OCR Text |
Show BERRA ELT I TE AOL | NNER ORE = a a 3 34 a C WITH Dining Car Service. ern railway began operating its new dining cars,serVing all meals onallits thro ugh trains. The arrangement included No. 2 leaving Ogden at 7:30 a. m: and Salt Lake City at 8:80. m.; also No, 4 leaving Ogden at 6:35 p. m,and Salt Lake City at 7:40 p.m. The west-bound through trains, both morning and night, will also carry diners. The cuisine is as perfect as it is possible to make it. Service, ala carte— so that you can have your “coffee and rolls” for breakfast, or you can select from 8 menu as eichonste and ee as, the market of Utah can supply. A Doubtful Amateur Compliment.” you Allen S. Glmsted, A King Sweating. Feet, Ask for Allen’s a powder to be shaken into At all Druggisis:and Shee amp'e sent FREE. Ad- Musical Oscar of LeRoy, N. Y. King. Sweden in his young fays was regarded as the most accomplished tenor have made the in Europe, a fortune and voice A Missouri editor, in an account of the wedding of a popular couple in His town, said: ‘They were married at the home of the bride’s parents, where they wili remain until the groom gets a job,” 20.—General Otis has Pilar offers, to refrain for from the sum attacking of Ma- the air, and for the sum of $500,000 . This is the CASCARKT tablet. Every tablet of the only genuine Cascarets bears the magic letters ECU? Lom at the tablet before you buy,and beware of tr auds, imitations wats substitutes. fhe PRESSMEN Transcontinental Was a president “}*ciation: | ey | Sick headache. Food doesn’t dioe well, appetite poor, bowels conee “tongue coated. It’s your liver! Ayer s Pills are liver pills, easyand safe. They cure dyspepsia, itiquenese: 25c. AllDruggists. | Baker City, at $1,000 to sack, or as high as $50,000 a ton. leaders. were started with an idea of BUGKINICHAN's BYHVE hhe. OF DRUGGISTS, OR RP HALL & Go. “NasuuA, N. ERE is a medical lecture ina nutshell. The Kidneys drain water and impurities from the blood. The liver makes bile and helps to drive off other waste. If these organs work’ badly: the body becomes a cesspool and disease sets in. You must get them: into healthy action or die.’ DrJ.H. Nic Lean’s liveraKidneyBalm DR. J. H. MCLEAN MEDICINE Sv. Louis, M Canadian Press Asso- “Vancouver, Aug. 21, 1899. “One hundred members of the Cana‘dian Press Association are deeply grateful to the Canadian Pacific Railway Company for the unremitting courtesy and hospitality which has made CO. “President tion. developing that no one but Who a Kan- sags pastor, full of the life and energy that has come to that state, a vacation, left minute sermon on a cyiinder to be de- Don" 5 be fooled with, a \mackintost al or rubber . If you wantacoat a that will ae you dry in ne hard- § : ey ine Fish Brand . If notfor sale in your & town, write for ceiatogue to A TOWER, » Mass. ot the weaknesses nothing or oe} nen nic und eee disLSC8. proven our skilli 1 curing all CHRONIO W'e have ane py publishing thouzvands. of voluntary tea stimonials of home peopie, giving names, pictures FeSses, We CAN'T spies OUR CURES IN PRIVATE a a i wecan it would betray confidence. BoontC) e. prove ee en ne “ class of EgnnIee in ay. This is i will treat you ee aba etary asking © pay a cent until you ar We 2. shew you our reputationin ae Chroni¢ acer, and to prove we can cure all Private Bee ples-just as easily, we take all the burden of pyes % to you, by curingyou first, and then ask- reasonable fee when you are cured. You can ¢ anc upon our word; any bankin. Utak will enorse it; pean ee of atients Le endorsed us SURH YOU—with the disnet ee imctaieg that we will not demand a fee yan we do cure you. We. cure Lost ie paged inal Weakness Spermatorrhcea, Wweatse olutely phijis and all ee eeuar me ure Varicooele in one week or it oe t cost you 3 Ry: eee and advice FRE, by lette! p all DRS - SHORES, EXP 7 SPECIALIS $4 BH. ee South St. Greg Shock. Gpposite Commercial Nat'l Bank. Salt Lake City, Utal 2 | YOU u have money to waste try all the “Gures” y gid ae or hear of; if you wish to run the chance a a ere bub, the peseunens which are said to Colas 6 a ys?) clutely-safe Butif you want a remedy which ig aay wW.pick never fai ls to cure unnature pears, 1hoimpiter hoy w serious or of how long stand ay ePABST” Ss OKAY SPECIFIC”’ ay ale it has ever failed to Cure. Nothin Results astonish the doctors, ped, of all w: me occasion to use it. Can be ee or detention from business. Price, $3.00. sale by ail relanle druggists, or gent ee yy Hix press, - an @ircular bein gst on receipt price CHEMICAL on reques by co. ago, TLE, U., Salt Lake.—No, Annihilated, The dining car service of the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad is proving a great convenience to the traveling public. Ele. gant dining cars are attached to all traing leaving Denver on this popular road, where meals are served ina manner pleasing to all travelers, and at moderate prices. The enjoyment of a trip through Colorado’s wonderful scenery that abounds along the road is enhanced by the dining car and other conveniences that have been adopted. GOES WHERE ALLae ELSE Falls ML Best pebee Fea W.N. Time and Distance In keeping with its past unapproachable record, Union Pacific R. R., the Great oes Route, will, on October 15th, place in service an entirely new, strictly arst-class ° limited train to be known by the yld familiar name of -‘The Overland Limited.’ This in addition to the present exsellent schedule which will be continued. The NEW OVERLAND LIMITED will leave Salt Lake City daily at 11:45 a. m., Ogden 1:15 p. m., arrive Denver 9 a, m., Omaha 7:15 p. m., and Chicago 9:30 a. m., in ample time for all eastern connections to New York, Boston, Washington, etc., and be the most handsomely equipped and fastast train ever given to the western people, As usual there will be no change of cars to Denver, Omaha and Chicago, and only one change to principal eastern cities. Further particulars at company’s office, “Old Stand,” 201 Main street, Salt Lake City. For information, time cards, rates, gtce., | address S. K. Hooper, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, Denver, or H. M. Cushing, Traveling Passenger Agent, 109 West 42, 1899 Second South Street, Salt Lake City. sagt to demon- to guard against the 132,493. It is not be- army estimate has present time, the ore tered in the Burro at Stateline. ing is being energetically the mine looks Sink- pushed and in every way who has the lease on the Apex at Park City, says looking and ing. encourag- ‘ Fred Flindt, being well done at in running the order the mine is that good work is mill, which is now again. Parties who have been investigating the gravel bars of the Colorado river declare these river placers are suscep- tible of producing lots of gold if proper methods and appliances ‘are used. mine, tons of bullion from the near St. George, was mar- ‘keted in Salt Lake last week. The lot was smelted at the Clay furnaces, which have been in operation at the mine for sume time. Recent assays made of dirt taken from the Cash Cole, on the upper Snake river in Idaho, showed 59 per is explained that cent in copper, the ore having a total value of $223.97 per ton, including $4.13 in gold and 54 cents in silver. The Summit company’s smelter has been blown in and everything is now booming in the Uintah country. The sinelter is treating the ores from the Dyer mine, alarge amount of which was at the surface ready for the initial run. Those interested in properties in the Alta district are just now busily engaged in laying in their winters’ supplies, preparatory to an active season of development work, Already trouble has been experienced in getting in and out, owing to the heavy fall of snow. Advices from Tuscarora, Nevada, an- MINING TROUBLES. ene eaten oncece in tion of labor did so. in Idaho, and He also says that when 400 were they never the prison” detained, were not properly cared for until he had called the attention of the state authorities to the matter, after which their condi- tion was materially improved. Tried to Lynch San Francisco, a California Oct. Murderer. 20.— Vincent Burch, a waiter on the ferryboat Susalit, was stabbed to death by Manuel McBride, cook on the vessel. The tragedy oecurred soon after the vessel left Sausalito, and was caused by a slighting remark made by Bureh regarding a young woman to whem he and the cook were attentive. The crew, aided by the passengers, made an attempt to lynch McBride and forced him to jump overboard. He was rescued by a tug and is now in prison, Fears Expressed for Transport Senator. San Francisco, Oct. 20.—The trans- port Senator, with the Iowa volunteers on board, is expected to arrive from Manila next week, and when she is sighted a great sigh of relief will goup from the people here, as it is feared and rumored that she has encountered a typhoon and-been seriously damaged if not disable... She left Manila just after the Empress of India, which came near foundering in a typhoon, and it feared the Senator encountered the same rough s seas. ‘Apdewcte is Abandoned. Caracas, Venezuela, Oct. 20.—Senor Mateous, the peace envoy bringing an ultimatum from the insurgent commander, Cipriano Castho, has returned from Valencia to meet President Andrade, who is expected to give an answer today. President Andrade can not do otherwise than accept the conditions imposed by General Castro, as heis virtually abandoned by all his supporters. e still maintains it may be possible to ir ansfer the seat of government to Maricoba and coe the fight. ie. i at dee in an encouraging state of existence been at'the encountered, Young and it is it is said, will be Silver at Frisco, said much Utah, as most barbaric people about will cording to the “but I things. can One easily name is rolling a agree,” a barrel Minneapolis and the Tribune, two worse man around other is a coat of out of town. f had no objections ag far as the men were concerned, but when. it came to the woman I constituted myself her champion, and deelared that -they must walk dead body first. For about utes I was a hero. Then over my five minabout a dozen men grabbed me and hustled me into a room, and after the Blacks had the head, and then was inclined to look ings with contempt. and so I had no idea They first kicked it along unpaved the wide, street, it had not rolled over more ty times when I was sick an hour for death to hurry up. I dimly remember that after they got tired of the football work in the street they rolled the barrel up a long hill and then let it go kiting down. You talk of seasickness, but there is no comparison. Aside from the feeling of nausea, I was Jarred, jolted and bruised from head to heels, and in one of the bumps I had my nose broken. I was unconscious when they finally took me out and for a week I was little better than a dead man. It was weeks and weeks before I got the revolving motion head and could walk this day I can’t see volving without It have would a been out of my straight, and to grindstone re- being affected far more by it, merciful to hang me up by the neck.” o Famous Colonel Joe the cyanide Smith, who process into Nevada, where more is the introduced White Pine to experience any trouble in keeping the plant in continuous operation this winter, as last winter the mill ground without interruption. Parties who have recently inspected the copper claims on Muncey creek in Nevada, about thirty miles tl of Ibapah, Utah, and in what is known as the Deep Creek country, say the prospects are flattéring for that locality. All the work so far, however, has been on the surface, DAY, ie ~“ Ringe. Tsvo silver rings, of which cne {sg in Paris and the cther in Germany, have associations of raie interest. They were worn by Martin bride, Catherine ding day the inside the Luther de Bora, in 1525. on .The names of and their his weé- wings bear Martin Luther and his wife, and en the outside are engraved the spear, nails and ropes, the symbols of Christ’s suffering and death. : $100 Reward $100, The readers et this ee will be pleased to ae pee Se readed disease This extra high back, deep seated, roomy ocker Surely a a fare the be ti) aay rs that they offer One ngeed Dates for case that it fails tocure. Send for list of Deas als. Address F'. J. a Seb & CO., Toledo, id by druggists Hall’s Fami ee Pile ¢ are the best. mound builders collect heaps Swollen, erd to Married where m’s Rheumatic street, perior women Cure Cor 4-POUND and aeidente CATALOGUE = FRE E ies fs Company, i costs us nearly % % Comparison. “Nehemiah, compare the adjective ‘cold,’ ” said a schoolmaster to his head bey. “Positive cold, comparative help pay $1.00, the 84 cents the postage postage, sore he big beok ig 3 t this aa. out and send to us with ente in stamps to and the Big Bock will be hae io you FREE by mail pestpald, and if you don’t think it is worth 1Oye eae 15 cents -you send, as a key to the lowest wholesale price: hing, say so and we J will immediately return ae an cents. OUT THIS ee WHAT THE PRESS SAYS “It is a monument of business Feud Minneapolis (Minn.) Tribune, “4 wonderful piece of work.”—Washington National Tribune. “The Catalogue isa wonder.’’—Manchester (N. H.) Union CSanee Roebuck & Co. is one of the largest houses of Pts kind in Chie cage. ?__ Chicago Inter Ocean = “The wm camels. forms one of the finest shopping mediums that could possibly be sont oe a district.’ eee Monthy, Chica; down. moat an ta Constitution. “Their catalogue is a vast department store Bail “The qetnineded is necietny a Pena hanes Chicago ee Epworth Hera! ‘+A law should be passed compelling the use of thiscatalo sdeiteall public schools. athe We could quote ARS. mail, Address, GEAR Ce E oe $ n. G. A. Southtoun. Sen 15 eents at ence and you w'will receive ihe ve aaned “O, by return & co. (ing.), CHICACO, ILLINOIS,U » S. As of similar extracts. , ROEBUCK EARS, ROE SALT LAKE BUSINESS COLLEGE. 76 W: SECOND SOUTH STREET, SALT LAKE CITY UTAH. The Best Business Training Scheel in the West. .. Fail Term @pened September STUDENTS $3 MAY ENTER ANY TIME. WRITE TERS INK It’s INFORMATION. amttCh ON poe and Spring wegeue. ord Farm Wagon Ro! @sborne Roller B Pure ene avene e will send yi them—if not, air onanceint ror onices Siate kind of ister size mand width, plein or cap to “| Catalogu Fre W. L. DOUGLAS SHOE co., Haein. Mass. Nehemiah.—Tid-Bits., FOR UTAH IMPLEMENT CO, cass Woe Worth a . ae compared with makes. aera y over 1,000,000 wearers, ALL LEATHERS, ALL STYLES h cough, superlative coffin,” triumphant- TODAY SALT LAKE GITY DIRECTORY. Ls DOUGLAS & $3.50 SHOES do not allow them- cure. Mrs. M. H. Baldwin, Box i212, Chicago, Ii. 01 s jusst wwhat your storekee: t+ home must pay for everything = See and will prevent him Hee overcharging youon anything poe buy; explains just how Ke or a how much thé freight, express OF mail will be on abythiz ngto yo x town. 11]. Cured After Repeated Fallures With Others I will inform addicted to Morphine, Laudanum, Opium. coseines of never-failing, harmless, home- responded ageand as bi ons 4 10,000 illustrations, ihe tn at prion Petcioous ever published. A THE Ltlowest WHOLESALE CexGA P IGES ry Goods, No EVERYTHING ‘AMES. Trer eing an are eerie: 3 Dra; tions, Clothing, Cloaks, Presses, B ichoas Jewelry, Books, Har aware, Sto: veR, 3 Aj ricnliaral Imoe ose fore re, BB Buggies, Sewing Machines, Crockery, Organs, Plano usical Instrument by "s Guns, Revolvers, Fishing a Bleyeles, Photographic selves to be charmed but by the graces of the mind and superiority of character.— Balzac. ly ee n-,, HHIS BIG CATALOGUE ae soutains p hed on 1286 ee soy Me Chicago, ee asor Soon faith the l0s"is allowed on first sy pu chase amounting to Oo $199 or above. i. 0 [OUR MONTHLY GROCERY PRICE LIST FREE.) Bofor tent fice Agents ba necciphof ine toSwanpay ‘Wa mailing. wanted. No. 164 Lake affording comrms are large ding and height of back is at inches. ItHS z :] ge “ee wellas an ’ eleg ~that ordisell ry double Sweating Feet. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 25c. Sample sent FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. A curved ng it, thus in which is listed at Louse wholesale prices everythin to eat wear and use, is furnish : eck sei eipt of a 108 he partly of earth Hot are fi De Your Feet Ache and Burn? Shake into your shoes Allen’s FootHase, a powder forthe feet. It makes tight or New Shoes feel Easy. Cures Bunions, a xic Ouse, and leaves as much as eighteen feet high and thirty feet in diameter, and in this hotbed their eggs are hatched. orns, = it couldn’t be done. Select the Best. Some Australian birds ‘lay their eggs in black sand, as if aware of its superior power of absorbing heat; others select the neighborhood of hot voleania springs, whose warmth plays an impertant part in the hatching. The fact for two season$ He does not expect ONEEH Mrs. Winn— Wouldn't you like to gee | my new hat, John?” Mr. W.—“Um—wh that he has bean successfully leaching the tailings of the old Wilson mine and mill, reported at the gold sampling rooms of the Con. Kansas City Smelting and Refining company, Salt Lake, last week with 1,000 pounds of gold dust. IN | WOMEN and praying COLD VHOUGHT= LESS than twenof my job. I was A 4 6 I GAVE little thought to my health,” writes Mrs. Wm. V.' BELL, 230 N. Walnut St., Canton, O., to Mrs. Pinke | ham, ‘‘untilI found myself unable to attend to my : household duties. “Thad had my days ef not feeling well and my monthly. suffering, and a good deal of backache,| but*l thought all women had these: things and did not complain. “7 had doctored for some time, ba no medicine seemed to help me, and my physician thought it best for me to go. to the hospital for-local treatment. I had read and heard so much of your Vegetable Compound that I made up my mind to try it. I was troubled with falling of the womb, had sharp pains in ovaries, leucorrhceaand painful menses. I was so weak and dizzy that I would often have severe: fainting spells. took in all several bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound and Blood Purifier and used the Sanative Wash, and am now in good health. I wish others to know of the wonderful . good it has done me, and & have many friends taking it % now, Will always give your medicine the highest praise.” Mars A. LOULE, F946" Hilton St., Philadelphia, Pa., “writes: “DEAR Mrs. PINKHAM— I was very thin and my friends thought I was in consumption. Had continual headaches, backache and faliing of womb, and my eyes ‘were affected. Every one noticed how poorly I looked and I was advised to take Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege_ table Compound. One bottle relieved me, and after taking eight bottles am now a healthy woman; have gained in weight 95 pounds to 140 pounds, and everyone asks what makes me so stout.” After they had enjoyed themselves for of CURB A Wel‘est Indian Hacric Recently travelled up the ane ao will; and| -yes.”” Mrs. W.—'‘So would I, neue: Just acted in an entirely different manner from give me $14 and I’ll-show you oxone.” any other storm. Sometimes dyspepsia ae Cure for ee is our oe acts in thesame way. It refuses to yield medicine for coughs and colds,— to treatment which has cured similar cases| Beltz, "439 8th Ave., Denver, Gol, Nov. % 296. Then Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters should be taken. It has cured stomach trouble A Cleveland woman who has been suing for half a century. for divorce has been ordered to pay $a week alimony to her husband pending the Though but ffew walk the way of life, ‘ decision of the court, they can never be alone in it, all was ready. I upon the proceedI had never been rolled in a barrel, of the sensations. £O fake Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, druggists Paar the money if it fa, 8 Rs cure. 2c. BE. “Groves S$ signature on 6ac route, says a contemporary. been disposed of, according to programme, I was brought out for punishment. Plenty of tar and feathers were left, but the crowd wanted a change, and it was decided that I should have the barrel exercise. They got out and unheaded a big cider barrel, dropped me into it and replaced Never twit your wife Frebaliae of her that a large part of the company’s foolish actions. But for them the earnings is at present being derived ehances are she wouldn’t have married from the copper-bearing chute which vou.—Abingdon Mnterprise-Herald. was so long neglected. The chute has SWANSON’S “5 DROPS” now opened up into eight feet of ore is the sun of thesick room. It hassaved that affords an average of 25 per cent public, in less than five years, more eopper, and everything indicates a the money than the national debt of this steady increase in the earnings as she country, when you measure the value of health peerored. ee an, humanity is followed down. relieved of its onies and diseases. The Johnny, of Stateline, was in the Money which pihic wikis would have market last week with a shipment of been expended in funerals, doctors’ bills, loss of labor, ete. If ore that ought to make the owners of and sat you have never used it, do not fail to this promising property feel like milsend for at least a trial bottle. ionaires. The controls from the first Swanson’s “5 Drops” never fails class ore showed 98 ounces in gold and to cure. It has cured and is curing ee ofPi os afflicted with Acute 546 ounces silver with a total yaluation* d Chronic ee Sciatof $2,260 per ton, while the second ea. Wousdalgia, Asth La class afforded 8 ounces in gold and 40 Grippe and Catarrh of ae "iki nds. ounces silver with a valuation of $183 3 Drops” has never failed to cure these diseases, when used as directed. per ton. The owners of the Johnny It will eure you. Try it. Priceof large will continue work with all possible sized bottle $1.00, sent on receipt of energy. county, There isa paper in Oklahoma ¢éalled the Supper Bell. May the editor never know : what it is to depend upon the free-lunch affairs favorable to the Valeo company than its old method of selling on the open market. The ore has in the past been bringing $40 per ton net. A most interesting feature of the Horn something ? Th: It, a America, the management is fixing up details in connection with the erection of a new mill at the mine. A fifty ton smelter is to built on the Copper Queen mine, near Baker City, Ore., the owners of the property haying so decided after mature deliberation, Anew town, to be known as Copper Butte, has been laid out in the valley near the property, and there is talk of building a railroad from Baker City to the new townsite. It is said the Valeo Mining company of Park City has closed a contract witn the American Smelting & Refiining company whereby it agrees to deliver 150 tons of ore per month at a price which, “There’s a quarter News comes of arich strike on the Greenhorn mountains of Oregon. The ore shows galena and free gold, and assays $347.46 in gold per ton. It was discovered by Lafe Palmer, a veteran Fourteen Worse many thefts. Instead of putting them on trial the people had determined to appiy tar and feathers and walk ’em per where some immensely rich ores have ere, RE the BARREL. Suffered in Gar nounce It Coeur d’Alen we maids Oct. ae report of General Merriam on the Idaho riots has been made public. General Merriam disclaims all responsibility for the order refusing employment to union men in the mines. He says that this regulation was drawn by the state authorities and his only connection with it was to liberalize some of its provisions after which he placed his name at the bottom with the words ‘‘Examined and approved.” He says it was not his intention that his troops should have any part in dictating the condi- a 30- livered at the proper time. The hymang were sung, a brother had offered prayer, and the announcements had been made, when one of the deacons brought tor ward . the phonograph, placed it upon the pulpit,.and announced that, when set in motion, it would give a devoted flock one of tha sermons which had so endeared the pastor te the congregation. Thereupon the good deacon set the machine in motion. No one can imagine the consternation of the congregation when the phonograph gave out the song, “Dinah de Moon Am Shining.” The song ended, but there was no break— the terrible machine proceeded to re late a number of up-to-date but not very Sunday or pulpit stories. No one understood the machine, but after 20 minutes the deacon grasped the irreyerent phonograph and hurried out of the church. The much-beloved paster might have been called before a council had it not been discovered that the sermon-loaded phonograph had been left in charge of a son of Belial with the weakness of a practical joker. —Indianapolis Journal. also £10,000,000. IDAHO for at A by One Who tar and feathers. In my foolish young days I arrived at a town in southern Indiana to find the people excited over several arrests for robbery. A family named Black, consisting of a man and wife and a grown-up son, had been caught and made to confess to so Oregon, been issued, asking the House of Commons to vote an additional 35,000 men General Oe flock mi- ihe, $2,000 and would his determined numbers have thought of the phonograph as his substitute in the pulpit while absent on ‘a vacation. dt is reported that an earnest and progressive pastor, leaving the the 35,000 men represent the probable maximum excess beyond the establishment fixed for the year, and isin con~sequence of the calling out of the reserves and of the temporary transfer of troops from the Indian to the British establishment. PHONOGRAPH. _ It is strange is A supplementary America. Played the Minister False Would Have It Preach. but serve, “W. S. DINGMAN, Canadian Press. Associa- THAT It in out lieved the militia is to be sent to South Africa. Presumably they will veplenish the denuded British garrison towns and thus permit the government to send to the Cape all the regulars rendered necessary by the developments in South Africa. of the greatest line called from being shipped to the Denver market. Some very good ore has been encoun- prospector. has black peril. The militia, including the militia re- anywhere, is a triumph for Canadian skill and enterprise second only to the financial and engineering victories at- opment Dixie government shipped near IN Pronounced Lynching said ta? man with the broken nose, ac- and The Huntsman group, in the La Sal district, is undergoing vigorous devel- the tula, agricultural and grazing sections, has surprised us, and is most encouraging to lovers of solid progress and hopeful prosperity. The ease and comfort with which the trip from ocean to ocean ig and Ut- strate to Europe that the British army is not a negligible quantity. Both the attitudeof Europe and the natives of South Africa having something to do with this attitude and the lavish display of force is intended to check the ill will apparent,on both sides of the Rhine and beyond the Vis- cursionists more forcibly than words “ean represent. The development all -along the route, in cities as well as.in scenic OUT Ore.is being London, Oct. 20.—In order to provide additional means for military service government interesting and pleasant of all their outings. Though conscious of the sterling werk accomplished in the spanning ofa continent, for a large part remote from settlement, and in the opening up of a territory as vast as Some empires, the actual view unfolded on the journey has impressed the ex- tained in the building CALLED litia and military reserves. This action has occasioned widespread wonderment. Old stories of preparations against continental combinations are revived. It is freely rumored that the attended in the cars and in the C, P. R. hotels, through a service unexcelled pee oldand Hemangaceed remedy for Backache fa Sleeples: Lost Appetite, ae Fone, Palp itations and i. Sues eee of isease in tthose 0orga es as well as preents every serious trou ble aa Rid nets Liver or Bia dder. At druggists, $1.00 per bot THE the RESERVES May be Intended to Check Unfriendly terances of European Powers. their trip across the continent the most t your moustache or begBae a beautiful rich black? Then OTS. of time is Yalued BRITISH prise. to Them The following telegram has been re‘ecived by Mr. D. MeNicoll, assistant .eneral manager of the Canadian Pacific Railway, from Mr. W. S. Dingman, present mine, other helping him to make a deal with the Americans. lt is needless to say that the Americans would welcome an attack of that sort. There has been much speculation of late regarding the whereabouts of Pio del Pilar. The recent attack at La Loma is credited to his men, It is believed he is now in the vicinity of San Mateo valley with a force of from Sur at the conda and PLEASED. Trip Sal district HIM Punishment lynching, several promising copper propositions are being developed. Excellent progress is being aiaties in the Copper Gulch mines in Beaver county, the sulphides encounteréd some time ago showing good values. which Paterno 1,800 to 3,000 men. THE La he says he will procure the overthrow of the insurrection and the capture of rumors The somewhat aan curves at Lineberg on the Second Division of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road are being removed and replaced with a tangent thus eliminating about 24 degrees of curvature. About 14,000 cubic yards of material will be excavated. ROLLED It is reported that a great many miners have gone into Cherry Creek» Nev., lately, and comparatively few have come out. The statement is made that the Silver King company of Park City has purchased the Massachusetts group, adjoining the King. There is considerable activity in the Aguinaldo, In the course of the communication he refers to Aguinaldo in contemptuous terms, indicating that strained relations exist between them. Reports have been received from the districts occupied by the enemy which state that Pio del Pilar has an audacious plan to break through the American lines into Manila and seize General Otisand the archbishop. Possibly these ork. could out of has Oct. del into use the “C with a Tail” is a cometof health, followed by a comaof happiness aad come to § eee us and radiate its benefits i in all direct: The new “OC” is part of eed trade-mark of Cascarets pe Cathartic, the ideal Jaxative and guaranteed coonstipation cure. They make ie liver lively, tone up the bowels, purify the blood, brace the brain, put eee pa e it should be. uy and try Casca -day. It’s what they do. what ce say theyll do, that ao fuer ere Oc, or mailed for price. Send for bookTet and free sample. Addr ess Ster ling Remry Co., Chicago; Montreal, Can., or New stage. — MINING NOTES. OUT. nila with his army; for the sum of $250,000 he offers to surrender his army after a sham battle, both sides firing Lhe queer “C with a Tail” has made its way all over the United States, and here as averywhere it promptly jumped into popu‘larity. WwW You Using Allen’s “Foot- Kase? the only cure for- Swollen, oot-Hase, pn Pio Actress—Didn’t: P-actothe Smarting, Burning, Corns and Bunions. dress like this: $50,000, the- best thing SELL received messages purporting to come from the insurgent General Pio del Pilar, offering to sell out and deliver his army into the hands of the Amerieans. Although he is not satisfied that this offer is not authentic, it is not intrinsically improbable. The policy of General Otis is firmly set against buying any surrenders Not so long ago s everybody’ Ss aaa was e oe bY the appearance in tow: a re ae WOULD Pio del Pilar Will Not Attack Manilla if Given $50,000. Manila, cs is FILIPINOS General the New It-Has Come to Stay With Us Forever— Health Follows in Its Trail—A Welcome Awaits It Eyeryorbere: did.—Tit- Bits. Are It A TAIL! Has Noticed «Cin Town. 9) part well? Her Friend (ambiguously) When you left the stage, the au- dience said it was ever Every One CLAIMANTS FOR F si war $0, ware AN PE N SION RD, Washington, D. a oat quick replies Bonn. vols Stat 20th Corps. Prosecuting Giains since 1878 When finswering Advertisements Kindlg good enough for Uncle Sam and it’s good enough for you Mention This Paper. good results have been obtained. What may be had when depth has been had is largely a matter of conjecture, but it is believed the copper industry of this section will yet bring eastern Nevada aud western Utah to the front, ONE OF THE CRANDEST OFFERS EVER MADE. t five Ae roone ire Endless Chain Starch Book from La grocer, will each obtain one large 10c. Pin trek of arch, two Shakes eare panels printed in twelve JOSS" * Starch, one large1 0c. package of ‘Hi HUBINGER’S BEST” beautiful oie as ererines as life, or one Twentieth Century Girl Calendar, the.Bare of i ioah ever printed, wo large packages ofst others procuring the Endless Chain Starch Book will obtain from thei: alts yee beautiful premiums which are being given away. Ross” Starch, and the celebrated *SiunING Hi This offer isonly made fo < as "S BEST” cold water Starch, “i time toFiabes introduce the ‘famous “RED wk your grocer tae this starch, fray Hew Btective June Ist, the Rio Grande West- < ie |