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Show I Bloodhounds Too Friendly HAMiMOND, Ind. (UP)-J- ohn Hill bought two bloodhounds serve as watchdoes In hu sales company. He thought hey were doing a good job unto til one night burglars broke in and stole them. or Second Ward Sacrament And Testimonial t Meetings Held Sunday . PIBTHSl Civic Club Holds Its Pres. Glenn Bennion Speaks At Perry Sun. Christmas Program At the Invocation from Douglas Connie Wagstaff was accompanist and Eugene Bott directed the singing. A vocal solo was sung by Donna Wood tiactled, Teach Me To Pray, HirschL companied by Dorothy A piano solo. "Butterflies, was then played by Barbara Billings, followed by remarks from H. Eugene Perry, president of the Genealogical committee. Oy-le- r. Jack and Bonnie Jean By- The Clubroom Thurs. President Glenn M. Bennion water Corbett. Brigham City, was the guest speaker at the The With Bishop Glen Knudsen in Christmas of the program baby boy, bom December 27. evening meeting held charge, the Second ward held Edell and Marjorie Troxell Civic Improvement club was Sunday sacrament and fast day testi- Butterfield, Brigham, baby boy-bo- presented Thursday afternoon, at the Perry w'ard, sponsored by committee. with Mrs. Elmer Klitgaard- pres- the Genealogical mony meeting Sunday morning, December 27. Peters William conducted the 1. ident, presiding. January Thomas and Wanda Hansen meeting. The opening song, Redeemer Misrasi, Mrs. Ronald led Packer the Brigham City, baby of Israel," was sung by the conChoose The opening song, flag salute, and Mrs. C. S. Ham girl, born December 28. gregation following which Paby John DaNay and Beverly John- llton offered prayer. Visitors in- The Right, was followed triarch N. J. Valentine gave the son Wheeler, R FD. No. 2, Brig- troduced were Mrs. Josylan and Invocation. The congregation ham City, Mrs. Law'. Changes in the con born Dethen sang "God Our Father Hear cember 29. baby girl, stitution were read by Mrs. Dan Get Your AUTO INSURANCE Us fray. Peterson and all were adopted. Wm. Durrell (Quig) and Don and Nello Jensen, were in Mrs. William C. Sackett and iBott Nielsen- Brigham City, Mrs. Reed Simonsen were charge of the sacrament and baby iboy, bom December 29. in they were assisted by fourteen and Elizabeth Ann charge of the program, which Eugene deacons. (Betty) Shaw Bickmore, Brig- Included vocal trio numbers by We offer the best coverages for the least premium. Our During the services Bishop ham City, baby girl, born De- Charlene Benson, Kathryn Hun-sakclaim service is the best. You receive a Citizens InsurKnudsen read a letter from El cember 30. acand Naomi Ellason, der Whitney Johnson who is la ance Policy with full membership in the Automobile Henry M. and Alice Beesley companied by Karen Craghead; boring in the Danish mission Hendrickson, Brigham City, ba- Scotch imitations by Bunny Owners Protective Association. This gives, in addition field. to standard policy coverages, the following: keese; a duet by Kathy and by girl, born December 30. The time, was then turned over Leslie Vaughn and Marguer- Roger Nelson, accompanied by to testimony bearing and nine ite 1. Attorney service on anything pertaining Clarge Wassom, Willard, ba- Mrs Charles Dredge, and a persons responded. to your car. reading by Maxilyn Woods. by girl- born January 2. The closing song, Sweet Hour Refreshments were served by iForrest and Iris Kunzler One-ha- lf 2. of cost on collision under $50, all the of Prayer, was by the congre Mrs. Hinckley, Utah, baby girl, the serving committee, cost over $50 on larger claims. Ma-bBenediction was progallon. John Larsen chairman, Miss born January 2. nounced by W. H. Gillman. 3. Tow-i- n service. Christensen, Mrs. Rex Earl-Mrs- . Eliot Ward, Mrs. K. E. Evening Meeting ' 4. 75c on tire repairs. The genealogical Mrs. James committee, Three Boys Confirmed Powers, Weight, 5. Travel information and reservation service. under ithe direction of Thomas Members Of LDS Church Mrs. Glen Humphreys, Mrs. E. Kimber was in charge of the Bruce Harmon, Mrs, Mac Fish-burWe also encourage good driving by making a refund to Mrs. Lewis Jones, Mrs. program presented in the Sec In Sixth Ward Sunday drivers who make no claim during the year. ond ward Sunday evening, Jan Three young men were con- Lafe Jensen and Mrs. R. W. uary I firmed members of the Church Citizens Insurance Company now is a stock company The opening song by the con of Jesus Christ of Latter-daand provides excellent and therefore is gregation was The Day Dawn Saints during the Sixth ward Good Fishing because it is a Jiom claim and service coverage prompt is Claudius 01 sacrament service last Sunday BOSTON (UP) Skippers servBreakng. ' sen gave the opening prayer, company. which was conducted Homer ing Bostons fishing fleet aver' Karen Craghead rendered i Tingey following theby regular aged $13,000 income last year. solovox selection titled, The Sunday school. folSunshine of Your Smile," They were Charles Osborne AT STORE OPENS 10:00 A. M. THURSDAY lowed by a talk, by David M, Sheffield, son of Mr. and Mrs, Anderson on the subject, "Who Donald Sheffield who was con Am I And What Is (My Mission. firmed by his father; Gary Ed DON'T MISS IT! iRay Anderson gave a violin dis Knavel, son of Mr. and Mrs Ava Marie, George Knavel who was con selection, titled SALE AT with Karen Craghead accom firmed by his father; and Wain Robert panying. Tingey of the Richard Davis, son of Mr. and stake genealogical committee Mrs. Richard Davis who was gave a talk on Tesearch work confirmed by Homer Tingey. and the necessity of keeping The opening song for the Bishop Knudsen then vices was High On the Moun-gav- e a talk on genealogical tain Top, by the congregation, STARTS THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 1950. LOOK AT JUST A FEW OF work following which Thomas The opening prayer was offered COME IN AND SEE THE BARGAINS MANY NOT ADVERTISED Kimber offered remarks. by Curtis Perry. The closing song by the con-- 1 FOR YOURSELF!! The sacrament song was God, gregation was "The Lord Is My Our Father. The sacrament was taken care of by Dde Anderson Light." Limited Quantity .Of , Benediction was pronounced and Dale Tingey assisted by the BABIES SLEEPERS Heber Anderson. deacons. by with feet Following the confirmation of Order your stationery, office and the three boys to membership of 98c business forms, envelopes, etc., the church, the time was turned 2 tot 1 Buy one pair at over the to testimonial bearing with today and get one free. MEN'S AND BOYS' (Hanes. eighteen participating. Shorts Healthknit Otis) Closing song was Lord We 49c 39c Rubena Infanta and Shirts Ask Thee Ere We Part. Closing 2 tot 1 Buy one pair get one UNDERWEAR prayer was offered by Laird free. ' j Sizes 1 to 3. Reg. 65c each Stringham. HANES SWEAT SHIRTS (6 only) S2.25 (Buy one get one free) 3 for $1.00 Card Of Thanks 2 for 1. To those who by their acts of MEN'S HEAVY LONG UNION 14 Only Babies and Boys kindness expressed their sym-- . DRAWERS (S1.90, 51.49, 51.20) 2 for 1 Buy one pair get one pathy and friendship at the BATHROBES time of the death of our beloved pair free. Reg, 53.00 SUITS UNION MEN'S (Heavy, we Mrs. mother, Mary Cazier, $1.68. Now $2.75, 53.00, Med., Light)' vtish to express heartfelt thanks. $1.00 2 for 1 Buy one pair get one We wish especially to thank the free. pair ward bishopric- - the Relief soTABLE OF MENS'. BOYS' AND GIRLS' HOSE our friends, and all ciety, 2 for 1 Buy one pair (35c POTTERY pr.) others who assisted in any way. get one pair free. , Family of 40 OFF Mrs. Mary Cazier. - v at La-Vo- n BAIRD AGENCY - r. - Me-serv- y U le HORSLEYS s. 5 t GAUGE 15 DENIER FULL FASHIONED RFECT GUARANTEED dlDRY BRIGHAM CITY News-Journa- M l. f! Uomndettheengm ' DISHES Lightning rods wont protect your buildings unless all con-- any se es in our store. Bu you've always w $3.00 off on 1 nections and ground wires are in good order, according to University of Illinois engineers. NO REFUNDS NO EXCHANGES CASH SALES dish-- ALL WOOL SWEATERS (Boys' and Girls') 1007s Wool now .... 52.49 53.49; Reg. 51.98 Reg. S2.S8; now Girls Cardigans. They're greater in power higher in compression a standout in styling dreams to drive and now there's o Buick beauty for J 950 to fit practically any budget we couldnt hold back the No,whole just big Buick line for 1950. w. Tey rf J re too j&dtive-t- higher-compressio- oo too much fun good-looki- ng jam-pack- with ed n, le ready-to-ramb- 1wer steppcd-u- p, to "be kept Under cover. ljq, maybe youve already seen some 1950 Buicks on the highway. Maybe youve noticed the extra .git up and travel they have-glimthe wide, curving windshields (one piece in most models) -n- oted, approvingly, that the typical Buick taper is now found in all Buick fenders. C psed , Maybe youve even heard some things... Thatthere ate more than a dozen-and-half models to choose from.That there' are three power plants in the Buick line ail of higher compression, all stepped up in power. a- That all models are big and roomy inside some rear seats are better than a foot wider than before!-ye- tin every instance, so easier to handle, park shorter over-al- l, and garage. That Dynaflow Drive, for instance standard on Roadmaster models, optional on all others-no- w costs 20 less than on 1949 models. ROADMAHTPR, lowest! P ictured above is the ; price... on Btraal it extn eot( oa SUPGK nod SPKGlAliBwMft That in the full line Special, Super and Roadmaster series there is a Buick to fit practically every budget above the very Above all, maybe youve heard of exciting news on WSUluUrd 5 1 950 Super Sedan, one of the new Buick body types for 1950. At your Buick dealers are more actual models, the whole story on others. Hadnt you better see him right now and see if you, too, dont find Buick top choice for 1950? MtAitm Y0UXpaceM,,e UIGOAOI SRACI, pi, a n rear-en- d tourbod Sdon twxfab for 1950. This b tho above b the SUPER version of the d treatment, graces and Sedan. ROADMASTER, WJkem bettor automobllet are Tvf BUICK deafer for m ttemonetra tiozs High t JVo wf qa UtoY South Main Street Hi HENRY J. MU BVIIK srlll bmllH them L We are entering 1950, and we have had no post-wa- r depression anything like the one which followed World War I. There is no valid reason why we siyipld have one now. Readjustments boom will con-- 1 from post-wa- r tinue but they ought not to ry the economy down to a 53.49 Reg. $4.49; now $2.49 Reg. 53.49; now Reg. $2.98; now ...... $1.98 de-- I ptession level.-- Taxes will remain high. The trend of wages still is upward. Transportation costs continue to rise. All these spell higher prices, not lower. And as prices rise- - the parity Index upon which so many farm prices are based also goes up. Farm income has 140, PILLOW TUBING Pequoit First grade type 140 I car- Pequoit Type $2.69 Reg. 53.43; now . Dan River- - Type 140 52.45 Reg. $3.25; now Lady PepperelL Type 128 $1.98 Reg. $2.98; now Dan River Type 128 $2.29 Reg. $3.10; now Pequoit Pillow Cases Type 140 59c Req. 7Jc ea.; now 1007. Wool About the only voice a man gets in his family affairs is the INvoice. Double bed size. Reg. 98c; now 15 PAIR 140, Reg. 80c; now BOYS' CORDS with zipper Sizes 7 to 15. Reg. 54.98 Now $3.39 CASH SALES NO EXCHANGES T tl Land prices are lower thre percent as a whole in the United ini States. There is no bust sight; your land decline will! be gradual. i Here are some guideposts Cut, to profitable farming: your costs to the bone, and stop all leaks of cash. Keep your land well fertilized, and watch your noxious weeds. Pair Only SHOES , I Crepe soled leather pump. (Women's, Growing Girls', Girls' and Boys). 2 for one. Buy One Pair Deposits boom periods. NO REFUNDS 36 a solid base. in country banks are larger, and liquid. In the past, country deposits have declined rapidly after the war 69c Spring Knight first grade, type SHEETING first grade, type 140, Pequoit 93c Reg. 51.29; now Dan River first grade, type 128. 98c Reg. $1.09; now BLANKETS Close out on PURREY AND NON NATIONALLY ED BLANKETS. CAN- ADVERTIS- Purrey wooL rayon, reg. $7.95. Now $5.75. With each blanket you get free one 36"x48" baby comforter. Cannon all wool blankets. Reg. $13.95; now $9.95. With each blanket you get free one 38 x 43 baby comforter. Get One Pair Free MATERIALS Buy that famous Fruit O' The Loom print. Reg. 49c yd Now 3 yds for $1.00 for first three days of sale. 2 TABLE OF MATERIALS for 1 includes Cham-bray- s. Prints, Dan River Ginghams and others. WM. HORSLEY MYIQK, ABC Network, every Monday evening. MOTOR Phone 272 I (First grade) 81x108. Boys Hant just one port of Buick', three-wa- y tho brand new power ttory for 1950 valve-in-he. straight-eightPack, ing a wallop (hot make $ the SUPER a stand, out performer of the season, hen it still higher compression ond still greater power in no greater ever, all size. Youll gel this new engine on all SUPER models, in 124 hp with Synchro-Mesh transmission, 128 hp with Dynaflow Drive. SHEETS & PILLOW CASES & sons Merchants 1837 Brigham City, Utah Kit |