OCR Text |
Show ' r 'l -- vr 6,1 c ,r - - ' v. - ' wa aa;,"',i ) , - r - - . " - . - :'.,; .' v- - ' fv?- .r ;,.? ' 1 "Vs Tf,r ,r - ' - -- i vV ,':, v v.1 A r " . r ,; ! ' "' , 1 m - T 4. i S J BX3T70 TELEGRAPHIC! THE FREIGHT TARIFF. CORINNE DAILY JOURNAL. H!Sn3. The telegraph conveys us the information that Vice Present Colfax is veiy ill, and on, the 24tb President Grant, accompanied by Secretary Boutwell, called at bis room to inquire as to his health. His physicians, said he had been in a dangerous condition, but the prospects were now favorable to his recovery. In San Francisco, on the 24th, G. New- man, of New York, assistant architect on the new City Half, was found dead in his room at the Occidental Hotel, having shot himself through the head. Iu n Hudson, N. Y.j pn the 24th, an backed into an engine on the track, setting fire to one car of petroleum, and burning sixty empty freight cars. President Grant has accepted an invito tion to visit Bangor, Me., on the 1 1th of October next. The corner stone of the monument for the Confederate dead, at Oakwood Cemetery, Richmoud, Va., was laid on the afternoon of the 24th. The Edwards-Collin- s prize been which have to was fonght fight, near Cold Springs, L. I., was broken up by the police. 1 v Business Dlroctory. , Qjppoan SCtol, The efforts of the Salt Lake people to People vtqftios thU Cij to trade, or tx or b wlU from procure lower rates on bullion and ores REPOHTVP PPECIVU.T FOR TDK COSUTKK D.ULT JOCRRAL Cirtof Wre, enjrpJng go!, .o oi22nU6Ain, fi the list as ttm uA wimble 2G. We following 1871. failed. . COM have PAR V. seem to KT THE ATLANTIC AOT PACIFIC rOraoe, anticipated : Friday Morning, May mitf tirty (belt iO rely poo hcebljr much. The management of both rail. by going to or MORC to eay of theee pertiee. .LAIVD DECISION. roads care very little for the opinions of THE VERT LATEST DISPATCHES. CGriTAnrf ST0EET, Vc call attention-t- o Rocky Hoimtaln Female Academy, Rev. B. X. Cay-!tlic opinion of the people along their routes. At least MIDNIGHT REPORTS. Principal. the Assistant Attorney General, pub- vve have never heard of their advising Paris, May 25. There was a furious lished on first page of this impression of v, ith them as to their rates for freight or Tieraan k WlUiaawon, Salt Lake City. UTAH. CORINNE, all and cannonade . over. musketry the so night. is It country the Journal, as to when the rights of passenger.-Attorney. K. P. Johnson, Corinne. The insurgents battery at Buttes and the ,P acific Railroad Companies attached The railway kings snap their fingers in D. J. Ttoohy, Corinne. .0 Fitch k Mann, Salt lake City. to or became vested in the lands granted the face of the public, while to conceal Clairmout still holds out. A. lluggan. Salt Lake City, their big earnings they water their stoek, The conflagrations are decreasing ; them by Congress. find tliij Such lick. a a at millions 0. 11. Elliott, Montana street. and " . the engines arriving from the provinces It appear.! that the Interior Depart'5 G. L. Holt, Poet Office Building. ment is to be governed by this opinion policy bears harder 'on the West than on accomplish but little. flankers. be-- A k Daliler Corinne. Con 25. Unsfey, the to in future. It is a reversal of the custom tlie East, however, the communities special London, May Bank of Corinne,' would andTt in weaker every respect, News says that Vinay telegraphs that of that Department in this respect a ing Dilliaid XXnll. of on the be less to seem part justifiable the Hotel Bcllville is occupied. J. C. Kuney, Corinne. custom which has held since 1850, the All Hail and XSxpresa Coaches Stone. Dnlldlng date of the first land grants in aid of corporations "so bountifully subsidized Bell-villthis 12 c atari The insurgents at Sau Antone, P. Winschcll, Fourth street .ranite the lands as and uuuh the peoples money railroads to States or corporations. It by Coruuie. and Montrogue, fight without leadCentral Pacific. But what and Union Brewers. has been held by the Interiur Departers to check tho advance of the k Stowell, Colorado street. Campbell Brewery, City of it? ment heretofore, that the right of the Mou tana Brewery, L P. Winuchell, Fourth street. TO A9TI s Lot us see how it leaves us. House. Bath States or of corporations under these is25. Thiers has Versailles, May I of the ore yet shipped from Utah Saint Louis' Bath Mouse, H. W. P. Spencer, MonFnon THE CARO. sued the following circular: We are grant, did not attach to the lands until was tana street.! and Emma the mine, produced by alter thev had been formally withdrawn Sh masters of Paris, except a small portion. L. Demers, Klrkendslls block. from market through the Rand Office, nearly the same proportion, in our judg- We The 11. A. Gunn, Manufactory, Montana street. The Bar ia Stocked with the Beet occupied the Louvre J. Strauss k Co Montana Street. and that prior to that time they were ment, is likely to exist long enough to Tuillcries of the Palace De Orsov were Bntdrer Sl&opa. or homestead see freights lowered. The Tribune says WINKS, subject to saved. C. D.' partially KirkendaUs P. J. block. Market, Heyfron, folks have tons on the Emma the ur7,000 LIQUORS and North Front street. entry, if surveyed, or as soon as Tho court accounts were wholly in almost R. Martin has contradicted Bismarck CIGAI18. k Son, Montana street. veved. Under this ruling and custom, j dump now, and that they have a contract burned. We have unofficial statement Builders XIaterial. already 12,000 pris- every particular the A3 The table I always supplied with the beet for special rates till the first of August. Mr. Freeman entered a quarler-seetoIV. west D. of la the market. Pnrkburst, depot. London oners. Paris is strewn with Insnrgent telegraphed from Frankfort and in Nebraska, perfected his entry, and as If we are right, or near it, the high tariff Commission. Neatly tarnished room and good, clean Our loss is small. The army of the conditions of the definite treaty I. D. Iluntoon, San Francisco. bed corpses. myZdtf the for the affect does bulk not preseut we understand it, got his patent. It denies that any con- Ellsworth A Soiitham, Ketton. behaved admirably. He France. be will with Justice will be seen that under the new ruling, of the ores to be forwarded. For those Crockery and Glassware. soon satisfied, and vve 'arc happy in the cessions were made, that any part of the SISSOH, WALLACE Ci CO., I. M. Barrett, Montana street. be loses it, and, we infer, his improve-- it does affect, if ihe result is to be, as is midsts of our misfortunes. Montana street. indemnity was remitted, or that the I. Conway, ments. for commonly improvements go claimed, to stop their shipment, behold y Wallace & Co., Montana street. Sisson, immeKausoltoO' A Co., Montana street. Salt Lake, May 25. The Utah German troops were to withdraw with the Dud. It would be strange, the remedy. Even these railroads canCorinne. - - - - Utah. in short, insists that he has i3 Clothing. favordiately Southern Railroad a not progressing retain, long, prohibitory tariff on Ad. Kuhn A Bro., Montana street. however, if a man could be stripped of been consistent to the last in his policy Sisson, the the is Wallace A Co., Montana street. and ably, bullion. grading city through ffvur thousand or one dollars worth of ores ' exactions. JOBBERS IN has He harsh of Dentist. postponed and contracts for gradingare completed, more than other faith in made cannot, They any good upon improvements, the payment of the first installment of Dr. II. Iladley, Montana street. the definite ruling and action of a De- people, kill the goose that lays the let out as far as Cottonwood, which are Druggists. to be completed before the end of tho the indemnity until thirty days after the .T. W. McNutt A Co., Montana street, evil is thus bound The to so office golden Bureau or egg. summarily. partment Versailles army enters Paris, but there llurlbut Bros., Montana street. We are informed that Mr. Hollisters correct itself, and that itself should be month. The supply of iron and a new Doctors. locomotive are en route frorxr the East. has been no remission and no purchase exwithin-the correction of itself, M. D. Section 182 on W. Montana street. possible acres only of 31, J. Graham. entry railroads. still forts of The are Paris 11. K. Painter, Jt. R. Depot. Mrs. PROVISIONS, hibits better than thousands of words Sax Francisco, Mav 25. Wmr H. the 11. K. Roberts, M. D., Salt Lake City. corporate limits of this town secbe held the the to until of payment Smith, former proprietor of the Alhammade under similar circumstances to how gigantic an evil it is. . Dry Good. ond installment of one milliard of francs. Liquons, A this was Montana tnit. if bullion be served ores and Ad. bra Kulm cannot Bro., the held is Mr. Finally, Theatre, morning that' of Freeman, by abroI Montana has commercial been The Fnrwrll. itrw.t. J. treaty rates, let with a writ of examination and attachWuilare A Co., Montana tmt. present Commissioner of the Land Office shipped on account TOBACCO, is an act Sitwoii, this but L. Frauce, Kirkrndall' block. by gated Demon, to be governed by the opinion in the them be reduced to fine metal here. ment for the recovery of a gold watch which will not greatly damage Germany, Directory. CLOTHING, case of Freeman, and is therefore ordered Why not ? All it needs is capital and and chain, in payment of a debt due and cannot benefit France. Sec tlnni Rape of this pnjKr. Geo. We in T. skill. have lived a the of been had Russell, once, formerly Figaro. country to Jc cancelled, although it Farming Implement. HARDWARE, the evil adminis-tratioA. Lowe, near depot. Smith he no of that u states and the absenteeism, ,has by blighted under property, Every person, says Southey, has Geo. passed for patenting GerrUU A Mile, Montana street. of the late Commissioner Wilson, vve know the less there can be of it the and the watch and jewelry be has been two immediate parents, four ancestors AN- DFnrnlaklng Goods. who may be said to have spent his life better. The more business mining can wearing is the property of L. F. Black- in the sccoud degree, eight in the third, Kulm Bros., Montana street. Montana street. and so the pedigree ascends, doubling at Sieeon, Wallace A Co., in the General Land Office, ami should make in Utah, the better times vve shall burn. D. Conway. House furnishing A very fashionable audience attended every step, till in the twentieth genera- Brown and Prior, Chicago. have known as well ns the new incum- have. There is no 'reason whv ores Philip Y adswortli A Co Chicago. bent, or Mr. Delano, or the Attorney should be sent to Swansea or Newark to the Fair at Mercantile Library Hall this tion he has no fewer than 1,030,890 O. I). Richmond, Montana street. fine bullion. There is evening, in aid of the Females J. 2?traua A Co., Montanans trret. HAVING RESIDENT PARTNERS I- Ngrandfathers and grandmothers General, the law and the equity of be reduced to Fast Frelglit. The Fair will continue nothing wanting here to perform that opethe practice of his office. True A new called be the to R Diamond Line. paper Chicago and San Francisco, The Commissioners letter on Mr. Hol- ration but capital and skill, and they will three days. A number of actors and Kirkeiidull. Hugh electnot be long wanting if the ores are what musicians have volunteered their services. Woman, opposed to extending the lister's cac savs : Fruit. IMPORTING DIRECT FROM ive franchise to women, is soon to be L. Ulvnhinm A Co., Montana street. Too-dlewife will in and in believed to be are and Raymond in they appear quantity Mr. Hollister entered the land O. II. Montana street. John McCullough will give his published at Baltimore, under the aus HenryKUiott, Ilenhulter, Montana street. contest April 12th 18GD, built a house quality, which will soon be demonstrated. AND Fumltw.ro. recitation of .Sham us pices of Mrs. Sherman, Mrs. Dalilgren, thereon, and occupied the same from If the high tariff of the railroad on ores celebrated .T. W. Lesher, Montana street. disMrs. and other Catherine. Beecher, and bullion shall force the extraction of OBrieu. 1). Conway, Montana stun t. May 27th to June 3rd ISffi), when lie ladies. tinguished lialf-pain This afternoon, about three Utah, we underOur Ikctlltiea In Trade arc not equalled Groceries. commutedThis eutrv under the 8th see- - the gold and silver will unto have take it been an T. M. Montana street. say that oclock, at the intersection of Folsom tion of the Homestead Act. The land Bamt, by any other House in the country. Wallace A Co., Montana street. Sisson, Win. O and Twenty-thirHearn, streets, Montana is in an odd section of the granted limits qualified blessing. stivet. Stanley llrw. UansohofT A Co., Montana street. Folsom iver on of the a ear street a be Cold ran and lrodttecd dear on C. It. the P. It., lying immediately of G. Goldberg, Montana street. The National Land Company has railroad, attempted to drive across the We Respectfully call the attention JLn yirherr, Henry Leiwes, Fourth street. aaid road, which was in course of L. Demers, North Front street. unthe Denver Neics, since it San Jose Railroad track while the after-- Dellvrr:l O. I. Richmond, Montana street. at the time of Mr. Ilolllstei-- sold, says In nwnntitles dertook the agenev for selling the lands noon train was Day, Allen A Co., Chicago. mom In to suit j? every down. The OF coming the application, facts well known to him. of the Denver Pasilic purchaser city throughout Hardware. in about railway, the struck and killed car, both, engine His entry, however, was based upon the Oerrish A Miles, Montana street. JOHN fourteen months, 72,828 03 acres for horses and the By and Huntington, Hopkins A Co., F.urumento. driver, completely - Orders from ahnxul solicited, 'ts A !.ground that the lands along that portion 31 o u O I H of 88, independent agreements demolished the car. No one else was on Hotels. of the route had not at that time been 8273,043 for over fifty thousand acres upon which the car at the time but the Metropolitan Mulsh A Grccncwnld, Proprietors, couductor, definitely withdrawn from entrvy or loca- Montana street. TO OUR no payineut has been made. In less and he River House, K. A. Stalin, Proprietor, oppoThe blame entireBear lies withsaid from this escaped. orders office, & tion, by Bath Barber House, site the Depot. Shop than four months it has sold, at the ly with the driver. Corinne House, Robt. Colwell, Proprietor, oppodrawal not taking effect until May 24th, Denver office, 10.800 10 acres for the site Diamoud R depot. Salt Lake, May 25. The voluptu- H. W. P. SPENCER, - - Propr. Masonic 186).- - The Secretary of tin Interior, Thio Point! House. George Chaplow, Proprietor, North Large Stock Pacific Railway company, for ous Kansas street. Front friend our of under date of 29th ult., in the case of eorporosity thirsty Silver Star Hotel, Lewis Silvers, Proprietor, MonIn proportion to time, sales $82,310.10. tana street. in the ! visible was Daniel Freeman, vs. the U. P. IL II., Donnelly city HOT AND COLD BATHS AND Salt Lake House, Tihlen A Lawrence, Salt Luke for the latter have been most rapid, a lascivious smile bloomed y o decided that the right of the railroad atupon his anCity. Oflfcr them our Goods at as lov figure whilst tho average price per acre realJohn Mahon, Ogden, Utah. gelic countenance as he gazed tranquil- Dladam Spencer will personally re Ogden House, taches from date of filing in the office of Ice. ized ha. been much larger. as can he laid down litrefrom ceive Ladles dealring Baths. the Secrctar ot the Interior a map ly at tjie retreating train which should M. House, John Ilefl. have removed his carcass from our MONTANA STREET, any Market. - Insurance. CORINNE. showing the definite location of the road-TThe new article of food, Ivoumis, Corinni' Rmnoli of the Great Western, W. II. Glas Q midst; unfortunately for the hotel keepprinciple involved in that case is cott. Agent. introduced into England and the ers he will remain until lately when identical witlfthat in this. In this case Int. Rev. Collector. from United States from Germany, is of Tar- it is W Orders promptly filled. Farrli Defiance will O. he resume Office, Bonk of Corinne. J. manufactory, that Cigar Hollister, the map showing the definite location of earnestly hoped Montana com lag to Corinne, re requested v tar origin, and in its original form is his Lumber. nis No. 174 Water St. NEW TOBK. D. W. Pnrkburst, west the C. P. R. K., was filed July 24th, pilgrimage to the junction. of depot. to call and examine Stock and Prices. made by fermenting mares milk and classic beauty and captivating mauuers 18f7, and that of the U. P. II. II. Dec. Liquors. it during the process. Cows have created a delicious sensation in 0 BRANDS Sam. L. Tiblals, cor. Fifth and Montana street. 14th, 18G8, both prior to Mr. Hollister's agitating milk is used as a substitute. The result the hearts of the fair A Co., Kansohoflf TheJAonf Defiance, sex, and we fear PRINCIPAL I. M. Barrstt, application. Therefore in view of the of the treatment is a mixture of Jt'aletaff, XTnivereal Standard, OFFICES A Co., Sacramento, alcohol, will visit the his result deUnduly of eh ton, prove anything Power Fa of Shccvhh, present ruling of the Department, I A Leonard Con Sweet, Chicago. dicarbonic acid, lactic acid, and finely 336 California C treed, San Tranclsco but beneficial. Should he conclude to cide that his entry. should be canceled. Jitg Thing, The Golden Eagle Sisson, Wallace A Co., Montana streot. vided easeine and butter, with the resi- remain few ' Stanley Bros., , 3T Second Street. Sacramento. a This decision will, of course, govern days longer, the vigilantes Pelican, Gatne Booeter, j due of the sugar and salts of the milk, will Stables. Tender, Tapttee, Livery Legal be called upon for assistance. 45 the entry of the late Mr. Oflley, made at j Chicago. Avenue, Michigan Front street. Hnrdonbrook Bros., Tins Lone Star, in taste resembling a mixture of chamK. Tagcrt, Montana street. J. the same time and under the same cirf . El JtTeehlnto, and cream, and supposed, as the Mechanics. Another instance of the purchase and cumstances as that of Mr. Hollister, and pagne Gulliver, W. W. and Plasterer. Tartars are very athletic, to be conducive sale of a wife has been revealed in Eng- And various other brands of tho Choicest Cigars. II. II. Hull, Bricklayer Cs Shepherd, House and Sign Painter. adjoining the land entered bythc latter to health and a niy(t-illand. The woman, who applied to the preventive of phthisic. ou the north, where Mr. Howe lives. Machinery. J. C. Thomas Agricultural Geo. A. Lowe, near the STAGE Ci EXPRESS LINE stipendiary magistrate for relief, stated N. Kaxady, depot. It simplifies titles here and hereabouts Steam Engines Hawkins A Cartrell, San Francisco had a great time at Greelev, on that her They dewho had recently purchaser, to some extent, but there is still no OSCEOLA SALOON FROM Newspaper Agents. the 15th, celebrating their first anniver- serted her, bought her of her husband See third page of this paper. chance of getting title to any railroad AND sary. Mr. Meeker of the Tribune, pre- tweuty-fiv- c Powder. years ago ratifying the tranland, in, or out of town, because, ns we A. W. Taylor, Montana street. and Gen. Cameron delivered the saction by sided, standing in that gentlemans explained recently, the title of all of it is oration. Pianos. TO the facts out Among shoes for a few moments. brought MONTAKA ST., - - CORINNE, in dispute between the two railroad comJ. Bauer A C, Chicago. by him was the statement that there are VIRGINIA CITY. XKST DOOR TO THE MKTBOPOUTAX HOTEL. Pickets. panies. D. W. near now fitly miles of irrigating ditches, Parkhurst, depot. Loan Amberly, who has lately been These decisions will be of interest from HELENA, which supply 447500 a Ires with water. troubled about the rapid growth of popuPrinting. stocked with toe Dally Journal Office, Filth street. is bar always Omaha to Sacramento, and that they ,l brands of ' AND There are mills and water powers, and lation in England has had the temerity The will ever be over-rulein our Restaurant. is, judg- there are from and Cigars, Wines, Liquors FORT BRUTON, 5,000 to 10,000 acres of to suggest that some means be invented Occidental H. F. Fuller, Proprietor, Montana st. direct from San Francisco, Cala. ment, very doubtful. J and enforced of having. small families; grain under cultivation. Rubber Boots. 'MONTANA Silk. Culture. The Silk Growers a A the number of Champagne Cocktail Breeden 8outhwick, New York. Speciality. A New Paper. It affords us much three, it seems, being Soda Fountain. Company at Mission San Jose, says the pleasure to add to our Carrying tthe t list tho children that his Lordship considers de GIVE US A CALL. 6 exchange J Oakland Transcript of May 33d, planted Daily Journal, lately started at Montana The street. Arctic, sirable in a family. 3Xnil KANADY A THOMAS, Props. Mer& f Messrs. out this year 80,000 mulberry trees Utah, by Kenyou niy2d:Jm AND A route from New York to Halifax by from one to four years old, all of which rick. Frauk Kenyon is well and favor Alhambra, North Front sheet, Ned Lewis, propri- .. . in CANTRELL. known this Territory, ami is a rail will save two days time to Liver VM. HAWKINS. T. G. prietor. are growing well. They are now feed- ably OocyoU. Montana street, Kanady A Thomas, pro- VcIlo, man oilong experience. The Ci Goo Express newspaper prietors. f ) ing 300,000 silk worms, all annuals, and Journal is decidedly neat looking, 'ably pool. Such a road will be completed by HAWKINS Ci CANTRELL, Casino, Montana street, Hrtl A Ffehhack, prop' Union Bakery, Montana street. Geo. Ilsnf; prop'r. and will be called of the yellow, white and greeu varieties. conducted and wide awake. We wish October to St. Johns, t mms coicars leave corinne PAIL'! They do this not for the purpose of mak-iu- g for it abundant success. Acalanche , the European and North American Montana Idaho. street. Silver Citp, A for E'cv C3d Fort Benton, Montana,.of ft0b George Bond, and to Halifax a few1 months Railway,, money, but for the information of both way' 212 Deale 210 9 Street, T 6- r Centra Stage Lino. later. the surrounding fanners, who take an nry, to Manta, !" The first number of the Corinne (U. SAB FHABCI3CO, Gilmer k Bear Qewaid, iuterest in this subject and who desire to T.) Daily , s, Cswingllarhlnss. Good jE&k Journal, published by KenThe Grand Jury of Upson County, in MANUFACTURERS OF Wilcox k Gibbs, CSdcsgo. ; , ; learn how to treat the worms to make yon !t Merrick, has been received. It " : : find s' the bill for the promotion ' Georgia, r is a column its and xk twenty-foutheir feeding profitable.. fx paper, ixxea, Nea Coaches, i a dazz a clear letter press pleases tne eye at first of education in that State such . and all kinds of -r .. r 5 Tuk first spika of the Northern Paci- glance. Its articles and news items are ling nuisance that it has presented it to TIM& L. UMsm QUICK well is all and deit written, A . 174 Water street, New Yoffiu just the Circuit Court as an evil seriously together ... Mill an4 .Mining Machinery. Baasohsar fic Railroad was driven at Knlamu, Oresuch a paper as will tbrive in anv appreACo.,RattUa sheet. the mut of fcsgisla HnsmiznuKW, Agent, gon, on the 19th inst., with appropriate ciative community. ' Omaha Tribune, manding the attention S. B. Jobbing d Repairing dam with DUpateh. , . ' coring ture. ceremonies. Geo. A. Lows, near depot? j May 9th. myStf I i re-wat- nAiin Britton, i, Travclopa will Houuo Equal to any in tho Territory. . oil-trai- Vcr-saillist- s. Seven-eighth- to-da- y. t pre-emptio- n FREE BU8S . t n j 1 j j GROCERIES, of-hig- h t e Chinese Goods. I Lving-in-IIospita- l. t i s. CHINA JAPAX ! st -- Ice! Ice!! Ice!!! d -co- nstruction s irElL. 24-t- t a n a Don f SAINT LOUIS 4 m at to-da- y; -- - he my2-d:l- m. rr t -o--o- -- i I my2-dt- . Gilmor m CLUB ROOMS, . Salinburys t I i J d, f , . United States Co-rinr.- e, . f -.' ! i Fcttd MACHINE WORKS, t V a ' Sioa sails ? ll . . I nr w , e e V . $ , r myiteit X ; . |