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Show Rich McGee, Dorothy Carver Married In Grace Ceremony Wedding rites were solemnized Saturday evening in the Bannock stake house which united in marriage Miss Dorothy Carver, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Denton Carver, and Rich McGee, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard McGee of Preston. The double ring ceremony was performed by Bishop Howard Johnson of the Grace Second ward under a large arch trimmed with white bells and blue ribbon. The bride chose a white satin sheath dress with a lace overlay adorned with white daisies and her short veil was attached to five petals below the crown which was adorned with crystals and white She carried a crescent of pink roses and carnations trimmed with blue rib- SOCIABLE CITIZEN r: ;.y June zu, DON GREAVES Mr. and Mrs. Nick Rust are leaving soon for Stockton, Calif., where they will make their home. Births JUNE 10 Mr. and Mrs. David Preston, girl. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Preston, boy. JUNE 11 Go-light- Mr. and Mrs. Kay Anderson, Winder, boy. SOCIABLE CITIZEN Mr. and Mrs. Frank Condi e and four children of Tempe, Ariz., returned home Saturday after a visit of two weeks here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Condie and Mr. and Mrs. Justin Ericksen. Mr. Condie will attend summer school at the Arizona State University and plans to teach at the USU this fall. Sludged engines? cum OIL III MUITO STANDARD innu huum of Standard Oil Company California they never fight back i'?V-'Sii5.w.i,--i-Lii---.- v : '. ROSALEE PREECE Mr. and Mrs. Myron Preece announce the engagement of their daughter, Rosalee, to John O'Neill. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice O'Neill of Portland, Ore. Miss Preece is a 1966 graduate of Preston High and is mm? presently employed in Salt Lake City. Mr. O'Neill is serving in the United States Navy and is currently stationed in Vietnam. A wedding date will be set upon his return. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Egbert last week were Mr. and Mrs. George Nelson of Miami, Fla. In Jarman's famous Cordoshell leather a fit companion Jarman's Pleasant supcasual. or dress for any summer outfit, of amount Flexibility. Put port, blended with the right In and let Blocks Come In comfort your two feet deep $18.95 fit you In a pair. Vicki and Gary Hawkins of Kingsville, Tex., have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ricks for 10 days. Other guests have been Mr. and Mrs. Arden Baxter and children of Salt Lake City. Too many oils? USE THE CONVENIENCE OF YOUR BLOCKS CHARGE ACCOUNT CARPET SEE Carlson's Open from t:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., Mon. thru Sat - 49 tu.i.t--- M 6-- $l G1?AY. 6 SODA POP COKE, PEPSI, FLAVORS P, DRINKS DEL MONTE All Flavors III - C - FISH Light Grated 4 Lb. Bag 59c 4 Cans $1.00 bulk pack ASSORTED FLAVORS JELL-- 0 REG. 19c SIZE - SAVE 2c PKG. - Save 4c Pkg. JENOS SUGAR POWDERED OR BROWN SAVE 17c FIRST QUALITY FLAVORS 10c - ft 69c GAL. Dm Food 10c Purex skippy BUNCn RPM DELO Oil e is the one oil best for both dlesel and gasoline engines. flTAHURD OIL CALL TOU OISTRIIUTOR III PRESTON 6 RAIN CROWE! Standard Oil Comptny I4 d r?A. ..' i aav a.iiL Pkf. 3 $1 6 boxes SI ICE CREAM - 10 INST. SIZE 29c Save 4c PIZZA MIX I.G.A. MACARONI VAN CAMPS 46-O- z. LARGE SIZE $1 QUART BOTTLES TUNA I Beel Greens Cucumbers . 5c Gal Cans $1 12 55c EACH -P- URSER'S QUALITY HEAT- S- - CUSTOM CUTTING COLD STORAGE LOCKERS California IDAHO DAYS LITTLE 3Ef bunch Multi-Servic- - NO. IVt CAN Water Cress . POT ROASTS ALL CHOICE CUTS m BUCKAB00 I RODEO BACON JUNE 8 22 Lb. p.n. ft Franklin. Idaho Chuck Wagon BREAKFAST 8 TO 9 A31. SATURDAY WIENERS BAR- - S Classic Wlngtip Brogue Is FOR ' 3 for 89c Sociable Citizen i 200 COUNT 4 Boxes 89c MARGARINE Rosalee Preece Engaged To Portland Oregon Man 1 FACIAL TISSUES CORNED BEEF PIERCE'S i Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Palmer and Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hall and children were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Palmer in Ogden on Father's day. n IS OF THE STORE CATSUP family Ore., Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mr. and Mrs. Smith Allen, Rust, Mrs. Marvel Maughan accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Alice Shaw of Log- Gary Allen of Salt Lake City, an. returned home Sunday after a trip to Canada. They were of and Mr. House guests the guests of Mrs. Jennie Mrs. W. G. Palmer during last AWison tstugitry. nicy ai- weekend were Mr. and Mrs. so visitedhi scemc places of Arthur Barraolough and faminterest enroute. Theyj special ily of Sandy, Mr. and Mrs. were away 10 days. Mario Palmer and children of Sunset, Utah, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. EIRoy Mc- William G. Palmer Jr., of Dermott of Logan have been Mesquite, Nev. visiting Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Owens and other relatives Mr. and Mrs. Fhe'noi Edgley to their departure for prior were Father's day guests of Wash., where Mr.' Cheney. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hawkes McDermott will teach at: in Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Washington State College. Re-- ; Stanley Fellows of Salt Lake centlv he has been teaching City also joined the family at USU. group. Mrs. Allie Packer and Mrs. Zeffa Peterson visited in Grace Sunday. Mrs. Packer was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Parley Lloyd and Mrs. Peterson visited her sister, Mrs. Bennett. ' " " over these shoes and ! GOLD STRIKE STAMPS 4 Roll Pkg. 35c Mrs. 0. P. Merrill spent Dinner guests of Mr. and week in Salt Lake City Mrs. Bill Hansen Sunday were last n Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth In charge of the gifts were visiting relatives, the guest of Miss Ramona Stephenson of of Centerville were Miss Virginia Merrill. On Idaho Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Thorn Barthlome, Mrs. weekend guests of Mr. and Sunday her daughter, Mrs. Maynard Andreasen of Soda Harriet Carver, Miss Connie Mrs. Wells McEntire. Merrill Gee of Pocatello, was ' Springs, Mr. and Mrs. Asael Leis and Mrs. Howard JohnBell. Mr. and Mrs. Orson Han her overnight guest. Mrs. Larry Dahle and three son. Receiving the gifts were sen and Larry Hansen. The City Christine Nielsen has been gathering was in honor of Jill Johnson and Susan Lloyd. children of Salt Lake Lewis were visitors at the The newlyweds went to Salt Alder home last week. The vacationing in Rockland, the Larry, who has been home of her sister, Mrs. Rey- for a few days following a Lake City on their honeymoon group enjoyed an outing at guest nold Ralph. tour of duty in the Philippines and they will make their home Cub River Sunday. and will now go to Mare Isin Magna where he is employSunday guests of Supt. and land in California. Family members and rela Mrs. William Ward were rela ed building trailers. tions of Mr. and Mrs. Dean tions, Mr. and Mrs.. Alfred Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Jor- The new Mrs. McGee is a Rust have been coming from Atkinson of Samaria. attended the Rock and gensen student in the Grace high far and near to visit them, Hobby show at rocateuo last school and has been employ- Among those arriving were Fred Davis visited Mrs weekend. This was a six state ed at Lou's cafe the past year. Mr. and Mrs. Carvel Rust and Davis in the Salt Lake City show and Mr. Jorgensen en six children of Stockton, LDS hospital Sunday. She has barbed wire collec his tered Dale White Mrs. and been confined there for treatCalif.. three children of Pasadena, ment the past four weeks but tion. Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Clyde is reported to be improving. of Portland, Rust and You can walk all BACK LARGE i DUTMIUTOI IN TOILET TISSUE Stev-ense- CALL TOUR ill Every day Lowes! food Prices in Cache Valley son. RPM Motor Oils keep engines clean, cut wear, help engines last longer. FREE PARKING PRESTON, IDAnO Eph Johnson. e FOOD STORE OF LOTS rhine-stone- s. MRS. RICH McGEE I CITIZEN CENTRAL MARKET Mr. and Mrs. Roy Johnson and son of Bountiful were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Donna Taylor of Logan and daughter Carol of Los Angeles flew to Brazil to meet her son, Reed Taylor, who has completed his LDS mission in that country. The three enjoyed a two weeks tour of South America and arrived in Salt Lake City Sun day. On Monday they visited here with relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gamble, Mrs Teressa Taylor, Mr. and Mrs bon. Larue Carver, her cousin, George Egbert and the Reed was her only attendant as Brenchleys. bridesmaid. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Gibson Mrs. Carver, mother of the have returned from an enjoy colored cream a chose bride, able trip which took them to sheath with crystalline inter- file Their children, mixed while his mother wore Mr. northwest. Mrs. Keith Gibson and a two piece light gray dress. of were here Calif., Placentia, Each wore a corsage of pink weeks several them visiting carnations and red roses. made four the the and ago His brother, Dale McGee, made They trip together. duof Preston performed the on relations enroute at ties of best man. A three calls Wash., and with Tacoma, to tiered wedding cake, given Mr. and Mrs. their children, Dorothy by her employer, at Potlatch, Louis Benson, was decorated Jerry Comstock, Idaho. in blue and white and adorned on the top by wedding bells. Lee Prescott was specially The wedding was performed honored on Father's day by in front of immediate mem- his family when they all asbers of both families. sembled at the home of Mr. The bride was honored to and Mrs. Merlin Griffin in a bridal shower from 2 p.m. Logan. Twenty-fivenjoyed to S p.m. and no reception was a picnic dinner and genial held after. sociability. Serving refreshments at the Mr. and Mrs. Reed Magleby bridal tea, to about 150 guests, were Diane Carver, Elaine attended Education Week and Sandra McGee. Assisting classes and activities at the BYU in Provo for four days in the kitchen were Mrs. last week. They also visited Lloyd Bennett, Mrs. Orval relatives in American Fork Christensen, Mrs. DeRay Nel- and Salt Lake City. the 1868 TUN TOR THE WHOLE FAMILY BASEBALL GAMES SATURDAY AFTERNOON BAR - S 39c - ALL MEAT Lb. Pkg. 1.1 50c RUST- PASTRY SHOP ALL PRODUCTS FRESH DAILY BUNS . . THE FINEST QUALITY BREAD . Boz. . FRESH DAILY . 5 WHITE OR STONE GROUND WHOLE WHEAT i Loaves illr 39c 5c r |