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Show W Ml -- I' - - - jnrui-n.i.- Mrs. William Starrer entertained the Thursday Bridge club last week at her home at a delicious luncheon and their game. Special guests of the hostess were Mrs. Ernest Cornwall, Mrs. Eph Jensen Mrs. Leslie Garfield and Mrs. Harry Drew. The awards for play went to Mrs. Ervin Stohl, Mrs. Don Sheffield, Mrs. Wayne Sandall, Mrs. Ernest Cornwall and Mrs. Harry ' Drew. Mr. and Mre. W. Leo Isgreen, of Tooele, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Rytting and family. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Castle-to- n and family, of Ogden visited with friends and relatives in Tremonton, Sunday and Monday. Mrs. Castleton and children remained here for the rest of the week. SOCIALS HONOR LANDVATTER SISTERS Dr. and Mrs. Stewart, of Ogden, were dinner guests Monday of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Bunnell. Dr. Stewart is head of the church welfare at Ogden. While here he and Mr. Bunnell made a business tour of some of the farms of the valley. Several social events have been held during the week in honor of the Misses Bertha and Ruby who left Thursday with Miss Veda Johnson to spend the summer in Denver, Colorado. Friends and members of the Methodist church held a social and handkerchief shower for the sisters in the recreation room of the church after Sunday evening services. They were dinner guests of MLss Mary E. Burns on Monday evening and the Wesleyan Guild entertained in their honor at the home of Mrs. R. F. Goff Tuesday evening. Land-vatte- - tet tamed a few friends at supper Saturday after the dance, at the home of his parents. He left Monday for a school of U. S. training in company with Robert Davis. BRIDGE CLUB FETED r, Mrs. Ed Fronk visited last week in Ogden. Wilford Rogers were in Salt weekend to attend the Utah Funeral ciation on Friday. and Carl Shri-bLake City last the meetings of Directors Assoer Mrs. T. Edwards, of Ogden, is spending this week with her sister, Mrs. Don Sheffield. GARLAND BRIDGE GROUP MEETS AT GEPHART HOME Wednesday guests at the Don Sheffield home included Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Osborne, of Denver, Mrs. R. E. Osborne and Mrs. Dell Poorman of Ogden. Mrs. Wesley Gephart graciously entertained the ladies of the Garland Bridge club last Thursday at her home. Three tables of Bridge were in play during the evening with prizes being won by Mrs. Art Michae-liMrs. LeGrand Burton and Mrs. Carl Bishop. Mrs. R. G. Woodhead and Mrs. Melvin Foxley were special guests of the club. Dainty refreshments were served by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Thaine Secrist, of Layton, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Conger, of Brigham, were guests of Mrs. Sadie Crozier last week s, end. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Seager and Joyce Andreasen were Logan Mr. and Mrs, Don Homer Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Seager at- tended Haws day. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wood and two sons, of Ogden, were Monday guests of Mrs, Ernest Cornwall. Mrs. Robert Allen A. B. Fox, of Cincinnati, of Mrs. W. W. Whitney, is spent a few, days this week with Mr. and Mrs. Lamont Vance in Ogden. the funeral Gilbert of at Brigham City, Wednes- Karen, of Redonda daughter, Beach, California, arrived Friday for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Homer and other relatives and friends. Mrs. John T. Anderson accom- pained them here. She is visiting with her daughters in Tremonton and Bear River City. Miss Leanne Marble left Tuesday in company with her aunt, Mrs. Roland Scoffield, for Haywood, California, where she will spend the summer. Mrs. Scoffield has spent the past few weeks in Utah. Mr. and Mrs. Tolman Burke, of Honeyville, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mis. O. A.' en- - INTRODUCING.. BEDTIME TV Herman Landvatter left Satu-da- y for a two weeks trip through the Northwest. He plans to visit with his brother, John Landvatter at Redmond, Washington, and with friends and relatives in Portland and Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Woodward had as their overnight guests last Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. John Marsden, of Tooele. Mr. and who have the past moved to brother visiting in Tremonton this week. Mrs. Lawrence Whitney, been living in Logan for school term, have now their farm in Pocatello Valley. Mr. and Mrs. LaVerd Johns, of Brigham City, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Gephart Wednesday evening. Mrs. Clarence Stuki and Mrs. Mel Wood and their children spent a week recently with Mr. and Mrs. Alma Theurer. Alton Larson, agricultural economist of Salt Lake, was a guest Friday evening of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Bunnell. WUat 1jou Buy With WAR BONDS Of course you want that new bathroom. But not now, for raw materials are going into War equipment and tools for our Boys on the battle front. But your investment in War Bonds today will buy that new bathroom when the War is won. Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Rogers and children were Logan visitors Saturday. and Russell Miller, of Garland, Harold Brewer and his mother and sister. Lucille, have returned to Tremonton to live after residing in Ogden for some time past vis- itors Saturday. Miss Bertha Landvatter was hostess to the Literary Guild Thursday, when Mrs. Marcella Jeppsen reviewed "In the Days of Ophelia." Special guests were the Misses Odessa Wyatt and Lillian Morris. Dean Kay, a former resident of Tremonton now living in Oregon, spent a few days as guest of Mar--, vin Miller this week. . Don Andreasen is now residing in Ogden where he is employed. LITERARY GUILD ENTERTAINED Commencement exercises at Ogden high school last Thursday at the invitation of Miss Betty army. - ri Mrs. Adam Brenkman and her father, F. E. Kespler, attended the Robert Nielson, of Hyrum, visited last weekend with Marvin Miller before his departure for the -- T Local and Social Items , June BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER Fage Four crnnv W. THORNTON BURGESS f' r, PAINTERS BUSY AT ERN'S CAFE Ern's Cafe has been closed of the week, while painters been giving the interior a coat of paint. NEWS NOTES Mr ..and Mrs. Floyd Garfield and girls of Ogden, were weekend guests of Mrs. Rose Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kerr and family visited in Salt Lake City lor Decoration Day. Mrs. Rose Kerr accompanied them as far as Willard where she stayed with her daughter, Mrs. Byron Warren. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Woodward visited relatives in Fish Haven the first of the week. V most have new PARTY HONORS MARVIN MILLER Mr. and Mrs. O. I. Garfield wish to thank the Fire Department for their willing response to a call Wedwas nesday. Red the Squirrel CHATTERER of trouble. Yes, sir, s he was in a peck of trouble. There was no coubt about it. "Oh, dear! Oh, LOCAL dear! If only I had kept my tongue Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gorringe still! If only I had kept my tongue .still!" he was saying over and over visited in Blackfoot, Idaho Sunday ' to himself as he hurried through the and Monday. Green Forest. You see, Chatterer was just beginning to realize what a Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Eli Hawkins lot of trouble an unruly tongue can to Wellsville and Logan motored weathget one into. Here it was cold ChatMemorial for and of day. They attended winter, er, the very edge the program given Monday at terer didn't dare stay in the Green Forest, where he had always made Wellsville. M m. his home. If he hadn't called Bobby Coon Mr. and Mrs. Rex Laub left names that morning at the top of Thursday for Jackson Hole, Wyhis voice, Shadow the Weasel might oming on a week's fishing trip. not have found him. But Shadow They made the trip in company did find him, and it was only by with a group of friends from Oggreat good fortune and a sharp and den, including Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd daring trick that he had escaped. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence He knew that Shadow has a long Keller, Keller and Mr. and Mrs. Grant never would he memory and that Waldron.. so and the that only trick, forget way he would ever be able to have a moment's peace would be to leave Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Eickel and the Green Forest for as long as children visited with Mrs. Rose Shadow the Weasel chose to stay Peterson during the week. A social in honor of Marvin Mia son of Mrs. Abba Miller" who left Monday for the armed forces, was held Monday night at the Evans Ward chapel. A nice program and social was enjoyed by his friends who attended. ller, MRS. ROSS MILLER RETURNS FROM HOSPITAL Mrs. Ross Miller, who recently the hospital, returned feeling quite im- underwent an operation at Budge Memorial home Tuesday proved. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Taylor left Wednesday morning to few days in Ogden at the spend a home of their son, Frank. Mrs. ' Velda Arano, of Watsoir-vill-e, California, spent last week at the home of her sister, Mrs. D. C. Hartman of Garland. She also visited at the homes of her nieces Mrs. Eddie Kupf er and Mrs. Wayne Huff of Tremonton. Mrs. Arano returned to her home in California on Sunday evening. This is the first time she has been to Utah since 1S32. Mrs". Jed Abbott, Mrs. Duane Romer, Mrs. Bob Broadhurst, Miss Verda Johnson and Miss Bertha Landvatter attended the funeral of Mrs. Joseph Davis, mother of Miss Pearl Davis at Malad on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Whitney were in Logan last Saturday and Sunday to attend Commencement exercises at the U. S. A. C. where Lawrence was a graduate. In --1 If you have not done so, join the Payroll Savings Plan at your office or factory today. Put ten percent or more of your earnings in War Bonds and get back $4 for $3 from Uncle Sam. Let's "Top that Ten Wednesday the local Fire ment responded to an aiarmIV the O. L Garfield home, where t? found smoke coming from one JS hot air ducts. It is thought that toy or plaything had dropp rs the register into the duet or P on the top of the furnace. No damage was done. Mrs. Merle Neal, of Stone, Ida., gave birth to a girl June 1. Mother and baby are doing well. Homer Capener, son of Russell tonCapener of Riverside, had his removed. adnoids sils and Mrs. Joseph Anderson, of Both-wel- l, is receiving medical attenis improving. She tion. Israel Hunsaker has been under observation and medical care for the past week. His condition is improving rather slowly. Mrs. Aubrey Turley, of Garland, has been receiving medical care during the past week. Her condition is improved sufficient for her to go home today. $ CHATTERER LEAVES THE GREEN FOREST .1 Mr FIREMEN CALLED TO GARFIELD HOME Hospital News TIUXKS FIREMEN there. Presently he came to the edge of the Green Forest. He sat down to rest in the top of a tree where he could look off over the Green Meadows. Far, far away he could see the Purple Hills, behind which Jolly, round, red Mr. Sun goes to bed every night. He could see the old tone wall, that separates Farmer 3, "You know there is another old stone wall up there by the Old Orchard," said he. Brown's cornfield from the Green He could see Farmer Meadows. Brown's house and barn, and near them the Old Orchard, where Johnny V. S. Trtmury Department Chuck had spent the summer with F'!Snt.,, Polly Chuck and their baby Chucks. He knew every nook and corner in the old stone wall and many times he had been to the Old Orchard. It was there that he had stolen the eggs of Drummer the Woodpecker. He sighed at the thought of those eggs, and how he had stolen them, I and then he shivered as he remem bered how he had finally been caught and how sharp the bills of Drummer and Mrs. Drummer were. But all that was in the past and FOUND Wrist Watch. Owner may about it wasn't going to thinking and payhave same by identifying him now. He has got to do help ing for this ad. Call The Leader. something right away. Perhaps he find a place to live in the old CHICKS Plenty of chicks for June. might stone wall, and there might, there We custom hatch. Utah Hatchery, just might, be enough grains of corn c 7 Brigham City. scattered over the ground of the ATTENTION FARMERS and STOCKRAISERS We l?ay CASH AND CALL for your DEAD and USELESS COWS, HORSES, SHEEP and HOGS PHONE: Farmers Line PHONE: Bell System COLORADO ANIMAL 77.0-- 1 35 J3 CO BY-PRODUC- TS GARLAND, UTAH BIG DEMAND far live, disabled HORSES Classified AdColum n r- y - ...... . V SEE US TODAY Winzeler Motor t-- v - ..... .... Box Elder County's New Herd of From the best sires and dams in the world. Spotted Poland Chinas Including SILVER ROSE, (shown above), daughter of Silver Top, with a litter of 11 sired by Tip Top, and SILVER LADY, daughter of Modem Design, with a litter of 10, sired by Duration. O Limited number of g boars left. If interested, get in touch with me at 310 North, First West, L'righam City; or Phone 450. If not at home leave note in mail box or at Hamilton Drug store Usually home on Sundavs. herd-buildin- O COME AND SEE MY HERD AT ULUE GREEK NOW or at Brigham City in the Winter. O No matter what your policy whether you cross-bree- d or are satisfied with grade sows the best sire that money can buy is a profitable investment. Delmar A. Whitney BRIGHAM CITY, UTAH FOR RENT Modern home. Inquire cornfield for him to lay up a supply at Leader Office. N. S. tf if he worked very hard and fast. Anyway, he would have a look. So FOR SALE Weiner pigs. Arthur he hurried down from the tree and out along the old stone wall. His 3 Wilson, Salt Creek. tip spirits began to rise as he whisked FOR SALE 1 bay horse, good con- along, peering into every hole and It dition. Will sell or trade for any- jumping from stone to stone. Nash, in really seemed as if he might find a thing of value, home somewhere here. Then good condition. See 5. Y. Shibata, snug he remembered something that p Garland. Phone made his heart sink again. He reTO Good BUY WANTED used membered having seen Shadow the Weasel more than once exploring Merrill Laub. Call Mrs. baby buggy. that very wall. Just as likely as FOR SALE Brass bed, springs, and not he would do it again, for it mattress, all in good condition. Call was so very near the Green Forest. 3 Tremonton, 19. tic No, the old stone wall wouldn't do. Just then along came Peter RabFOR SALE Breakfast set. Call the bit. Peter saw right away that someLeader Office. thing was wrong with Chatterer and he wanted to know what it was. FOR SALE Modern home. Inquire Chatterer told him. He felt that he Loader Office. N. S. tf had just got to tell some one. Peter looked thoughtful. He scratched his CASH for live poultry. H. A. Gam, long left ear with his long right 435 N..2nd W., Brigham. Phone hind foot. 698. 1 tf "You know, there is another old SELL your dead and useless horaes stone wall up there by the Old Orand cattle to White's Trout Farm chard," said he. "It is pretty near Brown's house and Black and receive more money. Phone, Farmerhunts there a great deal, but Pussy collect. Hyrum you ought to be smart enough to keep out of her clutches." "I should hope so!" exclaimed Chatterer scornfully. "I have never seen a cat yet that I was afraid of! ABSTRACTOR I believe I'll go over and have a look Established 40 Year at that old wall, Peter Rabbit." BRIGHAM CITY, UTAH "I'll go with you," said Peter, and off they started together. CoJ for Exide and Auto Lite 6-- 31-R-- 2. Kelly Springfield 63-t2- 6-- Ignition Coils AH - Toints - truck' Spark Plugs for all cars and Parts and ArrpssnnVs for PLYMOUTH Cars DODGE Trucks Now and Available 12-1- 11-R.- 2, 10-1-- S.NORMAN LEE Garage Open From 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. WE WORK ON ANY MAKE CAR OR TRUCK EARL SHUMAN, Mechanic IKE WINZELER, Owner H |