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Show cachk amkrican i.ooan. ('Arm county. - Ttu-vlay- Xtmlcr . 3. itaii Page Three Thursday Night - Help The Needy Show at The Allen Arena - MEET MASKED MYSTERY Excellent Projrem Promster By Christensen Crowd Pleaser Arret-e- d Some of the best duck shooting in Cache valley has been had recently at the Stoney Duck club located about one mile west of Amal-gThis club recently organized by Vincent S. Carlson comprises about 700 acres of land formerly known as the Stewart Duck club and the Littledyke club. It U the leasers intention to plant wild duck foods build more dikes and provide a club house for the coming year. M?r. fovo a. to Mix OmahaWith Welter From Good -Other At- tractions An excellent program of athletic for next sports has been arranged Arena. It Allens at Thursday night roah-this being staged as a charity net proceeds going to help the Cache needy. The officials of the e House arc Valley Community Store show. the sponsoring la The heavyweight wrestler who Maskea touring the country ss the with Mystery, has been matched George Nelson of Logan, wrestling at instructor and football trainerfinish the U.8 AC. This will be a Informatch and from the advance mation received here, the local to do to hold pride will have plenty his own in this bout. Another match that should thrill the crowd that la sure to be be-on hand to enjoy the show, will be tween Henry Jones of Provo and Charles Beal of Omaha. These boys are welterweights and a flashy bout Is predicted by the matchmaker. Les Nelson of Albany. Oregon, who has put up several good bout at the local arena, will mix it with Finn Gibbs of Brigham City. Gibbs is one of the few men who have given Hy Sharman of Salt Lake plenty to do on the mat He will extend the Albany lad to the Mrl Christensen Mirl Christensen is trying his hand at promoting. He was formerly a welterweight wrestler. Since he became cripple In the knee he has been unable to perform on the mat Pheasants To Be Shot This Month Pheasant shooting will be permitted for two days in Cache county on November 7 and 8. In Boxeld-e- r county there will be three days of shooting of these coveted birds. The 9th of the month has been added in that county to the open shooting season. Two male oirds for each day of the shoot is the bag limit. The time of the shoot begins at 12 o'clock with gloved hands. A good boxing on the 7th and continues until 6 p.m. On the 8th the time of the preliminary is also on the program shoot is from 7 oclock in the mornThursday night, November 5. at 8:30 is the time and Allen's Arena ing until 6 oclock at night. is the place. The net proceeds go to Civil War Soldier a worthy cause. The sulilie s drtifled Into the Union army during Hip Civil war were between tlie uge of eighteen The first draft law and forty-five- . of the Confederate statp. 18(12, gave the age limits a eighteen to this was later Increased thirty-five. Tlie act of 1884 to forty-fiof Treasure ton drafted Into militnry service all Jeff Barger white men between seventeen and Idaho, was a business visitor in Lofifty, those between seventeen and is Mr. on Barger Saturday. gan eighteen and forty flve and fifty to father of Kid Barger, the welterconstitute a reserve. weight boxer. He says his son Is meet Frankie to and willing ready Ice Formation Darren of Salt Lake here in Logan, No definite statement can be and that the Kid will be glad to let the winner of the match take made at to the degree of cold required to freeze lee of certain diall the gate receipts. mensions was Many surrounding facfeels he that Young Barger tors must he taken Into considerarobbed of a decision over the veteran Darren in their first meeting tion. The formation of ice of con alderuhle tldckness requires conhe- -; a no 'nth ago. However, be that tinuous low teuqiemuirp for a sufas it ray. if the promoter can arIce for ficient Sufficient tiinr. to come have tc Frankie range is rarely found unless the skating meet to everything Barger, Logan temperature goes to Hbnut 20 deis o.it. at Treasuretown. grees Fahrenheit. limit Fat Clark, of Logan, one of the best showmen In these parts, will engage in another of those thrilling matches with Alf Sparks of Smithfield. The latter will wrestle and Fat will try to knock him out Barger Will Meet Darren At Any Time w European Lotteries Lotteries were suppressed In Belgium In lSlltl. In Sweden In 1841. In Switzerland in 188.1. hut they are till common In many Continental countries. Usually, however, the lotteries are supervised hy the government officials Stationary Little Dee hud a cold, and his mother came In to his hod to see how he was getting along. Is your nose running, dear?" she Inquired. 'No, mamma." said a serious voice. It's just standing still ! Degree in Sin is base to lileli a purse, daring to embezzle a million, hut It is great hevond measure to steal a crown. Ti e sin lessens ns the It guilt Inere.ises. Schiller Check on Forger An electrieall.v operated light is used In Oermnny to debox tect forgeries and counterfeits, the currency and checks being placed over the eyepiece, which reveals watermarks mid all other Identify lng features. Judgment Defined Tlie judgment may he compared to a clock or watch, where the most ordinary machine is sufficient to tell tlie hours; hut I lie most elaho rate alone can point out tlie minand distinguish utes and the smallest diiTerenee of time. Fontenelle. Effect Poetry Poetry, which, by a kind of eu thusiasm or extraordinary emotion of the soul, makes it seem to us that we behold those things which the poet paints Dryden. Sword" and Saber A sword is a general term Indicating both a saber and a sword. Sword is more specifically used to Indicate a stralght-bladeweapon, while a saber Is short and curved. d 36 There are 36 reasons why your heating dollar is best spent when spent for a new 1931 model Premier Furnace. A 10 year guarantee that includes the grates is one of these 36. Phone or call at our shop for the other 3f and then compare. Estimates without cost or obligation. Jackson and Fry Company NORTH 1st WEST 30 Phone 130 Logan, Utah Exclusive A&ent for Premier ELD and Premier Duo-Furnaces De-Lu- V rCh Logan Grizzlies in Line Has BeenGood For Shot at State Title Shooting At nelson will e Heralding the Superman It is only the thin layer of gray matter spread over tlie aurfnee of the upper purt of the brain that A soon as does the thinking. science can find a means of thickening this layer we shall have tlie superman. Come hack on earth a thousand years from nmv and meet him. St. I.nuls Olnhe Democrat. Hare Wood A list of rare woods would In- clude amaranth, ebony, rosewood, sandalwood, snakewood. tulipwood, palisander, Australian lilackwood. lignum vitae, pear. Indian laurel, Australian walnut, silky oak. Ceylon salinwood, prima vera. Spanish cedar, carreta, elite, orangewood, nuidrotip hurl and eocoholo. Playing Cards What European country first had flaying cards Is much debated, for II hava made claims. Probably starting from Hindustan, they went east and west around the world. Due authority gives precedence to the claim of Italy, wltb Spain a close contender. However, reference works offer a bewildering variety of assertion on these points. Ellezer Edwards' Dictionary of Words, Facts anti Phrases" their origin to Arabia, anti asserts that they were brought to Europe during the Crusades. i Eyesight of Birds The biological survey an vs that eagles, hawks anil vultures are so closely related that it Is a very fine point to tell which has the keenest eyesight. Tlie eyesight of the vulture la not quite as powerful ss llmt of tlie eagle or huvvk. The eagle will possibly ascend to higher altitude than the bank, and this is Hiaiy die reason for believing that its eyesight is the slmriKT ol the two. These two hints have more powerful e.vedghi than any unlmal. Common Domestic Furs The four outstanding domestic comiiierciitl furs are muskrut, skunk and raccoon. There are about 2.800 fur farms In the United States ami Alaska, and about l..im in (amnia. Tlie majority of these are raising silver or bine foxes. opoe-stiu- Crookstons Gridders Show Superior Class Against Visiting Bees From Brigham North Cache and Logan Undefeated Teams Meet in Game at Richmond on Friday. m HOLD MEET ATPAMD1SE The dairy meeting at Paradise Monday evening was well attended. George Q. Bateman, in charge of the college dairy experiment farm and discussed feeding problems pointed out the Importance of us ing grains and any other cheap feeds to replace as much hay as possible since hay Is higher than grains in price. exCounty agent R. L. Wrigley He loans. feed Federal the plained urged the farmers to utilize fall water to soak up their ground to aid in crop production next year. He also urged farmers to study the feeds available this year and use those that are the cheapest. O. L. Lee, chairmen of the dairy farm committee of the Paradise bureau, was in charge. Meetings on feeding of dairy cattle are being arranged for other communities in the country. Samuel M. Vau-clai- Blissful Memories We nil remember with keenest pleasure the good tilings we had to eat in our youth Of course, Its not the food we recall, but the of childhood. appetite lusty Country Home. Show Irrigations Value Irrigated trees In experimental plots In a national forest in Florida have shown an average Increase of 104 per cent In rate of growth In the last three years, as comperiod pared with the three-yea- r before Irrigation was begun. Unique Egyptian An Egyptian tomb painting shows the daughter of the Pharaoh Cheops ss having blonde or red hair, which gives her the distinction of being the only person of the Pyramid age known to have light hair. Cows Up to Date Betty had never seen a cow until she went with her grandfather nut to milk. Site stood watching the cow chew its end and suddenly reWhy, even cows chew marked: gum. dont they? Be True to Yourself If a man Is right, all the bombardment of the world for five, ten, twenty, forty years will only strengthen him In his position. So that all yon have to do Is to keep yourself right. Never mind the world. score of 21 to 0. Coach Burns Crookstons Grizzlies now lead the field for the Region one championship. They have won four games ad have lost none. Their nearest competitors and the North Cache gridders, which club has won three league games with no kwes. North Cache and Logan High meet next Friday at Richmond and that encounter will determine the team that will get a shot at the state title. The grizzlies were masters of the situation throughout the entire con test Friday afternoon with the ex- ception of possibly the third period when the Bees did unleash a fast offense. The Loganites scored In the first second and fourth periods, all of the scores as a result of the brilliant line plunging of Ryan and the open field running of Worley. The interference of the Logan team was flawless. Pregame dope favored the Bees, but they were sadly outclassed Friday. Once In the fourth period they put the ball on the foot line, but failed to score. The lineups; n, chairman of the Baldwin Locomotive Works on board, says public confidence has rallied to the support of the country's financial instutions thus creating far better fix .1 D. (appointed Durum iri v .: t f tin- - nf sir-u- a M "muiii-ulieil- In tie bev rliMlHly lie til ii rs it, Una ! i I a ivttnii'lil link i.f e. lint he Sri'll.iiiili luiihmal h liiho iaiiip, iiul eiuiiMiiini-i- l lilx ixiinrmles for a 'u-rr-- i gulil lien lie upriiili-i- l tlie iililil fire tlie rink fur 'tirlinlile's revealed tlie wonlit. to NELSONS WRESTLING CAREER CAME AS RESULT OF HELPING HIS MOTHER and popular George Nelson, heavyweight wrestler, let his Utah the Aggies, as a football trainer among friends into a little secret a day or two ago while taking his usual arena. George said, Boys, do you work-oexercise at the Allen know how I developed the muscles in my arms? All was silent for a moment for no one seemed to know. Then the wrestler proceeded to tell his hearers that his well developed muscles in his arms were the result of scrubbing clothes on washboards for his good old mother when he was a George Nelson mere child. What Vim-liar!- until may he Cougars and Aggies Clash In Ogden on Saturday, Nov. 7th Auto Deaths Stir Warning 1 i I be-iD- Lindquist 2 Ryan 2. Conversions (line plunges). Worley (Held goal). Substitutions; Box Elder H. Jensen for H. Hunsaker, O. Jensen for H. Jensen, Poulson for L. Jensen. With two defeats In the last twt years handed them by the Brighan Yeung university Cougars, the Far mere of Utah State are out for re venge this year, when they met the Cougars In Ogden Saturday, November 7. Tlie two defeats that they have taken, however, are the only ones suffered at tne hands of the Provo boys In nine years of competition. jn thosd nine years, the Aggies have won six games, lost two and tied one. Both schools are boasting the strongest gridiron machines In a long while, and a nip and luck battle sqems to be in store. The Aggies, with four wins and no defeats, are at present the league leaders. Scores show that In years patt the Farmers showed a marked superiority, but with the advent of Ott Romney the B.Y.U. team has steadily improved and is no longer considered a second class crew. The scores follow: "The nation Is spending millions yearly to fight sickness and diseases which cause death. During the war PaiaUss Dsslk those at home were appalled by the The term used for rauaing the statement that 50.510 American soldeath by actentltle mean of people diers within 18 months lost their who are lioelely III la euthanlives by shell lire. And yet the naof Creek derivation and tion pays scant heed to the daily It asia. death. means a painless. hapt-reports of deaths resulting from automobile accidents, despite the fact that within the last 18 months Wind ssd Thermometer in the United States the toll from Tlie a en tier bureau aaya that Hie that source has reached 50900. thermometer la not affected hy Hie D. T. Lane, speaker at tlie Octowind velocity after having once attained the temperature of the wind ber meeting of the Salt Lake Elks l The discomfort usually aa club, made the foregoing statement aoclated with high wind la due to to the lodge members Wednesday rapid removal of heal from the evening, human body on account of the Mr. Lane added that the 1930 wind. A no heat Is generated hy auto death toll was 298 per cent a thermometer. It aro readings therefore not affected hy the wind greater than In 1916. velocILv. The talk was given In cooperation with the "Dont Kill a Child traffic campaign sponsored by the Highway Travel American Legion auxiliary. A simifur transconlng. Generally apeak tinental routes the Lincoln highway lar address will be given by City the and Hie National Old Traits road Judge C F. Dalby recently in Tlie latter Woodstock school In the Granite have the most Irafile. pnilinlrly tin the greatest, as It Is district more or les of an all Members of the auxiliary are carhlghwny. and ran he traveled rying on a national campaign for almost any time of the year sue more safety in driving. The local Dont let any cabbage stumps rereasfully. meetings were arranged for by main over winter. They harbor E. E. Jenkins, department compests. mander of the auxiliary. Society Note Dickie's two aunts, of whom lie Kw Vov fcooj Earfain was quite fond, were visiting at his The Lu ,1 mu-rohome. One dny some boy friends j Central park was mil dona tod to the city of came along and whistled for him Now York, hut was purchased In to come out. lie went to the door 18A0, the territory at that time and said with an air of great Imcovered with shanties, portance. "tnnt come; got aunts." establishments, piggeries Rebuilders of Fine and pools, and very undesirable Three and unsightly buildings. Manners hnmlred dwellings were removed. Shoes The pi lee averaged $7,.K)0 an sere. There ought to be a system nntlon of manners In The present site covers 843 acre 77 North Main Street would which were purchased at a cost of which a be disposed to relish. To make approilmniely $0,3tS,l).K), only a Preston, Idaho Logan, Utah us love our country, our counfraction of tlie artuul value of the land today. try ought to be lovely. Iiurke. Montreal left to ImngliiHIInn. Family Herald. bone-boillti- g business conditions. Goodyear Shoe Repairing Co. n ut R. M. C. FOOTBALL STANDINGS GOING-GOING-GO- NE Team Utah Aggies ARE THE DEPRESSION BLUES CLOTHES PRICES are BACK to 15 YEARS AGO Utah University Colorado Aggies Wyoming thrive 2 Colorado College Denver University 1 Colorado University 1 Brigham Young University Artitic Thoroughness Colorado Teachers ..... rite great American 1 Sargent, Western State College painter, took Infinite pains over a 0 portrait. As tin illustration of tlie Montana State College trouble he took over details is the Colorado Mines 0 fact that he once did 14 finished Last Weeks Results studies of a single hand, so ns to find what position would be the Colorado Utah 60, Aggies 6. best for the portrait. Colorado Teachers 6, B.Y.U. 0. Denver 25, Western State 7. Cause of Man Downfall For many centuries it was supColorado College 0, U. S. Military ..Academy posed that tlie apple was tlie fruit which Uve. under tlie direction of tlie set petti, ate and gave to Adam to eat in tlie Carden of Eden. This view is no longer held, many more tropical fruits being suggested as tlie probable fruit of tlie garden, among hem the pomegranate. -n liruiu-hing- the Boxelder Bees In their game at the U SA C. Friday afternoon by the By defeating Philadelphia i. -- - for Balia! d. Bollard for Bullcn. DuUcn for Smith. licfcrt-e- , Officials Watson; urn pice. Harney; head linesman. Lohttu-Hullt- THINK OF IT You can buy a Hart Schaffner & Marx suit now at these new prices for - - 2 (nonconference). Colorado Mines 7, Kearney (Neb.) Normal 0 (non-conferenc- Montana State 7, Montana University 37 (noncon- ference.) Saturdays Schedule Young University You et better workmanship, better style, ter fabrics than you ever did at bet- Ogden. Utah vs. Colorado College at Colorado Springs. Denver vs. Colorado University at Boulder. Colorado Aggies Vs Wyoming University at - time to dress up cheer up and ive 1931 the beating that it deserves. Good clothes are here at the prices you can afford to pay Its Region One High School League Standing (Don't be content with makeshift clothes. Get clothes you can trust-clotfhe trustworthy Trumpeter label hes Logan 21, Boxelder 0. North Cache 26, Bear River 6. Preston 19, South Cache 0. Ogden 19, Weber 0. Fridays Schedule, November 6 Logan at North Cache. Weber at South Cache. Boxelder at Bear River. President Anne McKay Farr Announces Wednesday, November 18 as Date for Daughters of Pioneers Vb Function Pioneer History to be Depicted no name -- with Thatcher Clothing ' i |