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Show Page 6 Missiftnary Nens Craig Shunney ? JV JOSEPHINE BAYLES BY writ la he that part haa bean anjoymnt has mde up for it. loves the people and la already dreading the tire when he .will have to leave Ehgland to come hone. Craig has recently Stoke-on-Tre- known as ' Housing which and his Dlstrlot place for missionaries to work. the right approach got the interest of the young But Craig had He people between 12 and 14, and, in tire the interest of their parents. He is happy to report baptisms in that area. Craig has 31 baptisms to his credit. His parents are Leland and 7 now Dora Shumway. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Stevens are very happy with the reports they are getting from their two missionaries. They are on opposite sides of the world and are having very different kinds of experiences. Reid is in the Hawaiian Islands, where the we- ather is balny and comfortable. Edward is in Franoe where they .are having a difficult tlrs to keep warm. Reid speaks the Enis glish language and Edward both learning Freneh. They are happy in their work. Mrs. Irene Reid on her trip to Hawaii and says he is doing a wonderful Job, and his parents can be very proud of him. She had the privilige of going Redd met through the Hawaiian Temple twice with him. In a short letter to the Bland reing Ward, Michael Wozniak ports that he is very thrilled with his mission in Western Canada. He is very for the opportunity he grateful is enj oylng. HOSPITAL REPORT ADMITTED: Nellie Brinkley March 7 .lean Robinson, Fry Canyon; Dunne Robinette, Monticello; Dove Clerk; Dwell Dove Creek. March cine Shumway and Mrs. Lynn Adams, traveled to Salt Lake City last weekend. They met Mrs. Carol Belumin of Provo and then went to sec the stage play "Old Acquaintance" starring Arlene Francis. Mr. and Mrs. F. Reunion Redd and children. J::rank and Ann. will travel to Salt Lake City for a meeting Friday, after which Mrs. Redd and No. 3 NavaSW NE Sec- jo TrilK! "AC, tion 31. Township 10 South. Range 20 East. Isma.v Field, location for I EV 5,820 foot Is- - may field extension test. evation 5.109 feet derrick floor. El- ci.980 EV SN 3.200 feet Spudded March 5, 1902. 158 feet. Rig broke feet - PTI) down. AZTEC PLANS DRILLING PROGRAM Aztec Oil and (las Tex., according to Van T h o m p s o n. president, has scheduled a S0.5 million drilling program for 1902. Included will he a possible program in the Mole Hill Area, west of Aneth Field. Aztec has two producers there now and 'made a fnrmout deal with Shell Oil Co. whereby' it will earn in 2.300 acres there by drilling at least 3 wildcats and 2 development wells on the acreage. 'If there wells are successful and geologic data obtained therefrom indicates. Aztec may drill an additional seven wells to earn half interest In an additional amount of acreage totalling 7.3(H) acres. The company will continue to Ik active in the San Juan and Permian Basins of New Mexico and west Texas, as well as the Paradox Basin. Aztec lias increased its acreage position in the Green River Basin of southwestern Wyoming. Co-Dall- as. Lace." They stayed overnight in Blanding with their son, Lynn Lee ami family. Miss Patti Lyman, a student at College of Southern Ctali in Ccdai City, spent her spring vacation here visiting her mother. Mrs. Maxine Lyman. and family. Patti has been a Hrformer in two CSC drama product ions the past s e m e s t e r. "Romeo a n d Juliet." and "Mrs. McThlng." Other CSC students home for the vacation were Karen 1 (owlet! and her roommate. Edith Wood. Jack a'v. Yancy Dalton. Jimmy Barry and his roommate. Max Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bailey, accompanied by Miss Fran- - the children will depart Vernon Sperry. Ed Garrett has left for an air force assignment in Groon-anHe was accompanied as as far Salt rukc City .by his wife. Mrs. Garrett will stay in Monticello with her mother, Mrs. Maxine Lyman, during her husband's absence. d. Raod The Vant Ado Relief 12-w- ell half-intere- st The LDS Relief societies will hold their annual birthday party at 8 p.m. Saturday Mrs. T. h c d a Kartshnar of former resident Black, Blanding passed away Monday, March 12 in Salt City. Mrs. Kartchnar was born April 29, 1875 and was married to David Black on l)cc. num10, 1892. They lived night at the LDS recreation hall. Outer space theme will be used for the party and all Relief Society members and their husbands are invited to kc attend. ber of years in Mexico, where several of their children were Devonza club meets at Hurst home lorn, liefore coming to Blanding. Mr. Black died in 1958. The home of Mrs. Lone Hurst was .the meeting place for the ladies of the Devonza Survivors i nelude eight children. Frost, Mrs. Sylvester Bradford, Mrs. William Law's, Blanding; Mrs. Dell Robenson, Wasol Washburn, club 1 Thursday afternoon, March 9. Mrs. Afton Stevens reviewed the I test seller "To Kill a Mockingbird. Refreshments wore served by Mrs. Hurst and Mrs. Irene Redd. Mrs. DuVall. Salt J,ake Mrs. Robert Stelle, City; Orem; and David J. who Is serving a mission in the Western States. Prestiy co-host- Mon-tie- d css COOK WITH THO PUQL TURNQD OPPI In; Vint Redd, Blanding: M. I). Herron. Dove Creek. March Societies will have party in Salt Lake Gty Mr. foi a visit in Glendale. Calif, with her iKironls. Mr. and Mrs. Skidmoie. Jane IPack, 8 ' 6, difficult has been a very feet Texaco, Inc. as sent to a place were companion NS-1,78- 1 two known Craig nt. vonian test. Elevation 4.140 feet derrick floor. (2,081 feet to from install These cities are transferred Co. R. ROVLEY MARILYN Mrs. Lionel Lee, Farmington, N.M., parents of Miss Leona l.ce. were brie to we the Civic Theatre production of 'Arsenic and Did No. 2 LSA, XW NE SV Section (, Township 27 South, Range 20 East. Big Flat Area. Location for 8.500 foot De- He in a group by Mr. and fhgland, quite ndsarabla. However, other Hanley. of five kOlt. FIELD NEW LOCATIONS Southern Natural (las news monticello en- vary mi A. one of the been Ha aaya It haa ooldaat winters in history in joying hia motion and March 15, 1962 BLANDING OUTLOOK Della UshshMew Culler, Adelina Lop e z, Monticello; Susan Harry, A Montifdlo: Mon-ticell- o. March 11 Linda Hlaek, NO Blanding. March 12 Cynthia Lun-delBlanding; Ely Cailouctte. Blanding; Myrtle Hunt, Mexican Hat; Shawn Tong, Krv Canyon; Pauline Adakai, Eg-na- r, Colo.; Barbaia Cuntsee, Homy March Blanding; 13 DISCHARGED: March 7 Daisy Johnson, Doris Foy. Jean Johnson. March 8 Eldon Petefish. March 9 Delta Ramsay. March 10 12 Jess Johnson, March Jean Dutchic, Susan Barry. Emelinc Casey, March 13 long, Nellie Regay. Lun-del- l, Cynthia Brinkley Atcity LI i month the ONLY evMitlw- I- Frank . Beeson. ing; Blanding. Shawn as Itttlo m . Rose Keith, BlandAnna Belle Perkins, DOWN Vt7(3 l, White Mesa. Ovens RETAINED-HEAT- " Cook an hour with only a few Cook a fu meal vMe you're minute' fuel amy-automaO- caflft keep them hot Indefinitely. o Dofroet froMo foods, and otort thorn eooUnfwftfi only ofow mbrntea' fuel bdiMiv RKTAINKD44IAT CooMa-f- feta er Bedrte A jnpLNDERSON JlNDEPENDENT Wwt 558 S. UMBOt CO. CMtM, Her. 2nd I, m.ndlnf Hi. MM A |