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Show J from and after tho fourth day of Juno, eighteen hundred and seventy-fouApproved, Judo 18, 1874. PUBLIC ACTS WHOLESALE GROCERS. of America in Congms assets bled. That none of the provision of an act entitled An act to authorize the appointment of shipping commissioners by the An act fixing the time for the election of several circuit courts of tbeUnited Elates Representatives from the State of to superintend the shipping and disPennsylvania to tho Forty-fourt- h charge of seamen engaged In merchant r. SISSOII, WALLACE & CO. or Forty-Thi- rd THB Congress of the United States. Congress. Be it enacted by the Senate and WHOLESALE Passed at the first session, which wa nouse of Representatives of the United begun and held at the city of Wash- States of America in Congress assembled of Columbia, That on the ington, in the Tuesday next following the on Monday, the first day of DecemASD first Monday in November, eighteen ber, IST3, and was adjourned without hundred and seventy-fouthere shall be day on Tuesday, the twenty-thir- d in elected each congressional district in day of June, 1874. the State of Pennsylvania one Represento repref-ensaid State in the Retail Dealers in An act relating to Ambassadors, Con- tative urth Congress of the United States. suls and other officers. Approved, June 18, 1874. ile it enacted by the Senate and House of Itepreseutatives of the United States An act te equalize pensions in certain of America in Congress assembled, cases. That, no Ambassador, Envoy ExtraorBe it enacted by the Senate and House dinary, Minister Plenipotentiary, Minis- of Representatives of the United States ter Resident, Commissioner to auy forAmerica in Congress assembled. of eign country, charge d'affaires, Secretary That all persons entitled to pensions of Legation, Assistant Secretary of Leunder special acts fixing tho rate of such gation, Interpreter to any legation in pensions, and Dow receiving or entitled any foreign country. Consul General, to receive a less pension than that allowAND Consul, Commercial Agent, consular ed the general pension, hereby declapupils, er consular agent shall be absent red by be entitled to the benefits and subto from bis post or the performance of his to penduties for a longer period than ten days ject the limitations of the general x laws sion An to act entitled revise, at any one time, without the permission and amend laws the consolidate, relating previously obtained of the President. to pensions, approved March third, And compensation shall be allowed eighteen CEXEHAL MERCHANDISE, for thenotime and seventy-three- ; and of any such absence in any that this hundred effect and from after act into go case except in cases of sickness; nor its That this act shall Provided, passage: shall any diplomatic or consular officer not be construed to reduce any pension correspond in regard to the public affairs by special act. granted of any foreign government with any June 8, 1874. Approved, private person, newspaper, or other periodical, or otherwise than with the An proper officers of the United States; nor An act to amend the act entitled CORINNE, U. T. without the consent of the Secretary of act to promote the development of State previously obtained, recoommend the mining rehouices of 'the United any person at home or abroad for any States, passed Muy tenth, eighteen of and seventy-two- . hundred trustor under the employment profit Government of the country in which he Be it enacted by theSenate and House is located, nor ask or accept, for himself of Representatives of the United States or any other person, any present, emolu- of"Anieriea in Congress assembled. ment, pecuniary favor, office, or title of That the provisions of the fifth section any kind from any such government. of tho act entitled An act to promote Approved, May 21, 1874. the development of tho mining resources of the United May passed WE CARRY THE An act to increase the pensions of sol-- - tenth, eigthteen States, hundred and seventy-twdiers and sailors who have been which requires expenditures of labor totally disabled. and improvements on claims located Be it enacted by the Senate and House prior to the passage of said act, are hereof Representatives of the United States by so umended that the time for the first of Ameiica in Congress assembled, annual expenditure on claims located Corinnc Stock Largest That, section four of the act entitled prior to the passage of Baid act shall be An act to revise, consolidate, and extended to the first day of January, eighteen hundred and seventy five. amend the laws relating to pensions, and approved March third,- - eighteen Approved, Juno 6, 1874, hundred and seventy three, be so amended that all person who, while in tho An act authorizing corrections to be . made in errors of price-listmilitary or naval service of the United States, and in the line of duty, shall Be it enacted by the Senate and House have been so permanently disabled of Representatives of the United States as to require the regular personal aid of America in Congress assembled, AGENTS OF THE and attendance of another person, by That the second and third paragraphs of the loss of the sight of both eyes, or by tho tenth section of tho navy prize law, the loss of the sight of one eye, the sight approved June thirtieth, eighteen hunof the other having been previously lost, dred and sixty-fouwhich relate to the by the loss of both hands, or by the share of commanders of divisions and Works. or California Powder loss of both feet, or by any other injury fieet captains, shall -- apply to officers resulting in total and permanent help- setving in those positions from April, lessness, shall be entitled to a pension eighteen hundred and sixty one (the of dollars per month; and this shall commencement of the late war,) and the lliwdcr in joMiim lot at San 1'iarriKO be fifty in lieu of a pension of thirty-onadded. shares shall- - be paid in the manner as I in e. Iroijiht dollars and twenty-fiv- e cents per month provided for division commanders in granted to such person by said section: said second paragraph, said payments to Provided, That the increase ot pension be made out of the naval, pension fund; shall not be granted by reason of any and all acts inconsistent with the provi of tho injuries herein specified unless the sions of this act be, und the same are same have resulted in permanent total hereby, repealed. helplessness requiring the regular perApproved, June 8, 1S74. aid and atteudenceof another per sonal NG FORWARDI son . An act to facilitate the exportation of Skc. 2. That this act shall take effect distilled spirits, and amendatory of from and after the fourth day of June, the acts in relation thereto. - AXD eighteen hundred and seventy-foliBe it enacted by the Senate and Approved, June 18, 1874. House of Representatives of the United States of America in assembled, An act to change the time for holding That whenever the Congress or owners of owner fOMMISSIOX MERCHliVTS, the circuit and distrot courts of the distilled to withdraw shall desire United States for the Eastern dis- the samespirits from any distillery bonded trict of Wisconsin, at Oshkosh. warehouse for exportation under existBe it enacted by the Senate and House ing law, such owner or owners may at Koop on hand & choice stock of of Representatives of the United States their option, in lieu of executing an exof America in Congress assembled. port bond as now provided by law, That the time of holding the circuit and give a transposition bond with sureties Groceries, district courts of the United States for satisfactory to collector of internal revethe eastern district of Wisconsin at Oshk- nue, and under such rules and regulaosh, to be on the second Tuesday uf July tions as the Secretary of the Treasury of each year, instead of the first Monday may prescribe conditioned for the due Tobaccos, of July, as now provided by law; and delivery thereof on board ship at a port that all recognizances, indictment, writs of exportation to be named therein and on arrival at the port proees", and other proceedings, civil in such case, and in such case, on artherein named in either of and criminal, now pending Cigar, said courts, may bo enter.d, heard, and rival of the spirits at the port of export, triad at the time herein fixad for holding entry verified by his oath or affirmation. Ho shall also give bond to the United said courts. interfere not shall States, with at least the two sureties, Skc. 2. That this act Cutlery, with the terms of said courts appointed satisfactory to the collector of customs, conditinued that the principal named in t, to be holden at Milwaukee in said nor with the power now possessed bond will export the spirits as specified the port designated in Pipes, by the judges of said courts to. order in said entry to some other port without to or said entry, special terms of the samoa3 now prothe United states. of the jurisdiction vided by law. the And lading of such spirits, upon Liquors, Approved, June the collector of the port, after proper An act fixing the times of holding the bonds for the exportation of the same circuit court of tho United States have been completed by the exporter or xrre.. ETC. i?rr.. in the districts of California, Ore owner of the port of the shipment thereof, shall transmit the collector of internal gon, and Nevada. revenue of the district from which the said Be it enacted by the Senate and House -a- tspirits were withdrawn for exportation, a of Representatives of the United States clearance certificate and a detailed of America in Congress assembled, of the gauger, which report shall hereafter a term of the circnit show the capicity of each cask in wine Wholesale Retail. That court of the United States for the dis- gallons, and the contents thereof in wine tricts of California Oregon, and Nevada gallons, proof gallons, and taxable gall shall be held as follows, namely: For ons. Upon receipt of the certificate and tho district of California, in the city of report, and upon payment of tax on deSan Francisco, on the second Monday ficiency, if any, the collector of internal of February, July, and December of revenue shall cancel the transportation each year; for the district of Oregon, in bond. The bond required to be given MPORTERS Of- - FRUIT. the city of Portland, on the second for the landing at a foreign port of disMonday of .April, August and Novem- tilled spirits shall be cancelled upon tho ber of each year; and for the district of presentation of satisfactory proof that Nevada, in the city of Carson, on the certificates that said distilled spirits have second I ortlgn md Domestic.) Monday of March; June, and, been landed at the port of destination and October of each year. named in the bill of lading or any other Sec. 2. That this act shall take effect port without the jurisdiction of the Union the first day of July next; and all ted States or upon satisfactory proof that were lost at sea provisions of law inconsistent therewith after shipment the-saare hereby repealed. without fault or neglect of the owner or Aproved, June 16, 1874 shipper thereof. Sec. 2. That on and after the first Bo'e Agents for An act to increase pensions in certain day of J uly, eighteen hundred and sevcases. enty- four, for the expense of providing and affixing the stamps to each cask conHouse Bo it enacted by the Senate and for exportation, of Representatives of the United States taining distilled spirits ten cents for eaeh BOOTHS OYSTERS be sball there charged assembled. of America in Congress five cents as of instead twenty entitled now stamp That all persons who are to pensions under existing laws and who now required by law.' 1874. Approved, June 9, have lost either an arm at or above the sed the Territory of Montana. elbow, or a leg at or above lhe knee, shall be rated in the second class, and An act in reference to the operations of dollars per f the shipping commissioners act, shall receive, twenty-fou- r artificial no That month; Provided, approved Juno seventh, - eighteen shall commutation therefor, or - hundred and seventy two. limbs, be furnished to such persons as shall be Be it enacted by theSenate and House or Country Pro- - entitled to pensions under this act uce Sec. 2. That this act shall take effect of Representatives of the United States sen Di-tn- ct r, Forty-fo- t groceries -- 4 SAD. ,fn L TOILS. -- a vr iOi&B'G, tOr .'Il'IHJ'WIHSIL.IHJIKLO, ships belonging to the Uuited States and for the further' protection. of sedmen shall apply to sail or steam vessels engaged in the oeastwise trade, except the coastwise trade between the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, or in tho lake going trade touching at foreign ports er otherwise, or in the trade between the United States and the British North American possessions, or in any cate where the seamen are by custom or agreement entitled to participate in the profits or result ot a cruise, or voyage Approved, June 9, 1874. tVHOLGSALC - An act to further continue the act to authorize the settlement of the accounts of officers of the Army and and RQTAlb GROCERIES AMD PfiaViSISSS. Louis Demers, WHOLESALE AND OXTAIL Onrner Catte SAN FRANCISCO Ideals rtf foeie Navy.. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That the act to authorize the settlement of the accounts of officers of the Array and Navy approved June twenty third, eighteen hundred and seventy, and continued by the act approved June seventh eighteen hundred and seventy two, be further continued for one year fromJune twenty third, eighteen hundred and seventy four and no longer. Approved, June 18, 1874. lil O IC3 CeaisscMry Ctr ZH& S NM wirafio. pdfo, bciccidA d co. ur in soi Wineo r ILiquora Cld CnllCnrnln fltreet, Odh LIQUORS Frcheicsoy California. OQDKE3 COLICTTED. sepftf iifc. c. c. aiXK. iiicaart tartm A 4. a. wa. ayatid, o&nc a, co.. CIO AH. S3 (Successor to Hunter, Wand A IMPOSTERS AKD WHCilULC CEAUfiS 13 Wine&; ILuitiorCk DXALU lit If Proprietors GROCERIES, Hunters California Wfcedt THE LARGEST AND JOSEPH FINCH'S CELEBRATED PENNSYLVANIA Agents for Also, PROVISIONS, Eto. RYE WHISKEY, o, in ff u. 607 A large assortment of BEST SELECTED STOCK SAN FRANCISCO CAL, sepStf NATIVE AND FOREIGN FRUITS AND FAMILY SUPPLIES OF ALL DESCRIP JAUK8 DALY, IN THE TERRITORY. I TIONS. and 600, Front Si., near Jackson, H. WARD.' DALY & WARD, s. lUPORTKRS Orders from Neighboring Towns Promptly Filled Foreign And Domestic A CORINNE r, . seltf . UTAH. Corner Montand and Fifth Sts. Wines J. W. GUTHRIE, , e F8EDJ KIESEL&CO or NS bo les-- le CORINNE, UTAH. BANKERS, (Between Second and Third streets.) CORINNE J Shipping and Commission Merchant; UTAH. Freat Otrsst, dlflf SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. THE STOCKHOLDERS Particular attention paid to the purchasing China and Japan Teas, California' Wines and Liquors. CON- THl STANTLY ON i ISAAC D. HUNTOOM, 3, OUTFITTING GOODS. AND PRODUCE ep8tf WARREN HUSSEY & CO. r. COUNTRY SAN FRANCISCO. BANKIXS. Montana Street, Corinno, GBO-CERIE- Between Front and Battery, seltf Groceries, Produce nnd Provisions. - Liquor No. SJl Siicraniento Street, and Beteil Dealer in ALL KINDSjOF FANCY AND FAMILY- &s HAND. sepStf First National Batik of Utah GfiAND CASH PAID FOE COUMRI the rum COMPOSE PRODUCE. HOTEL. 5 3 dis-tiic- 15,-1S7- 4. -e- and r-port JOHNSON & CO., Proprietors, Matter and Erg Ned ny-Order-a attended to. at Specialty GOLD DUST, by mail or telegraph COIN and promptly AND MaKeRT MONTGOMERY STREETS EXCHANGE 8weral thousand shingles and a lot of sepl-t- t rouh lnmber on hand. J. & G. VJ. OAH FBAHCIGCO:' Bought aud Sold. STANLEY, COLLECTION 8 Wholssale and Retail sepStf rs. MARTIN & trill roelve prompt attention, oo.; epl-t- f BA 11 II GROCIlBS, OF ... columns Importers COrmiflE, S3 V CASSwssts eessssses Mesas President. "VT. T. Cashiar. FIELD.... Os STOVES; BUY AND OISL. TOUCHERS, COD?, AND EXCHANGE. DUST, Evert etrg&L ' . .OAU sepStf m TEara cttSjxrro , t . oVERNMENT of VJinoo arid Litudtfbv trT ah. And Deelerir in CHARTER OAK dd Jobbers GOLD i hoe, PACtFIC me Gonorat LTorchandlco. 2 Niptt TOSS, i BRICK STORE ON CORNER liEW tOTJEL, , C (2CjOG)iQC3 SIGHT DRAFTS DRAWN Qfi . - CAS OPPOSITE , f V CHICAGO, i t ii . ' t . i ", ,T F3ABC50Q, I ' ' - Ttxe i Raurscad . dies isi'Ci7es2 r And afi the principal1 class Cast and West. -- e - ' r?eirlf a, 4 coBinna"DVfiiR esrCash paid for country sepl-t- f produceTa t I : - v CSUSSCSBS KJAL ID . i tha CSSSaVS' iTuTnni oepttf . .JT i UT.I2I, W.JU ll turtle aswiii Or To.nt ee- - 'StaV 'SV- - I v |