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Show I.; ' ' . : OBITUAKV. We" feel H jo .bo our duly to glvo a brief pbituary nolico of the demise of oiir ,8ge4VnJ. esteemed friend Mr jVfiikk f .., IIVflODRcrr;. who passed froui hfit long i- pjlgrimsge ia this world of trouble and '', ' ft r'6ter ahdjittpplcr' phcr'pifoij v ' Taesday, last, -itl o'clock p,ro; llecame -'..-into this lifo about ,lhs tlmo iliaitbe " American people1 proclaimed their,.rtgit -o gflvcrn tbcinSelvcs, bn-'he jias lefts It. justas, tha funeral jtoelljof our oncq glo- rious-confedefattb :' Is being tolled, in a " " dozco ffecwing St'atea, -Utt.lins thus out-litey out-litey thogorerniucniff fio. wns : MrV Wobdruir was born, lu Farmlngton, Hartford Countytniiccttcul, lu: Iforem-bcr,715.ot, Iforem-bcr,715.ot, 111 from the family record re-cord e'caunot'dettrjulno" which, but the fart'dy are Inclined to btircvptho 'foVnier 'date to" .bo.tho.co'rVccV one. . 'In Uio Ciirjjr part of his lifo , he Vas a tn.nier .aiiilia , famcr and was Bglifj Vcfpccfed-by ill '.Mfho. knew ..hiuiforhls. industry,vcncrgy andlntcgrity; ihrooghou't: ids whole life he was scrupulously hbpe'st. -6n tha. SUth JTot.;- lSOlUaJraarrfcii .Beulah Thompson, who tficd.-at ancarly, agee'qving.ihrie fmall children,- tiz,s . ,Awno,n;-Ow:n. uiid Wlford.- ftbr." $ h lg6,1 ho married AiubaH "llart. ' The fssuc by thlfraarrtage i wai five, sons aud One daughter, -beccasediwas the father -of lion. ford WoodrVffor ;thls city, and by him WM cdnvertejHo the fatth held by the Latter Day Safhts, Ills faith in tlie religion re-ligion taugbf by blft son induced hhu to close up his business: and Come to this Tt?rr ifory In iSit We can with jil'easiiro speak of him as a friend, a.brothcr and u j j, t. , good and most Industrious citizen, he hnv- B . ing resided with ns until the arrival of his H son and family. H .'Keacobe to Jila ashes. |