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Show 88 ANTI-POLYGAM- STANDARD. Y resources of this Territory, certainly there has not been any extravagant newspaper reports spread Independent Assay Office, abroad for the purpose of creating a P. k. BISHOP, Assayer. , mining excitement. On the contrary, Office, under T. R JoneB Bank, Salt Lake City, during the past few years mining has P.O.BOX 1004. been conducted in a quiet, steady way, WILLEJ All work carefully executed and and though, we have sadly felt the guaranteed. Analysis Ores, Mineral Waters, etc., a Specialty. want of. necessary- capital to develop our mines, yet work has been steadily going on in the different camps with energy and persevere nee, though often under many difficulties. We have now Main St., Salt Lake City. a number of good producing mines, besides having discovered and devel- Under W. 9. McCornicks Bank valuable most of one the deposits oped of silver ore now known to exist in fflwinQ fjnginccr'i. any mine in the, world, namely, the Horn Silver mine of Frisco, in South-aboern Utah. This mine shows an ore body as yet but partially explored, but Mining & Civil Engineer and U. S. estimated to have in one part now MINERAL HUHVEYOlt opened, a gross value of from thirty to For Utah and Idaho. forty million dollars! Then there is NOTARY PUBI IC. the Ontario, the .Old Telegraph, the P . O. Box 1157. Office, Second Sonth St. east of Postoffice. Crismon Mammoth, the Stormont and others whose records speak lor themThe undersigned, having been Ed. selves. appointed sole agent for the sale of 1 he celebrated Victor Rock Drill in Mining Exchange , Utah, Idaho , Wyoming, Montana, Ari' Opposite Tribune IZulldlngr, zona, Nevada t and Colorado, will be pleased to receive orders for the South Second Street, - - 8ALT LAKE CITY same, which he will sell at factory price, freight added This is the UTAH COMMERCIAL, -- ; By special request of prominent min- ing men , this page ivill contain facts in regard to the immense mineral resources of Utah , its unrivalled climate , and the ' large and profitable field it offers to terprise and capital. J. McVICKERS en- Misrtp) e sentations in Mining. I It never does any good to make too much stir and too much talk about a country before the country warrants it. People read of and listen to accounts a new and unsettled region with the greatest interest and swallow the stories told with the greatest avidity. Those who take advantage of this EfICTOR J ASSAY OPPICB., w. bredemeyerT ut weakness of human nature ought not to grumble when the natural results When people extol their follow. neighborhood to the skies, knowing all the time that their statements are exaggerated, they should not complain if those who find out the falsity of the stories should do their best to get even by running the country down and doing it harm. Last year and the year before it seemed as if the mining world was crazy over Colorado. The Leadville excitement brought thousands of people intot Colorado and it brought thousands into mining who had never before thought of the subject. Highly sensational and extravagant reports of the country were scattered far and wide. The same stories were told of the Gunnison country and of the Ute Reservation. The attention of a large mass of people was turned to the country, and naturally there were thousands who went there expecting to make an immediate fortune who .failed to do so. But now that the stories about the country are found to be exaggerated and the excitement is over, a sort of stagnation has stt in which is far from pleasant. Of course, there are good mines there, some of them paying first rate, but the wild and false statements about the country generally have caused a reaction which is doing Colorado harm. The mines are no less inexhaustible than other mines ; they afe no richer than other mines. The excitement is over, and people buying mines there will do so on the merits of the rock, in MADELON CONSOLIDATED SILVER the future. Investments will be made ' T and Milling Company. 60 Broadway, New York ity, and 9, Waiatch soberly and with better judgment, all of Building,' Sait which will be better for the country. We notice a disposition just now to give the other side of the question in relation to some of the Arizona properties. Reports from there are not very conservative, to say the least. De- scriptions of some of the mines and and manufacturing Morway iron mining camps have been rather highly colored. .In , Company of Utah. A good many Nevada miners have capital itock, $i,ooo,coo. Par vaue of shares, $io. oi king capital fund 40,000 Shares, $400,000. ana mey Hn nor all Location gone down mere, onJ of mines and works. Mill Creek Mining DisMorgan county, so of the as speak highly country they Principal Office: . bait Lake City, Utah, DIRECTORS. might. In some districts they say the T. I ynch President rock is so soft that one man will do as John harles Vice President much work as it would take five to do Fred G. Popper Treasurer Lvngberg B A. M. PYoiseth secretary in Nevada. In other places they say John R. McBride Attorney Iverson , Syvert Superintendent the ground is all taken up and the John Beers. A limited amount of working ledges are not as good as represented. capital stock can now be had of the Company at a low figure. For particulars, adlocal should The check the dress the Secretary, Postofflce Box 453. papers enthusiasm of the correspondents when they know the statements are exaggerated. Stick to facts, as it will be better for the country, New Mexico is just now attracting a good deal of attention, and no doubt we will soon see the same sort of statements about that Territory. People who are attracted to a locality by false and milling com vquirrah gold mining v and leave denounce the Payreports always -- JAS. F. BRADLEY, most simple, economical and cheapest Published Monthly by rock drill in the market, and just G. what prospectors need.- - Circulars; 14I Mali St., Salt Lake City. ' giving full description of the drill PRICE PER ANNUM 50 CENTS. sent on application. Address, B. A. M. Froiseth, Salt Lake City, Utah. : E. - m DANIEL DUNNE, 1 1 jj of all Kinds, Cat-ting- s FOR MINING, MILLING, SMELTING, ETC. Manufacturer of Cast and Wrought Iron Fencing, Stove ratew and Gene al Rlacksnuthing of a0 kinds n or Iron Doors, Grating, Cresting, and ejB' all of General Jobbing work done on short notice. Fac.ory, one block west oi White House P. O. Box 471. SALT LAKE CITY. DEALERS IN s. Miners & Family Supplies HO FOR - STOCKTON, UTAH. Salmon River Mines. w, r' MIN-iD- g ( MATTHEWS, f ' i .f THE f Everything kept in a ' Challis & Bonanza HIM STAGE COMPANY To be found at this Store. - I too-glowi- ng j -- - whole country. Mining and Scientific Capital stock, PrgSS Office The above article contains a great deal of truth, and no one can deny that these exaggerations tend to retard the permanent development of a country. But we do not think that it is at all applicable to Utah. We scarcely be- lieve it possible to exaggerate the $10,000,000. Shares $50. in Wasatch Building, M. Good Quality of Goods, Are running a line of Stages from Blackfoot, Utah & Northern Railway, to Challis, Custer City, Bonanza, and all points in the Yankee Fork Mining District. Forty (40j pounds of hag. gage allowed each passenger. Stages leave Blackfoot and Challis Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, making close connection with passenger trains at Blackfoot. DIt.O. W. 1UGC2IKH, The Old and Reliable Specialist. Cures fits in their worst form, Chronic $10,000,000. Shaughnessy, President. Shares, $100 each, Mines in Uintah District, P. T. Van Zlle, Pres. our Motto. Notary Public, Stage Office, AND Dis- eases, at.d diseases of a private and confidential nature. Dr. II. has made these diseases a specialty for the past ten years, and durmghis residence in the city for the past 7 years, has cured over one thousand of the above diseases. Buffering frieDds, dont delay ; call at once and put yourself under his treatment. The knowledge of disease is halt its cure. Dr. II. can be consulted daily at his office, No. 7 Littles Row. Many have been rescued from the grasp of disease by my medi-cinewho were given up as incurable by friends and physicians; lor proof of this call and get their address, and see them for yourselves. CONSULTATION FRKE. Capital tock, Reasonable Prices, and Dccordcr's Ofliee, Of Rush Valley Mining District, in same building. s, q j Civility, Geo. A. Black, Secy. N. B. Please send your address and one of my books treating on nervous and get general debility, Fits, Chronic Diseases and other complaints. Free to all. P. O. Box 718, Salt Lake City, Utah. ORDERS From the outside, by Mail promptly Filled and Forwarded. |