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Show ing at the Box Elder High School Legal be received at the office of will Probtle and Guardianship No the Clerk, Box Eider County tices. Consull Clark ol Dis-triCourt Brigham. Utah, or School District. County Court House, Brigham City, Utah, unthe respective signer til 7:30 p. m. on the 13th day of furthar information. 1948, and will then September. SUMMONS be publicly opened and read. In Tho District Court Ot Tha Firet District Of The State f Utah, All bids shall be made on the In and For The County ef Box Elder. and Notice At The Primary Election , September 7th ct lor VOTE FOR WILLIAM L. EVELYN BARNES SlUVALL, JACK. WA1TON THE STATE OF DEFENDANT: You are hereby tummoned to appear within twenty daye after the service of if served thle Summons upon you. within the county In which this action within thirty ie brought, otherwise, defend the daye atter service, and above entitled action; and m case of be your failure so to do. judgment will rendered against you according to the has which demand of the complaint been filed with the Clerk of the above entitled Court This action Is brought for the pur pose of dissolving the bonds of ma between trimony heretofore existing the plaintiff and the defendant VlALTtR G MANN, Plaintiff Attorney P O Address first Security Bank , Bldg Brigham City. Utah 17 24 Aug. 27 Sept WARNER Republican Candidate for SECRETARY OF STATE Legal Notices but a man of ability of service in the record whose and experience interest of the public is unequalled by that of any other candidate for this office. Not I rd. jut another politician THE SHOULD Sealed proposals for new roofs and associated work for the Main Buildings and the Farm Mechanics Shop at the Bear River High School and the Auto Shop and Mechanical Arts Build- - Jeff DISTRICT COURT BE POLITICS? OUT OF TAKEN Stowell FOB BIDS ADVERTISEMENTS Club. J. N. Slater, Chairman Pol. Adv. by William L Warner for See. of Slot J'UmUff, STOVAIL, DWendant UTAH TO THE SAID of Cache County, (Sheriff printed forms provided made a part of the contract documents, copies of the plans, specifications and other con tract 'documents are on file in the office of the Clerk, Box Elder County School District at the County Court House, Brigham City, Utah and are open for public Inspection. A set of such documents may be obtained from the office of Karl L. Krusmark, Architect, in the First Security Bank Building, Brigham City, Utah, upon deposit of ten dollars ($10.00). Said deposit will be refunded provided the bidder submits a bona fide bid and the plans and specifications are returned to the Architect not later than 5 days following the opening of bids. Bid security wil be required in the form of a certified or cashiers check or bid bond acceptable to the owner in an amount of not less than 5 percent of the total amount of the proposal, payable without condition to the owner. The Board of Education of Box Elder County School District, reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities. BOARD OF EDUCATION BOX ELDER COUNTY 1930-46- ) says: SCHOOL DISTRICT, By Leonard L. Bishop, The Star Bar Association TALKED about it. President. ATTEST: You VOTED a constitutional amendment directing the Legislature to do it. Judge Morrison DID IT. YOU can KEEP visit in Denver, Colo. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Atkinson and children Gary and Darlene of Los Angeles, Calif., and Mrs. Lyman Wight spent last Wednesday and Thursday visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Poulsen at Promontory. Mr. and Mrs. Clark White and children of Provo spent the past week-enat the home of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy D. White. Mrs. Allan McCune and daughter Mary Jane 'of Compton, Calif., visited last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lisle Larsen. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Barnard announce the arrival of a baby daughter, born August 29 at the Cooley hospital. Dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Hansen at Tremonton last Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Crowther and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Pay and children, Arlene and Clifford, of Nephi. The Pays left for their home in Nephi last Monday. August ' FRIDAY STARTS HARVEY A SJOSTROM H. FERRELL DISTRICT JUDGE AND 7th SEPTEMBER 2nd NOVEMBER UDG Democratic ADAMS Democratic Candidate lor STATE TREASURER COMPETENT EXPERIENCED PUBLIC Vote OFFICIAL Sept em Lr 7tl (Paid Political Advertisement By C. Henry Nielsen) SEPTEMBER Ticket TO YOU THE CITIZEN: Of Mr. Sjostrom It Can Be Properly Said. He does not allow expediency to supplant principk. He is impartial and efficient in the enforcement law as intended by you. He believes that all cases should be prosecuted there is probably cause not just some cases, He pinched hit for the District and County alt nevs when circumstances made it impossible them to act and has served as attorney for Sim field and Logan for two years. He has proven his competency and that he cairns harmoniously with other officers of your selectu He has consistantly supported the Democratic pai through thick and thin on principle for over years, because in his opinion that party works the common man more than any other. 10th PLAYS EVERY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY He will sincerely endeavor to merit your and support. Perry New Mrs. Lyman Wight Enjoying a successful fishing trip at Alpine, Idaho, on the Snake river last week were Newell H. Wight and son De Orr, George Holton, Lloyd Poulsen of Promand ontory, Wayne Atkinson son Gary of Los Angeles. The prize catch a five pound trout caught by George Holton. Thirteen teen-aggirls from the Perry ward enjoyed the South Box Elder stake outing last Thursday at Bear Lake. The girls were accompanied by their leaders. Mrs. Cora Quayle and Mrs. Hazel Nelson. Swimming, boating, skating and luncheon were enjoyed and a program concluded the days entertainment. The drivers Bishop Rulon Hirschi, Counselor Eugene Bott and Shirl Carter. Mrs. Elzada Young and grand- - For ATTORNEY PERRY, Utah four-day- k DISTRICT lERRY By Uloh's Safety Program Due to organization, enforceparticipament and state-citto tne tion, Utah ranked second State of Washington among the eleven western states in its 1947 to inSafety program, according the released by formation just National Safety council, with at Des Moines. headquarters Iowa. In 19 Hi Lufc fourth in the west, ranked first in safety! tion; tied fr .mu f . participation in ming and in law eiZ!A Utah placed second ln ance of accident reco-neering and public third in school safety i. driver licensing; seventh' moting legislation and, keeping death records Candidate 27, Fostings From the District Court out of politics by nominating and electing 1 (SEAL) First publication ter Arlene were Salt Lake visit last Sunday. ors Og-de- 1918. but failed. The Legislature TRIED Eberhart Zundel, Clerk. Oyler Mr. and Mrs Eugene daughter Sharon Stokes, left for and family and Mr, and Mrs. Miss last Thursday. Los Angeles Casteel and family of Sharon has spent the past tw-- Lou and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley relatives months visiting with children and Mrs and friends and is returning to Peersen and and children of Larsen Marie her home. were last Sunnday A farewell party was given Garland the home of Mr. and at Lawn-visitors at last Friday evening Petersen. Royal Mr. Mrs. park in honor of Mr and Mrs. Wayne Atkinson and Mrs. C. Edward Wilson who and are moving to Lewiston to makei and children of Los Angeles and daugh their home. An interesting pro- Mrs. Lyman Wight gram was rendered with Charles Dredge conducting. Refreshments were served and games were played by the younger groups. A beautiful gift was presented to Mr. Wilson who has served as superintendent of the Sunday school for the past two years. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy D. White left last week for a ten-da- confides Respectfully and sincerely yours, s HARVEY A. SJOSTROM (Paid Political Advertisement) e y FOR VOTE i ijesse p. mm f Republican Candidate For JUDGE DISTRICT STATE SENATOR MITCHELL MEUC1 REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR CONGRESS First Utah District s Get U tow lmi X mi M ttftUS W Og to SowtoUF NM-- M PitoMto to UN UIUMl UN tod to MM" KXQ Tl First Judicial District BtULVTV 4 Here Is What Logans Major Thinks of Jesse P. Rich : RU C'TY OGA 10H VEF n a5i no 5 3t sand''ig m the vounS ,v,p 0ucy is dct as v'cVheves . deeds- r, r.uer'har rV ne. d 10 AUTOMATIC PENCILS 49 Factor LIPSTICK $1.00 Plus all other leading nforcc the -- coof SflSt hetP'ng. ln P c tftce hahnal NAIL POLISH ot Duragloss POLISH that otttce . 60c Remover, lg. size .25c Dorothy Gray - v0ers iicspcc tiuhy- SPECIALS - MlNER- - Maot FACIAL CREAMS Regularlv $2.00 CURTIS NOW $1.00 Includes Dry Skin Creams, Salon Cold Cream, Cleansing Cream. YOUR Water Don't GAMBLE With It! up YOUR Dr. West WRITING NEEDS TOOTH BRUSH 49c Giant Colgate Sheaffer Pens .... $1.50 up Chen Yu , 3udf cj Vo the ... Its brands Anonm &'$ which Contest cVl and is capable nation i'h0 this dts,utctol WRITING TABLETS Max ft addled US'o ha'c 3i $2.00 HOME PERMANENT - olh i TONI Pen & Pencil Set . $7.50 up Eversharp & Parker PENS and SETS TOOTH PASTE 43c Plus all other leading brands Safe Keeping For Locker Kevs KEY CHAINS CONGRESSMAN-ELECwill be confronted will tough light when the new Congress convenes It will be o him to push through the appropriations needed to bu2 the dams and other projects which will enable Utah to nto beneficial use ol the water it owns in the Colorado H . . . There will be opposition . . . Competition for funds ' - Make sure your Congressman measures op ,en n,ua be alert and experienced He mud !le b tin possess the dnve and determination to carry on when going gets rough . . . Above all be must be INFORMED- ... ... ?JAJE SENATOR MITCHELL MELICH is acknowledged to U foremost legislative 8itf authority on the Colorado . He sponsored the Colorado the legislation up setting mver Commitee and the Utah Water and Power Board . served as ol both imPf Hirkjer' and is intimately lamilar with the involved nej? ions an complicated details of the entire project . . candidate has his convp' working knowledge ol this ACTION Mitchell Melich stands lor INFORMED on the Colorado River program. .. . 98c PRESCRIPTIONS Always take your doctors word when your health is at stake Let us guard your health for you with full strength, accurately compounded prescriptions. Our years of training and experience assure you of best results in keeping your child in school everyday throughout the school year. hhas SIXOTY AT?nBTr7oENflTOil COUNTY ATTORNEY MOAB DIRECTOR, UTAH MUNICH11 LEAGUE J LIFELONG REPUBLICAN enouah'ta'11 personal! Candida, T 3- .i! -W enough to know the job. FOR A NEW PERSONALITY FOR A FRESH FOR A WINNING TICKET LET'S PICK A WINNER THIS TIME TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7th TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2nd Vote MELICH For Congr 10 v e , w. f I- X. 1 2 'f South Main Street 3 Ptornc 122 T conbnes a warm, friendly and s.c splendid appearance. An eloquent P h WU mak a 39ess,ve. vo.e-g.- PcAhCAAdL Mclidi for Congreu Commits . r. McShane, Chairman, Baaver, Utah |