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Show 40 ANTI-POLYGAM- Aeflectiox, like as it smites. STANDARD. Y life leponds in a vorv great decree upon the kind of food ho eats; in fact the whole 'household is influenced by their diet. the ironsmith shapes Feed them on fried cakes, fried meats, hot Missm Myrtle Miller, wife of Joaquin, is .lead. . CUHNXET TOES & O, I bread and other indigestible viands, day the .leserted aft?r v and I,105' 1'11 ,,eed, ,?dic!,ne1 ' d-- ?ake tlf11 w WHOLESALE AND IIETAIL DEALERS IN f1"1 the evil effects ot tood, and the wife and children must lie physic- - Mapleson has engaged Ade- lina Patti for next season and will pay her ed. Let all the girls have a share in the 4,000 a night. Alice housekeeping at home before they marry; It is said that a woman Miss Herze-irovialet each superintend some department by u llurtley is at the bottom of the Manager STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, turns. It weed not occupy half the time Austria. rebellion against ti to see that the house has been promptly Miss Frances Power Con be has pre- swept, dusted and put in order, or to presented Girton College, the leading Eng- pare puddings and many dishes, that many lish College for women with all the math- young ladies spend in reading novels that ematical books used by Mary Somerville. enervate both mind and body and unfit Police matrons are to be appointed in them for every day life. "Women do not K.-t.vNew York City, whose duty will be to try as a general rule get pale faces by loin to rescue women who come before them housework. Their sedentary habits, m rooms, combined with from lives of shame. food, are to blame for bad health. Our Tiie employment of a female physician mothers used to pride themselves on their at the head of an insane retreat at housekeeping ami fine needlework. Why Harrisburg, has been so successful that should not we? Baltimore Sun. Dr. Alice Bennett has been placed in And KveryUiiug Needful in t Iso llouMdiobi Line. charge of the 400 lunatic women at the From Andrews American Queen. J Norristown (Pa.) asylum. Wiiex a lady called upon Mrs. Secretary Kirkwood the other day she found Olt THE that lady ironing. Hence, whole columns of praise and flattery. Had it been some woman whose husband had a salary of S25 Q III mi SllObcXs 15 (Mill tV We would respectfully call the attention of the ladies of Salt Lake the received have she would per week, City and vicinity, to the above line of goods, and guarantee to them first cold cut forever after. WaS RUT SKIN DELP. class articles at the Lowest Market Prices. Goods delivered free of Health, hope, and happiness are restor- The xemivaed Queen of Sheba, with nil her charge to any part of the city. ed by the use of Lydia E. Pinkhams aud br.lliaut magnificent apparel, Vegetable Compound. It is a positve royal pom;, would never have within the retinue, woappeared from which cure for all those diseases of of the the monarch of the grandest men suffer so much. Send to Mrs. Lydia preeu.ee also she not had that which is possessed past, E. Pinkham, 233 "Westen Avenue, Lynn, of the the female person a skin crowning glory Mass., for pamphlets. unchallenged for its softness and its almost transThere are no ladies in the world so ca- cendental purity. Cleopatra, holding emperors z&s pable of doing many things, and doing at bay, and ruling empires by her word, had them well as the Austrian ladies. I refer lost her charm and power by one attack to those of high birth. I care not what quickly of bioches, or ol horrid tan and freckles. Elephant Corner, Main and Second South Street, Salt Lake Citv,' Utah. they may be called on to do, from cutting a WOMAN RULES TIIE WORLD dress to making a salad, they are always by her beauty, not less than by her purity of ready. Young girls with titles and forlovdmess of dispositi n and unselfish tunes are sent to famous milliners and character, devotion. Indeed, in the estimation of perhaps dress makers, where they serve a regular ! too nun beauty in a body takes precedence apprenticeship, and remain until perfectly overmany every other consideration. Beauty thus able to cut and make any garment. OISE PRICE STORE, forms an important part of womans working cap Our Stock of Mrs. Ewixg, a Chicago, lecturer on itd, without which too many, (if not bankrupts , one chicken requires Main St., Salt Lake City. cookery, says that a in what relates to influence within the code hour of stewing for every year of its life. wherp move), are powerless for great good At last the secret has been discovered IleDce they we see not only the propriety but the duty whv a boarding house chicken which is to of every lady preserving with zealous care that be served at six oclock in the evening is which to her is essential to success, and influence Will be far superior this season to usually put on the fire very early in the and uselulness in life. Aud since beauty i3 but morning. skin deep, the utmost care and vigilance are anything we have heretowho died Ins of to lx memory only daughter required guard it against the many ills tha t fore offered. in Paris last winter, Mr. C. G. Francklyn fle.--b is heir to. Among the great and annoj ing intends to open a Memorial Home for enemies of beauty. Coots, Shoes, Hosiery, Gloves, For Branch. at Children Friendless OF EITHER SEX Long Furnishing Goods ami this purpose he has purchased the Kilpat- as well aof comfort, happiness and health, are Notions, rick residence, a short distance wesy of those pestiferous and horrid skm diseases tet We are daily opening the the station of Elberon. The institution ters, humors, eczema, (salt rheum), rough and Aft-H- I NEW AND ELEGANT GOODS will be opened shortly. scaly eruptions, ulcers, pimples, and all diseases-oV ING CONS TA NTLY. the hair and calp. For the cure of all these, Ox the Gth Inst., a number of girls were bathing at Ivewaskum. "SVis., when one of Dr. C. W. Beeson, of Baltimore, after years of We sell at One Price Only, and them got out too far. Mary, the daughter patient study and investigation devoted to Dr. IL A. Freeman, of Milwaukee, eases of the skin, at last brought forth his cele our Goods are warranted the Best And are offering our Patrons Orbravely went1 out to her rescue, and sue- - brated Skin Cure, which has already by its and Cheapest in the market. ceeded in rescuing the girl, but was her- - marvelous cures, established itself as the great ders Special Inducements. by mail filled Promptly. self drowned. We are told women lack remedy for all diseases of the skin, whatever be courage, but this brave girl sacrificed her pjejr uames or character. Its success has been D. own life to save her comrade. All and have immense unparalleled. druggibts two bottles in or 8 R h up Hegantly put a at woman A letter writer Alexandria, external and treatment. In'erind Price a highly romantic explanation of the package. 48 Second South street, Salt Lake City, east of I. O. Egyptain question. Her story is that $100 Arabi early in his career, fell madly in ALL KINDS OF the of with an love f Cta.ll Cl11- daughter Egyptian girl, tn.oTo,rdS,lwSt,l!,wol,,,,cks'vpst Monumental e;ist ,f Moore, Alien & Co., tyead Stores, Maijtles, DrugStorey 0 llce rst a fellah; but the unscrupulous Ismail, then AND khedive, also tok a fancy to the girl, and his harem off to without had her carried He tried even saying, by your leave. Done with Neatness and Dispatch. or oll.c, to pacify tne luckless Arabi bv making CODtain M upmm quinine, TIIE CELEBRATED hy all druggists. Price, him a bey; but Arabi never forgave the pru&or 8x Pot,a or w0 ox ' Ll injury, and from that moment vowed dire vengeance upon Ismail and all his family. This is peculiarly a womans solution of ' Vi'V .f r.,djmKmck LTa the problem. Springfield Republican. 'as. Cotrees, Sugars, (all graUrs,) e Cueeo Spices Si over-heate- s. ill-chos- en d Cjccqice Seeeefest Bn con of I Giraningrton Oo.. V J. 1). FAEJIERs New Goods DRY O OOS XMRY (iOODS ilia, iiiin f Gat ojst Dovelj ics, I din-o- f J. FAI1MEK. Maible Wortei, New I Peembes COHHT BROS, Coal Yard. Wosjs I - ; I j Pleasant Talley Uoal : Wiiat TnE Girls Should Gaix. knowledge of housekeeping such as the grandmothers used to acquire. By all means let the girls learn to cook. What and go into a right has a girl to marry she knows how house of her own unless of branch WTO housekeep-to superintend every Y d,,U ing, and she cannot properly superintend unless she has some practical knowledge herself. Most men marry without think-n- g whether the woman of his choice is is a capable of cooking him a meal, and it as lus health, vdtv lie is so 7te mv Monitor Wrougnt-i-opity lunge tx his cheerfulness, and indeed his success m any other It in the Rest In the Market. 1 Jn ALSO, ALL KINDS OF RANGES Granite and Sand Stone Work QTQ C0 1 short-sighte- Can be had by car load, ton, A d, n DONE AT LOW PRICES. Italian, V'rumnt ar.d Utah Marl) . Trices as Low as the Lowest and Works as Fine as in the United States. T. O. Box 1017. Myeige d? Jones, or smaller quantities at the yard, (temporary in front of Salt Lake Foundry) or delivered to any part of the City. Office first door west of the Post Office. Full weight, clean coal and satisfaction guaranteed. Orders solicited and promptly filled, A. L. Williams, Agent for Salt Lake City. |