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Show I HIE PAGE FOUIt. BOX ELpER NEWS, SEMI-WEEKL- TUESDAY, Y SOQAL ITEMS Dont Miss This OFTHEWEEK Mrs. Lester Anderson entertained at a miscellaneous shower at her home Friday afternoon, complimentary to her ni -- e, Ruth Burnham, who was Shasta daises marrSe1 last week. were :tf actively used about the rooms and a delicious three course luncheon was served to thirty-fiv- e guests. Mrs Anderson was assisted in serving by Mrs. Margaret Forsgren and Miss Edith Forsgren The guest of honor was the recipient of many beautiful Latest gifts. Oldsmobile Six Friday evening the Cheerebe swarm of Bee Hive girls from the second ward entertained their fathers and mothers at a canyon party. The evenings entertainment consisted of songs, jokes, readings and classical dancing. A delightful supper was served arround a huge camp fire to about fifty per- for sale at a substancial Absolutely new discount. Come early. Terms if desired. - - Hansen Furniture & Music Co. ? Bargains In Used Cars Chevrolet $ 50.00 Ford Chassis j45.00 Ford Touring, 1918 .... 125.00 125.00 Chevrolet, 1918 One Ton Ford Truck One Ford Ton Truck, Chassis 275.00 almost new Ford Ton Truck, steel body, fine condition, complete 275.00 with body Ford Roadster, ready to go at 125.00 Packard Twelve, cost $6,500, good tires, upholstering like new, good paint and top. Will take in smaller car or real estate. Must be seen to be appreciated. Call and see the car. Yt Ton Ford Truck, 1918 has stake body, cost $500. : $245.00 Terms New Oldsmobile Six Will sell at a discount. Also have several used cars not listed ..above ..including ..Willys-Knigh- t, Cadillac. Also 2 tractors, several plows, harrows, seeders, manure spreaders, etc. etc. POULTRYMEN SHOW INTEREST IN BOX ELDER COUNTY At the Poultry Demonstration train a good, appreciative crowd of poultry-me- n and business men met the officials of the Union Pacifici Railroad in charge, the Utah Agricultural Poultry Department, the State Poultry Association and others. Some 269 visited the train in Brigham City and 389 in Tremonton. Never have we had an opportunity to see such an excellent demonstration of proper housing, feeding, care, culling, etc., of poultry in our country. Mr. Vincent Cardon, Editor of the Utah Farmer, is traveling with this train and is writing up the important data In detail. I am writing this note especially to call the attention of all who are interested in Poultry to these articles in the June 14 and 21 copies of the Utah Farmer. I wishto thank all those who assisted in making these Poultry Demonstrations a success in our county. Robert H. Stewart, County Agricultural Agent. MOTOR CAR CO. CalT'Mr. Iverson or Mr. Hansen at Hansen Furniture & Music Co. OF THE WEEK Mrs. Maggie Duffln entertained day afternoon and evening complimentary to her daughter Mary, it being her birthday anniversary. Red roses and snapdragons were attractively A deliused about the living-rooms- . cious luncheon was served at one table with covers laid for eight guests. A beautifully decorated birthday cake centered the table. Games and musical numbers were enjoyed, and later in the evening, all enjoyed a cool motor ride. , f. J 4 I; etm!sr Htefypo Duaillllin!inG ttCaeSi? vasatttafliG KMbMtli Detroit, MlcUsut ToJoc Won 1590 price . . b. Dwntt CeuptS2S AU SALE STARTS TODAY .pendej d1 the Council Men, High Grade or Dress Oxfords, black and brown, solid leather with robber heels. tog tl 15 f Values- -;. and priUi Purchase 0B & Price $3.68 ollov fin Ladies Pure Silk Phoenix Hosiery, slightly imperfect, Regular $1.50 grade Special, per pair iried c iidnf i aty Brill Women sf White Shoes, In a variety (4 styles and heels solid leather that will wear. EXTRA SPECIAL 78c per pair Hens solid leather guaranteed to wear. SPECIAL hae$ $3i3iK ruf, PURCHASE as above lift latest styles, black and 00 Values Special Purchase browm-$4.- Price $2.68 AU sizes to sitit o SJSlBl Boys solid leather Dress Shoes and Oxfords with rubber heels Price 98c Pair Opus non Price $1.98 BoyV Sizes Children and Biff Girls Slippers, Soles solid leather and guaranteed to wear. Values to $2.00. SPECIAL. PURCHASE work. No. 6 Norn out fredi Cl an lloc ulga svil liar1 liac Slippers- Womens, beautiful Dress Slippers $3; a big, Yarjety of heels, j,rfdkt, sued' and kid. 'Value to $6.00. SPECIAL PURCHASE in, io'c s. la fill out toon Irate rtndi pot .30 Price $3.48 forks gr Fire will All our regular lines of shoes Ac :e and slippers greatly reduced. ami IIS At last the perfect picture! First, Norma Talmadge in grand Lady Adrienne, startled portrayal Pr4orS4aM5 I jM, CAR Se&'SSSSeSSSSESiSBB from unwelcome wifehood to a love. SK-- desert-give- n Then Eugene OBrien again her ber their het sphetaoihrdlaordlil leading man! Remember their triumphs together three years ago? Surely these are the screens perfect lovers! And in every scene it breathes the perfume of rolling wilderness, or 8preals the glamor of Bombay nights, or sweeps In such splendor as Frank r, Lloyd, the forcasted in The Eternal Flame and brings to gorgeous fruition here. Elbert : CHARLES (PUCK) Cupids Fireman a cracker jack of a picture. Si nth onai iro! CARD OF THANKS ; We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to all those who rendered assistance to us during the illness and death of our dear mother and wife. We are grateful to those who sang and spoke comforting remarks or in any way rendered assistance. We are also greatful for the beautiful flowers. We thank you one and all. A. M. BEECHER, MRS. W. E. FREEMAN AND BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Attention Fruit Grove Vane T 4 To the fruit growers of Peny Willard we wish tT discredit rna from some of our competitors that are not going to handle Chernes Apricots this season. On the cont' are in the market for all the poleon, Sentenial and Sour cber and Apricots you have. We will the same as other canneries thron out the state. we (J26) PERRY 1( TEN nirdi lake hit r,( CANNING E. D. MANN TEACHER PIANO - VIOLIN - VOICE Will accept students with- -' iix 20 miles of Brigham 10 Weeks Only Round Trip Union Pacific System Jtioi ever I ,ce an toll To POINTS EAST To POINTS WE Daily May 22nd to September 15th to Daily May 15th pi :od September 30th '0 F le Limits October 31st Routes Stopovers-Divers- e Consult Local Agents for further details Sait ble la !f tl o. It Master-Directo- JONE in -- it equip- Liberty: NORMA TALMADGE in The Voice from the Minaret A irrmi Save 30 to 50 Per Cent, o, AUTHORIZED IB THE NKAUIT FOOD DEALER THE UNIVERSAL SCOUTS ATTENTION contest meetThe next inter-troo- p ing will be held Tuesday evening, July 1st at eight oclock on the east lawn of the court house. Contest in the following: 1. Bugling, 4 calls First call, Taps, Assembly, Reville. 2. Song Must be song that has not been used in contest before. Scoutmasters may lead the troop in the song. 3. First Aid (a) Turniquet for knee, (b) Turniguet for bleeding vein bleeding artery on the leg above the on upper arm. (c) Demenstrate, two methods of artificial respiration. (Scouts furnish all necessary - i is your opportunity to ment. of Everyone wants a car for the outdoor months.- That means, avoid To for demand Ford. delay course, an unusually heavy and disappointment list your order now. i just bought from a large Eastern Shoe nianufJ turer, an immense stock of high grade, solid leather shi at about half wholesale price. This great savings is no being passed on to the people of Box Elder County. Thi We have Summer Excursion Fares via At the Theatres Tonight Ford cars will carry millions on healthful, pleasant vacation tH summer vacations that are inexpensive because of the low cost of maintenance of this reliable car. liifMifliAiiy-nfalifiai- BE i oo J uAf I 9 J & B Special Sun- Mr. Howard Valentine is up from Salt Lake City visiting with his par The Stich and Chatter club met at ents Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Valentine. He the home of Miss La Preal Wood Frireturned to the city Monday evening. day evening. Roses were attractively Mrs. George Doyle Jr. and two chil-- ! used about the rooms. Needlework dren of Phoenix, Arizona, are spending and a social evening were enjoyed. the summer months with Mrs. Doyles Later a delicious tray luncheon was served to seven members and the folmother, Mrs. Maria Guyman. lowing" guests of the club: Miss Sadie Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Christensen Dunn and Mrs. Venice Jensen. announce the arrival of a baby boy Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Carlson enterat their home, Saturday. All concerned doing nicely. tained at their home in Willard Friday to Mr. and Mrs. Dan Reeder visited at the home evening, complimentary Mrs. Theron Lee, who returned Wedof her sister, Mrs. Lizzie Jones at nesday from a two weeks outing at Malad, Idaho, last week and while California and other coast cities, and there attended a funeral of one of also Mrs. E. M. Tams of Ventina, Cal. her relatives, held at that place. The rooms were "adorned 'with snapMr. and Mrs. Ezra Jacobsen of Ogdragons and roses. The fore part of the den visited friends in this city Sunday. evening was spent in out door games Mr. and Mrs. J. Leo Nielsen of Idaho on the lawn and later musical numbers oo Falls, visited relatives In this city and singing were enjoyed. At a late We are now prepared to do tire and Sunday. hour a delicious three course tray tube vulcanizing, battery charging and Mr. and Mri J. W. Valentine and luncheon was served to twenty guests. rebuilding. Tire Service & Repair family motored to Salt Lake where Out of town guests included Mr. and company, 2 doors south of court house they visited with their son Howard Mrs. Ed Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Richard J20-tand then went on out to Bingham to Bishop of Brigham City; Mrs. Fred view the wonderful copper concern. Woodyatt of Ogden, and Mrs. Lofthonse of Paradise. They returned late Sunday night, j oo Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Emmel and son Locust The of the daughters of Camp Billy, Casper, Wyoming, returned Induce regular habit, good to their home Sunday, after spending of the Pioneers will meet Friday, June digestion. Relieve the two weeks visiting at the home of 27th. at 3:30 oclock, at the home of dyspeptic and debilitated and tone up the system Mrs. Emmels mother, Mrs. Mary Ko- - Mrs. Isaac Hansen. AGAINST MALARIA ford, in thia city. The Sea Gull camp of the Daughters of the Pioneers will meet Friday at 3:30 p. m. on the Third ward meeting house lawn. The Bee Hive catnp of the daughters of the Pioneers will meet Friday at The Touring: Car 4 p. m. at the home of Mrs Eliza Howard, 7th So. and Main. The Deseret camp of Daughter of F. O. B. Detroit Pioneers will meet Friday, June 27, Demountable Rim at 7:30 p. m. at the home of Mrs. and Staiw IS1 R. H. Stewart. HANSEN Tutts Pills rs LOCAL ITEMS sons. Jujt D. S. SPENCER General Passenger Agent Salt Lake City to j al ad b Stic |