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Show & Gomer Barber Shop.| | PARLEY P. CHRISTENSEN, “EE | a ee All About the Question is j Where 100,000 square miles. It is more particularly -sonthern #ruits, Groceries Wotions, Candies can save from 2D to is graze during bunch =“ whole The soil of the district is mostly a good rich, dark, clay loam slightly intermingled with sand, and 50 per eighteen inches deep underlaid with a heavy strata of clay, adapted well for farming and -36 cent. on He. stock-raising. Our experience assures us that mixed farming pays the best. Our Mormon colonies that had their beginning here in the spring of ruits Sam “far famed are on which our cattle, horses . Bes the prairies © Alcock, Murray, Utah. 1887 havé proved we can raise very streets, Corner of State and Murray good crops without errrigation. However, we need it as an assurance fund, and are trying to gain this needful advantage as fast as our strength will allow without contracting with the cruel master— debt AL. 0 A, Go for Your Supplies where You| are sure to find Them in Stock and where You Gan Have a LargeVariety to Select From and With Prices Equal to Any. Our climate will rank fairly well with that of Cache Valley. Utah, but not so dry in summer, and but little snow in winter. In fact x se ee we os R. P. DAYTON, Manager, Having bought the Blacksmith Shop just south bridge, StatesStreet, Murray, from the great Pacific ocean, which Bring me a trial job and ne@=How are these es on Guaranteed = if 1 oats, barley, your work promptly Tire setting Satisfaction or no Oh eee -Respectiully i LL i S é& a | thousands 0 Pete ——CAREFUL Ss. OC Careful Attention Given to Family Trade companies for about $3 per acre, o the ieatttinda principle of toni payments with interest at six per cent or may be homesteaded to the extent of 160 acres each by paying a fee of $10 down, and you are SELECTED: Cnt. = pa Wines, re Liquors, pas Cigars. - Always on Hand. EY ORF OE i re- quired to reside at least six months in each year for three years accom- panied by a ‘reasonable amount of cultivation.” Only the one fee required, the government always favoring the hon- est homesteader. You can make your entry the same day you enter the Dominion, if desired, but be— fore receiving the full benefit of the homestead law, you are requir- ed to take the vote of alegience to ‘|the goverment that prvtects you. The time required to become a citi- zen is three years and the fee only “All-even numbered sections except 8 and 26 may be homesteaded by any person whois the sole head ofa family, or any male over 18 years of age.” The latter is a bonanza for our boys. SETTLERS, MILLS Rae aut Serer “Wearing to Canada, Livery and QS FREE. musical instruments, domestic sewing machines, live stock, eartsand other vehicles and FeedStable. t Spings Sanitarium Swimming | lic Service at all hours, night Poa 52 West Third South Street, Salt d ee Lake City. tabs Ged of these Springs aye are a sure cure forcatarrh, rheumatism | Ppj to suit neuralgia, dyspepsia, nervousness, hye gst Sica sh ee teria and kidney diseases. Times. havea light poll)_ ork to tax of one day of eight hours or one oui dollar, and the same on each 160) finally from 80to 40 per cent ofthe Puband oe. in use by the settler for at least one year before his removal to Canada, not include machinery, or articles imported for use in any manufacturing establishment, or for sale; provided that any dutiable article entered as settlers’ effects may not be so entered unless brought with the settler upon his first arival, and shall not be sold or otherwise dis- posed.of unless payment until after in Ganada; regulations of customs, of duty, two years actual use provide also that uader made by the minister live stock when import- -ed into Manitoba or the North- CAKE, PIE, Ete. i DAILY. a younger sister, ve fe A women’s idea of unusual good luck is to have unexpected company for dinner when she has a practically good meal and a clean tablecloth. dustrious and wide-awake. “(Good luck is gettingfup at five o’clock in the morning.’ Murray Pharmacy Dr. W. E Ferrebee, — Prop. Drugs and £, .<| Medicines, remem- ber that we have only a “place to make a place” which always re- quires attention and willing mus- Toilet Parties that are inexperienced in frontier life would do well to join their efforts with experienced men that are accustomed to getting their living from tilling the soil, and avoid failures. I have written the foregoing, intending it as a general reply to the numerous questions I receive every mail, until time fails me to reply to my friends seperately. Yours Faithfutly, Arlicles, emma ct. days, ering flame oe of blaze Crete ‘A great may many .peeple in this Also open for ladies at all times except Saturdays ae Ere. > Thos. Fitzgerald HAS THE ry Bir aight $900a yeu bonafied. no more. a less $75. eo _ stamped Enve Dept. M, Ghicag ae and FINEST has purare now collecting together the books promised the fustituticn preparatery to epening the free public brary. It is prepesed by the Literary Soeiety to give & “Bazar” en or| [%ti: for she bene- fitefthe free ibiary. Works bas already begun by ® committee elected for that purpese. wind sterma wen RORMTTE, Co anted. Shon lee will be my Store upon the occasion of my Fall Millinery Open- © ing which will..occur October 3, 4, 5 &%& 6. Upon this occasion I shall show the Largest and Most Varied Display of Trimmed Hats, Fancy Feathers, Ribbons and Velvets ever shown in this vicinity, and I shall bepleased to have all call and examine them, This Season’s Nov-. elties are Unusually Attractive. A cordial invitation to all to attend the opening. Mrs. A. HOLMAN, Sandy City, Corner Main and Genter Streets. OTL WUE Stewart,: A HEARTY BREAKFAST Is a good foundation for a day’s work. AN EXCELLENT DINNER Is refreshing after a hard morning ’3 labor. A SPLENDID SUPPER Is the best guarantee that one THE enjoys good health and can ap- preciate with pleasure a comfortable bed. All these comforts at FAMILIAR PLACE, RESTAURANT aA Opera House Block. * y * First-clsss Confeetionery with AChoice Line of Fresh aud Canned Fruits, Oysters,Sardines. Cauned Meats, Fish, Spices, ee: Etc. 1 Cigars and Toba Thes “Flizgoral, Prop The management of the Phoenix Saloon is working for the family eer > BAR :< Transient Trade « Specialty And WwW cwil trade of this section and in order to fully cater to that particular line of trade a choice lot cf Cali- Aton s Ines,-~~ Liquors Cigars = A HOON fornia : COURT — wines, and brendies other liquors particulaily & to St Corner medicinal State & Murray Ay OLSEN, and adapted requirement been added to the already stoek of high-grade liquors. have large Sis., Manager. MURRAY =. EXCHAN‘ read this week’s announcement. The ets. All dru; only cts trae id The Murray Read Mrs, A. Holman’s ad. in another column of this paper. Mrs. Holman has had, and still merits, the patronage of eur readers, her special sales are especially inter- about Deeember TOBAGC0 jas PR. ABig MATOHETTE'S indian Teaeee ee ee ee Pesae COStS © WY The Literary Soeiety chased @ beok case and D. C. sae RATES:—Board and-Room,’ $18 per month; . 60 cents per day.~@a Pee oo 25 cents. 3% se vs et AY 7 salary. Monthly eee esting and the ladies should o Sree on Hot and cold baths 25 cents Vapor baths 50 cents, at Durand’s Barber Shop. PERFUMERY, Sponeus, e~ to be vt all Hurope ARTICLES," ‘FANCY ComBs, ‘Brusuxs, PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY CoMPOUNDED By \ First-Crass PHARMACIST. prove that wi Ete., Kite. Mrs. Wm. Tortmr oars, O : PATENT ne Paes in less time than those Cured in 3 Dayo Three Doors South of Pestoffice, : CuEmicats, : Ss oie SITE U. S. Opp. PATENT OFFICE, WASHINGTON, ge" Job printingof every description. neatly, accurately and PEODwry. executed Parties coming into a new country like Alberta and locating on unimproved lands must make up their minds that they have to face at least five years of good, honest toil, When we take a piece o eE C.A.SNOW&CO. Caters te the wants of the meee for Parties, Weddings, Birth- a “Tt’s a fine thing,” said Noah, as he looked out of the window of the ari one day when the flood was at its height, “that I don’t have to hunt up any coaling station. a wouldn’t know where to look for one.’ OP A PamPuter,, “How to Obtain Pai 2 cost of sang in ie .S. and foreign countries § © brother he must do it, who goes off, and leaves fue baby ex- ita free school. Teachers from the United States must qualify | Ly taking a normal course in the Dominion before they are permittea to teach in an organized district. The class of people who succeed in these parts best are those people who are filled with the spirit of contentment and are sober and in- this virgin soil we should ua pee nd Trndetsarks obidined Ma all Pat: ,ent business conducted for MopDERATE FEE @OuR Dog. penses and we tax enough to make | I Great Luck. oT THE ne ORDER OF FORESTERS and FRIENDLY SOCIETY,’ A. E. CAHOON, Prop. | THE BEST OF night in Wines, Liquors & ForestersHall, State Street Murray. Utah J. L. Jones, C. R. J. T. Leonard, F. 8. Milwaukee Beer Always on Draught meets every Wednesday Cigars Tonsorial Artist yesterday Chas, raised the dust and ebseured mans visien for a time. The whole val- F. gesBilliard and Pool Room nection. DURAND Opera House Block, Murray, removing superfluous hair from the faces of men. Cali and See Him in con- Watch this wild gunner Drop his dear (deer) and leave ner, Ts still to be found at his Old Stand, ley seemed a cloud aud many rubbed their eyes as some no doubt will on the morning after electien. The Finest Resort in the City. Courteous Treatment to One and All, STATE STREET, — MURRAY, UTAH. THE OLD MADE YOUNG, TheWEAK THE SICK mage STRONG made WELL BY THE apparel, household .| agricultural implements & ATWOOD, Accomodations unsurpassed. DUTY furniture, professional books, implements and tools of trade, occuation or employment, which the settlers have had in actual use for the Jast six months before removal . ‘Manufacturers of t4e noted = Pantry Queen, Sraight Grade and B. 1 and all other Mill Stuffs. ——7 pene EFFECTS, Item No. 766 of the Canadian Customs Tariff, making settlers’ effects free of duty, reads as fol& | lows: TAYLORSVILLE. GRANTER We _ z women tells her oldest daughter to mind the baby, and the oldest daughter goes off and leaves tho! LANDS. Rf Carison & Birch. ROLLER Cardston. Blame it on the more. Our lands may be acquired either by purchase of the railway Billiard Bi lard Hall | i settlements and room for & lg rge Saloon namely, Gardston, Leavitt, Moun— tain View and Aetna, covering enough territory for a small kingdom. We have about 1,200 people in these © and rasp- we have four, of which tlements, 50 4FFAS. SHOP, South of the Bridge, next to Geanke kinced Stables. ei gooseberries, ‘currents, S1. 00 Wor Taxes we have none, — those we have imposed on ou selves in our main etnies berries, can be successfully raised, vicinity are sufiering with a light ut ifwe makea success of the form of typheid fever. we must protect by | large fruits W. W. Wilsos, who is makiag and wind brakers composed cf hedges the race for cofaty commissioner, 1 of trees, ete. called te greet the Haciu yesterCardston is the center of our set- day with» good word. no charge. Horseshoeing rye, potatoes, and all of the hardy vegitables. As to fruits, such as strawberries of the Little Cot. Iam prepared to do any kind of don’t do carpenter shop and one smithy. : af ae, ~ Mi ler—The potato crop is ready to be gathered, it-wil: be a small yield. not only modify the heat in samCHARLES ORA CARD. *imer, but temper the elements in Te Gere winter to the extent that our cold spells are of brief duration: EAGLETS. Fuel. What do you do ior fuel? Jae Austin has meved his famIam often asked. Our country abounds in coal that crops out of ily inte James Caheen’s beuse on the old homestead. the ground in many places. Now 1s the time to Bay that the smoldWe raise excellent crops of wheat Sn done with a set of blacksmith’s tools. give satisfaction I will make least eleven Quantity, and of the Highes t | mers are nut unusually warm, for we are often visited by the breeze Grade Quality at our store. orRather A New BLACK SMITH.<— work that can be at |days at a time, for the “Chinook” Any article of Merchandise for sale| winds melt the snow every few in Murray,can be found in Great days during the winter. Oursum- a tonwood use wagons monthsin the year. We can never depend on the sleighing onlya few creamery, epartment of Agriculture, Climate ‘ane Crop Bulletin ofthe Wea ther Bureau, Utah mere for the wee ending Monday Sept. 9th. Logan.—The oe has been seaSenate for all farm- work, frost occurs every oe the third crop of lucern is being sta Mill Cr eee weather has been good for the progress in threshing; corn is being harvested, itis a fair cro ‘Taylorsville--The third crop of lucern and the corn crop are being harves- with the dog, who isto blame that the acres. In ourschool districts the | baby isn’tcared for?—Atchison Globe. government appropriations pay undulating from six to You combined, in. Mountain one BREAD, BUNS covered with a luxuriant growth of nutritious grasses, chief among which of Sich! creamery RESH Bulletin. View sre, Tobacco, <ke_, ce. At Sunken Prices. Out mill, threestores, two blacksmith shops, two carpenter shops, one tin shop, shoe: shop anda meat market. In Aetna a cheese factory and|, Crop rolling country “devoid of timber, except a limited quantity along the streams and on the foothills of the Rocky Mountains” in sufficient quantities, however, to improve our homesteads. and aid the homeseekers to make a start in life. These Feed of south- as I get Bakery, H. CANNEGIETER, Prop. ? MoeEy will hereadd we have in Cardstona cheese factory, grist part is an open Murray Exampie. ee governess was giv ing little Tom"orammar lesson the other day, wha | abstract noun is the name of something which you can think of, but not touch. Can you give me an example?” Tommy—A red-hot poker area of I so often have to answer weary in using my pen. set SS Flouy, An eae ern Alberta I purpose writing with a view to answering the questions The can Colony. correspond- C21Q | 250 miles, and contains an you get the Most Goods for the Least oney? Answer: at Yeu Sanadian ence to our fellow townsman, John CATTLE QUARANTINE, Eliason, Jr: Neat cattle were formerly deGardston, Alberta, Canada, at the border in September 8, 1898. tained 90 days juarantine, but this has been aboJouN Eniiason: JR., Sir:— andthe consequent delay The District of Alberta has a to- lished tal length from. north to south of and expense to the — settler will no 430 miles, and an average width of longer have to be ~encouatered. Salt Lake City, Utah. REMEMBER THE MAINE! The: ‘Main Mormon The following is a Corner of 2nd South Sas aud CommercialSis., west Territories by intending settlers, shall be free, until otherwise ordered by the Governor in Coun- a ® Give Mp A CALL @ Rooms 99 and id Commercial Bik eg ¥ioor.—, First Glass Wrork. ‘ee e 6 R. Hofheins,’ Prop. COMMUNICATION. USE OF ROYAL. Life Tablets "ALWONDERFoL REMEDY— LIFE ITSELF. Perpetual Health by their Dai y Use, No One N.ed be Sick. They Aas he an END to all Manner of ve iscase; Restore vitality; Give Ne ie, Pome and energy to All If you will help us to organize and will sustain a good Joeal Board of eur Association im your city, we will endeaver to satisfactorially supply your wants.as fally as though the Association was a The Only Perfect Tonie. Ravages of Old Age Stopped. “Wietoria.’ 50 TABLETS 50 Used: by . CE TS. At pee i. or Sony Pe mail on Sica ROYAL TA 23 DETROIT, ete = ar es CO., Ave MICHIGAN. ~+ purely local enterprise, by leaning money te your members aad by giving you an absolutely safe and The recerd our Asseciation bas made durieg the past fircycars is a re— ‘highly remunerative investment. markable ene. We have loaned $740,000 0a first mortgage Real Estate Seeurfty, and haye yet tess than $81,000 worth of Real Estate om hand. We challenge any Association, Kast or West, to even duplicate this reeord. Leokusup and be satisfied that we have the best plan for both borrower and investor; that we meet every promise we make, and that we have the ability to be a sourte of profit to any te wD we Then if you want We sre one of the oldest and largest Associations doiag business in i your State. enter. POSTMASTER, For further informatien apply te the — join.Phe Colambia. | Agent and Leeal Treasurer, Murray, Utah. |