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Show HUNTERS HE SURGEONS KNIFE Pastime In the' Woods That Sorai- times Furnishes Odd Snrprlses. The tribe of camera hunters has increased prodigiously of late years. The craze has not penetrated the South, where cameras are rare outside of big towns, but widely spread In the North and West The camera hunter needs for outfit a fairly good instrument, some strings to tie it In place, from twenty-fiv- e to fifty feet of rubber tubing and a lot of dry plates or films. His objects are to get pictures of birds In air, birds on nests, birds on perches, rabbit In form, etc. Camera hunting uas merits, which even old hunters do not deny. It Is practiced mostly In summer time with nesting birds for subjects and does no harm. It takes the camera hunter into the field and teaches him the habits of bird and beast. It gives him opportunity to acquire a knowledge of the points of the compass so that he will not get lost in the woods. Its successful pursuit requires patience, ingenuity, industry and some endurance. Flashlight pictures of deer on night runways, of predatory fauna, foxes, minks, polecats and so forth about chicken coops and duck roosts are interesting and Instructive. Sometimes illustrations ol they give unlooked-fo- r the habits' of animals. A camera hunter in southwestern Wisconsin who had accused a fox ol stealing a lot of his young Indian game chickens found one day, on th evidence of developed plate, that th thief was a woodchuck. Similarly a tame ferret has been discovered on his way to cut a lot of fowls throats Instead of a skunk which had been judged guilty. . For Ovarian Troubles Hay Be Avoided. : I suffered irlth inflammation of the ovaries and wombfor over six years, enduring aches md pains which none can dream of butthose who have had the same expe- DiaB Mbs. Piskham ECKI3 STEVES SON. rievek. II nndreds of dollars went to the doctor and the druggist. I was simply a walking medicine chest and a physical wreck. My sister residing in Ohio wrote me that she had been cured of womb trouble bv using Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Com- me to try it. I pound, and advised then, discontinued all other medicines and gave your Vegetable Compound a thorough trial. Within four weeks rarely nearly all pain had left me ; Iwere in had headaches, and my nerves was and I s much better condition, cure4 in three months, and this avoided Mrs. a terrible surgical operation. Ecu is, Stevenson,-- 250 So. State St., Salt Lake City, Utah. 5000 forfeit If gbouB testimonial ft not genuine. Remember every woman is to Mrs. cordially invited to write Pinkham if there is anything about her symptoms she does not Mrs. Pinkhams understand. address is Lynn, Mass. Cheap Excursion Rates via the Atchison, Topeka Ss Santa Fe Railway. On June 10th, 11th, and 12th, the following- first-cla- ss passenger rates will be effective via above route from Ogden and Salt Lake City, Utah, to Missouri River and return $32.00 St. Louis and return 39.50 44.50 Chicago and return Final return limit September 8th, 1902. For reduced rates to other points, and information regarding excursions on other dates than above, apply to C. F. WARREN, GenI Agent A. T. & S. F. Ry. 411 Dooly Block, Salt Lake City, Ut. HAD GOOD REASON TO BE WORRIED. fntMl ' Something Had Con Wrong .With Ills Literary Courtship. There is more in this literary deaess than I thought possible, clared the young man who is In love. Wben' iny girl, owing 'to circumstances over which she had no control, left for the West, I decided that I would follow as soon as I could earn enough to pa? my 'fare there Some time ago I was in a book store and chanced to see a book entitled 'Tarty. Thou Till I Come. ' The thought struck me that It would be a good hint, so I purchased the book and fent it to her. By return mail 1 received from her The Right of Way. .Bay, "that made me feel good all over. Put one month; later I was startled and somewhat puzzled by getting Great Expectation?, and the best way I could figure it out was that she had met some one with a lot of Sarah Ann Crandall died recently a complete recluse in her home for forty year?. None of her neighbors had seen her face in that period. out-ther- e On at Constantinople. Extraordinary activity has lately been' displayed in Constantinople by spes in the government service arrests, and domiciliary visits being alarmlngy frequent Several members of, the diplomatic corps have complained of the obnoxious attentions of which they have been the object dnthe part of spies. 25c Tenements. There is more Catarm in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease, and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly falling to cure with local treatment, pronounced It incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment Hall s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market It is taken Internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They ofTer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Addreaa F. J. ( HENEV & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75o. Hall s Family Pills are the best Ilia Royal Highness, Prince Michi, grandson of the present Mikado of Japan, is the youngest heir presumptive to a greafthrone among all the royal personages in the world. Re is eight month old.. , ,v i , i i EARLIEST RUSSIAN MILLET. Will yon be short of hay I If so, plant A plenty of this prodigally prolific millet, 8 to 8 Ton of Rich' Hay Per Acre. Price 50 lbs. $1.90; 11X1 lbs. $3. Low freight 'John A. Baker Sefed Co., La Crosse, W is. W . McKinley condition remain fbout the same. She goes out driving frequently and visits" the cemetery every 'flay' that the weather will permit. 'Tfo'fcure a Gold lit One day, ' Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet. All our r c j'" makes andsellsroorei KLjiyuKiai than anvothertwo (I7Pn,lrhoe tSrV,n CiAfOfld. R wm 4a as 4 liu 00 and shoes p Uh $5.00 and $6X10 she $30 re found to be jus as tw iiir ot rd druggists refund money U' ' - Brock fen" 5 if it fails to care. 86a The American , Monthly Review M Ievlew for May contalnamany article of vital interest to the reader, and will prove.to.be & mo$t excellent number;- - The natives of Burmah are very deceitful and are cunning criminals. A short time ago, before I left India says a traveler, I was standing in the police station of one of the larger cities, when a native presented himself to the officeis with the request that he be handcuffed and placed in a cell. Although the man refused to give any explanation, the officers complied with his request. A few hours later a native, who was badly bruised and cut, came shrieking into the station and announced that he had just been assaulted and robbed. When asked who Ms assailant was, be named the native who had been locked up at his own request. Investigation showed that the second native had Inflicted wounds upon himself for the purpose of getting an enemy Into jail. The man he was plotting against heard of the plan and defeated it by being In jail at the time the crime was said to have been committed. BURIED AT MAUDE TALMAGE MARRIED Daughter of the Celebrated Preacher Met at Washington. Prominent among the early spring nuptial events was tue wedding of Miss Maude Talmage, daughter of the ARLINGTON Whipple Wa One of th Few Survivor of the Older Leader. ' Major General William Dennison Whipple, who died at New York re Shs Suffered for Years and Felt Her Case Was less Hope- Cured by . Peruna. ANNA B. FLEHARTY, recent of the W. C. T. U. Superintendent headquarter-- , at Galesburg, 111 , was for ten years one of the leading women Her husband, when living, was there. first President of i he Nebraska Wesleyan University, at Lincoln, Neb. h In a letter written from 401 street, V Chicago, 111, Mrs. Fleharty says the following in regard to Peruna:wife Having lived a very active life as and woiking partner of a busy minister, my health failed me a few years ago. I lost my husband about the same time, and gradually I seemed to lose healtn and spirit. My daughter is a confirmed Invalid, and we both felt great need of an invigorator. One ot my neighbors advised me to tty Peruna. A bottle was Immediately secured and a great change took place in my daughters as well as In my own health. Our appetites Improved very gently, the digestion seemed much helped, and restful sleep soon Improved us, so that we seemed like new women. I would not be without Peruna for Mrs. Anna B. ten times Its cost. Fleharty. What used to be called female diseases by the medical profession is now callel It has been found by pelvic catarrh. experience that catarrhal diseases of the cause of most cases of the are pelvic organs. female disea-eDr. Hartman was among the first of Americas great physicians to make this discovery. For forty years he has been treating diseases peculiar to women, and long ago he reached the conclusion that a woman entirely free from catarrhal affection of these organs would not be subject to female disease. He therefore began using Peruna for these cases and found it so admirablv adapted to their permanent cure that Peruna has now become the most famous remedy for female diseases ever known. Everywhere tbe women are using it and praising it. Peruna is not a palliative simply ; it cures by removing the cause of female Sixtv-fevent- Mix Maud Talmage. Rev. Dr. T. De Witt Talmage, and Clarence F. Wyckoff of Ithaca, N. Y. The wedding took place Wednesday, April 9. On account of the illness of Dr. Talmage the plans for an elaborate church wedding were changed and the nuptials were celebrated quietly at the home of the bride, 1400 Massachusetts avenue. Miss Talmage is a piquant, pretty girl, who has been greatly admired In Washington society, for her lovable, womanly traits. Mr. Wyckoff Is a Cornell graduate, a member of the Chi Psi fraternity, a lawyer and a successful and wealthy business man. He accompanied Lieut. Peary on his late arctic expedition and came back on the Eric. ON Carl A TOUR OF INVESTIGATION Snndback Sent from Sweden Study Condition Her. disease Dr. Hartman has probably cured more women of female ailments than any other He makes these cures living physician. simply by using and recommending Peruna. Mrs. E. L. Brown 829 Elliott street, Memphis, Tenn , writes: I suffered for several years with headache brought on by nervous prostration. also afflicted with insomnia. I would was I get up in the morning more weary than when I retired and I used to dread the approach of night. Peruna came into my home as a welcome guest, and within three short months I was like another woman. I have now enjoyed perfect health for over a year, and those who have suffered as I Mrs. E. did will know how happy I am. L. Brown. Mrs. Esther M. Milner, De Graff, Ohio, writes: I was a terrible sufferer from female weakness and had the headache continuously. I was not able to do my housework for myself and husband. I wrote you and described my condition as near as possible. You recommended Peruna. I took four bottles and was completely cured. I think Peruna a wonderful mediMrs. Esther M. Milner. cine. g, Congressman Thad. M. Mahon, of Cham-bersbur- Pa , writes : I take pleasure in commending your Peruna as a substantial tonic and a T. M. Mahon. good catarrh remedy. If you do not derive prompt and satisfactory results from the use of Ptruna, awrite at once to Dr. Hartman, giving full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. to With the. purpose of informing his fellows of the community of Upsala, cently of pneumonia, was buried In the National cemetery at Arlington. His daughter, Mrs. Charles Deerlng of Evanston, 111., went to Washington to attend to the funeral arrangements. Gen. Whipple was one of the few survivors of the older leaders in the civil war. He served as Thomas chief of staff at Chlckamauga and as adjutant general to Sherman and Sheridan at later periods of the struggle. He was 76 years old. in- - They Have Not Their Equal la tbe World. Deila-e- t MISS pmuatL i S20 A WEEK AND EXPENSES to men with rig to introduce our Poultry goods. Send st p. JavelleMfg Co., DeptD, Parsons, Kan Impoverished Blood. CRIMINALS phia, which has just been placed on public exhibition by the judges at the Academy of Fine Arts, provides for a tapering stone or granite shaft 150 feet high, similar in construction to the Washington monument. Heroic bronze emblematic figures adorn the four sides, while cannon mouths peep from the granite base. The committee several months ago offered of $2,500 In four prizes, the winner the first prize and $1,000 being the. girl and let her work for him afterward. Good Work In th EURMAH MONUMENT hes going to marry the girl Yes, CF City or Philadelphia Ha Spent Half Million Dollar for Shaft. The accepted design for the proposed $500,000 soldiers monument to be erected in Logan Square, Philadel- a bottle Tenement tea drinkings are a form Whether due to inheritance or caused of hospitality Introduced among the poor of the settlement workers. by a depleted condition of the system, Wouldnt you like to have a party is the cause of much agony. In a settlement your tenement? worker will ask a poor woman. Yes, Curative Vogelers Compound, but I haven't got cups enough. Oh, when taken for this trouble is a means we will see to that. You just clean of salvation. It creates new fresh up a bit, make a fire and have the kettissues and pure red blood corpuscles tle boiling. So the Invitations are and by giving strength and tone to sent out and the hostess gives her the great vital energies of the body, rooms such a cleaning as they have it enables them, to perform their nat- not had since she moved Into them. ural functions. The reader should The settlement folk bring tea, cakes, not lose sight of the fact that Vogelers cups and all the paraphernalia necesfor the service. Pretty girls Curitive Compound is made from the sary come, too, to play or to sing and to formula of one of the most eminent help things to move along smoothly. physicians. New York Press. Send at once to St. Jacobs Oil, Yalnabi French Invention. Ltd., Baltimore, for a free sample A remarkable inventlcn for prebottle. venting railway accidents has been success on the western Mss. Mast ShosttjV, 6 Court, Gosport Street, tried with Coventry, writes: ' Several years ago I met with an railways of France. The Invention is accident through a fall, hurting my hand so badly that placed on an engine. If the driver I was unable to use the same for five weeks. I tried everything 1 knew of but did not receive sny benefit for any cause passes a danger signal, Finally, as s last resource. I applied St. Jacobs Oil and the apparatus blows-whistle on the after using the first bottle I could move my fingers, after the second bottle I could open my nana ana engine continuously and also throws finally I regained the use of my hand and all pam left me. It was only by the use ol St. Jacobs Oil that I am up a small light under the engines blw able to follow my employment. nose. This will render all accidents, except wilful ones, impossible. P1 DESIGN FOR SOLDIERS who used to work for him. Think of it. Well, what of it? Most men marry a & V,lT lb Kentucky. She is typically southern In slow grace of speech and manner and has been prominently Identified with society circles here. The fortune which has favored Mr. Watson is said to have disconcerted more than one rival. Cardinal Gibbons will ofliciate at the marriage. He will be assisted by the Rev. J. F. Mackin. A large reception will follow at the home of the brides parents. Test of Many Locomotives. New Zealand government flammation, allays pain, cures wind colic. Traveler Gin. the Mm. Winslows Soothing Syrup.' For children teething, softens the gums, reduces CUNNING SOLDIER railways experiments are about to be made as to the relative merits of American, Briti.-.-h and Australian locomotives. i c One of springs lovely brides in Washington Is Miss Katherine Bryant, whose wedding is set for April 15. The bridegroom will be James m! Armstrong and the ceremony one of the most elaborate of the season. Miss Bryant, whose blond has attracted much attention inbeauty the capital, is the daughter of Mr. and Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children Successfully used by Mother Gray, nurse in the Childrens Home in New York. Cures Feverishness, Bad Stomach, Teething Disorders, move and regulat the Bowels and Destroy Worms. Over 80,000 testimonials. At all druggists, 25a Sample FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. motay and was trying to break me neys.jo me gently. Yesterday I was knocked all in a heaphy receiving The Crisis. Im if I have to ride golpgWest pn i Brakebeam! - at her home in Green, N. Y., having lived A PASTOR'S WIFE Beautiful Southern Bride. ' firs. Eel is Stevenson of Salt Lake City Tells How Opera-tion- s JTR3. WHO USE THE CAMERA. A New York Fifty-tw- o ted. firm of Lord & other designs were Hewlett. submit- Work of Old Shipbuilder. There lies now In the Thames the old convict ship Success, fitted up for exhibition, a fine example of the way She was ships were formerly built. launched at Moulmein in 1790, is built of Indian teak, and her mainmast Is the stick that .was put Into her 111 Internal Treatment The Most Ancient Inscription. What Is supposed to be the most ancient inscription in existence arrived yesterday at the university museums. Thirty-fourt- h and Spruce streets. The inscription is on a fragment of a vase that was unearthed by the museums Egyptian exploration expedition In the ruins of Nippur. It is said to date back at least 4,500 years before the Christian era, and 13 therefore more than 6,000 years old. The general outline of the characters can be distinguished, and as translated recount the circumstances of a coronation. Unfortunately, the name of the king who was crowned can not be deciphered. Philadelphia Post. Swedish-AmericaCarl Sundbeck, a prominent young Swede, is now studying in Chicago. He Is going soon to Minnesota, where he will be the guest of Senator Nelson, who will aid him in noting conditions among Swedes of the northwest Sundbeck Is a graduate of Upsala university. He was selected to make the tour of the United States In compliance with, the laws of - his native state. They provide for the payment of the expenses of travelers who shall report back to the people who pay their expenses. KINGS SHARK WAS ALSO BADLY Christian BIRTHDAY EIGHTY-FOURT- H IX of Denmark Has Beached an Advanced Age. King Christian IX. of Denmark recelebrated his eighty-fourt- h cently A to Red Label. There were numerous fetes birthday. of Senator Money Mississippi, says' the kingdom. The func- throughout that every pound of butter that goes to the West Indies is colored a brilliant red. The carkles down there, he says, wont have any other color. They like red butter jusi as they adore Like red fed shirts or red cravats. lemonade at a circus, suggested Senator Tillman. Yes, replied Senator Money, or the red label on a tomato can. I have been told by grocers that if a black and white label should be placed on canned - tomatoes, there would be no sale at all. Connecticut Thre Sobriquets. Connecticut has three sobriquets. It has been called the Land of Steady Habits, from the sobriety and gravFreestone ity of Its people; the State, from Its enormous quarries of that description of stone, and the Nutmeg State, from the tradition prevalent in surrounding communities over a hundred years ago that the chief industry of its inhabitants was the manufacture of nutmegs of wood, to be passed off as genuine on suspecting purchasers. Complete External and elaborate, contributed to in no small degree by the presence of Queen Alexandra of England, daughter of Den, marks monarch. Did Funston Plagiarize? e fun Some one familiar with has Bald that Gen. Fred Funstons story of his experience In a country newspaper office was so funny that John Phoenix put it into his collecold-tim- tion of California stories about fifty years ago, and was so ungenerous as as a prison to .fail to give tbe Kansas hero proper was kept She ago. years made credit. ship at Melbourne, and recently her th voyage from Australiaandunder a halt , own sail, in five months Larceny of French Letters. ; The French postoffice estimates that no fewer than 93,000 letters were stolen England Denuded of Troop. The strength of the Dover garrison last year from pillar boxes. Experiis stated io be so abnormally low that ments are being made by fitting some Instead of four of tbe boxes with steel teeth, which only fire nundred, thousand, troops will remain When prevent the extraction of letters, in the drafts now under orders leave for th hope of guarding against these theft front Nothing like the present state In the future. of affairs has been known since Waterloo. Bneems of Prb Tub. , The experimental underground elecMuile Teacher In Germany. of Germanys tric railway of Paris, which although Because miles in in teachers Germany are hut eight and three-quartmusic 150,000 handles 140,000 fares a day, ha Reichalleged to be Incompetent the com- length so been a law satisfactory that two Imporstag Mil be asked to pass branches will he added to it dartant state a to teacher undergo pelling the ing the current year. examination. two-thir- Carl Sundbeck. Sweden, of the living conditions of the ns THE SET $1. Consisting of CUTICURA SOAP to cleanse the skin of crusts and scales, and soften the thickened cuticle; CUTICURA OINTMENT to instantly allay itching, irritation, and inflammation, and soothe and heal; and CUTICURA RESOLVENT PILLS, to cool and cleanse the blood, and expel humour germs. A SINGLE SET is often sufficient to cure the most torturing, disfiguring skin, scalp, and blood humours, eczemas, rashes, itchings, and irritations, with loss of hair, when the best physicians, and all other remedies fail. , Flb SCARED Eagerness to Eicape Proximity to a Diver. found himself closeted in a with a shark. When opoccurred he attempted to Displayed from A diver chartroom portunity - SOAP CUTICURA make for the door, but the shark, who mistook his action for an assault and feared the diver as much as the diver feared him, dashed for the exit himself and 'came out an easy flrfct. How th Vot Was Counted. John S. Wise, now a well known lawyer In New York, once ran for governor of Virginia against Fitzhugh Lee. the latter being elected. Some time afer the election Wise was making a speech in Caroline county. He was frequently interrupted by a negro, who appeared to be under the influence of liquor. Having stood the interruptions as long as he could, Mr. Wise finally stopped his speech and addressed himself directly to the negro, asking him to keep quiet I ask yo pawdon, Mr. Wise," replied the interrupter, but yo know I voted for Yes, I know you did, yo. Mr. Wise, nded but your vote was counted for Fitzhugh Lee. Assisted by Cuticura Ointment, for preserving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales, and dandruff, and the Stopping of falling hair, for softening, whitening, and soothing red, rough, and sore hands, for baby rashes, itchings, and chafing, and for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Millions of Women use Cuticura Soap in the form of baths for annoying irritations, inflammations, and excoriations, for too free or offensive perspiration, In the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and for many sanative, antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves to women and mothers. No other medicated aoap is to bo compared with Cuticura tor preserving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, scalp, hair, and hands. . No other foreign or domestia toilet soap, however expensive, is to be compared with it for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Thus it combines in One Soap at One Price, the best skin and complexion soap, and the best toilet and baby soap in the world. COMPLETE EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL TREATMENT FOR EVERY HUMOUR. Consisting of Ctmctriu Soap (25c ), to cleanse the skin of crusts and scales, and aoften tbe thickened cnticle; CoTidmu Ointment (50c.), to instantly allay itching, inflammation, and irritation, and aootlis and heal; and CtrricURA Resolvent Pills (25c.), to cool and cleans THE SET $1. the blood. A Sinqle Bit is often sufficient to core the most torturing, disfiguring, Itching, burning, and aca'yakln, scalp, and blood humours, rashes, itchings, and irritations, with loss of hair, when ail else fails. Sold throughout th world. British Depot: Charterhouse 8q., London. French Depot: 5 Rue do ia Tail, Parts. Potter Dauo and Chem. Coup., Sole Props., Boston, U. 8.A., All about the Skin, Deo. CUTK L'kA Resolvent Pill (Chocolate Coaled) are a new, tasteless, odourless, economical substitute for the celebrated liquid Cuticora Resolvent, as well as for all other blood purifier and humour cures. Each pill is equivalent to one teaspoonfui of liquid Resolvent. Put op in acrew-ca- p pocket vials, containing the name number of doses as a 50c. bottie of liquid price 25e. Coticuba Pills are alterative, antiseptic, tonic, hnd digestive, and beyond question the purest, sweetest, most successful and 0000101001 blood and akin poritmrs, humour cures, and yet compounded. na county, Pennsylvania, will start a crow farm, designing to sell wings and heads to milliners. Taint de fellow wid de longes line RELIABLE ASSAYS. $ .60 Gold and Silver.. ...... .9 .79 dat catch de mos fish, said Charcoal Gold. r 50 Gol l. Silver and OVjnpw 1.60 orf mail samples. prompt in returns another of his Eph, ruminating OGDEN ASSAY CO. hit de man wid de longes moods; magination. If ftfflfctoft with sore efes use Thompsons Eys Wa PUTMAM FADELESS DYES are fast to sunlight, washing and rubbing. Sold W. N.iU.. Sait Lake No. 17. 191 by druggists, 10c: per package. Indian Harvest Wild Rice. Th Indians of Minnesota and Wisconsin have harvested wild rice to th value of tip to $30,000 a year. Mis Maud Dennison, qf Chicago, is said to be the only woman harries, maker In tne United State. She has --orked at the trade fo fear years. ' quickly-respo- , Will Start Crow Farm. A farmer of Glentwood, Susquehan- er j r j( Bost Cough fi$rupw futM Good. Dm I I h time. Bold by drurelftte. SEES7 V V |