Prices, 75c, 50c and 25c. Sals opens Tuesday, October 25th. UTAHNA THEATER PASTIMEJUEATER WEEK OF OCTOBER 17 Week of October 17 WOODY COOK Peerless Acrobat. MONTAGUE'8 COCKATOO CIRCU8 of wonderful trained birds, ' introducing the Great Fire Scene. WALTER SPENCER Song Illustrator. A group WILBER TRIO :. " UTAHN ; -- MIS NELLIE BRUCE Bong and Dance. R. GOURLEY8 ? Egyptlon Novelty Juggler. ILLUSTRATED SONG When the Frost la on the Pumpk! Maggie Dear. , THE REDDICKS , Novelty Vocalists. . FLO ZELLAR ... and. Qiaract Descriptive Vocalist i KOPLIN' BROTHERS Comedy Acrobats. THE FOUR MORTONS The Greatest of Jugglers. We have carlouda of It; rich colorings and latest designs. W'e would take pleasure ln showing them to you.. A THE GREAT PAMPLIN . BROWN AND EDMUND8 r 'Comedians. V.' I Wall Paper i .'Musical Act i Prices and quality guaranteed. Elegant Cpstumes Catchy Songs A match that sets ablaze a bonfire of humor. Testimony of a Minister. Rev. Jno. S. Cox of Wake, Arlt, For twelve years I suffered writes: from Yellow Jaundice. I consulted a number of physicians and tried all sorts of medicines, but got no relief. Then I began the use of Electric Bitters and feel that I am now cured of a disease that had me In Its grasp for If you want a reliable twelve years." medicine for Liver and Kidney troudeble. stomach disorder or general It's guar Blttera. Electric get bility, anteed by Jesse J. Driver, druggist. Only 60 cents. 1 long g-ev- up Coo naturally pick UUIIdr quickly aa possible. d Itallar dollar saved Jll la just as good as a dollar found. Wa cannot tell you where to go to pick lihon VTIICII Yah IUU Grand Opera House James Morrelll, an Italian, was yesterday arrested by Constable John Morris at Marriott and brought to the county jalL He will probably be charged with assault with a deadly weapon. The arrest was made on complaint of an Italian woman residing near the Southern Pacific tracks on Seventeenth street, who claimed that Morrelll wanted her to desert her husband and go with him. When she refused he fired two shots from his revolver. Yesterday morning he went out again to that neighborhood and she fled fol-to Marriott to escape him. When he lowed he was placed under arrest rs. Kate & Hilliard and Mrs M. A. i will have charge of the Socialist aveune Iquarters, 2281 Washington headquarters), ler Republican The woy afternoon until election. in-- 1 cordially of Weber county are to call at the above headquarter listen to what these ladles have wlllb open iy. The headquarter y evening to everybody. Plenty Union Suits up dollars, but tha buying of your jewelry of ua will msan many a dollar saved to you. THE WOMEN OF WEBER CO. ,.m; - English Balbriggan THE STADIUM. ITALIAN IN TROUBLE. gt Bargain shoulder effect; Perfectly fitting, lleeced lined garments, with set-l- n Psilk crocheted edges Same careful finish as many $2 UOie qualities. JVr garment UtL (i) -- Merode comfortuble garments, Well made, finely finished fleece lined sleeves, high necks, unkle length, correctly fashioned in way. Per suit TEA roc 50c A a There is no middle way. Egyptian Qotton Flt'eve Li tied. Ladles' Vests and Drawers; full finish, bound seams, silk tailed necks. An excellent value. JVr Merode . for her. ANY KIND, ANY PRICE WEARING QUALITIES EXCELLENT EVERY GARMENT MADE FOR ANY MAN, WIOMAN OR CHILD. ON STRICTLY MODERN LINES, CORRECTLY SHAPED TO INLOWEST OUR SURE COMFORT AND LASTING QUALITIES. LINES SAME GRACEFUL PRICE GARMENTS POSSESS THE FOUND IN THE BETTER CLASS OF UNDERWEAR. uV , look-o- ut Underwear The well known Merode. made of fine sanitary cotton, silk crocheted edges, and draw strings. Vesta and Tights. IVr garment The baacketball girls have begun WEATHER 8TRIP. Kftndow strip, three cents per foot. work ln the pavilion ln Lester Park. Miss Bowen to manager and In an enDoor strips, five cents per foot. ' ergetic and satisfactory manner Is atBoyle Hardware company. tending to the work. Everything 1s neat and clean at the The first number of the seventh edimw cafe, 842 Twenty-fift- h street tion of the Classlcum appeared yester447.50 TO CHICAGO AND RETURN. day. It to spicy and well written, and reflects credit upon all those 147.50 to Chicago and Return Via 8t certainly connected with the paper. Louis. Tuesdays end Fridays of each week The seniors postponed their spread vie the Chicago 4k Northwestern rail-n- y. from Friday to Saturday on account The only double-trac- k railway The program of the between the Mtoouri river and Chicago. of the concert Three tralne dally. No change of care, evening began with a delicious supper served ln the hall of the high school. hi going to the fair aee that your tickets read via this route. For further After lunch was over dancing, games and music were Indulged in until a Information write late hour. At the end all united In deA. WALKER, that It was one of the most enclaring General Agent C. & N. W. Railway, life. 81 West Second South street Balt joyable events of their school Lake City, Utah. The Best Doctor. B. C. Horton. Sulphur Springs, Rev. Attend the free Velox demonstration Texas, writes July 19th, 1899: T have et Thomas' studio. Friday from 8 to 8 Snow ln my family Ballard's k m. Bring your negative! and get a used Liniment and Horehound Syrup, and Velox print they have proved certainly satisfactory. The liniment la the best we and have ever used for headache pains The cough syrup has been our for the last eight years." 25c.. Two ways to deal: let doctor For sale by George F. 50c., 81.00. the for her-- ; Cave. buyer look-o- ut (a) Startlingin Values ' K . PAGE FIVE. 1904. aim.M'M.nt for the crouds this year and lonipany conies to ilgden with an seldom seen in the west. Sp icious grounds have been fltte r.p in the city hall square for the fest'x iiies. The main entrance Is oil T'lici'iy-tift- h street, between WashThe gate ing ..'il i haul avenues. opelumpily at 7 o'clock every eve y and the free acts take place at v and 10: Nil. ' In i e A are many inembers of the foilin' :,( lodges among the 30O people "i. prising the Southern Carnival con:. the following speeial days hav.named in honor of their respei live lodges: Monday, October 24. i:i-Pay: Tuesday, October 2r. W. W. Day: Wednesday. Octoher 28. Klks Day: Thursday. October 27. Ktn esters Day: Friday. October 28. Pyti'i in Day. Saturday, Oc tidier 29. will in- Manll (Iras night. A!"ing the almost unlimited number .if nttiaci'oii are Tan Fuklnoa sliding for life at 8:30 p. m.: electric high a ire bicycle act nt 10:30 p. m.; fl'e h: free act during the evening, the linval Stadium. Including the act: Kilchie and Richards, acrobat, the Gilmore trapeze family; the Figmoto Jap Jugglers, and Captain SoriT.o's deen set divers. w gj 22, - anti-Morm- on J OCTOBER SATURDAY, finin piijjrt 3.) J ,n j STATE SOUTH EDN CARNIVAL publicans In Idaho denounce 1..iii, tiro. Dnx.y. i iivuluiimi and sub-- 'i state nUiib ln ,l,e Democratic i,li,,n; Lizzie JK Kay, Alumni. Jr.fL.Ti which declare against po-- J lie proceedings of the meeting v and the aeparatlon of church lively and while many of the con-)si",,r an plank. as tate were unlin:ii. the best of feel-n-Lust year's staff of the prevailed. klnd-)ve Mann Bill'a Hyerd Will Bunko Worn was tendm-broad-minda hearty vote the name of the of thanks. Thing look the on Republican legislbright for the dldatc ate ticket ho to alleged to have said Paper this year. tat if he could have hia way no one 11kIkii liavld dld not pay tIthln McKay of Hunstvllle uld vote who. uid ineiutier of the board, occupied the time at devotional exercises Frl-Ja- y Lake Herald: Brother Spry to and iiinriiing, to to afterwards is be Cutler spoke going Brother the members of the Hook of Mormon IZrted because Brother Smoot has told class. But even Brother Smoot may mLlblr he mistaken. You know he once that his election to the Unl-jJudge Dee and Mr. Gwilllum of the States senate would not stir up board of education are still ln the east. trouble. UTAH ' Artist.. COMIC MOTION PICTURES. L Hooligan aa a 2. T Kentucky Squire. 2. A French Count Advertises for a Wife Safe-Break- , Present to Our Lady Friends . We are giving a cook book or a souvenir thimble to each, lady i . customer. REMEMBER, WE ARE THE PEOPLE THAT ON EASY PAYMENT8. 8ELL''TO YOU Ogden Furniture and Carpet Co. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. . HYRUM PINGREE, Manager. |