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Show ' fHE HOME SEHTIHEL' personae; Pnl,lil,eJ, at Selectman Metcilf of Gunnison called at our office , ' fn - r Methodists, m.liYt?m:rr-oHi ll S Ct A Trn1,1 Mormons, if cithe suits you, but , UUMJUU i!for A 1 Wednesday the., Hyde & Bail" Company dayed to full houses. JIBs Cloa BOOT shop Jratt Sustained the part of NAKELy auline admirably and was again the favorite of the evening. Ur. Harness, Baldb-Hyde made an excellent Claude, : war,, Wl.iw pga. H.M.Sn,, Vthe best we have seen. Mr. sud-so- n sustained tha role of:i.rquis hopainn pronziitlv h': Ca! ifu il iiftfiL Beafiseant very wall. .Miss Mata Streep gave evidence of some her successfully riveting day sister. Miss Cloa. The playing of the entire company was good and we herald thepa as worthy of the peoples patronage whoever they appear and- we hope .tg see them again in Manti. , ij! the gake of aU thut ig seasi- not pay any atleution to Saa Iata County, Utah. such stale platitudes al dreadMr. Jos. Christiansen, Supt. of A tYsetly Vf ful delusion,' impious fraud, res in town yes Mayfield .rj, riper , lustful and, designfouhblot, , pevotett to the general ini reef ol ' Jerday. etc, etc: look ing organization Ae peoj lef Hu Bbte tn j at both, think, use jour oiyn Messrs m. Rasmussen and Chris j r; , T Larsoa of Ephraim was in town brain, you are not idiots', neither are the Mormons who have made yesterday. , rz'cm?Tzo.r. t There-- , Utah whnt she is f5n year, We notice B. $:tw jradson of1 and fore, kindly sincerely we Brother William Everett bu-o- n 4ix months. "I 23 Gunnison and Allred of Chester to all, pray Gad for wisdom, say J tied achild ou.4 our stpe&ts Saturday, Rrd. Prove all Three month., .things, hold fast that I Paul Coates buried one on Mon- fj ; , J. P. Christensen of Ephraim day, several other children are which is good. Advertisiu raban aijlic$tijn. into J sick. office oui dripped, yesterday All Comir.uuicatious intuited and had a frien il y ghat. RESOLUTIONS. lor this paper should be address-" Elder Hyde .and Bidley Dramatic. m, Fotheringham The Home Sentinel., Among a number of docuhas come and .gpne. j went to Spring Wedne-duCompany City ' ments forwarded by- Hon.. John Tin? Lecture. On Tuesday Jas T. Jakemax rhere he will teefui-- to die peo-- . On Friday night they played Elder .Wm. Fptheringham The last Female Detective, on Sat- T. Cain, we find the following Manager. LJe delivered hit5 lec'.ure on Beaver of The P. O. Box 57, Manti, U. T. . urday- night, Lady of Resolutions submitted .to the Mr. L N. Parker, general the East Indies to a gcod sized agent Lyons. Each play drew a large Senats . for George A. L iwe, Salt Luka, by Mr. Morgan. audience. He touched on aT.rnin-be- r audience, many people cjdled the ' LOCAL AND OTHER ij in town looking after the in- former the bet plav while our Whereas the' union of church ofsubjects, principle of which W'.sj:. and r- - terests of his firm. state in the conduct .of a was the Missionaries trip ont, T critics rightly pronounce! in ,Qnit week. Elder Palmer, Agt. for the favor of the latter. .The acting joint administration of the tem- the Hindoo .Religion, a discrip--tiorvy lliaw this , fi of the Gatiges, and Calcutta, ontributor, will lecture in the of Miss Cloa Pratt, Messrs, Hud- poral or spiritual affairs of any ,w would like some wool on church or son sect and or the was religious excellent, society Tabernacle .Hyde manneri and customs of the Tuesday and Wed- while f ' t cbeription. is dangerous to the freedom of lii journey through the their took others natives, part nesday evenings nuxt. His remarks vermeil. religious . worship and opinion, country. wera iprittg timaof year is come liCUSESffiTHvpl ' Brother J. i MeiNtrup called and violates th principles uf listened to with great interest but MV!Vlh allow tftofms ng anufacturergTj; in to we ut this afternoon. IJ Not long since a young lady the Constitution of the United an d we wish it were drat. possible for MONUMENTS was called ho-- by a dispateh fc-- J living with her mother in , states ! gqu him to remain and give us a ' the Tie late sad accident at caehire, England wrote a lbtte'n Resoh'edfl. Tliat in the opinion series of lectures on the same j waiting for su I to her father John. Briggs, who of the Senafe it is not within the subject. Mr. Fotheringham n pohgy from the Setink' Jarj.-- ( ity. Headstone,' TabV, Wit! wait J! wait ! of to power a in of is of to each Congress the .PairIviow leqture appoint 1tJhrouSb President Peal wa? over from Pm! Watcrtables, Sills, ke m beers of tha United'-States- , by principle town of the County Arcmes, Corner, Hesrj The aoiiie Dramatic Club will Ephraim yesterday, ne calle lette come tot!if address, the t , may be and the people should all turnEphraim and was whatever ' name ones, etc., also deakm.a present a plav in the neajr n;trrD"U !lie Benh.vel ami left bis best taken by. Miss L. C. Rea, a Mife- - Called, who shall, .they in the name of, out and hear what he has to in the, celebrated' i or on behalf of, the United say. ,ijwelliare. .White Oolite Stun ? r Be are leased to have I ll "y."'0, tsUfes, be required to particip He EE1329 ' our friends l Mr. Rvit ?ni.nS M P.O.Box 8. ickelson lias become gall, Specially when not belong to him. lie was sor- with the officers, of a hsppr papa Tim bouneing any church ' and requested- Her to return it or religious sect or ry society, baby boy weighs just 15, lbs. as J n hich she did ; all this was ten m The mother nnd babe are very v. bethel" tfr not the same is; R. read the letproper, in the joint- conduct doing well, Bapa joyous. esaesi zUiM tea ca zst ter and ivrote'to M ss Briggs in kruf administration of the spiritA nimbor Your letter ual Oc temper d affairs of such England, saying. ofEmry Countv PROFITLESS PROUEF.D- - tou died ray hea rt. Can hear of church', sect, at eitizana who hava been over pai society.. !? no om- - of that name ( Briggs) in INGS. 2 That? it is a , ipanding the Holidays vit practical violafrionde in thair old horn At about 10 oclock on Tues- Ephraim . I hope and pray your tion, of the Constitution for the laiher has not become a Mormon President of?the United Spates Valiev on WodneM-,4aday evening, Marshal Ireland, ac and claimed thei Provo Niws Depot, her DRAMATIC CO. . . sucli officer unright to take to apjibint-an- y t i j compauii d hy six or ewen of wife. Never come another der any law whiqh'aRsumes to conftq bis Books, Stationery, h1' made a depuiies, A appearaThe above Company are coming lT;u!i as a .Morimm. It is a 4read-fu- l fer such happy event will take pines nce-at power on him, and that Periodicals, and Newspaper; . the Seventeahth W,ird so m y Mr. Christian ,mi-- South with" the following .delusion., Reading- iv'ithout requ.ras such duties to be peifor-nmI18 kinds. all , well lea and Miss Aggie Brown, nay favor it ibly knatyn by such appointee is are The Best Supply House Ladies it Gentlemen. tliay tlwaya think so as tlie'y ... mentioned in the first resolution, of Salt Lake City. d , smoothly elide down the sea of 'Sind that fixes ar, bv mail solicited, ,D Orders them, a' at ya Miss upon liiioeking th, Margaret Pratt, matrimonial faliaity. i oM acquainted, is certamlv :.u direct. accountability or .1,1 CENTRE ST.. PROVftJJ' respon! . Miss Liie' Udall, wh? violation to the executive or legisiai.'ftdi sibility Married ia Manti at the resiMiss Lena Schroder, lative department of the Governdence of the Brides Father, of ment the United States for Mr. , Robert Ed. Udall. , Braithwait, on the elejm their conduct in office. ing of th 17th int. bv F. It ne Mr. Wm. Bailey, 3 That it is not the. then asked what kind of a ; constitu: But Miss R. may sav it tionxl Ktnntr.Eig., Mr. James ?. Mailer ei. Mr. Langley function of the executive meeting was in progress, and was was her Bailey, Until Mar-B, Braithwait. tea. solemn to disreor itive duty regisf that s it was cf Further Noti ert we wh1 selMn1 the department Th jirivato busi- gard this simple rule in order taodera conaratu-Tatioa- ness of the GgyErnmcnt United Peop'eof van Petean-- STiwcJra. State and meeting, composed- of to prevent Miss lies Parlor atnl to exert control in the direction SuityOg: and' Briags over a hmvlrad people. The Mothers being deceived and 'and i eau-Bede leads, chair, Sofu,ifin And Salt Lakes Marshal and Tha Manti Stock Heruim stroked his DumlreaVies, Young administration of tha rechairi and .Rucker, coming to Utah-aMormons. ligious or Actor and Actress Affairs of any Society held thair annual meet-lr'- hesitated a moment, and ttSm It temporal nishto thej the Mormon join church or religio n sect or sointimated that he would, like to n Monday afternoon it is no ones business ; if 'at go up and see, for himselfWlio ; Wlueh the following they ciety ; but such pmver, if it may are so blinded to the me chijpe the occup:uito uf the room of be in any case lawfully exerte mine - at Wb-war made : Mr. Liiuwas j the the elacted Director in tha that he had warrants aboutscriptures md know vo little 17 Yy depkrtraent' of the Gov- accorujieme tiiporil. of remaking the plane church Cl of the arrest of Present Joan to Mr. Ilouysard, lo? Now is Your chance f$r B United States, retiring, and Mr the rfesbyterianglit is no Jay lor, George Q. Cannon, Era- onejoin Johni,. Banch was elacted he And Yon Forgit Itf Dont exercised b only the fe business but their own.' As ses bnow, Brigham ' . judicial . department, And Xt phi's .Leading Actor. Young, .John with the true church of rurnitur$ fim H. 4 That the Christ, Co-opNnith, aril .others of the of power Jx urnituft Jnt ' Congress y it.is anciently How now friend Carl? led by in- to grant charters Dame twelve, whom, he said, he had spired of inco 'pora-tim- i Wliolesale and Retail Dcf Apostles, Froph-t- s, evanrumor put a on her best Smiles reason t believe were here. to religious societies in ne gelists, pastors One bor We(J i Tempi li cl. and was assured that none and says that a certain 'j teachers, for this Company has been selected under its exclusive of the Our patent Foiaiag S& of Manti thinks that Presidency or the Twelve Acre the perfecting of the Saint, for does with not care from different extend to and great the work of the ministry, for the a certain young actress i9 .Desk- present, and that he could not go include tlm right or the Territory, and conof parts ffo of t authority the edyfying decided aurcessfns a heart of body stains Christ up unless he could show sists ot an array of talent se,l- -' Ist'.e Beit. For tarmi M'ran cantor 'artic.pite in the administration . iiie church nlwnwu er) and that Carl can expl uri authoiity therefor ' At tins june-tui- does aturs f sueh incorpora-ee- r dom. ere riled in Utah 'Ihcir Agant, Jai. T. JaksitM lfr now believe and dame rumor that the h ioaS lights up stairs were nssejts thu kepertoir includes Lord Lytton fIir"ugh the agency of of-has good foundation .glve. evehtinno Bill icers beautiful Drama The for the cv lngui'hed,'. and the assetn-d- to the the . United Stat , ap"13 different circumsta rumor. began to dest-enic pom-efor such the stairs. and STOR.rd PE0PLE8tDRUG and purpose capacities of his people; as ac Lac h of the alienee Wa8 closely of old it teaches faith ountabie to the Government PAUL vox xoWeck', ' paorsiiAte Some of the in Christ ior their voung ladies of scrutinized B;he a's J in conduct passed, but, office Dfealer in Manti sav that if effort was made to detain repentance of sin, babtism by tnk Car ure Drugs, Chemicals, T1R for remission immersion Ith th Theatrical fair t0 Presume .,fsins Wines and Liquids people that Mr. iivdc mint Uo' ll' yo-lt-Articles, repented ofand the laving on CONJOINT SESSION ' were disappoint- of hands for here medicinal .for purpose, ly the grift of the IIolv ed in the result of They their raid. of the Mutual Improvement As-(Ass Ghost far w the change as somewhat The accurately Prescriptions thev ' fob promised E. He raid. ow Tl sociations of Manti, to be held that the latter is a decided f.ay the true believers signs sounded. proving CoUPBc lover on the mimic -SPHRAIM, San Pete I ike. About .S :30 on Thurt-ao- 176 fi.the worfIs (Mark lfil boa.nd, 1886. After the usual itAnd the highly and would he satisfied to stage Orders exercises of hy mail solicited, ao to opening ,b) the Jesus AssociaUramatp and Christ, the tions try him morning, the alarm of fire son of 1 will on the realiafic stagp lifT tended to promptly. gender the following was given, ft was David, j he son of Abra-naSensational Drama The i discovered (Matt 1:1) both of whom' ,?ROGRAMMB ; Nrth War,J D s As Mr. John Jones was goirJ NOTICE FOR rUBLIc.Ulrn hd to tb? anoth-etake r l0Uti0 'vas 011 fire. from the Elders ' Irf u0, d, Opening rem'arke. Y.Taylor. wife and never were 814 im.t; reproved ItA llC pipe lwl8sing for the correct Monday last, lie bapnenedAolthnmH9! Land Citl. Office inS Lale Saif at Lui8a- Cox CeU, practice of that j.u Address; , 18S5. did not co near to a horse tono.Ltj subject from the N n hereby piven that principle Jacobs obedience ot the Mormons fromExpulsion NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION nam-- nice w W mother d eettlers haye hied noticeof tW11 tl,ro"Sh rP,f Nauvoo, ( No. 2173. tion to mike final proof in tl,e f horse objected to too .T"h re, Race of TnbI,h,nZri-- s claim and rhat said proof will he mao' D 'ah mf 1 hj Duet isSes P-kCify theiCountyClerk.cf San PeteC.l hip no,, John is llohM e 1 tvo' illyri! January 5, 288 f around with a no rAU!,uSl?ll'ctar.'hofJPS, in Jdantf city Utah. court WestenskOw. ,tlea county e same Notice is' hereby given that Peter Ihompson l S oairforthe tneW b rion't tru,t too Quest on; when and where the Vf was anciently in officers, XIZ 0 did Eli Sec a; TpT6 S K 3 E and names following-nameP- -r settler has ing .conaiaiG-urned- ! witnesses to piove his contiou and Joseph Smith receive the filed notice of &Zl',fw::r0fl'i'ls yeV'S rdlnancf8 iind Prits Aronic deuce upon and cultivation of said h;$ intention to wiesthood ; relate the make final 0. Thorum, William liawden, John S this morning as usual ' Ua "dre:idful in proof' support of U T.PeteiKon of-Ephraim city, San jiete r- circumstances. To be dekon Cir bis claim, and that .said stron We werefehown a life md siae bust Robert proof William Fawden D. 8. M3S by inconsistent for a Bible believer Reid. wdl be made before the ' N E 4 s w !4 SVC. 39. T ifiS K urayon picture of Bp. U' T Ar . M County' l BrM-lUndr p:,i names the following witnesses t) r Clerk of Sevier County. Trfer Un an exPression ! Hl'o other day. , The' 1 Bible Il Utah, 4t corftitiuoui residence upon, and cnlti" exercise, Wm. h. Luka Richfiel iSMl88 R;calls our Church bv done by Mr. G.H. Jack oMantf reiv.V on Iarch 1, 1886, Thompson, C .J Manti, vir; of name Ephi1 Wo Bawden a id Hlli' Mipes johnDorius there are positively a dupatcii Edward '.ravne D.S. No. 8044 and is pronounced by afl wi1 d Recitation. G. , yesterd.iv no 0) pete County, U T , E. Anderson. ui the Language ' y bfarinlave seen it a8 a Vir to same time at the 'And - he, enough to describea8t , Kra pp:lliing intelligence that , iS. W.ifeec.34,tp. 23S.,R. 2 Prohate Judge of Btpery properly the 11 Xca'dmg, piece of work. The picture w h i Matilda Presbyterian Chur Ajiler nd s o min' buy Utah, or in his aiisenee b.ore 19r, duShyr executed by hand h8 immaterial, passionless, hound-es- s Oustiony phaf is understood County Clerk ofs tid enmity He names or other guide kil!cd by a 8now wit- court house at Castle D.iIJi fgllowing except a ca&net , and ho Dotty or Latitude. nesses to can reveal nothK ,L0I,.Ud0 his continuous photo having fised used. Mr iity vester- - ing can do T., Frederick VV, WCJ angered by Joel Shoe- - residence proveday morrir , a Church nothing )m Jtckis an artist of great merit K. II. and jto. 49S8 for the N. upon, Bro.J.r.eilBtrnp cultivation wuhout the brother-in-laoffn-e) S, R. 7 E,Riidnaifi' hphrnm, 21, and deserves the said of, authority, Tp',2 . of ordinances yiz J. Iv. Peterson, patron a we f Uoo.easch leaves ' Harmonica Biud. Henry and Spirit which 14 lyllow;; bg Witnesses to - rrT. the people. Mr iSk on iicindavs were T Hendricksen, Cha. Closing and residence upon lj j3 continuous Louis remarks, will always be Kjaf i GiveH, James S. of us prepared hi d traluto1Ja neces-alT lo said land, viz: John 1 j all Killion, bingmg vatiotiof, of the by choitY k i ml of the true benediction Wednesday. ChiU? I d s, Andrew Nelson, DnilA Henwood,Sevier Co. with the bersaved Peter Dyr-ing- . VhristCome to and HyrnmNelson of F erron, friaS: McMaster, Register, o? stay awav, n- Axdirsox. join the ,G Darke & Co. b; Attyg for hay nann,progrmmf Committee Claimant. " v 45 Wm. T. Reid AtCy. , to-day- .. Lie do - . , , Co-o- ; p, u' v I 1 surrauu-'-jC&CiMMitie- , f Mar-garetPr- att to-da- - to-da- - i - y . 1 , f I ,LaB-'atini- o - in-tl-- 1 1 J 1 Fa-,0- . fl COMING SOUTH! - but-Mi-- return-aAtaCaatl- s . Felt o Brother y. 9 t. as to-ds- U s Magai-xx- - d . tc . . f "l-oo- EJtfV, ill 8mtil y i. ?i' -- " Fa-cori- te l A Wm. H. Hyde, FURNITURE Miss C. Pratt, P.M.-uLo- I T Prii-MC- le i - to-da- L. L. Hudson. - vouno-bachelo- juris-diciio- 5i ; u V , - . l Ladypf Lyons! - Ingomar! Female Detec- - ; re-ma- in teL SuC-aessf- ul v ni ri-- Tyvo Orphans! ht IIHIL - nPa, ,,1',,tri',g tth ,lytTZU' lg 'A - , -- kf to-da- v d B , P-- an-Pfer- tI VlT wk 3 said-fVti- d, via:-Ref- - - l' ' - ' D-U- - w M ejj -- . winp6 WevmSo l lfechof. - , ( " |