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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1934 PACE FOUR Constitutional Amendments' Amendment Constitutional No. 1 PROCEEDS OF LANDS AND OTHEB RM PERMANENT PROPERTY SCHOOL FUND A JOIST RESOLUTION PROPOSING TO AMEND SECTION 3, ARTICLE OF 10 OE THE CONSTITUTION THE STATE OF UTAH. RELATOF ING TO THE PROCEEDS LANDS AND OTHER PROPERTY ASP CREATISG A PERM AS EST FCSD ASD A UNIFORM SCHOOL FUSD FOR THE COMMON ASD PUVLIC SCHOOLS. Be it resolved by the Legislature of d of all the etate of Utah, the membere elected to tack houie FUND-UNIFO- two-thir- eovrurring therein: SECTION 1. That it Is proposed to nmend section 3 of Article 10 of the Constitution of the state of Utah at amended by the vote of the elector at the central election of l'Juti to read follows: a Sec. 3. The proceed of the sales of all lands that have been or may hereafter be granted by the United States to this state, for the support of the common schools, and five per centum of the net proceeds of the sales of United States public lands by the lying within the state and sold United Slates subsequent to the of this slut into the Union, shall be and remain a permanent fund, to be called the State School Fund, the interest of which only, chall be expended for the support of the common schools. "Ihe interest on the State School Fund, the proceeds of all prop-ert- y that may accrue to the state by escheat or forfeiture, all unclaimed shares and dividends of any corporation incorporated under the laws of this state, the proceeds of the sales of timber, and the proceeds of the ale or other disposition of minerals or other property from school and state lands, other than those granted for specific purposes, shall, with such other revenues as the Legislature may from time to time allot thereto, constitute a fund to be known as the Uniform School Fund, which Uniform School Fund shall be maintained and used for the support of the common and public schools of the stale and apportioned in such manner as the Legislature shall provide. Tru pro-of visions of Section 7, Article XIII this Constitution shall be construed as a limitation on the rate of taxation on tangible property fur district school purposes and not on the amount of funds available therefor and, further, in) moneys allocated to the Uniform School Fund shall be considered in fixing the rates of taxation specified in Section 7 of Article XIII. SECTION 2. The secretary of state is directed to submit this proposed amendment to the electors of the state at the next perioral election in the manner provided by luv, SECTION 3. If adopted by the ' I.:: V"--.r!. of !'" shall take effect the first day of . 1939. January, Amcrient Constitutional No. 2 purposes, which shall constitute the high school fund; said furJ shall be HOURS OF WORK ON PUBLIC WORKS A JOINT RESOLUTION PROPOSING TO AMEND SECTION 8, ARTICLE OF Its OF THE CONSTITUTION UTAH, RELATING TO HOURS OF WORK ON ALL PU11L1C WORKS. Re it resolved by the LegMature of of all the alate of Utah, members elected to each of the two holme ruling in favor thereof: SUCTION 1. That it is proposed to amend rection 6 of article Id of the Constitution of the state o'f Utah. Sec. 6. The Legislature shall determine the hours that shall constitute a day's work on all works or undertakings carried on or aided by the state, county or municipal government; and !h Legislature shall pass laws to provide for the health and safety of employees in factories, smelters, and mines and shall determine the number of maximum hours of service per day. SECTION 2. That the secretary of state is hereby directed to submit -. Uih proposed amendment to the of ti.e a lata at the next general election in the manner provided by law. SECTION 3. If adopted by the e'o'tors of this state, this amendment take effect the first day of i- - 4 FOR SALE Throe head of horrcs, 2 geldings coming- four, well bro;;t, atul one Ko'.din,; aming three. .'ill approximate 1400 lbs. each, All sound. Six head Hampshire rams, 5 yearlings, one older. Seal wheat, new smut rtsistent, beardless, free from mixture, Recommended by County Agent. Call and investigate-thesThcs. E. Kings, bargains. North Garland. tip 9-- FOR SALE Good work horses. Leo Nelson. Phone 22.5-1- . t2p FOR SALE Concord grades. Tony t2p OTary. Seed Whor.r and Parley For Sale 8,000 bu. of beardless Turkey Red, smut resistant wheat No. and 800 bu. of Winter Barky for pale, apply T. V. rotter, Collinston, 54-A-- or Garland Warehouse. BEDBUG EXTERMINATION, Without fumigation. Results guaranteed, 11.50 per room. Jensen Exterminators. M. A. Jackman, local representative, R. F. D. No. 2. tf FOR SALE Choice building lots, 1 block from Main Street. Inquire James Walton. 1'hone Residence., ; business, 23J, If the voter desires to vote for the he shall place a cross issue of in the space after the word "Yes." (X) If the voter desires to vote against the issue of bonds, he shall place a cross (X) in the space after the word "No." On the reverse side of said billot shall jie the following: Official Ballot for Tremonton City, Box Elder County, State of Utah, Special Bond Election, September; Two Open Ends Fully Automatic Operation Selective Heat Control Theie thrse feature! ere inditpentible o luccessful ironing of complicated garments with plaits, ruffles, gathers, etc. You will find all three on Ironrite and ONLY on Ironrite. And that's the reason it's America's No. I ironer . . . that's the reason wa recommend , two-thir- d l&ffWH fell knrmi ; irofirne The Double Utility Ironer j j j 26, 1933. Signature City Recorder. At said election the polls shall be Vened at the hour of seven o'clock A. M. and closed at the hour of seven o'clock P. M. of said day. The polling place for all qualified electors of said city shall be at Tre- monton Library building in said city, and the Judges of Election shall be A. N. Fishbum, Catherine Watkins and R. S. Calderwood. Dated at Tremonton City, Utah, this 24th day of August, A. D. 1938. By Order of the City Council of Tremonton City, Box Elder County, State of Utah. N. E. SHAW, (SEAL) Fac-siini- elec-;...- l 1939. I, E. E. Monson, Secretary of State of the State of Utah, do hereby certify t.h'ifc ihn forecoinc is a full, true and correct copy of the 3 Constitutional Amendments proposed by the regular teuton of the legislature of 1937 as the same appears of re:ord in my Electrolux, the Kerosene Refrigerator. i Street or RJF.D.. v- .. L.Vij..., ,',a....ri.i in ' i ' - i .State. Towr I B ATTEST: R. S. CALDERWOOD, City Recorder. WHE 5 m!16 PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES Consult Clerk of the District Court or the Respective Sign- ers for Further Information. Secretary of State. KJu uu U IS NOTICE TO CREDITORS Mis. J. O. Garfield and son, Iivin, spent Saturday in Salt Lake City. Mrs. Ira Fru'.al spent Sunday in Biigharn City visiting with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Merrill. Mr. atul Mrs. J. O. Garfield spent Sunday in Ogden visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Beck. Mrs. R. G. Brough and Mrs. La Von Garfield and children were Brigham ... if it has a long-lif- e, Li I V-.- ' k at i square, one-piec- e, j cast-alumin- that ... if it has I t. a sediment trap in the bottom of the tub that keeps the water free from loosened particles of dirt. MAKE GOOD OR WE DO ... if it has a Roller Water Remover with flexible top roll and firm bottom roll, that removes the water evenly from all the clothes. I ASK If you want these important features, your choice must be a Maytag . . . and you'll discover many other reasons for the May tag's world leadership. May tags may be had with gasoline Multi-Moto- r. twin-cylind- er of Maytag quality. Choose from six ... models at prices to suit every purse. The Stoker that has out sold all other Stokers and net a single dissatisfied owner. 1S01-- you to Compare it as an with any other stoker Introduction offer Fronk Chevrolet Co. Tranoiqoo, Utai Manufacturers of CANYON ItEI) . . . BUFF SMOOTH and . Phone 23 COMMON BRICK, BUILDING BLOCKS only KEEP IT We Invite NOW -- f The Exclusive Agency for Ogden, Brigham and Tremonton on the LE K Brick & Tile Co. FOR A FREE TRIAL IRONING WITH THE NEW MAYTAG IRONER Find out how to save half your time and all the hard work on ironing day with this j modern simple ironer I ' IF IT DOESN'T SELL ITSELF, DON'T ANNOUNCING PARTITIONS and FLUE TILE i 9-- TAPESTRY TEXTURE FACE BRICK, . fwj.i u izJ ... if it has a counter-sun- k Gyratator gives you gentler washing action. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at Howell Utah, or at the office of Attorney B. II. Jones, Fir3t National Bank Bldg., Brigham City, Utah on or before the 28th day of December, A. D. 1938. Esther Munk, Administratrix of Alma Munk, deceased. visitors Saturday. B. H. Jones, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. George Abbott visited First National Bank Bldg. with Mrs. Ken Young, of Kemmerer, Attorney for administratrix Wyoming Friday and Saturday. t5 City, Utah Mr. and Mrs. Ed Searle and daugh- Brigham ter, Ruby, and Mr. and Mrs. Will Moffat, of View, Idaho were Monday Largest Dormant Volcanic Pit Maui island, midway between night and Tuesday visitors of Mrs. Ada C. Garfield. Honolulu and Hilo, contains the towMr. and Mrs. George Abbott .spent ering moss of Haleakala, largest Mo'idny visiting with their (laughter, dormant volcanic pit in the world. It is 10,000 feet high and within Mis. John Barnard, of Heber Citv. the limits of its vast rim all Manhattan island could be placed with Largest Aniituls Veaciarians room to spare. There are cinder The world's largest land animals, cones rising more than 1,000 feet elephant and hippopotamus, are from the floor of the majestic both vegetarians.1 crater. Office and Plant 2 9th and Jefferson OGDEN, UTAH PHONE w I tub. Estate of Alma Munk, Deceased 8-- "CHOOSE A WASHER YOU 3 OUR I Mayor. under the number and title herein ic- Ijr.ialeJ, In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Croat Heal of the State of Utah, this :.'mh (lay of August, 1U"8. 2. FOR SALE OR TRADE 1936 Ford 11 ton truck, dual wheels, new rubber on 5 wheels, new engine block. James Walton. I I mm Gentlemen: Please send me, without obligation, complete information about Servel le CASH PAID for dead and useless cowa and horses. Call Maple Creek Trout Hatchery, Brigham Reverse Ch&fge. tf. 493-J-- When You Buy an Ircner NO t3p FOR RENT Basement apartment. See Lynn Thomas or phone 35. tf. S0.a-1- (4) YES EAST TREMONTON Classified Ad Column t: At said election the form of ballot shall be in substantially the following form: Bond Election Ballot For the issue of $35,000 Water Bonds four-tent- tire-tent- y, fi M city?" Constitutional Amendment No. 3 O.'.'ice. I further certify that they will appear on the official ballot at the general election November 8, 1938, tivo-thirt- h semi-annuall- j The young couple are well and fav. orably known in their respective corn- muniUea and have the good wishes of their many friends for a happy and successiui mdjxieu me. 2Gth day of September, A. D. 1938, a special election will be held within the limits of Trerncnton City, Box Elder County, State of Utah, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of said city, a3 shall have paid a property tax therein in the year next preceding such election, the following question, "Shall Tremtnton City, Utah, issue its negotiable coupon bonds in the sum of $35,000.00, bearing interest at a rate not exceeding four per cent per annum, for the payable purpose of improving, enlarging, extending and replacing the present waterworks system of said city for the purpose of more adequately supplying and distributing water to the inhabitants there of, the said waterworks system to bo owned and controlled by said 1931. Re it renolved by the Leu'mUiture of the State of Utah, of all of the membert elected to each holme concurring therein: SECTION 1. That it is proposed to amend section 7 of Article IS of the Constitution of the state of Utah, as amended by the vote of the electors at the general election of 1930 to rend as follows: Sec. 7. The rata of taxation on tangible property shall not exceed on each dollar of valuation, two and mills for general state purposes, of one mill for hi;;h school that on Monday, the to-wi- j HEREBY IS NOTICE PUBLIC GIVEN, manner as may be provided by law. SECTION 2. The secretary of state is directed to submit this proposed amendment to the electors of the state in the next general election in the manner provided by law. SECTION 8. If adopted by the electors of the state, this amendment shall take effect the first day of Jar.uary, DISTRlliUTION TREMONTON CITY DOX ELDER COUNTY, UTAH f-- PURPOSES OF TAXATION DISTRIBUTION A JOINT RESOLUTION PROPOSING AN AMENDMENT TO SECTION 7, ARTICLE XIII OF THE COS STL OF TUT ION OF THE STATE UTAH, RELATING TO THE RATE OF TAXATION, PURPOSES ASD RATE y. appertioned In the manner the Legislature shall provide, to the schoo districts maintaining high schools, and such levy for district school purposes which together with such other funds a may be available for district school will raise annually an purposes, for each amount which equals 5 person of school age in the state as shown by the last preceding school census; the same to be distributed among the school districts according to the last preceding school census; and in addition an equalization fund which when added to other revenues provided for this purpose by the Legislature shall be $5 for each person of school age as shown by the last preceding school census; said equalisation fund shall be apportioned to the school districts in such manner as the Legislature shall provide. Said rates shall not be increased unless a proposition to increase the same specifying the rate or rates proposed and the time during which the same shall be levied, be first submitted to a vote of such of the qualified electors of the state, as in the year next preceding such election, shall have paid a property tax assessed to them within the state, and the majority of those voting thereon shall vote in favor thereof. In euch January, of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Christensen of Clarkston. The marriage took Mr. and Mrs. John C. Barf us an-- 1 place at the Logan Temple Wednesin home their make will nounce the marriage of their daugh-jdaThey tn Ponlf Diristpiisfn. snnl Ka.t Garland. MARKIAGE ANNOUNCED NOTICE OF SPECIAL BOND ELECTION For a Limited $179.50 Time. Plus Installation Priced Interest Hate ScEaosG-Eea- d to $75 Higher Place Your Order Mow Lowest $."0 - Pay Later We Carry Our Own Paper Eleslidc Stezzs OGDEN, TREMONTON, UTAH J |