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Show UK STATE HEWS i After a postponement of three weeks the Ogden high school opened Monday j with what is believed was a record at- tendance of the school. i Placards formally closing a number j f mills in the state for violations of j the regulations of a food adminlstra- j or were posted last week on the doors j jf the various firms. ; '."' i.;- , More than 8000 people in Carbon ! county stepped up to Liberty loan ael j lers and Subscribed for a total of j $453,750, nearly $100,000 over the ! County's quota oh the opening day. . Charged with having made disloyal utterances, B. Santoyo, 45 years old, a ; native of Mexico, was arrested at Salt jj Lake and will be held in the city Jail ( awaiting trial by the federal autbori- j Utg. . ' . i James Roberts of Price has received ! official advices from the war depart- j nent that bis son, John W. Roberts, was killed in action in France on July (. 18. The young man left for Camp ! Lewis on September 20, 1017. Construction of a tunnel three-quar- ters of a mile long through one point of the Wasatch mountain range is in- J volved in an irrigation project -on which (flUDg was made last week with ! the state engineer by J. W. Fox of Manti. ... '.'' Two young men who trespassed1 i upon forbidden territory at the Third ? war prison camp at Fort Douglas Sun- ', day and became impertinent to ths , officers when taken to 'task about it, 5 spent a large portion of the day in the : prison guardhouse as a result With the acceptance by the bHrbers' t union at Salt Lake of a compromise otter made by the master barbers' as- -. spclation, existing differences between ! the tonsorlal employers and employes were adjusted and all danger of a ! barbers' strike was eliminated... Although the older boys of the high i schools in Utah have been called ex- j tenslvely Into the military service of f the United States the attendance at 5 these educatlonul institutions is about ; normal, It is said by Professor Moslah j Hall, state high school inspector. ? Helen Beatrice Bucnanan, 2H years j of age, was fatally Injured by a street car at Ogden. Ths child had Juat 5 started to learn to walk and had ; toddled out to the center of the car J track. She was not discovered until ;; the car had struck her and hurled her 5 to the pavement. ; The canning schoow conducted J throughout Utah during the past sum- I, mer by the home demonstration 'i gents, under the direction of the ex- i tension division of the Utah Agrlcul- tural college, have resulted In an in- crease In the fruits and vegetables i canned In the state. J After eluding officers of Callfor. i nla. Nevada and Utah, cashlBg numer- ous worthless checks while he rode about the country in a stolen automo- duo, tiuwara 1 nicnuranoa, is jvnr ui age, wanted on a charge of desertion from the navy at Mare Island, Cul., was arrested at Snowvllle. It Is estimated that the beet fields of Utah will this season produce between 800,000 and 400,000 tons of tops and crowns, but ta order to equalize the threatened hay shortage the farmers are asked to Increase the sugar beet acreage next year, that the tops and crowns may be utilized for feed. Except on the approval of the county food administration, no sugar for canning purposes will be sold after October 1, according to instructions ! Issued to grocers by W. W. Armstrong, Arm-strong, food administrator for Utah, and only the allowance of two pound for each person per month will b made, ' Iftah county's apportionment ol $l,O03,fr0 for the fourth Liberty loan has been apportioned among the sev. eral towns and districts of the county In the following amounts: Provo, $4r9,300; Spanish Fork, $131500) American Fork, $127,9.")0; Payson, $125,730; Leht, $85,300; Springvllle, iai,D0O; Pleasant Grove, $00,150. Fountain Green, Sanpete county, Is the winner of Utah's honor flag as the first city In the state to oversub. scribe Its quota lu the fourth Liberty loan campaign. Stockton, Utah county, wus a close cecond. Other cities which oversubscribed on the first day of the drive are Mldvule, Blandlng and Mon-tlcello. Mon-tlcello. The boy scout organizations of Og-den Og-den are rendering putrlotlc service to the Red Cross by aiding in the con. servatlon of fruits and vegetables for the various church organizations. The boys have collected the vegetables vege-tables from the orchards and farms of the city and county and have taken it to the women, who are preparing fruit for the base hospital at Fort Douglas. With grapes donated by patriotic women of Salt Lake, the sugar donated by the government, two 8ult Lake women have made upwards of sevnty-five sevnty-five quarts of grape Juice for the use of the war vletims who will shortly bs undergoing treatment at the Fort Douglas reconstruction hospital. Victor Rowan, a farmer of River dale, was severely Injured and his wife and child were slightly injured when the buggy In which they were hiving to Ogden along the Rtverdule loud was run down by an automobile. Never before tu the history of the I'nlverslry of Utah hss the actual reg-Istrution reg-Istrution (if the first ly equaled or even compnred with That of September ,'(. More than KXX) students made iitmlve application for admission, vliile practically 500 approved en-.-.iM' e cards were filed In the office of l.,c registrar. |