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Show Aiaivi' ii-;- . i'v, Ml. Pleasant iiiiii'iUm Greta Morley to nun in MinihitMinhii'iinimmiiiiiUi mmi uniiihiM W s ci c lmnon at a (I at the Mt. Tle.ii.tnt n V a dan night m faiuds tin i lmi,m oi m pliesv, N'eil Joigin.i. ii win w h .is mg to servi an I. I 1 n m Western Camel i. Piesent sveie the buna gm.-t- , lus par nts, Mi and Mu Ray Monday Li i it In i . i ii n p.ii hi i - pi w i IS SI with Shill log h si hoi i Ph s Lit mu Lula ,md mu In on pi inning mini S I gin il i ot 'I hm idas - pl.iSi-- hiinli n Ii on.i p ii on io ll and Mis Mux Ilatklium Of snitid m Momm the fore ol the ss et k I Mi and and Mis Giant ... snitfil mills ol span ll Folk Mol an ,n Sm das t ii was liostiss Club Finlay evening to the lo Handwoik ss,!. dale and luni In on Mu pi ul Jens, 1 t hrii tti i i nt i .iiin n t ed bandi at .1 .sain das I ton oil mug ill tlio ions laidgo Inti Flam mu ss is He In n k s w ii phis i uni i ii .a os i i Sunday The In. 1 Moron I I dll hi ul .ml Joi genson, Role K h Mi and Mrs Mis Janies Jot gens n Mr and Mis Bert Willcox vacationed last week at Vegas, Nevada. V -- 4 r spent City visiting wi'h their daughter, Miss Margaret Jean Kay, who is atThey altending the University so attended a wadding at which their daughter was a bridesmaid ii jot n J an I 1 1, M II Mi itts hi- - sis ot Bis ml t'olu n,l i t d I M i i. .'I Li lino Mm al d uni City Mr. and Mrs. Kenner Christiansen and two sons of Ogden visited heie last weekend wath h' r parents, Mr. and Mis. Rex Seely, and with his mother, Mrs CLo Christiansen in Fountain Green Miss Marjorie Jean Lasson Plans Wedding With Elwin Shelley Soon j nd ot hoiio, o' hi si n i 1 he . it 1. nt .iii.l Mm n.ml Kell. So. lilies ll III Uieu l.mill i,iv i eli hi at inn Mill i ll Li Filth uni Sixth grade st in 1. nls lie it 111. Lilli uln S. haul llll'i' due. t inn al Mis 11a Faux aiul time Fum. is Bla. k pi.sin.-dame niunheis tim lull ell le . ssl.it ii M'si M.iiiin w sis', I l ml ai.d t t , ol t ho hi nh e, $2.00 Cald-wlel- l, Iron rile Manti Home Supply - Par-agona- h, Miss Beverly Nelson and two friends of Phoenix, Ariz., visited here last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Obed Nelson. Among the local people who went to Los Angeles to attend the dedication of the new Los Angeles Temple were Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Y. Sevens, Mr and Mrs. Reeve Norman, Mr. and Mrs. George Squire, Mr. and Mrs. J. Seymour Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. John Winkelman. t 11 ... g Mr and Mrs Lyman Aldrich, Mr and Mrs. Hemy Biady, Mr and Mrs Kay Lay, Mi anil Mrs Delmar Beck, and Herman B ck Captain and Mrs Reed Frandwent to Nephi Saturday to attend sen and daughters of Fort Sill, funeral services for their m phew Oklahoma, ai rived heie Monday and cousin, Vermel Beck to visit relatives They came h le bi cause of the seiious illAcme club bnthday paity was ness of Captain Frandsens i, held Thursday afternoon at the Mrs. Leonard Frandsen home of Lucile S ely . The afternoon was spent playing rook and elec ion of officeis was held. New offic rs were: named Ethel Ericksen, piesident; Violet Ruth vice president; Squire, Jones, seer taiy; Ella Anderson, treasurer; Ruby Jensen, historian Ann lia Ft n h i and Miss peopl Among the who came here to attend funeral Jane Mary services for Mis Blackhani were: Mrs Alden Syme and daughter Theone of Sal Lake City, Mrs Duluth Norman, Mrs Founder Olsen of Mt Pleasant, Mr and Mrs Monte Nn Ison, Mr n . . Temple . Pie.stwuh was Moiom mi Sunday James in VLsl'ing Mi ami Mrs Allen Nielson visit. d in Moiom lecelltly. Mr and Mis Kenneth Maughil and sons, Ci aig asd Stephen, are isiting in Moroni. Mi,. U.nda Bl.n khain was hostess to the L.idns Intel ary club at then last mee ing The program was piesiii ed bv Mrs. Leona Irons wlm lead a histoiy of her giandnmthi r Mrs Ada Ramsey and daughter Ettene of Richfield were guests at the Melvin Ramsey home on Sunday Mis Sarah S Tuttle, Home Demonstration Agent for Sanpete of uiunty, piesentul a program short cuts in homemaking tasks for Moroni women on Thursday. a On Wednesday, March 14 Temple Excursion to Manti Temple was sponsored by Moroni Stake Rein f Society. A solution of peroxide of hydrogen t ontaming a few drops of ammonia will remove ink stains from the hands. Fine Arts club met last Monday wi h Mrs Fern Jacobs as hostess. The program wa presented by Mrs. Glenda taker who gave a reviw of the book, Lady Laura". Guests were Mrs. Staker, Mrs. Pauline Rasmussen, Mrs. Ruth Jones and Mrs. Eva Seely. night Henry Christensen is recover- ing at his home from a heart suffered last week. a'-ta- Among the Pioneer Day visiM". Pleasant were John Monsen, Salt Lake City; Mr. and Mrs Henry Voorhees, Manti; Mr. and Mrs. A W. Anderson, Drag-ertoMr and Mrs Hans Lund, Mrs Ruby Ivory, Salt Lake City; Mr and Mrs Charles Oldham, Tooele; Mr and Mrs. Calvin Christensen, Mrs. W. D. Tueller and daughter, Provo; Miss Betty Bro herson, Miss Jo McGugin, , Miss Leone Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Coates and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bertley (Bernitta Frandsen); Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ericksen, all of Salt Lake City; Mrs. Mary Sanderson, Fairview; Mr. and Mrs. Vadis Johanseh, Magna; Mrs. Louise R. Garrick, Provo; Mrs. Hasler Virginia Green, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Rolph, Paul Monsen, N S. Larson, Salt Lake City; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mower, Orem; Mrs. Dorothy Jacobs Buchanan, Richfield; Mrs. Flossie Stewart, Salt Lake City; Mrs. Marie Norman, Mrs. Ceva Johnson, Fairview; Mrs. Ras Rasmussen, Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Rasmussen, Provo; Mrs. Bertha Jessen, Caldwell, Idaho; Mr. and Mrs. Phares Neil-soFountain Green; Henry Rasmussen, Rupert, Idaho; Mr. and Mrs. Raphael Jensen, Salt Lake City; Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Black-haMoroni; Mr and Mrs. R. M. Birdzell and family, Wells, Nev.; Mr. and Mrs. Vance Peterson, Garfield; Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Larsen, Salt Lake City; Thurland Zabriskie, Murray; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Averett, Salt Lake City;1 Mrs. Parley Bagley, Provo. tors to n; HAND IRONING is a housewife's most Se-ly- disagreeable task. HAND IRONING makes a woman old before' her time. HAND IRONING adds wrinkles to her face. HAND IRONING brings on nagging back aches. HAND IRONING takes away leisure time. HAND IRONING is slave work. HAND IRONING is a daily threat. n, Charley and Chris Swensen, Mr. and Mrs. Lance (Audrey) Ross and baby of Sheridan, Wyo., have come to Mt. Pleasant to Maynard Willis visited here a make their home. few days last week with his wife Charley and Chris will make at the B. A. Smith home. their home on the ranch with Mr. Willis was enroute from their father, Frank iSwensen, and Gainsville, Texas to Overland, the Ross family will live In town. Calif. Italian milan Arn-oldso- ii . mo-thj'- seasons tion April 14 in the Mt Pleasant Prominent the in nuptial news is the announcement Fust and Fourth ward chapel Mis F O Fogelbeig has i of the engagement and forthcomAfter a honeymoon lo trip word of the death of hir ing marriage of Miss Marjorie Grand Canyon the couple will brother, Stanfoid Rufus FTazier Jean Lasson 'o Elwin Shelley, son make a home in Sal Lake Ciy. Funeral ot Mr and Mis Jess Shelley of in Portland, Oiegon. services and burial will probably Mt. Pleasant Mis. Leonard Frandsen underbe in Salt Lake City. Making known the engagement went surgery Sunday morning at ar the parents of the bride-to-bthe Sanpete LDS Hospital. Her Mr. and Mis Edgar E Lasson, condition is reported as serious also ot Mt Pleasant Try our exciting new Miss Lasson is a graduate of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hermansen RENT AN IRONRITE PLAN Nor h Sanpete high school and is aie in Salt Lake City this week presen' ly employed at the Lang where Mr. Hermansen is under medical tr. atment ONLY Company in Salt Lake City. Mr. Sh lley is also a giaduate i of North Sanpet high school and Mr and Mrs Cannon Jorgenhas served two years in the armed sen of Djakarta, Indonesia, were services, most of the time being guests of his brother and sistrr-m-laspent in Korea. Mr and Mrs. David JorgPER WEEK Vows will be exchanged by the ensen, from Saturday to Tuesday. coupl March 30 in Manti L D S They also visited with other relAodel 850, Stamford Lkie T mple. The bride-elect- s and parents atives and fn nas here, will honor the couple at a recep- - will return to Indonesia following Now! Discover the joys of ironing a sixty-da- y leave in this country the healthful, relaxing Ironrite way by renting an Ironrite bv the week, Mis William Nicholson of Salt with FULL FREE HOME INSTRUCMrs. Bertha Jessen of Lake City, Mrs. J. M. Nicholson TION. Idaho, is visiting wi'h relaSee for yourself how an Ironrite of Price were guests Tuesday of tives and friends here. will iron everything in your weekly Mis. Irvin Stansfield Mrs. Jessen came to attend the wash, in less than half the time it takes you in tedious hand ironing, Junior Literary club met Wed- - Pioneer celebration and will and you can begin saving this time night aLAhe home of Mis. main here until April conference immediately. when she will go to Salt Lake Florence Maxwell. This oSer Is limited, so call us now Fred Takasaki of Snow College City. to rent your Ironrite right away. presented the program on OrienMr. and Mrs. George tal Culture and Art. Squire entertained at a family dinner I Recent visitors at the home of Saturday in honor of the 79th AUTOMATIC ItONIt Mayor and Mrs. Grant Johansen birthday anniversary of her mo- have been Garth Bagley of Lo- - ther, Mrs. Joseph Stevens of Par-gaMr. and Mrs. H. Orson Bag- - owan. Present for the occasion wSere ly of Koosharem, Mr. and Mrs. Proctor Bohman of Monroe, and Mr. and Mrs O. H. Hullinger, Mr. and Mrs. Chad Sorensen of Ervin Stevens of Salt Lake City, Mr- and Mrs. J. H. Stevens, Phone 2361, Manti Provo. Og den, Mrs. Bertha Topham of Mrs. Lois Bryant and three daughters of Cedar City; Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Y. Stevens and family of this city, and the honor guests, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stevens of Parowan. I i v d families. i DeAnilu Adella Faux Mm le piesented two numbers Past pi sideiit s 111 tile Relief Ho-- i Th. v are letv were Imimi ed Mrs Mis Uivm Gee ot Pnno, l'H Ins biother ndeison of Nephi Mis Maivtn The couple was man led Fehin-at- Alden Van Bunn ol Manti, Mis 22 in a ceremony peitmin'd Soien Nielson, Mrs Ephraim at the home of the brides parents Nelson Mis Wiltonl Tulwi and The ti nio is a graduate of Mis Ai e Blai khain ot Moroni Xoith S mpete high si hoot and Mis Chile Andrew Spell Mrs I'so of Henagei .s Business ColDan Olson were Mis and Bradley li ss as emplosed hv Noi'h ge She to be piesent befoie unable Sanpi te Si hool District, nteiing the Umveisity of Utah Mr and Mrs Joseph Kevill h It last tall to inlitmiie hei eiluialliin by She is maiming m homo eeoiio-mi- i Salt I ..ike City Wednesday s plane for a busim ss trip to San FTaneisco The la ulegi ooni is a third-yea- i student at the Umseiiitv sshere he Mrs Venlis Bodily and small is majoung in met hann al engin-citmThe newlssseds ss ill both daughter Janice of Lewiston, visited the past week in Moiom i ontmue studn s at the U tin l,u Jensen, Mr. and Mis George Squire, Mr. and Mrs Arnold Y. Sevens, Mr. and Mrs R, eve Norman, Mrs. John Winkelman .ant m m and hi idesm.U'Is weie tin Mini's Gloiii Hamels Utta L.ii'en anil Mi lene I i aper Tlies wi'h' pastel Immils and i lined nosegas- - ol led and sshlte lalliatiolis I.ltth Mmltii' P.i ot hei sen, sistei ot tie' I'llde was (loss el gill Rohelt tense, i perfonned lies! mail dutns nesv LDS Los Angeles Temple were Mr. and Mis J S Seymom Mr. M n Relieshments .were urstd sill" Among the lia al pmple went to Los Angeles to a tind the dedication citemonies oi the h: Jt. . ot t Following .he tiitmiomal no et ing honoring Eldt i Neil loig held Sunday mght In ieii tises and friends gathticd tor stilt at the Ray .hugenun lima rv Min Lois Mrs. ttuee daughters 4 and Mrs Fred Rasmussen left Friday for a six weeks vacation trip which will take tlv m first to Texas, then to Mississip-anwhere they Pennsylvania will visit their daughters and s agonah, In nle s '.! noli at the ells home last sittn wn. t rs, Mrs. Beitha Ioph.un -is two-yeold Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs End Willcox, was 'hospitali7,ed several days last week for tieatment foi pneumonia hi , mat hm i Cu'lttn i Gui-st- Iron rile AUTOMATIC IRONER I Sove your wife's health and good looki. Rent an Iron-rit- e Automatic Ironer. Ironing with an Ironrite, you broeie through all the family wath In one-thir- d the time b talcee to hand Iren. Jett elt relaxed at your Ironrite. No heavy lifting. Na ochey muxlet. Ne "iron, ing wrinkles" on your fact. Kent on Ironrito today! 2 . with 00 per week crown. One from our exclusive collection of hat fashions by Schiaparelli MMM MME 24.95 Le 68 West Center In i en-rou- head-huggin- i! i Mi Pit, so s'ivi.s Imiiei Arnold Mr and Mis enteitam Aiuhrsoii home are ntupeiuting at thin trom injuiies nieived last Salui-da- y The Andnsons were to Iruvo win n a blow-ou- t 'lie caused then car to leave road. Mrs. Anderson sustained broken left foot, and Mr Andei-ao- n sustain! d thest injuries an ingenious i llai kli.un In limn ward elupel. Hints Mi h I Draper oi - H n i i will- i ihli l'lnoihh win au ivll Icii'd'H ucltlinn leciplion S.ituul.u niulit U B. 2638 The M (ul ai.'l Mi" i Reath I N't K on i Phone Mis. nnmm iiuiimmiimciiiHMit un W Xru ly Mm Mithiu. Allied, Foun-a(Li in, Mis Gilboit Bailey, phi. Mis Unit's' Andeisoil, of lila Id 1. on Unit is ot Magna. an Church Recepiion Given Newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lawrell Jensen iim-entl- French-sew- Page Three hi a" i n . . . and .Ml-- , Guidon Mini y ot Fountain lliuii ha unnoumed the engagt mt-n- l ot then d.uigluei Greta, utu Mi Dale Holms ot Brigham Gitv he hi nedn t 1.1 u .ion ul Ml and Mis G M Holms ot Bughaiu City The mat imge will take plait in the neai lu me, tin date not definitely .set i Mi.s.s Motley is a gialu.tte y Miilum high si lu ol and is attending USAC, Bogan Mi Holms is a giaduate ot Box Elder high school and is piesenly atending US AC whete he is majoring in Agmulural Hi unuinK s Mr. and Mis. Louis Kay last wei kend in Salt Lake s iiiUiiiHiiimiCMiniiiiiunni Ml Connie 1 ) nni ..Mi MmiuihiniiiiimiiuniWHiiii With Dale Holms Sets Wedding Date A tali OF Exchange Vows Mr and Mis ' I ( Vine's Provo, Utah ( YEAR OLD Kentucky Straight Bourtxin Whiskey 86 PROOF WATFRflli AND fRAHER DISTILLERY CO.. BARDSTOWN, KY. Phone 2361 SQJiPiPILV Manti, Utah |