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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER Ta N V CLASSIFIED lil-'-Ml Apartment PLANTS A nMATO Postpaid $5.00. LAKK foVyr!"S OION. NEVADA. 05Ka5mS. UfcA" heifers "TttrNSEY """ 1 1 .rw r.PEBNSET HEIFERS, Also -- i5" iilef K.itrrm and yearlings past. Special price on lour. JI ILPhillipr V WW. IF WE GET CLOTHES RATIONING ("3Ir. Nelson warned that the rationing of clothing might be necessary in this country." News item.) OPA Chairman Mr. Twitchell, you know the charges. It is alleged you were seen going around in a new pair of pants. Inspector Binkle, will you state the facts in this case? Inspector Well, the office got a tip that Twitchell was going around in new pants. Chairman What color? Inspector Gray. Chairman Did your informant say where he got these pants? RolIin9 Batt,e he Inspector Yes, sir, in a black Keep market. ond Bends War Scrop With Mr. Twitchell You have your facts twisted. They were black pants and I got them in a gray market. e i j Army's Greatest Hazard? It's Question of Morale ;n.f4 .. V. 1 wife.-Gil- BAGECA0E1 A'rtt'S WNU Service, Union Trust Building, Washington, D. C. What's the greatest hazard your boy must meet when he joins the army? Not the weapon of the enemy. We know only a very tiny percentage of those who don the uniform succumb to that. It's the mental hazard. Take it from a man who met it and who, since, has read the alarming figures which show the war's (any war's) mental casualties. And to meet that mental hazard you need just one thing mental health. Let me quote a few words on the subject of morale from one of the books which the army and the navy and the wise ones in other professions say is a wonderful protection for the mental health of the boy who joins the army. That book is paper bound. It costs 35 cents. It is called "Our Armed Forces." It has a lot of pictures in it and a lot of sound sense. It is printed by the presses of the Infantry Journal, 1115 17th street, Washington, D. C. It is not sold for profit And here is what it says on the subject of morale. (As I say on the air, "I'm quoting"): "Morale is an important quality of citizenship in the crises of peace, when the internal security of the nation is threatened. It is even more important in war, when the very existence of the nation hangs in the balance. It is, therefore, an objective of army and navy leadership to build a high degree of morale in the soldier and sailor. on Stomach TAfbea g Bell-an- Bell-an- a a OX paper-hange- 3S .. Voaknoss see 2343 W aBISSJSSa mastodons who weren't as smart at "fitting in" that's all morale is, "fitting in," getting on when you, who have sat down to your meals three times a day as regularly as the clock, miss the chow wagon; you who have had a kind and solicitous mother or teacher looking after your private troubles are suddenly faced with sharing the troubles of your squad or company or squadron. Now, how are you going to adjust yourself to this sudden change? In the first place, you have to understand why everything seems n topsy-turvWhy you, a American citizen, who did as he pleased when and how it pleased him, suddenly have to get up by a bugle, keep step, salute, eat, sleep, drink, walk, run, crawl when somebody else says so. The first thing you have to realize Is the purpose ahead. The next thing is why other people whom you never see insist on achieving that purpose the way they do, regardless of your convenience or your date at Kidney Action Modem llfs with Its harry and worry. . habits, improper sating and jwtular riukint its risk ol exposure aad Infee-- 2? heavy strain on the wor ?rt,bros tns kidneys. They art apt to become MMaxed and (ail to Biter exceee acid b'ooi" ln,Purlti" iresi You the life-fivi- Bay suffer oartrtne, backache, Dsadacha, dltxinma, totting up eifeta. . Pains, swelling lost constantly tired, nervosa, all worn put. Other slfns or bladder disorder aro someJ xlay times burnine, scanty or too (request "nation. ..Try Dean's Pill Don' help the Honeys to pane oft harmful excess body Waste. They have had more than half a eantury of publit approval. Are recom-end- ed by frsteful users everywhere, row amsAoor e the post office. Your Own Order Fun Ahead GRAND wardrobe for young who get into everything the overThe smock for looks all and playsuit for fun. vacationing as possible, and especially to avoid starting or returning on week ends. e e He will have to do a little extra Ameriharping on this point. The accusso become has can public tomed to leaving on Saturday that it has become a habit. Mr. Eastman should get a few good slogans at once. Something like: "Do your patriotic part with a Thursday start!" ) r ... "Your government controls the Barbara Bell Pattern No. 1628-- designed for sizes 1, 2, 3. 4 and 8 years. armed forces." That means that the Size 2 overall requires I1. yards men your folks elected, just the way material, smock IM yards, playsuit it was planned by the makers of yard. America, are really the ones who are telling you what to do. Which means, if you follow through, that you yourself and your folks are tell- 19 1 .ft h ing you. 'I chose that phrase because it heads chapter two in this book "Our Armed Forces" I'm talking about. You had better read it. The next chapter is called "Your Army." And you had better read that too because it tells you something of what to expect. I won't go any further and really I ought to have been talking all this time to parents, too, for they, of all people, ought to know what the boy is up against. What it is all about. One of the great tragedies of being a soldier is the way the folks back home don't understand it at all. They think their job is to feel sorry for you; they don't understand what an extra stripe really means," they can't get you when you talk about home and the things you want to hear about and they write and tell you how noble you are. You don't feel noble. You want to know if the barn has been painted or if your girl has been around lately. You would, though, like them to have some faint idea about this unpleasant job of being a soldier. That's why it would be a good thing if your folks would read this book. . ' 1806 Junior Two-Piec- e REALLY luscious little A two-pie- ce for the junior miss. jacket with nicely fulled skirt. Cute collar and cuffs. Hug-me-tig- ht deYellowed ivory knife handles can Barbara Bell Pattern No. 1806-11. 12, 13. 14 and IS. be whitened by rubbing them with signed for sizes 9, 10,measurements 27. 28, Corresponding bust turpentine. 29, 30, 31, 32 and 33. Size 10 (28) requires, ma with short sleeves, 3 yards Use a potato ricer to squeeze out terial; yard contrast. and that hot compress. With it you Due to an unusually large demand war conditions, slightly more time can use water much hotter than current is required In filling orders for a few of your bare hands can stand. the most popular pattern numbers. Send your order to: Odors on the hands resulting from peeling and slicing onions SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. 149 New Montgomery Street can be removed by washing the Calif. San Francisco hands in vinegar. Enclose 20 cents in coins for each 3, To lengthen the service of a broom, as it wears down, cut 1 or 2 rows of the stitching. www The space beside the freezing unit is the best spot in the refrigerator for storing milk. pattern desired. Pattern No Size........ Name Address Judge Own Voice A concert singer, during a recital, cannot often determine if he has the proper volume because his voice does not reverberate as in a room. Therefore, some vocalists today use a concealed microphone and a directional amplifier aimed at them from the wings, so that e e Here is a way to prevent loose they can judge their own performBroadcaster's Diary casters from dropping from the ance. As I came to work this morning furniture when it is moved about. a little late and right in the midst Put melted paraffin in the hole of the crowds of war workers surg- and insert the caster before it is cyanVt that can do more for you than St, Joseph ing down to their offices, I was sud- set. e Aspirin. Why pay more? World's largest denly struck with the fact that this seller at 10c Demand St. Joseph Aspirin. in their leave which have I Washington change Dirty clothespins become used to is typical of other mark on otherwise clean clothes, Tennyson 1943 changes that are going to take place and once in, the dirt is difficult to Washington's latest name for all over America. remove. Tub pins in warm, soapy Mr. "Henry Kaister, the American I was walking down 16th street. water once a month, dry them in i3 "Sir Launchalot." shipbuilder, That sounds prosaic but it used to be the sun and store them in a spota street of beautiful mansions, many lessly clean bag from washday to of them historic. It sweeps out of washday. They deserve good care the Maryland countryside, down a especially in wartime. hill and up another crest from which An old orange wood stick from you can look down, through a vista of ancient trees to the blur at the your manicure kit will be found end which is the White House with helpful to get at the dirt in the the statue of General Jackson on his corners when washing windows or rearing horse silhouetted against it. floors. This morning, as I say, the workers were swarming out of the houses they are boarding houses now to work. I glanced up as I passed one LITTLE sedate old home, the wistaria still decorously draped over the doorway V up whose curving drive once the carriage and later the limousine swept to meet milady descending. In grafting fruit trees in the spring, keep the grafting wax from sticking to your hands by keeping a piece of pork rind handy and rubbing your hands on it occasionally. buy aspirin ( HOW TO MAKE A CA-C- A ) M'L, INTO MEAL !) ah-in- e Mr. Eastman, the transportation boss, urges the public to do as little e J-- V P oh-in- ket. f free-bor- y. I peeped, indecorously, through the beautiful leaded windows of the dining room. It was filled with little tables, the cloths stained with precious but too hurriedly imbibed morning coffee. e I thought a moment. How will it, he would probably go haywire and blow his top. The dinosaur and Delaware avenue and Locust street No matter how limited your vacation may be in 1943, just bear in mind some of his fellow prehistorics who and High street look after the war? that you don't have to register for it. couldn't adjust themselves to their Those neatly cropped lawns, even environment retired permanently to an iron deer or two if they haven't And remember, too, that while you positions in museums. Man, some gone into the scrap collection camare spending your two weeks in a men that is, adjusted. They took paign? Sic transit gloria but perhaps the hammock in your own backyard no the ice age, the floods and the fama weeks at four and here in stride their is ine they past glory will be replaced by somegetting neighbor g g at the dead thing more glorious. We can hope. and swank resort through the black mar- are V May Warn of Disordered P iirnrhA UhMJ? SEWING CIRCLE long-horn- WNU HI HI -- Analyst and Commentator. long-establish- ed fasteat-aatin- Hfl By BAUKHAGE ns Gas in Armed Services Do Everything Possible to Protect Mental Health of Servicemen; Parents Advised to Cooperate. Chairman Proceed ! . iAIw the dryness b relieved Inspector Well, after getting the tip I started to trail Twitchell. But ".. j . it.:. for the first week every time I saw him he was wearing an old brown 2I Set- pair, with a green coat. Chairman Did you determine if the coat was a black market coat? Open Fellow Inspector No; there were two othin.A wan who has no secrets AliC er agents on that end of it. no secrets has either wife bis from Chairman Proceed. What hapWells. bert or no pened next? Inspector Well, finally, on a Son-da- y morning I saw Twitchell walking in the park and he had on the pants in question. I closed in on him at once and took him to headquarters for a grilling. Chairman Did he give any trouble? Inspector On the way down he tried to take his pants off and throw away, thus destroying the evifor fast diuretic aid them dence. a lie. I did Mr. Twitchell-Th- at's WHEN KIDNEY FUNCTION to off not take them throw away. . LAGS from this need . I suddenly found I had them on Junctional kidney disturbance due to need backwards and was correcting the af diuretic aid may cause stabbing back error. r be to low cause echel May urinary Chairman Do yon mean to tell You and may smarting! meet, yet scanty jot sleep from "getting up nights" often me a man could go around with his and not noBy feel dizzy, nervous, "headachy." pants on hindside-fron- t Ia sach cases, you want to ttimuLtt it? tice is if there So nothing tidtty tctkm fast. Mr. Twitchell In these topsy- About Habits mftmically or organically wrong, try Gold Medal Capsules. They're been turvy days it's easy. "The state of mind we call morale for prompt action for 30 years. Take e habhas its roots in ore to use them only as directed. Accept Chairman (to inspector) What its of thinking and acting. A student oo substitutes. 35 at your drug store. kind of a pants card did he have, an seated alone in his room, bent se"A," "B" or "C"? riously over his books, may be tackValuable Property Inspector He only was entitled to ling his studies with a high degree National honor is national propan A" card. of morale. He believes what he is erty of the highest value. James Chairman An "A" card only per- doing is worth while. He is deterMonroe. mits short pants. mined to overcome whatever diffiInspector Twitchell was using a culties the subject matter offers. He "B" card at the time. works with a self urge. He gives up Chairman How did he get it? the picture, show and the ball game Inspector On a claim he needed if doing so is necessary for success. Refiered In 5 minotes or double money back bku stomach add cansee painful, sof foeaV supplemental pants. He has confidence in his ability to few ns, war stonmeh and heartburn, doctors usually medicines known for areacribe tha acquire the knowledge and skill he In raptonatic relie f medicines like those Chairman (sternly to Twitchell) fableU. No laxative. brings oomfort In a is seeking. In the undertaking of MOM return on or doable your money back fttj Why did you need supplemental hundreds of similar duties in the feu. St at ail dnwiti. trousers? Were they business or ordinary routine of living is created the intangible virtue called morale. pleasure pants? Victory of the Will Twitchell Business. And the The young man who enters the Mr, will. Victory is a thing of the business is tough on pants. armed services may therefore bring General Foch. Chairman What business are you with him the basis for the morale in? upon which his success as a soldier r. Mr. Twitchell I'm a and the ultimate victory of our naso greatly depend. tion e e "While morale has its roots in the Chairman Why don't yon wear character of the individual and his overalls? it may be greatly Mr. Twitchell I tried a pair but past experience,by association and strengthened I shivered so much I got the wall close with others who There's good reason why PAZO olnU paper on all crooked. are engaged in the same enterprise. mcnt ha been used by so many millions Chairman What caused the shiv- Morale is contagious. It is a qualef sufferers from simple Piles. First. PAZO ointment soothes inflamed areas ering? transmitted from one pereasily ity relieves pain and itching. Second. Mr. Twitchell They had been son to another. The serviceman rePAZO ointment lubricates hardened; frozen for the duration! dried parts helps prevent cracking and ceives his uniform. It is the symbol e soreness. Third, PAZO ointment tends With it he beof his dedication. to reduce check and bleeding. swelling THAT SUMMER VACATION Fourth, it's easy to use. PAZO ointof comes the great tradition. ment's perforated Pile Pipe makes apThe summer vacation this year, if Behind part him into history is a long plication simple, thorough. Your doctor ean tell yon about PAZO ointment. any, will be a problem. The shorter line of those who have been so dedithe distance the better, Washington cated. The men who walked bareannounces, even by train. To get any- foot in the, snow at Valley Forge. where by automobile you will have The Green Mountain boys with to be the discoverer of a new fuel. Ethan Allen, thundering at the gates Use of Sugar So what it amounts to is the Raof Ticonderoga. Calm men in the Sugar has been in general use tioned Vacation. for only about 350 years. gun turrets at Manila Bay. Marines Guadalcanal . . . Chateau Thierat There's a ceiling on beach ro- ry . Tripoli. Helmeted fliers of "To relievo distress of M0MTHLY" mances, mountain fun, marshmallow a torpedo squadron at Midway. roasts, moonlight canoeing and ho- Through the procession of heroes, tel porch gossip. With everything still bright as it recedes into disFentals frozen except red ants. tant time, has been handed down the e e tHICH KIKES TOO CRANKY, NERVOUS! great tradition." But there will be no kicking. War Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable ComEnvironment is war, and the public will realize pound has helped thousand to relNow when Johnny Doughboy joins ieve periodic pain, backache, headthat it is lucky not to have to get a ache with weak, nervous, cranky, book of coupons and select its sum- up, he changes his habits of life as blue feelings due to functional Columbus much as Christopher mer outings by the point system, monthly disturbances. This la due he came if his would have to its to4change soothing effect on one of a big, to a when took have to time the back and managing WOMAN'S, 1C08T IMPORTANT OSCANS. job you Up Taken regularly a point chart to see how deep modern corporation, or riding herd Plnkham'a Comstudy pound helps build up resistance s or bossing a sunburn you are entitled to, or con- on a bunch of against such annoying symptoms. sult your ration board to determine a section gang. It would be tough whether it will take red or blue cou- for Chris to adapt himself to his all will be well, environment. If he couldn't manage pons to take a swim, e e . SRI BRIEFS . . . In Washington there is a system. The driver takes as many people as he can going in the same direction. It used to system. The be called the "pick-up- " name changed but not the practice. It's still a great share-the-taxic- ab A black Rice Krispies milk. Hear that snap! crackle pop I There's a dish in vitamins, minerals and pro1 market potato truck was photographed by a news photographer in front of a fire house in Washington. fear nothing. Spud-legge- well-rounde- d tein. Rice Krispies are restored to whole grain food values in thiamin (Vitamin Bi), niacin, and iron. rs e In the District of Columbia, it's illegal to take a drink of liquor standing up. Some people who take it sitsuffered from "infiltration" call the ting down can't stand up afterward anyhow. jack rabbits "jap rabbits." see The Victory gardeners who have A bowl of delicious a dash of by Daukhage date-make- r. w Cape. IMS hf Kefbiea Conpaay |