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Show J Iasre Four CACTI I K AMERICAN LOGAN. CACIIK COUNTY. UTAH Tuc'vl.iv. November 3, 1931 4th ANNUAL CACHE STAKE M. I. A. GOLD AND GREENBALL Palais dOr Wednesday Evening, November 4th. 9 OC! o o k 1LLSVILLE The Local News PARTY 50c Couple 15c Kxtra Ladies V Where to Advertise If you want your advertisements read, place them in the paper that carries the local news fninuMT Clark Improve Friends will be Professor S. cently underwent b lieved to be on early recovery. t Maks flood Looking Windows Helmer Pedersen and Leo Kimball are to be commended upon their Meeting The Parent Teachers will hold fine looking windows which they their meeting next Thursday even- decorated at the H. G. Haybull stocked ing at the Junior High school at store. Mr. Hayball has wonderful line of Christmas toy, 7:30 o'clock. In his new store. I.fkrd New Paper I.o Angrln Visitor J C. Allen and son. R L. Allen, Orlando Davis, son of the lair of Cove, were transacting business in the county seat on Monday. They W. R. Davis, has been a visitor In made a call at the office of the Logan for a few days. Mr. Davis Cache American and said they liked is a resident of Los Angeles where he Is In the produce business. He th" r'-- paer v"ry has made his home on the coast for the past seventeen years. C.ov.J at ia uis uC. WARD Parent-Teache- pleased to learn E. Clark who rean Deration. Is the hijh road to suras BIG - auxiliary have announced plans as fellows for the observation of the armistice day: Special drill by men prior to a meeting to be held at 11 a. m. Dr. A. E. Jacobson of the U. 8. A. C. will deliver the Armistice address and the Ninth Cache band will furnish the .h.-ri- Local News dev-cal- DAIRY SHOP A GOOD -- Wellsvllle. Nov. 3. The Wcilsvllle Ward MIA. entertained Friday evening at a Halloween party in the ward tabernacle, which was a big success. The guests all came In costumes and were greeted by ghosts and witches and taken eon through the "spookiest spook alley" which went from the basement to to Coast Go A large crowd attended the HalMay s, Road Work Completed attic, featuring ghosts, witches, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Newbold lowe'en dancing party at the Palais skeletons, death valley, shoulders of the Work widening a P'Or Cai.rcn night. Prizes were ions t? are making prep.i-caves and all weird noises pertainof the state highway north soon for California where they ex- given for the best costumes which ing to Halloween. Games and dancthe has Wcilsvllle Green at corner, Rastus and been They created a lot of interest. pect to spend the winter. ing were enjoyed In the Recreation was Tills work completed. hall which was beautifully decoratplan to rro1 t.cir home for the El1 a carried o:f th.- ;,rand prize. shovel done which steam the by winter at 337 Boulevard. has been widening the shoulders of ed In Jack o'lantems, bleak cats and Pci vers Carhe American the road in places In the witches. Prizes were awarded to Salt Lake Visitor William Doutre, local automobile south end of many Miss Verda Wyatt and Reese the county. Mrs Raehel Cohn of 634 South dealer, supplied the automobile that Parker, Miss Reno Brenchley and ! made Mrs. Mae of t!" street and Russell Stuart, for best costumes. ;he first bun- Public Ilomian Treated drlivery West tern Fortune telling and refreshments Little, both of Salt Lake City, were dle of Cache Americans to go to Director of the William Peterson, Providence Mrs on were Monday. big features of the evening. Friday evening. Over U S.A C. Extension service vtsitr s in Lognn has com The Wellsvllle orchestra furnished Cohr visited here with her brother 200 copies of the paper were disnew a "Conservation bulletin. pleted tributed in that town. the music for the evening. Paul Ellwell, who is operating an of the Public Domain. The bulauto fcr1y shop on First North street The Wellsvllle ward Primary held be can been and letin has printed in Visit Logan this city. Halloween children's dance last from secured Director the college. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace England Thursday at 2:30 p.m. In V.t ward of Petersen the condition discusses Ikuk From Malad and daughter Louise, of Ogden, the Recreation hall. The Price orchespublic domain and some of the tra furnished Mrs. Mary A. Owen of Marindale were visitors In Logan last week. administrative the music. President connected problems Ezra Green and Counselors Carrie avenue. is back from a pleasant They were guests of Mr. England's with it. Mr. Mrs. Malad. Price at and relatives UpH. J. parents. Blanch with and vWt Bradshaw were Engin charge. on her return home she saw the land. He Is an employee In the Cache Vote at Ninety Three Christensen, president. Jurymen new local paper. It pleased her so Lewis Jewelry company of Ogden, The Ladies' Farm Bureau organRalph Smith. North Logan Ven-ut- e of Utah have two votEvan citizens 93. Jones. in Forty residing one of name the she entered her much that leading Jewelers of the been summoned to serve as ization of local number one met GUgen. president. unNo. 4, district voted ing petit today state. a for upon the subscription list t John Cornish. Jurors In the fall term of the Unit- Thursday evening at the home to assisted and without glasses. hTis for the Cache American. Mrs. G. Wm. with President Darley president. ed States district court. The jurors Is rather remarkable considering One of the Large Ones Thomas Tar bet, Logan Anna Parkinson In his advanced age. Mr. Jones didn't wiH hear criminal and civil cases, Mrs. Joseph W. Goaig on Mission Aris Westover, one of the live which are scheduled to start Mon- charge. Professor E. A. Jacobsen of make it known Watterson, president. for was he whom Charles A. Kowallis. son of Mr. wires in the New Bike Shop, George U.S.A.C. Extension division gave an Zina D. H. Young, Logan Pearl voting. and Mrs. W. F. Kowallis, has ac- Sorensen and Tex Stroud returned day, November 9. Among the list interesting talk on "Child PsycholEverton. president. selected are Logan-RalpJohn Barrett. Oerman-Aus-trian cepted a call to the late Friday evening, the last day Wm. B. Preston, Baird. Lewiston, and J. B. ogy". A new organization, was ef- Bark From Duck Club. mission field and will leave of the deer hunt, with a 264 fected for the coining year as folAnn Rawlins, president pound of Baxter Hyrum. James Olsen, caretaker for the for Salt Lake on Thursday. No- buck, which lows: President, Lewiston Camp. Lewiston Cora Mrs. Harriett they shot on Cache vember 19. Prior to his departure National forest. vice president Mrs. Cache Duclc club ls back home fol- Howarth, president. Hutchinson; This was one cf Five Hundred Party for the Salt Lake mission school the largest bucks to be lowing the close of the shooting OFFICERS CACHE COUNTY Miss Maurine England and Miss Vera Stuart: secretary. Mrs. Al season. Mr. Olsen reported in Salt Lake, a farewell party will during the shoot. says shooting has CHAPTER berta Mrs. Larsen; Valene director, Rose a Ina of entertained group been very successful during the be given in the Th'rd ward Bradshaw. Pres tent Anne McKay Farr. : sixteen at a hundred five friends month of October, members of the amusement hall. First Vice President Agnes StewStill Hauling Gravel Miss Irma Maughan, daughter of club last evening at the home of party on shot the limit having bag art Allen. Trucks are still busy hauling Miss England. The decorations of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Maughan of several occasions. Jim Fillmore Visitors intends to n Second Vice President Letha Oron the this gravel an Atentrant home City all the in and the city, the appointments Mr. and Mrs. Grant Allen of Fill- canyon above the forks were carried out in Hallowe'en col- water Kent Radio contest, and who leave soon for a fishing trip Into ison McNiel. highway ' more, Utah, where they are engaged If the weather will Secretarv Caroline Larsen Hirst. permit hauling ors. The high score prizes were won won first place in Cache county, Wyoming. In the cafe business, spent over tiie of gravel will continue until this went to Lake Miss Wadsworth where and c;alt by Gwendolyn Sunday week end in Logan and Cache a Vaughan Pond. she sang over KSL during the conproject Is completed to within county. While here they were guests short distance of the test conducted during the afternoon dugway cf Mr. and Mrs. James A. McMur-n- n below Rick's spring. bigGraveling at which fourteen other entrants Plans and at Cove they were the should be completed by November Discuss Year Logan stake scouters met Sunday from the state entered to see who guests of Mr. Allen's parents. Mr, 15th. caftemoon in the chamber of com- will represent the the state at San and Mrs. Joseph S. Allen. merce and discussed the work for Francisco. California. Miss MaughChristensrn to Give Talk the coming year. John H. Wilson, an was accompanied on the piano AAA 4 to FF.EAII Vsr Marries Hawaiian Couple The adult class of the Seventh chairman of scout work of the by Mrs. Vernon W. Maughan. AMuring ou Perfect Hi David England, son of Mr. and ward Mutuals have for Mr. Mrs. Alex D. Spence anarranged and stake, presided. The scope of hte Mrs. Joseph H. England, who Is Professor and Mrs. N. W. Chrismeeting Sunday was the putting nounce th earrival of a son born serving as a Mormon missionary In tensen. to give a talk on music, over to the work the scouts that Wednesday evening. Mother and 'Honolulu, in writing home tells of and a musical program for the Mu- has been outlined by the Cache babe doing fine. his experience of marrying a Hawa tual this A number of Valley council. evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. P. Leatham nan couple, his first work of this classes will combine with the adult are rejoicing over the arrival of a nature. Elder England is secretary class for this exceptional program. Ready for 1932 Crop-J- ack daughter at Logan hospital on Fri of the Hawaiian mission and is Ruth Hammond. Virginia PeterKing, dry farmer, Ls back day evening. district president of one of the lar- son, Dennis Wilmore, Hirst, home for the winter from his farm Fay Mrs. Lena Myers celebrated her gest branches In that conference. and Roma Bailey, students of the at Arbon, Idaho, where he spent 71st birthday anniversary on SunHe Is enjoying his missionary will on take the Christensens, the summer and plowed 400 acres day. A birthday cake centered the part program. and planted it into fall gram for a table where covers were laid for 1932 crop. The year brought only Mrs. Myers, Mrs. John Larsen and Party for F. H. Baugh Jr. Here a small crop owing to the dryness family, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Myers, One of the most successful par- Freight Agent J. R. Hosley traveling Frieght of the season, says Mr. King, who Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Walker, and ties ever held 4n the First ward for the Union Pacific System, is looking forward to a bumper Moroni Myers. was given last evening by the ward agent a is business visitor in Logan this next year. Miss Polly Haslam entertained at choir in honor of their retiring week. Mr Horsley is out drumming crop a Halloween party on Saturday evleader Frances H. Baugh Jr. Each up the freight business for his line Good Signs Ahead ening. Decorations and refreshmetntoer with their partner ap- He has been calling upon the shipThe announcement of the rise in ments were in keeping with Hallowpeared in a misfit costume which pers of MISS ROSITA IS RESTING freight in Logan. A very the price of wheat, is glad news to e'en. The guests all came in costcreated much fun and laughter. was made at the office the farmers. News dispatches carry ume and enjoyed games in keeping DOW UNTIL Gaines were played after which a friendly call bavket luncheon was served. Ben of the Cache American. Mr. Horsley the glad tidings that dollar wheat with the event. The Weilsville ward Primary ofH. Roberts is the new choir leader approved of the new publication is in prospect on the Chicago both as to the general appearance While a great many farmers ficers and teachers met Monday evand the warm suppport it recieved have disposed of their wheat, there ening at the home of Mrs. Vera Piooeer in Distributing from the business intrests of Logan. will be thousands over the grain Stuart. The teachers topic was givHie a Distributor, growing areas of the country who en by Mrs. Daniel A. Leishman, the magazine devoted to will benefit by this advance. work for the month was discussed; Advertising, in a recent issue ear- Graveling Highway Scarifying of the state highway light refreshments were served by ned a very well written article between the hostess to sixteen members. Logan and Hyrum has al- Dailey Services. William praising the work of Funeral services for Edward C Mary, the fifteenth month old Crockett of Logan. Mr. Crockett is ready started. The gravel base will one of the pioneers of Logan and be pushed to one side, the sub Dahle were held in the 11th ward daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas the gravel chapel on Monday with Bishop O. Bailey raised away at their home ha devoted much of his life in grade will onbe leveled and Teams the grade. will P. Satterthwaite presiding. The cho- on Sunday afternoon after a weeks the distribution of merchandise for replaced eastern houses. Cowboy ranchman be engaged to gravel this road ir supplied the music with a solo by illness of anemia. She was bom Juand make it ready for Donald E. Smith. The speakers ly 21. 1930. at Weilsville. Her paractor, opera house manager, bill throughout in the spring. This secondary were Mayor A. G. Lundstrom H. C. ents and one sister survive. Funerposter, distributor, are some of the oiling state highway will be made one of Maughan and Bishop Satterthwaite. al services are being held Tuesday many chores that William Crockett the best roads to travel in the Prayers were offered by H. J. Carl- at 2 p m. in the Scond ward chapel has done during his seventy-si- x with Bishop Evan H. Bankhead In years in Utah," is the comment of county when the present program isle and Orson Smith. Mr. Dahle has been completed. died very suddenly last Friday when charge. the magazine. Mrs. Don Reese and small daughhe dropped dead with a heart attak. Elks Character Ball Burial was in the Logan cemetary. ter of Amalga, are here with her V-- is Horticulture Show' Ends your chauee to add new charm and The Elks club held a masquerade parents, Mr. and Mrs. James M. Fmal judging of the exhibits and on ball in their home Williamson, after spending ten days ii iLility to your living room... to treat contests and awarding of medals and character at a Logan hospital where the lit10 that luxurious marked the final day of the Utah West Center street Friday night rug youve Learn The tle daughter arrive on October 19. by about 40 State Agricultural College Horticul- which was attendedwas wanted! ivs aiv, Delightful patterns to decorated tural show which has been held In couples. The hall Popular Ironi. ..Persian. Early American, the Smart Gymnascium this week. with autumn leaves and corn Tbe show has been featured by its stocks, giving it a real Halloween floral. French chintz in a t nglidi flavor. Earl Hunsaker dressed In complete program of educational skin combinations. color Cecelof brilliant overalls Mrs. wealth and tight talis and explanations of exhibits ia for 9 x 11 Green in an old fashioned cosProfessors F. M. Coe and A. L. WilK.ire values, every one of them ... priced BIGELOW-SANFORson were faculty advisors and Rob- tume, reminiscent of the days of Richmond The first in a series ,n k eping with 1931 budgets. Come see of twelve weekly lessons in a ert Gerber of Salt Lake City, as- the bustle, captured the prizes. A parent servwas basket lunch coffee with what education lovely rugs a few dollars will buy! course sisted by LaRain Marble of Dewey-viB- e, was presented John Parnell of Fairmont, ed at 11:30 p.m. The Bobby Price Teacher Thursday evening at the club rooms Expert for by Dr. J. M. Godfrey, before the P. Nebraska, and Bernard Brockbank orchestra supplied the music T. A. of Salt Lake City, were student the evening. THATCHER MUSIC Miss Anna page of the state board managers. COMPANY Windows Marked Up of Education will present the second Let Us Feather Your Nest Mischief makers were plentiful lesson. Nov. 5. Saturday night in Logan when the American Legion post 33 and the youngsters were out on the streets having what they call a good time. A greasy soap was rubbed on many 1 of the windows of the business One of the finest selections section of the city and upon the f Metal Beds in Cache Val-e- y windows of automobiles. If this is has just arrived and is what some children or grown ups call a good time, the punishment ready for your Inspection. for the offense would be just If the $5.75 AND UP offenders were apprehended and Hiring Coil Mattresses $10.50 Fabric Bed Springs .... , 55.25 required to remove the marks from the windows. OoU SpringFirst North street Day Beds, seemed to have been with the pad the place $21.85 chosen for the major operations. FWt Base Linoleum 2 yards Harvest Over W. H. Thain. one of Cache county ' leading farmers, has just completed his 1931 beet harvset. Mr. Tham had a very satisfactory crop i considering the dryness of the Bet u. Attorney Here .W.i Corresponding S.ne'ary Attorney Louts Callixter of Salt Dunitls Palmer. Lake was in Logan today, having Treasurer Fdna S.o't'h Poot-come here on some execution matChaplain Mart!. a Pees? R ters. Custodian cf RcIks Alley Hatcher Clayton. Registrar Mary Bowen Historian and Libiaiian- - Lo:t Pitkin Larson mu..ic Chorister Gertie Lei! Organist Elane Rniuli Hansen Chairman Program Anne McKay Farr. Lead-- r Class Sullivan Julia Bark From Chicago. Greene. Five Days Forty Mrs. Robert M. Smith of the Leader-Jennh Class ie Allen J. Richards is serving 45 days In ward has returned from six raeLsen. the city jail, having been found weeks to Chicago where she! Finance Ella Harnmcnd Camp-wetrip guilty of drunkenness. to visit her son Dr. Robert bell. j Denton Smith and his wife. Dr. Preparing for Shoot Smith Is In the public health InA number of trap shooters were stitute of Chicago, being in the deout Sunday and put the blue rock partment of eye, ear. nose and traps at Johnson grove In shape throat as well as having an extenfor the Armistice day shoot sive private practice. A visit was made to Wisconsin with Drs. Le- Locates Watch land and Bertha Shafer who are Sheriff Jeff Stowell was called j practicing medicine in Chicago. to Lewiston this morning. A person The visit was at their beautiful lost his watch at the hotel at that summer home. Another Interesting place. Evidently the watch In some trip was taken with them to Inunaccountable way was slipped in- diana. The Shafers were former to the wrong man's pocke. I was students of the U. S. A. C. Mrs. found and returned to the owner Smith went by way of the Grand of the Colorado and by file sheriff. Canyon thoroughly enjoyed the outing. New Red Cross Head Eugene Yeates of the Cache Valley Bank has been elected president of the Rd Cross chaptr In Cache county. He succeeds A. A. Firmage, manager of the J. C. Penney company store In this city. (Continued from Pago One) PLACE TO EAT ...TRY US... nt Annual Ball Announcet Cove--Viole- Esk-elso- yir Smart Fall Shoes that put you QlSaM.. Logan-Garde- a Start smiling today in Natural Fridge SlioTil Their sutural iirch bridge gives normal support to your nulural arch, reieu-inyou from the foot strai:: aid nerve strain that are so ruinous to looks, poise and disposition. You are id ease sitting, walking, stnn-lin- se g their special eoi di;..t to l ow you always fits! Wed arid lint smart new stlt lot 11 lust - rtOinCII. $4.95 to $5.95 IN THE COLLEGE BOOT SHOP 8:45 THIS EVENING WIN- house-to-hou- have come down, down, down to v Spanish Guitar! Parent Education Courses Given ... $39.75 D FEItVAK URNITURE(o. CRYSTALS Billys Uncle Week Specials wide, per running yard 85c Felt Base Rugs 9x12 $6.90 Bxminster Rugs $22.50 and up Exclusive dealers in L. & H. Electric Ranges and Majestic dios. Paris and repairs for all makes of Radios. New and Used Furniture Bought, Sold and Exchanged. Crystal Bottling And Furniture Exchange West 1st North Ht-- n Logan, Utah Street Packing Crating Long Distance Marriage Licenses Marriage licenses issued during the past week: Mark Russell Poll and Vella Fackrell, Pocatello; Walter Edward Wilson and Mildred Pearl Gorder, Ogden; Clarence Or-iMerrill and Mertha Orilla Thomas, Downey; Emery Emmer-so- n Hall and Margaret Ann Mason, Rigby; Harvey A. McDaniel and Irene M. Lewis, Boise; Nel Erwin Kendell, Aberdeen, and Lois Ethlyn Thorpe, Moreland; James Lavon Holt and Re ah Margaret Westover, Aberdeen; Chester Parnell Johnson and Leatha Weston, Lake town; Kenneth Leroy Wixorn and Edna Veraetta Owen, Logan. n atob-aw- i terns Moving Johnson Cab & Transfer 449 North 2nd E. Logan, Phone 314 y |