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Show THE ft IU-- E OTnnndTtnnnnnnTmrfrmnnTmminnunrmnnmtnnnnnmTmTitrmnnnnrm'a '98 VAVERLEY BICYCLES $30.00 AND $80.00, IVANHOE $35.00. OLIVER R. MEREDITH, road ratti jllK tiuues to I con HI lilt chief inornel of gossip in wheel What a cloin. lot of new face Vll,, there are. Hillers of whom little is 'j lifiionturr. An Illustration of how expensive is Ignorance Is given by a cycle dealer, who says that he has frequently had men and women bring their wheels to h i with the complaint that the machines were running hard and they could not tell what was the matter. After taking the wheel Into the back room,' he said, I have found that nothing In the world was the matter except that the bearings were clogged with dirt that had become so gummy that they would hardly move. I simply squirted In a few drops of kerosene to cut the dirt, put In some fresh oil, spun the wheels around a little, took It out, and charged the dunces 50 cents. In such cases they go away delighted and give credit to me for being very clever. Well, I am." known. Yet they may furnish some of the greatest surprises. Tho prize list this year is probably oue of the best as yet offered for a similar event. Emory, Fenton, llassaril and other old timers, are in active preparation for the final effort We hope it will eclipse anything attempted in former years. The Social Wheel Club have spared no expense to make it the best road race in years. I would like to see some new claimant carry off the honors. Not that I doineg8 (ieman(jed more room. The foot not admit the good qualities of the cycle ig bound to be popular; the sport old tiders, but it puts another in is right; the exercise invigorating and right the field of cycling to be contested healthful, and the foot cycle itself in every respect. The model Is on cor- . against in all similar events. We t n(,a an( very attractlve t0 the will be face a new believe that firmly eye. It is also strong and serviceable; the at seen at the finish in first place Decoration event. I I 29 EAST FIRST SOUTH. EXPERT BICYCLE AND TRUNK REPAIRING A HJBHTKP WHEEL 130.00. FIRST CLASS WIIF.FL In green. maroon und black, attachment, saddle and adjustable handle liar. A wheel that ha a ?T7i.oo look to It. and wear like our most expensive wheel. When Jensen sell a wheel, you can be assured that It Is the best In the market for the prlee. A Jensen guarantee IS A tit'AIt-ANTK- i; A with all up-to-d- worth something. lEHSEfl, THE JEWELER . . . . THREE DOORS WEST OF THEATRE I The Social Wheel Club will have their grand annual basket picnic run Sunday, June 12th. All clubs will be invited to take part, as well as all unattached wheelmen, and the affair promises to be the cycling event of the season. Conveyances will be provided for lunch baskets and nothing that might add to the comfort and pleasure of the participants will be overlooked . The race committee of the Social Wheel Club are very busy making final arrangements for the Decoration Day road race and have matters well under way. The successful termination of the event is now assured, and the weather seems at last to have succumbed to the entreaties of the promoters and promises to remain good. Quite a delegation of Salt Lake riders will go up to Ogden on Deco- ration Day after the local road race, to witness the race to be given there. Arrangements have been made for a special train over the Oregon Short Line and a large crowd is ex pected to spend the afternoon" in the 10-mil- Junction city. e . , Subscribe for The Bee. Telephone 651. .VWWWWVWWVWWVWVWWWWWWWVWWWWVW IT'S BUILT LIKE A WATCH. $60 AND $75: RACER $85. PATEE CREST, $35.00 HI0H 0RADE- - WHEELS FROM $10.00 UP. A. H. MEREDITH... 335 MAIN STREET. Wheels for Rent. Bicycles Repaired. tvwvvwvwwwwwwvwvwwwwwvwwwvwvwvvw THE SENATE 5HL00N. C Strictly First Class in Every Particular. Nearest Saloon to Union Depot. up-to-da- te A strictly ..GENERAL.. liar with the Finest Wines, Liquors and .Cigars to be found in the city VISITORS invited to Call. Everyone Welcome country. The body of this saddle, Intended for racing men, is of the anatW. A. SCUDDER, Prop. omical pattern, with a depression in the center, and it is slightly padded 113 Twenty-fift- h St., OGDEN, UTAH. on each side. Its most remarkable feature is a horn or pommel of extraordinDriven to It. ary length. The base of the saddle is Her father says positively that 1 not dished, either, but is flat. AltoWhat are you gogether it is the most radical seat that cant marry her Theres nothing left now has appeared, but it is said that several ing to do? Df the best known the to ask girl. London racing men will use but it this season. ...INSURANCE... MINING PLANTS A SPECIALTY.... 52 WEST SECOND SOUTH ST. TELEPHONE 230. |