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Show 5 DAILY U1AH STATE JOURNAL, MONDAY. APRIL 4, 190i Mlltown Annals of i I SALT LAKE I and VICINITY : I t The Mayor Serves Notice That He Will Break Into : : Society With a Jimmy OPENING OF CONFERENCE. I : ed US. The common herd, gaping with awestruck admiration, will look on and bootllck and toady. They have to, because it Is too near convention and election time for us to stand any monkey business. There will be no price of admission. for we want as many to come ns possible. However, WE will charge a fee after the show begins for It costs something to look at US, and then, WE need the money. ' It Is worth money to watch US cut high didoes In sassiety, and let US reiterate, . WE need the money. . Hereafter WE are to be IT. From this date on WE are the master of the revels, the agonothete of the sassiety scramble. WE will tell the common push when to come together and when to break away.. WE will tell the dude when to wear tan shoes with a silk hat and when to wear a Also yaller tie with a green shirt. to where the ladies WE will advise to when stones and rhlne wear their dresses. delaine their decollate One of our great purposes will be to show the gaping gasabas of sassiety how to shovel hash with a table knife and how to pick tusks d fork without slicwith a ing out a section of mouth or gouging Into the gums. For the purpose of bringing our Xibs and Knobs before sassiety we will give a ball In 'the near future. That future may be near, but It Is not quite as near as WE are. Nevertheless and notwithstanding our nearness In money matters WE will make this the most reklrk affair, also toot enassem-bl- e, that Ogden sassiety ever saw. The whole thing will be a saturnalia of sanctified saturation. The dancing will be fill fresco, also the decorations ' The floor of, the pavilion will be sprinkled by the wlllapus wallapus. As for refreshments WE have sent to Oseola, Kansas, and ordered the to save counter lunch station railway sinkers and pie up Its sandwiches for two weeks previous to our great date, and to ship them to US c. o. d. WE will lead the grand march wich ourself on our arm. OUR dome will be gilded and In Its dent will be a little Vesuvius of spoutten-in- ch four-tlne- FATE OF THE RUSS. There was a big Russ at Oflchoff, Who warned all the Japs they must switch off; But the Japs sassed him back. And smote him a smack; Then the Russ In the sea they did pitch Attendance the Largest Ever Known Address Made by High Church Dignitaries. persons attended the opening sessions of the seventy-fourt- h annual conference of the Church Saints. of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y The Herald says that several statements were made which were generally iken ns references to the Smoot case and the testimony given there by President Joseph F. Smith to the effect that he intended to continue marriage relations with his plural wives. In the opening prayer Elder Joseph K. Taylor gave thanks for the way In which the president of the church had defended the principles of the faith Imth at home and abroad. President Smith, who presided, made an address in which he urged the Latter-day Saints to be firm in the faith, declaring the Lord would reward his people for following the laws of righteousness and truth. Apostle Francis M. Lyman spoke in favor of and replenishing the earth. He declared that all paints knew when President Joseph F. Smith speaks, God Is speaking through him. and the Lord makes no mistakes. Elder Brigham H. Roberts warned the Gentiles not to reject the word. During the forenoon President John R. Winder made a reminiscent address and President Anthon II. Lund spoke A on Easter and the resurrection. large part of the address of Elder Roberts In the afternoon was devoted to the subject of Easter and the immortality of the soul. He made an Incidental reference to Dr. W. M. Padens recent sermons attacking part of the Book of Mormon. Fourteen1 thousand mul-tplyl- William W. Murphy, a waiter, made an attempt to commit suicide by the CHARLIE'S REJECTION. morphine method but got an overdose Charlie Hollingsworth corailed all the and will live. According to Murphy's Jobs story he tried to kill himself because That he could extract from his nobs; he was in love with a married woman Then It entered his pate whose husband was his close friend. To be Secretary of State. He'll take his rejection with sobs. While standing at the bar in the Elk saloon about 12 o'clock last night, WAR NEWS ON OLYMPUS. waiting for a glass of beer, Dennis Mars returned to the heavenly Gallacher, aged 68, fell to the floor and died within a few' minutes. heights. What are the Japs and Russians See our display windows for big doing now 7 chorused the gods. I don't know, replied Mars; "I was reduction In carpets. Ogden Furniattending the Utah state Republican ture and Catpet company. convention and the mayor of Bllltown Early seed potatoes. Skeen ft Co. was trying to run things. 162 Twenty-fourt- h street on war his hands had real he Seeing to further. him forebore question they The management of the Journal will consider It a favor If subscribers will of report promptly any AND 664. papers. Telephone - ing fire. non-delive- ry i AMUSEMENTS The Old Mill j UTAH NEARBY STATES Stream. A number of flowing artesian wells In The Old Mill Stream' which the been struck in me vicinity of have public pronounced a success last seaLehL son, after a thorough test of it Mr. Sully plays a part of the quiet, unc-tlo- us At Logan Saturday the preliminary sort, which has no .counterpart on the stage. It is full of' unconhearing of Emmett Rlcheson, charged scious wit and the humorous speeches with assault with a deadly weapon, come trippingly into situations which was concluded and the young fellow, the neck of Thomas seem to be growing theatric a thing who carved up a with Jr. Smith pocket knife, was set which Mr. Suuly scrupulously avoids. His is the art which seems most sim- at liberty. ple to the observer, but It is the most A Jury has been obtained In the difficult to produce. It Is the acme of VemaL A pePerfection, the crown of artistic en- Yarnell murder trial at la that the of trial the deavor. Mr. Sully appears at the culiar feature to about free, allowed la go Grand opera house tomorrow night tn defendant In of the sheriff without being charge The Old Mill Stream. or any other officer. The Jury is also allowed to roam at will. This rather unusual state of affairs la being freely commented upon. , Bank Wrecked and Three Killed.. What Tima Proves. This thing of being elck and looking for a cure ie a mighty serious business. People are not given to Joking even at the first symptom of the approach of the Grim Destroyer. They do not want to be the subjects of experiment, but want medicine that has had the test of years behind It A medicine that has been made and used for 20 years gives assurance of Its worth, and can be ta ken with a faith that they have the very best cure the world affords. All this can be bald about Dr. Gunn'a Improved Liver Pills as a remedy for sick headache, dyspepsia and Indigestion, it begins right at the source of the trouble and removes the cause. Sold by Wallace Drug Co. for 2 5c per box. One pill for a dose. SEEDS CASmarthwaite Produce . BRIEF TELEGRAMS. la. Ah exploaion In National bank building at Albia yesterday resulted In R. Ramsey, Edward Dougherty and Richard Grimes being killed. The explosion is nposed to have been In the heating Plant. Besides the bank building a clothing store and two grocery stores were destroyed by fire. Marshalltown, the Cltlsena News has reached Mt. Pleasant of a shooting affray between two young men of that city, which took place on the west deserts, where they were herding sheep. A row over a dog was the cause of the fight which was the be- ginning of. the trouble. After the stronger of the two had gained the an Imal. the other ran to the tent a gun and fired four shots at his antagonist who was, fortunately, near a tree, behind which he sheltered Fatally Burned While Saving Wife. Seattle, Wash. In the third incendiary fire within two hours yesterday, W. Norris was probably .fatally . turned while trying to save his wife Clara B. Peterson has filed suit at from the flames. Mrs. Norris was let PeLogan for divorce from Hiram S. down from a second-stor- y window by terson alleglfitf cruelty. This la the ter husband Just after his daughter-in-la- second time that the lady has begun Mrs. Robert Norris, had saved divorce proceedings, having withdrawn ter baby by escaping through a win- her previous suit upon the solicitation dow on the first floor. of the defondant who made all sorts of promises as to his future conduct. Milwaukee Grafters Indicted. arTwo weeks ago the defendant was Milwaukee. The Indictments return-t- y rested for g, and aa a result the grand Jury at Its final session of it his wife has determined to pan r directed against ten Individuals, from him. A restraining order was deluding five supervisors and a num-- f served upon Peterson yesterday pre. contractors. The testimony up-- n venlng him from visiting or disturbing frleh the indictments were brought the plaintiff. minted to alleged Illegal acts In connection with work on Brummitt's great clearance sale of the county hos Pltals. .state. Pee ads In this Issue. w, (Wholesale and Retail) t t Company OGDEN. UTAH ... Our ... ... LINOLEUMS ... Stamped Patterns, $1.10, 1.25, 1.40, 1.50, 1.85 Windows Displayeontaln Special Values iiehlisi English Inlaids, $3.00, 3.75, 4.25 Greatly Reduced Prices Ogden Furniture and Carpet Company TESTIMONY... ng off. ARRIVED HAS The Latest Patterns Assortment Complete Prices Unquestionable - OUR retainers will be In a table OUR SASSIETY. while WE strut. Bugle.) vivant, Bllltown the (From on to the No hanging one he else will be allowed In the ave have Ogden sassiety grand march. thU of ft.jnge WE will be the grand n larch. lung enough. to It WE will also be the music and the WE have been aa Important In a pig's tall la to the dance. curl the af WE will go it alone with our partflavor of the pork. Sometimes It has seemed to US that ner, which Is ourself. In our own behalf has WE will dance to the rhythmic and ,11 our effort swine before pearls. rhunic tintlnabulations of our own been like throwing to let this Ogden sweet melody. jjow, WE Intend WE do not pro-po- ae that know It will be a rekirky affair. It will aasslety to be calmly Ignored like a darned also be exclusive because W'E are exback. clusive. flea on a modest girl's to Sassiety has gpt to pay attention CLEANING TIME HOUSE Siiid a stylish young fellow one of our customers to us the other dav: My friends ask me where 1 have my clothes made. When tell them that I get them at THE TOGGERY, ready made, they seem inclined to doubt it until I show them the label." 1 Garden Hose and... Lawn Mowers This gentleman's friends could see no difference between his garments und those made by the best tailors. Neither can you or any one else. They are identical In cloth, tailoring, trimmings and style. As to fit we'll leave that to you or your friends. Bring back any garment not satisfactory and get your money. lf on When It comes to prices we can save you about bill. tailor's your LAST ACCORDING TO TI1E QUALITY YOU BUY Our High Pressure Hose IS GUARANTEED FOR , 2 YEAR8 one-ha- Royal Ball Bearing Lawn Mower The Sujts Here $12.00 to $30.00 is the Easiest Running, Lrmpttt Wearing Mower in the World none excepted. Dont let talk a in vine At the Tailors $25.00 to $40.00 you, Our insist upon lieing ''shown. word is good. Our Spring styles are now In and It would afford us great satisfaction If you would allow us the privilege of showing them to you. Boyle Hardware Co. JOHN A. BOYLE, Mgr. BLUE TRADING Conference STAMPS GIVEN WITH EVERY PURCHASE. THE TOGGERY Ogden and Northwestern R. R, and Oregon Short Line R, R. Tickets on sale 1st to Gtli inclusive, limited for turn until April re- GREAT DAYS 12 fare, RoundTrip, $1,50 Train leaves Hot Springs.... 7:10 a. m. Train leaves Pleasant View. 7: 15 a. m. 7:25 a. m. Train leaves Summit Train leaves North Ogden.. 7:30 a. m. Train leaves City Limits.:.. 7: 45 a. in. 8:10 a. m, Train leaves Ogden 6:10 a. m. Arrive Salt Lake Returning leave Salt Lake... 6:80 p. m. Invaluable for Rheumatism. I have been suffering for the past few years with a severe attack of rheumatism and found that Ballards Snow Liniment was the only thing that gave me satisfaction and tended to alleviate my pains. March 24th, 1902, John C. Degnan, Kinsman, Ills. 25c, 50c and $1, Sold by Geo. F. Cave. ffi FOR STAMP STAMRS Collectors And who Is not collecting these valuable "premium catchers?' If you are one if the very few, secure a premium book at once, and see how quickly you can fill It We usually give TEN Blue Trading Stamps with every dollar cash .purchase, but for SIX DAYS, beginning Monday morning and ending Saturday night, we will give away EVERY DAY ONE STAMP BOOK containing 300 Stamps Free to the one holding the lucky number. GARDEN TOOLS With each purchase large or nmull besides the usual number of Trading Stamps, you will receive a coupon entitling you to compete for these FREE STAMP BOOKS. Garden Rakes, Hoes, 'Shovels, Lawn Rakes, Spades, Digging Forks, Pitchforks, Pruning Shears, Grass Shears, Lawn Mowers, Garden Sets, Sprinkling Cans, Axes and Hatchets 5. J. BURT & BROS. WHEELWRIGHT BROS. Phone 147 2 2476 Washinnton Ave. CROCKERY AND HARDWARE STORE eseeeseeeesseeseesseseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesseeeeesss 4 BASE BALL BOYS BASE BALLS wife-beatin- BUT DON'T DO ANYTHING UNTIL YOU HAVE LOOKED OVER THE J J Biggest Stock of Base Ball Goods. That Ever Came to Town I BROWNINQ BROTHERS COflPANY FROM THE FARM TO THE MILL and ground while the wheat Is fresh. Is why our superior River-daor Phoenix flour la preferred by housekeepers. It Is from clean and good, ground well matured wheat, and for bread, cakes and pastry It Is unexcelled. For white, light and nutritious bread It is a favorite everywhere. Try It! Made by Elevator Co. Ogden Milling le |