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Show L t Martin Rev G W U t YOL. Y. MANTI CITY, SAN PETE COUNTY, TEMPLE HOTEL, Hln Street, Manti, Class first Supplement to tlo. I Accommodations. those visiting the Temple should inquire for this House. Free conveyance to the --Temple every day- j Also Hay, Grain and Stabling. Ebbe Jessen, Proprietor Quarterly Conference San Pete Stake of Zion, Held at Manti, May 10, and 20, 18S0. Of the SUNDAY AFTERNOON. President Cannon snow ; HOUSE. Warren, S, Snow, Prop. , Sets as good table as any house in Sanpete. Rates reasonable. jsposD Manti, Ctah. Co-o- p. 6 JI.P.LARSEN.P.M. Dealer in , J ' ; : Drugs, Medicines, Paints. Oils, Etc., a full line of Chemicals, Proprietary Articles, including Toilet goods, Perfumeries, Soaps, Combs, Brushes, Flavoring Extracts, Groceries, Cigars and Tobacco, Etc., Etc., constantly on hand. Ephraim City, Utah. 14-1- 3 Peter Greaves Jr AGENT FOR- - Osborne & D. M, Co Steel Frame Binder. 3TNos Front and Rear 4 & 5 Cut Mowers. ! rfZJ? Coates Steel and Wood Wheel Hay Rakes. . stock of Rake teeth and j2PA full Sections with large variety " of Machine Extras, kept Continually on rfand at Ephraim, Utah. TinWare, Boots. Shoos, Notions, &c., kepi constantly on Hand. - - Manti. 10-- 3 John R. Neilson, fSfBoot AH Maher, and Shoe be was going to commence in Manti and now. Some look upon this as a small matter, but they will find that it is a great sin to mistreat the dumb beasts that God has given us for our use. Some men will abuse the horse, the noblect animal God has given us. Some will take a young colt that did not know anything, and the first thing they wou'd do would be to whip it, had seen so much of this that it had pained hint. He thought the one who did the whipping should be beaten himself. Wanted to see a change in the treatment of dumb beasts. The spirit of gentleness and kindness is the best all over the world. We should be kind.and affable to one another. Does any man in this congregation make money by whipping his wife, or scolding her or his childien? Mafi stands at the head of his family, he is a patriarch. Some men in this church almost own a congregation, and he liked to see men at the head of their fainiles. Men have gone to jail for the Cospel. Every wife should be kind to her husband. the wife and child will remain with him throught all time and eternity. Said if he could have all his family in eternity it would pay him for all lus labor. Some of our people take their disputes about water ditches and other matters to law, this should not be done. Young men and women honor your parents, and thea the blessings of God will be upon yom Those who are True and faithful to their parents will be to their companions in life. Counseled the voung men not to draw off from the body in polities, as in the establishing of Democratic and other political clubs; but to be united. The priesthood belongs to us, and do not take a stand TheAmly thing against that priesthood the world is united in, is in their oppoLatter-day Saints. Be unitsition to the ed in your votings and in all things and the blessings of God will be with you. The world is afraid of our union; polygamy is only an excuse, out union is what (hey are afraid of. .The Lqrd.holds us in His hands, and He williake tareof Said he could bear testimony to the principles that had been spoken. In coming to Sanpete they desired to speak such things that would have a tendency to build the people up. If We live up to these princibles we shall be more godlike. The Savior said to his diciples "lie perfect." we could become peifect. If we continue to do the things of our Father we shall be enabled to enter into the Kingdom of our Father. While visiting some of the conferences we have noticed a laxity with regard to vutue and the use of intoxicating liquors in some of our cities, among those who were not of us, their influences are bad. If we are living our religion we are learning and will be able to distinguish the ditierence between the two influences good and evil. The speaker said the impurity of mankind is one of the greatest of crimes, and to be a virtuous man and a Man of the World one is ridiculed. Young men are ridiculed for being virtuous. Said one time when standing in the Halls of Congress talk nig with a number of the members, Tom Fisk came up and said to the party, "Gentlemen, here is Mr Cannon with many wives, Now Ill bet any of you Ji,-oo- o that since he came to Washington he has had nothing to do with any othei woman. his offer not being taken he continued "And Ill bet you Ji.ooo that . there is not another man among vou us. Those who redeem tbqir .dead are who has not, This offer was not accep-e- d Saviors on Mount Zion. Spoke of the Virtue in women is very loose in some great joy that those who re redeemed of our cities. Any man who will permit will feel when they kmAv that their We enjoy tlje greatest himself to practice these evils, drives work is done. of any people 011 earth. .lie spirit ol God from him. he must be blessings To our young people it is often said puie in the thought as well as act. Oui the daughters of Zion hold the keys to young men and woman should be very the virtues of Zion. 'Spoke very plaqi careful, every young man and even about the laxity of virtue. When the young wouie should so live that they associate can get a reccommend to the House of sous and daughters ol Zion will bless the Lord. Spoke words of good counc.l fogether rightfully, the Lord Cited the case of David and to the House of the Lord. Spoke word.--o- f them. Uriahs wife, and. the .extensive sirrow good council to the young women, the loss of his- - son Abso-lecounseled the encouragement of earlv of David ovli was who the son- of tins crime. Good young men should The Lord reserved the building ot the marriages.' our beautiful young girls. He marry befurther counseled the young women to Temple for Davids son. Solomon, of a man was and not cause he virtuous uve maids until they were a hundred and men the blood. Exhorted young years old rather than marry an un- all men not to betray the daughters of worthy man, or a drunkard. He said ue had no fellowship for a man who Zion. Said that in 90 cases out of a men were to blame ells liquor to his neigbors, we of all hundred that thewomen for such acts. and not the should live free from this people the unjustness shown to women the young men not to use Showed not only of the world in these liquor or tobacco. Why do the girls is the woman to resist matters, her own desires not use these things? They have as but those of the man and the man is to good right to use them as the bovs, blame, and not the woman. Exhorted there should be no difference Would to these a young man marry a young woman the young people not to yield men 'should marry who was adicted to these habits? He things.- The young daughters of Zion, but not niier-fer- e said he would as soon see his daughter the the with thenj before they are mamed, smoking, as his son. they would be blessed in what Instructed the teachers as to what and then did Hoped there was no such they shold do when they go out teach- they cases in this stake There is a great souls. save that they might ing, us; after the resurrection Advised the people not to let their future before the judgement. Every evil we children be out after night, neithei comes will us .lo'iooo times more their boys nor girls. Spoke of the vices commitit is cast We should set a worth. than that was gaining ground. before the children ol course righteous The choir sang an anthum, and pary er was offered by elder C, H. Wheelock. the world. Explained why the deliverence of the Saints is not accomplished. We have MONDAY MORNING our agency, as did the Jews. The ancito go through excessive perseMeeting was called to order by Presi- ents hadfor the work of God, and the dent Peterson. Singing The Spirit ol cutions who persecute the God Like a fire is Burning. Prayer by Lord will hold those for what they do. Elder Wheelock- - Singing on page 133 Saints, responsible Some of our brethren have to go prison, 'Zion Prospers all is Well. with those of Paul The Secretary, Bro. Taylor, then read but contrast their lot and others who were imprisoned for the conscience sake. REPORT The Lord has blessed this people; we 1225 have been driven and persecuted but Moroni, Mt.Plsn'tNAV. 901 we have grown, and now there are 0 S IV. 924 people in Utah. When they came 220 to Utah many of our people were poor Sterling Spring City 10 .3 and destitute, tTfe condition in this Wales 253 worlds goods is bettered. There is no as well offas we in these valleys people Total souls 12,956 of the mountains, taken as a whole. Be Members 6,645 kind to all; dont divide up nor goto Offi. & Mem. 9,355 law; but try and all agree. The Lord Child.under will give the earth to us, the Lord will our prayers; and his arin is stronghear SUNDAY SCHOOL REPORT. er than the arm of flesh. See that your children go to Primaries aud the Sunday Number of schools 23 Schools, and the young will become Number of officers, male, 339 strong The field before us in the " female 273 of the Sabbath Schools is great, there are 60,000 children in the schools Total No. of officers 612 and the work among them is as great or Average attendance ol officers greater than the rtnssibrt abroad. and members 419 The Lord has said "Whom you shall Male members 1714 bless, shall be blessed, and whom you Female 1964 shall curse, shall be cursed. He, the speaker, had blessed all he could, but members of Total No. 3678 had cursed no one. 2,571 Average attendance ol members SILK WORMS. Tatal No. of officers and members 4.290 ' For an pete and Sevier Counties. Number of classes 351 Editor Sentinel.' I desire to imorm Number of Books m the Library 5722. the Presidents ot Relief Societies in and .Sevier Counties that I am Prest. Maiben presented the general Sanpete to furnish silk worm eggs free prepared church authorities who were unanimous- of charge, to any person who is preparly sustained. ed to feed silk worms and desire to be Bro. Taylor, Stake Clerk, read a list engaged in the business. I will also 0f names ol Seventies and Elders who furnish the necessary instructions to any were reccomended to the High Priests person applying for eggs on condition qUOrum. These were acted upon and that they shall report their success to unanimously sustaiued. me at the end of the season, in order to President Woodruff enable me to report to the Department is Addressed the meeting, Said his Soul of Agriculture at Washington, which to encourage Silk Culhad been pained by the treatment of now taking steps make it a more lucer-ativ- e dumb beasts by man. He had wanted to ture in order tothan been heretohas it business years and speak about this lor Some 40 said he did not know but this was as fore. REEeCCA Wareham. good a time as any to commence, and m fll kinds of Custom Work neatly done and a good fit guaranteed Repairing done on Short Notice 5 Doors west of Lowry & Sen. - 150-00- Manti, Utah. IP. Y. Jonsen, TINNER. Manufacturer of all kinds and Gutter Woi Tinware, Roofing Ephraim, Utah. oi 9-- 8 ts JAMES V. STEVENSON, Ephraim,', Utah. Keeps a full line of Harness. JEST Repairing a Specialty 3 Block South of South Co-o- p. 14-1- 3 r.l. H. SPERRY, HAS OPENED A 3 artoerSUop wo Doors North Of Manti, Store, Give him a. call. Co-o- p MERCHANTS doable their profits by introdnclng lias of new goodMndigpensable to U temibss.wiU addresses fill! particulars. HEALTH FOOD COM NO. 7 J.UNE, 3, 18S9. NOTICE, . f It ordered by Hie Probate Court of Sanpete County, .that all delinquent Executors, Administrators, and Guard ians Pending in this Court, file theltaccounts with the (lerk of this is -- a- - 3 . Court.-- - Jacos Johnson. Probate Judge. "3 NOTICE'FOR PUBLICATION. No. 3327. Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah. .- ". April 15th, 889. Notice is hereby given that the following-named seitfer has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, jnd that said proof wffl bemade before the Probate Judge or county Clerk at Castle Dale, Enieiy Co, Utah. 011 Saturday, Mav 25th, 18S9, viz Georgei Eldridge, H. E No 7024 for the of N E J of S E i Sec 21 and N W SW Sec 22 Tp. 14, S R ro E. S.L. M Utah. He names the fo.iowing witnesses toprove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz; Christian Peterson, Charles Johnson, Nephi N. perkins, Jens Peterson, all ol Emery Co. Utah. Any person w ho desires to protest against the allowance of such proof, or who knows of any substantial reason, under the law and the regulations of the Interior Department why such proof should not be allowed will be given an oppbrtunity at the above mentioned the wittime and place to nesses ot said claimant, and to oiler evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. D. Wenu Register. T. C. Bailey. Api7Ma22 Atty. for Claim ml cross-examin- e .NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. No. 3',2i. Laod Office at Salt Lake Citv, Utah, , April 13, 1889. Notice is herebv given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Clerk of the Court, Emery county at Castle Dale, Utah, on June 5th, 1889, viz: Thomas W. Simper, D. S. No. 10570 for the r h sec. 2o, tp 2. s r 6 r. He names the following witnesses to prove his con. tinuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz; David Young, Casper Christiansen, John S. Lewis, George Meyrick all of Emery, Emery Co. Utah, oQ H ll Any person who desire to protest against the allowance of such proof, or who knows of auy substantial reason, inner the law and regulations of the Interior Department, why such proof tdViU-- i not lie allowed, will be given sn oppoi tumty at the above mentioned time and place to the witnesses of said claimant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by claimant D, WBBBt Regisrer. Wilkes A Rowe Attys. Apl7Mai2 c3 E3 Desert Land, Final Proof Notice for Publication, No. 3341. curse-Counsele- C. Brown, Mrs. Dry goods and Groceries, Main Street, UTAH,' MONDAY, United States Land Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, April 251 h, 1S89. Notice is hereby given that Sarah M. Kimball of filed notice has Salt Lake City, Utah Territory of intention to make proof on her desert land Sgc. 29, Tp. Claim, No. 2678. for at 7 e, before the Register and Receiver 12, 8 Salt Lake Citv Utah, on the 28tn day of June, E. thf8SWl( Wh9. Notice iaalso hereby given that Hiram Kimball of bait Lake Cttv, Utah Territory, has hied notice of intention to make proof on hia desert land claim No, 1n87, tor the wy,8W! pec aJ, V W E 8ec. 32 N B SEC 30. N W 8 N KkC Sec. 1 Tp. 12, S R 7 K, bof ore the Register and Iteceiver at Salt Lake City, nu the 2sth day of June, lsSy. They name the following wttuesses to prove the complete irrigation and reclamation of said land: Laiasette Granger, Alfred H. trank I Kimball Oliver Kimball, ail Stirgiss, of Emery Co., Utah. D. WEBB, Register Mai Juj D.1S89. & SONS. Monumental Stone Cutters, LEGAL NOTICE. In the Probate Court of the county of Sanpete, Territory of Utah. In the matter of the Estate of George Crisp, deceased. Order appointing day for settlement of account and to show cause why distribution should not be made. John R. Baxter, the administrator of the estate of George Crisp, det eased, having this day rendered and presented for settlement and filed in this Court his final account of his administration of the estate ol said deceased. Also setting forth that said estate is in a pr er condition to be closed and that a portion ol the residue of said estate iemamg to be divided among the heirs of said deceased. It is ordered that Monday, the 10th day of June, A.D. 1889. be and the same is hereby appointed for the settlement of said account, and it is ordered that all persons interested in said estate be and appear before the Probate Court on said ruth day of Iu.,e, A.D. 1889 at it oclock a. m. of said day then and there to show cause why said final account should not be settled, and an order of distribution should not be made of the residue of said estate among the heirs of the said deceased, according to law. It is fnrther ordered that a copy of this order be published once a week lor three successive weeks before said 10th day of June, A.D. 1889.. in the Home Sentinel, a newspaper printed and pub fished in Manti, Sanpete county, Utah. Jacob Johnson, Probate Judge. Dated, May 13th, 1889. Territory of Utah, ss connty ofSanpete I, John Reid, Clerk of the Probate Court in and for said county, hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of the original order appointing day forsettlement of account and distribution in the matter of the Estate of George Crisp, deceased. Witness my hand and the seal of said seal J of the Probate Court county, this 17th day of May, A. I I. MET Dealers in Mantles, Plaster Basts, Uentor Pieces Etc. Utah Central CAN JpETE E yAUET JX CARD. Trins leaye daily (Sunday exTime Card. cepted) going north Feb. 10, 1889. 9 :00 a. m. Chester, leave Trains Nephi daily Passenger 9 :30 Moroni, as follows : 9 45 2 & :25 :48 5 a. Draper, m. p.m. Going North, ..Fountain Green, 10:10 8:18 South, 11: 35 ' 10;30 Divide, 10 6 :40 Arrive, Salt Lake a.m.A p.m MainSt, Nephi, 11:20 Leave Salt Lake City at 7 :20 a. m. Arrive Nephi, 11 :25 and 4 p. m. Going South leaves leave Salt Trains Lake, Passenger 12:30 in. Nephi, daily, for the North, to connect with 12. 40 Main St, Nephi, N. & U. U. P. the and the Ry. Ry. 1.30 Divide, at 7 :40 a. m. & 1 50 p. m . and :65 p. m. FountainGreen,l 10 :50 arrive in Salt Lake City at 2.15 Draper, m. 5.00 m. and a, p. 2:30 Moroni, Freight trains leave Nephi for Arrive Chester, 3 :00 the North at 7 55 a. m. and for the Staged connect at Moroni for all South at 5:15 p. m. of San Pete and Sevier. parts Francis Cope, Theo. Brcback, Manager. Gen. F. & P. Agt. S. H. Kerr, General Supt. John Sharp, Gen. Supt. Main Street. General Offices, John Reid, Salt Lake City , Probate Clerk. luwder. b&fu, sure car. $l,0o. lly mv fall directions. Book for 2cent stsiup. Fisl 4 CO 601 Sixtfc Avenue Ae.rTa rJu . . CO-TIM- j . |