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Show P f' A P " , 4 r v. v. V uM . ( t A, wyk? 1 ' fir . .. . ' I . i . ' ,J " r " i r r .u it ,sr ' X-- i . ' f 4 I " . " f 2,00 T more are stek and the ittajority Ox liist Saturday, the 20th inst., acHofeij Some days three hundred will - die. Territorial the to or announcement, cording People vlitltlox tbl city to tndc, ieN3I hr odeaths have occurred, y ffooiator 4xii igluiythigj from Central Committee of the Liberal party n sw.ci uir ros the coanexe iultjocexaJ. Wrf COS' Sax Fkaxcisio, May- 22. Wide the follow! Eg list ValirAie for Tuesday Morning, May 23, 1871. in Utah, met at Salt Lake City. A geu-erliY TilK AIL VS Tie ANX PACIFIC OOMPAAY. THef 5 aod liouonJtly npo rely Mag the will advrrtl of Club first B. B. Awake Prcjrieto: othe of play attendance from all parts to or e of go purtfc. a cst rat with Atlantic Club on Sat- ty going v i ruling any thp match this game being county . 22. Mr. T red hard. Teiritory roponded, Lttdeaqr. AVasiiixgtux, May receipt l Rev. S.'B. and Monatlin Fotelc M. aftetjrtiootu Johns Wm. Academy Col. Rocky urday has French obtaiued leave from represented by Minister, cook PrUndpal.T h Gov. Gibbs of Oregon arrived At 2 oclock the meet-in- '' his Government to return to France. E. P. John-oAaMyers. GEO. "Salt Lake, May 22. Qualities of bul- Tieraen WUliaiBMn, Salt Lke City. L'r.VU. vwis called to order iu lau-- t s Ilall, CORINNE,, Prominent Senators say that the delion are being regularly shipped from L. F' bv ,J. M. Orr, Chairman, when the roll bate on the pending treaty has been Attorney. d E. 1. Johnson, Corinne. 1 Seere-A Buel works Bateman of the the was called by Judge' Spicer, smelting 1). J. Toohy.'Corinm. with jierfect fairness, and thut , Fitch A Munn?thlt Lnke City. six added or Five teams were in new members Bingham Canyon. tary. Several none fellow members have show u of their A. JlngKEU, Unit Lake City. full the toward interior Mountain Ropky J.it AV. ; t every day loaded for this tQ the or;r..nixation, on account of the the least regularly pass Books deand to Stationery. disposition unnecessarily tlu deelr)eineut and mcof it, rich r 0. II. Elliott, Montana atnwt. Lpreaa of Liberal views aud increase in J. x city with from twenty to seventy heavy 11. fiual action. L. Holt, Punt Ofltcv Building. aricd,YCSOurcca. Eoilowing the white jtbc mimb(.r ()f citizens who, wherever lay ' Bankers." nuy The treaty was considered as in Com- bars of bullion to each team. B. F. (4 sailed emigrant train-- , came in due counlaws of the the sustain wni A Corinne. Dnhlcr Co., lliuuwy, IocaUty iik mittee of the Whole, and was Bank of Corinne, V the .,t The Approaching Lanuch of the Coinmitlee to prepare and pub-th- e ting the tn J : OS in the Senate. Several amendreported Hall.. Corinne. Billiard of City 'telegraph, the railroad, and now of to the .l)kiiess Utah, tiou! ,m people All Mall and Express Coache ments will be offered, hut no alterations Our neighbors across the Lake arc in J. C. liuney, Corinne. a fine rteatner is to be humchrd in the-- e Httdcn Col. of with Stone. Johns, from this House. start .ipi0inted, Bnlldlng made. and state of a anticipation pleasant ClWl, waters, the comfuence- riuneN ajJ chairman. The address is to Jv ) Oranlte, E. P. YYbuebell, Fourth atreet the coming.. launch of a UtahCorinne. An effort ' . eitement over tea g has made a to take lecn mentno doubt, of a thriving and pros-- ! i(. puini-Lo- d . regular steamboat of the stern wheel per . as soon as possible, and vote on Brewers. ? the ratification, is urgueit suasion? vvliicb i to convert the jKri)us navigati m, the full and rounded beior0 ti1L. August elections. All issues city of Cifv Rrewery.Caiupliell A Stowell, Colorado atreet. 1' L Hi this that can done without detriment le ' Montana Bros cry, K. I Wiiwchell, Fourth atreet. sea TO AND Coriuue inlaud veritable into betho-- e a it would ol port. seem, couiplinmnt. o.iuns tclati.ig to party difference all,j House. tjio Batk to Immense preparations are being made public interest. rxi nificent agencies which op-- n a new Jn ot,M.r state s anil Territories, says the Saint Lonirf Rath House, II. W. P. Spencer, Monseries a the to eeut Tin Oor: signalize Executive Department is anxious by unique tana street. country to : f'ttlemcnt, the Jirt otep in j of hut c cuing, are by unani- - that Minister which ,Vcr and brilliant of festivities, joyous Boots and Shoe. Schenck shall have in pos- will he in-tiir of human it into a hive inhabij in all the "tranoformiug by participated lllous (.orient to be ignored iu the L. Demers, KirkcndelT block. Jnr session a ratified his to ett treaty Is previous Best Storked the The Bar tants of the Territory that can make it 11. A. Onnn. MannfaCtory, Montana street. In the midst (1. M. and ha jiine-s- . which Democrats and Republicans A CV Montana Street. Mm Strauss J. for on occasion. the on be convenient to London, departure Wednesday present r.s rumor.,, more or le- - well founded, of alike arc called upon to engage iu Batcher Shops. been extended to all the have Invitations next. ,vrC. P. Market, D. J. Ileyfrou, Kirkendall'a block, vast railroad enterprise, looking to no again, t the and oligarchy which distinguished men of the country, and Earl informed etreot. North Senators that I)e Front Grey CIOAIlN Ktl ls? than the extension of the two over- reigns over the masses. we have no doubt there will be an as- R. Martiu k Son, Montana street. Jin ' in ratified treaties the are England by r. land railroads which meet here acro-- s Builders Material. 4Hr The tahlo is always supplied with the sembly present worthy of the oeeuiion. in be market. and that the ratification cannot is V. west be ball Crown, the of a to 1). There Tm:r.i: at was vct some Op1'aikhuret, depot. splendid unpleasantness the continent in cither direc tion, we may OS" Neatly furnished rooms sad good. cln be- - era House in the evening, where the Commission. violated set aside or bv Parliament tlm tween and the tails. Treasury Department a moment for gratulathm at ntyitr D. Ilnnfooii, San Francisco. fore whom the treaties are laid for ratifi- youth and beapty of Corinne and the 1.Ellsworth Internal A this" on Kelton. this" which Bureau, Southum, new entciprU, Uc'enqe point, the starting of will bcV to clmsc the cation : therefore the Treaty of Wash- - Capitol moments gathered, WALLACE A CO, .IfM and Glassware. Mr. Pleasanton that it Crockery a was SISSON, with nimble footsteps. affects n. bolding more innuodiatelv fleeting Mar , M. street. Montana Rarrctt. I. ratified in counafter this ml will be a supper also, and prob- 1). Conway. Montana street. botli equity and justice te tax- iugton, There of matter being j ,i fir.-att Ti h 'fliis, by the wav, is not the Montana k strei't. all lmllace sorts Co., and of the Crown Sinon, and of ably speeches, pleasant lLinsoliotf A. Co., Montana street. Senate, by the payers that he should decide as he did, try by - Ctulu Corinne t'Miipt of curiodtv or enterprise to ex- and entertainments. Corinne. - Altogether, -Canqil should even Parliament England, this though that entersame was opinion thc-Clothing. be e to inland on a place jolly promises Tuesday plore and make c of A Bro., Montana street. tained by a large majority of the mem- be opposed to it, will have the same force next a pi are. it will be found good for Ad. Kuhn waters. Soverab of the explorers of the Sisson, W ulliue k Co., Montana street. JOBBERS IN bers of the Finance. Committees of both and effect intended by its terms. our readers to be in. Dentist. , la.-- t score and a half of tear have inWe understand that the United Slates Dr. II. Hadley, Montana striet. Loxnox, May 22. Dispatcb.cs from solitudes in the homes of Congress, when they were vaded tlmir officials here have accepted a cordial inVersailles report three formidable brear-h-inDrnfgglsts a iked in regard to the subject. Corinne to .T. IV. McNutt k Co., Montana street, citizens from of vitation interests of science and of (io eminent. ttye batteries on the slope of Mount After the above decision had been honor the occasion wirh their presence. lliirllmt Bros., Moutaha street. JVrh.ipj we should rather say in the fiwhich Doctors. have fire the on opened Many will contemplate the building ltered of the pioneers. The public docu- rendered, however, Mr. Boutwell wrote C. W. rati am M. D. Montana strict. ramparts of Antcril, the quarter where charms of the youthful .city on Tuesday .T. PROVISIONS, Mrs. H. K. Painter, K. K. Depot. ments of the country contain the results a letter to Commii.iioner Pleasanton set- the A first for time. of the number large Government all to R. It. Roberts, M. D., &ilt Lake City. are ready troopi of these investigations. At a later date, ting forth what action the Law Depart- storm the our citizens will also make a trip to the Dxy Goods. city. new- - port, to witness the slide of the LIQAOUS, A. D. 18 lift, in fact, Gen. Connor built a ment had taken in the dispute, concluding Ad. Kuhn k Ilro., Montana street. from all Paris that Dispatches its into native to and report steamboat .1. : element, I. Harwell. Monbuia street. Concurring in this opinion the attacks of Kate as follows steamer, wliich he named the Sisson. Wallace k Co., Montana street. the the the Versailles stern on of TOBACCO, gaze mysteries troops upon M I have to request that you will issue the L. Demers, KirkeiuLiUs block. Conner, to bring tics, telegraph poles, and the and wheel ; engines, high and pressure were repulsed. Saturday, directions to the officers of in- Friday s necessary all and lumber from the cainons outfits craft. Directory. south a the of of CLOTHING, y Pin There was heavyv lighting vesterdavy on We I IImiw to acknowledge the courtesy of See third page of thin paper. beg the Lake to the continental railroad ternal revenue for the assessment and the we and it southwest, but according to our Corinne friends in extending us an Farming Implements. builders. The boat was to small to be collection of the taxes in question from the Communes HARDWARE, Oeo. A. Lowe, near dejnit. was festivities in it without the imitation to reports X Allies, Montana street. participate Oerrisli unthe and liable Corl persons corporations of much service, yet it is entitled to the of the day. If we are not deprived of ' results. l4UAND important Goods. Fnrnlshlng honor of being lir.,t in the field. Some der the ruling of the Attorney General." officers on Mont Matrc battery our sea legs we shall be on hand, readye Kuhn Bros.. Montana atreet. The to listen to a vara from the saltiest efforts were made in 1S99 to induce the Pleasanton immediately proceeded to claim to have dismounted he SNson, Wallace k Co., Montana atreet. of guns addition- House furniihiug D. Conway. to the hall. isiue hand, a which sets forth the that mildly splice circular, town to take an interest in the Kate Brown and Prior. Versaillists the Genncvillo. at Chicago. the main the al sun crosses brace as k Co., Chicago. Conner to keep her afloat and in use, decision of the Attorney General revokes Philip ff and vil- fore yard, and in other wavs to ex- O. Malako of The inhabitants D. Richmond, Montana street. BE.SIDKXT rAttTIKIlK IN II but they failed because the boat was to the previous ruling by himself on this hibit our love for purely nautical delights. J. Strauss & Co., Montana atreet. arc and near lages Montroge, Vangesard which and concludes We arwhat have not learned subject, by yetstating small to answer any large purpose. Fast have been made to transport Diamond R Line. Freight. that Collectors and Assessors will govern flying from their dwellings. rangements Chicago and San Francisco, In 1ST0 Ioades and veins of the 22. The Versailles exeur.ihmi.sts tor and from Corinne, but Hugh Kirkcitdail. May Veilsaili.es, themselves in accordance with this ruling metals wore discoered throughout forces entered Paris at four oclock this we presume a notice will appear in due Fruit. IMPORTING DIRECT FROM of the Attorneyy General. L. Lelsnitmum k Montana atreet. Co., time be found column. and a wide, scope of country hugging the injiuother aHeijioon. o. Montuna atreet. II. Elliott, Salt Lake Tribune. souihvvcstcrn shore of the lake, a section The entrance was effected s'multanc-oa-.l- v Ihury Deuhalter, Montana atreet. Cavanaugh ox the Stump. The c Furniture. not less than 100 miles square, and .so Montana Delegate, and all the Montana at two points of the gate of St. Tin: decision ready red by Judge K. T. W. Leaher. Montana alreet. situated as to he reached more easiiv politicians for that matter, have been at Cloud, near Point Dejur, at the gate Darwin Smith, of the Rochester District I). Conway, Montana street. ami cheaply from Corinne by boat than Deer Onr facilities In Trade arc not equalled Groceries. of the Now York Supreme Court, in the Lodge lately in consultation, and Montroge, on Boulevard Bruno. M. I. in any other way. The enterprising the Xeic Xurthuest Barratt, Montana atreet. The insurgents have abandoned the Albany & Susquehanna . Railroad case by any other House fn the eoautiy reports Mr. CavaSisson, Wallace k Co., Montana atreet. citizens of the place, quick to perceive naugh as follows : has been affirmed by the general term Stanley Bros., Montana street. ramparts. -- ok Co., Montana strwt. and improve the situation, began to agi22. have Dissensions of that district iu all its substantial (J. Goldberg, Montana street. Madrid, May lie boldly and defiantly; conllV Jiesprrlfulhj rail the attention Henry Leiae, Fourth rtnwt. tate the putting of a good boat on said ceded spoke and out broken the between Government : That (he firm of Gould, that the politicians were again.it L. DemeY, North Front street. points, . D. Rieitmond, Montana street. we see the result. On him, but appealed from them to the the Chamber of Deputies. route, and Fisk, Barnard, and David Dudley Field Day, Allen k Co., Chicago. OF investigation they found it more of nil masses, and predicted that, despite all, THE VERY LATEST DISPATCHES. were engaged in an unlawful conspiracy Hardware. would he and be renominated as elected oto steal ;i railroad ; that, tlii s being their (lerri-l- i & Miles, Montana dnsd. undertaking than they were well placed lie profiled embarrassment Delegate. M1DNJGIIT REPORTS. ultimntcX aud comprehensive intention, Huntington, Hopkins k Co., Sacramento. to attempt themselves, although there is in speaking of himself, notwithstanding AX o oHotels. no doubt they would have done so had his irietid Claggett had inadvertantly reSalt Lake, May 22. The Central the use of any incidental measures to Metropolitan Mulsh k (Iroetiewuld, Proprietors!, had not Mr. Fox Diefendorf and others, made marked that lie (Caranaugh) Montana street. Pacific train robber, Geo. Ellsworth alias that end, such as ihe votes of Boards of TO 01 R the process of courts of Bear River House, E. A. 8tnh n. Proprietor, opjo-sit- c or their advent jiiat fn the nick e and chock like an old Government mule. Lee Directors, the Depot. lie asserted that Grant is honest and Morgan, whilst on the way from grai'ied under some inadvert Corinne House, Bold. Colwell, Proprietor, oppoproposed to do it for them, on condition earnest but applied the Greeleyian Cache Valley to this city escaped from justice site Diamond R depot. aueef must he regarded in the light of of certain nsi,tance, being the payment anathema to "Ids surroundings;" was the Thio Point! Masonic House, UeorgeCliuplow, Proprietor, North Large Stock of Rockwell, who arrested the end had in view, and as tainted with custody street. Front on Congress, with a few perof 36,000 bonus by the. town to the build him on Saturday, and has not yet been the same fraud. Hence all their techni- Silver Star Hotel, Lew is Silvers, Proprietor, Mon?r sonal street. exceptions, such as Xye, Beck, rs of the boat, and the agreement calities were swindles, aud their legal Salt tana AND Lake House, Tilden k Lnwrenco, Salt Lake Butler, Mavnar.l, ct al.; predicted that recaptured. were mere devices of a thief purpoints City. thereupon by the latter to have her Hendricks would be the next President; New York, May 22. A special corOffer them onr Goods at a low figure his crime of grand larceny. The Ogden House, John Mahon, Ogden, Utah. ready by the opening of the business asserted that the Toole men did not Jove respondent at Versailles, last night tele- suing Stftii court set arido Ihe judgment for $92,00(1 Ice. as can be laid down here from season, and to snub her at no landing-- Toole but bated Cavanaugh bccauselie in favor below M. court costs Ileil. House, John granted Wythe graphs the full particulars of the manner on the northern shore of the lake but was an Irish Yankee; counseled the & Gould, and any Market. Fisk of I ns nrauee. against Itaniiay not to look for any division in which the Government forces entered so leaves each Glsis-Republicans Braneh of the Omit Western, W. II. i' --othat of Corinne. party to' pay his own Corinne iu the Democratic party, a 3 there would Paris. ott, Ag nt. costs. It imports not to tell the subsequent be none ; and again appealing from the Int. Rev. Collector. ... SrS" Orih-rCap I. Terego, of the navy, went from promptly Ailed. Purchaser from 0. J. Office, Bank of Corinne. mas.-eHollister, to invited the politicians everyiu detail. The size and proceedings Montana coming to Corinne, are requested There is a lady residing in Brooklyn Lumber. to call upon him at the Arling- the trenches to the ramparts at Port Du body the of to so boat be the loves little chirping sparrows launched style D. W. Pnrkhurst, west of depot. to call and examine Stock and Prices. , ton, Washington City, District of Colum- Jour, and finding that the insurgents much that she feed to never the strength and fitness of her machi- bia," neglects Liquors. any time after December 1st, 1871. had retired, took 200 sailors and took them. In Owater Sam. L. Tildmls, cor. Fifth aud Montana street. a of weather tin frosty ' lie the and would take as nery, of the gate-Delegate The other is pleasure thoroughness of her make, the always with crumbs that are strewn T. M. Bart A Co., showing them round. Mr. Cavanaugh PRIKCIPAL OFFICES i and bef re beauty of her shape, and her elegant in one was followed, for any them, and she has gon to some lit- Linddy k att, was generally good lmturcd, abstaining, troops Co., Hacraincntn, tle expense in having a m mature ce- Sweet, A Co., Chicago. finishing and luxurious furnishing, with one or two SHI6 CaUfornla from any aware the entry had commenced. exceptions, Street, San Francisco. W alluce A Con Montana street. Sisson, made foot a the of mented resivoir at for althemselves all to speak beholders, Not a rifle was fired nor a man severe personal denunciations or epithets. Bros., 37 Second Street, Sacramento. sapling opposite her house, where they Stanley though thev mav not tell that the coat wounded. The whole thing was unex- bath Stables. flutter to their hearts delight. and Livery 45 Mtehian Avenne, has .outrun the estimate .50 to 10 per Chicago. A trial of the new Westing-housHurdetibrook Bros., Front atreet. air pected. The white Hag was hung at R. Tagert, Montana atreet. J. ' m cent, and that, with no bad luck, tin brake was made on the Kansas Pacific Autenil. TO-DA- Y. Mechanics. boat will not have to be hauled out for Railroad, near Armstrong, recently. W. W. Hull, Bricklayer and Plasterer. Another brigade of Versaillists has II. H. Shepherd, House and 8lgu Painter. in ten Ilie first trial was made at a speed of entered Port Montroge, and troops are repairs years. & BARTHOLOMEW CO.S Machinery. miles an hour, and the train was pouring down on both points. She is to le called The Citvy f lifty-ffc- e STAGE & EXPRESS LINE Gen. A. Lone, near the depot. Agrieuittirul It is reported that the Are de is 12(5 feet long, 28 feet stopped in six seconds from the applicaSteam Kiigiaes Hawk ill Cart ml I, Han Fraarise Corinne, FROM has bceu reached, and that the Newspaper Agents. beams, about 2J0 tons burthen, and cot tion of the brakes. In the second trial See third Hige of this pjKr. miles an hour, insurgents made hut slight resistance. 25,000. She was designed more espe- the speed was twenty-fivPowder. AND A. W. Taylor, Montana street. cially for a freight boat, but 1ms elegant and the train was stopped in about two The guns on the ramparts have been TO hundred feet. In the second trial fif- turned on. the Communist, Pianos. incluaccommodations for k Bauer J. Co., Chicago. VIHOIXIA CITY, Seventy thousand men are under Issv, ding saloon, state rooms, cooking teen miles per hour was the speed, and ' Y ? PlelMts. . and was the less in train are thousand than its Xo doubt she D. W. Furkhurst, nar dept. forty stopped moving on the range and dining-roomHEI.KXA, t ! own II w ' be followed, when she shall have length. open gates. Printing. ' ' Dsiily Journal Office, Fifth street. AND A late y made the town of Salt Lake popular private dispatch announces LILLIPUTIAN TRICK HOUSES! , Restaurant. '' the we From Lake Tribune Salt learn f that .Government troops now hold all v'poaT BEBTOB, Occidental II. f. Fuller, Proprietor, Montana nt. among over-lantraveler, by purely ' I t is that near to Goats, Provo, Rawlings, Camp Equestrian Rubber Boots. , prominent points, and the Committee of passenger boats." Educated .MONTANA be evacuated, and, we infer, abandoned. Safety ask terms of surrender. Breeden A Hoathwlck, New York. a Traineti Dogs and Monkeys! Soda Fountain. . Tiie Nevada State Journal says the A company of capitalists are organizing the May 22. Eighty thouCarrying Yersuli.es, New in York to TTe a build Montana street. Arctic, gauge sand Versaillist, troops have entered YntoniMhins Performers, mining prospects of the whole country from railroad Lake Salt to :i City Ophir. west of the lloekv Mountains arc of the Paris. Witty(Clown, ' ' North Front street, Ned Lewis, pronri- : Allianibm, A AND THE new AND street, running at right angles most encouraging nature. From almoit Gen. Cluseret is ,now is tried. prietor. beirig t with Co,nnicrcial 'troett castwanl to East Thomas, pro. tnt' ( Aery district on the coast we have re - ! A sharp cannonade is heard; doubtCvCac Express Vclic, is be to Cio'ino St. Mootima .street; A Temple Hell opened. street, less against the barricade near the Arc Flshtoek, ports of new and rich discoveries. The prop's, tmoi. Bakery, Montana treet. Geo. Ilarif, ,rui)r. placers of Idaho and Montana promise Mails Church Society are to hold sen de Trioinphe. I 14 t1 i ' ' r, in hereafter 'Vf r ' i t DAltT the basement their of J) better returns than for vears, while the disNew. York, May 22. The latest CORINNE T12? George Bond, Montana street. i r (Pf new Church on South First Street. The r lidna .aari Fort Bsatou. Motitans, " deep gravel mi ties of California never that the insurgents threat- cc Line. patches report Stage will edifice be not for use for completed panned out better. Good coal mines Gilmer A 8a!lsbui to Montana, t en to fight behind the barracades in Paris too Xumeroue to Xovetttos two or a host three months vet. of jLnd hae been near Ogden, in and declare they will not surrender, but Mention. Sewhag GeodXSS;- $ A Gibbs, Chicago. Wilcox L tab, also in Napa County, California, A French lady, on her arrival in this all indications are that the worst of, the fs" i V Hay 25th, and 26th. near the line of the railroad. On the country, was careful to cat only such L Holfmun, MontanaTatSds. street. is over, and that no more blood struggle I;: v r ntole we think our people have reason dishes as he was acquainted with, and will be : .S' , , spilled. needlessly ' TIME- to congratulate themselves upon the being on one occasion pressed to parv - $1 OO The latest advices from- - Buenos Ayres ADinSSION, QUICK take of a dish new to her, she politely ' ' SO A Children, encouraging prospects of The coming replied: No, I thank you, I eat only statc that 25,039 out of a population, of DiWnw ATiir irEjnjinis'oN, Agent, 7 o!ok ; Perfyrumnc at com- ojyn season. e. eS acquaintances. at va Jlien hn that "N uiyJTUil dL,l of 209,090, CORIWWE. Geo. A. Lod e, oeordef ft .JFvq!!ow fever, TELEGRAPHIC! CQBltlNE DAILY JOURNAL. T mt-ron- -- - al oppidan tii vil -- -- 2 : CCj7A3TnEET, -- ! to-nig- ht. n. t u eon-ducte- -- a4 ' - Tmvclora will lliil - Houho Kquttl to ho Territory, -- s j ve.-terd-ay pony-expres- j, I age-coac- , d if j J I J FliKK ; j 1 BUHH -- j Faon ran cabs. j con-lustr- y 1 1 4 V WINES, LIQUORS ve - It- - la-- a be-we- i ll ' j I v m-- my-terio- ns g Ya-lerie- GROCERIES, n, .. J 1 first-clas- r - ) Chinese Goods. for-catl- j Wad-wor- I th kya - ! pre--cio- , as CHINA ANI) JAPAN D Ran-'olio- (J to-w- P A , tr it to-da- y t t -- ontunn Donl r -- 4 of-tim- at over-sever- e , s s, to-da- v, -- pos-esiio- n c Ran-olio- lf d e tf NIdW Tri-ompl- ie Gilmer & Salisburys MINIATURE CIRCUS, NEW, NOVEL, e -- pas-enge- t 'I ASTONISHING! rs, Wonderful Children I 4 1 ' . - . d f t1 t , Bear, r " ot United Staten Mulls 5 f, . Wonder of the World, A I: " ic-- e , ' t .. 0-;- ;antana Fcrcb TpK Great Performing Elk ; , ed A ? i A i -- v 1 ; pT A -- J AV I toy: s i Ji t'f - A if 4 A i J t t t iZt'? i 4, -- 4 A : c |