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Show ... .Vv I' ''V- - .. I? r'f' as & & A St. GEORGE, Ui AH. JOHN PYMM, Prop. Events. 4 KOJb, PYMA1 lunch was served at eleven oclock 4 jand a program was rendered. The evening passed pleasantly away. cl Angus Woodbury, of this city who has attended school in Provo for the HEALS REASONABLE. last three years left here this week to Victor Uuntzieker left for Suit Lake teach school a Overton Also dealer in, Jewelry, Stationery, City Monday. Groceries, Etc. John McNeil met with quite a serious Miss .Mary Morris is in from the Apex accident in the II. H, I tiding building Antikamnia for Headache. Neuralgia, mine for a few days. Wednesday afternoon, falling over the and Sciatic Pains. Sure Cure. Several of the boys came in from the railing at the head of the stairs on the second floor and striking on his he d Apex nrne to vote. He h?d been leaning SAINT CEOkGE Miss Josephine Brooks left Tuesday on the steps. a the pool railing watching for the Apex mine to stay a few days against and fell. his balanee when lost he game with her sister, Miss May Brooks. $ Call and see our new line of mens Gen. Chaffee objects to the withdrawand at Foster arrived fine shoes, jusi al of onr troops from China nntil missSorensons Store, ionary work is safely A dance was held in Dodges Hall on there. This is the realism of the the evening of election and an enjoy- church militant; the church backed by gun powder. And this in a country able time was had by allprofessing to give to every one the Mrs. B. J. Lund was given a pleasant right to worship God according to the forty-seconon her Monday, surprise dicta' 39 of their own conscience! We s- friend ner of a lady by party birthday, to have more ehrstians South West Corner Tabernacle Square. Full line LADIES' FURNISHINGS, are going living and dead dont you forget it. of heathen, For They are neither relatives, nor friends, nor citizens, nor Christians, ext nor men perhaps; they have money. LaBruyere, . . om yonr altars and churches, And tue mocking-- ; of steeples and domes. To join the long weary marches Of the ones ye have gobbed of their homes; I share in the sorrows and crosses, Of the naked, 'the hungry and cold. And dearer to me are their losses Than your gains and your idols of gold, I u ill wither the might of the spoiler, T will laugh t your dungeons and locks, The tyrant shad yield to the toiler. And your judges eat grass like an ox ; For the prayers of the poor have ascended To be written in lightings on high, And the wails of yonr captives have blended With the bolts that must leap from the sky. The thrones of your kings shall be shattered And prisoners and serfs shall go free, I will harvest from seeds that 1 scattered On the borders of the blue Galilee, For I come not alone and a stranger. Lo! my reapers shall sing through the night; Til the star that stood over the manger Shall cover the world with its light. James G. Clark in the Arena. I turn i The Cooling Empire, The world famous historian, Dr. John Clark R.dpath, in an article published in the Arena magazine, a year ago, prophesied the growth of monarcnial ideas in America in the following lang- has FIRST CLASS MEALS Reasonable Prices go to the Morris House, Hours: come. No political patchy ora. can either prevent or very materially retard the economic revolution which is now upon us. It must culminate in absolute justice to all, no matter what may be the trials through which we are compelled to pa s. All that we can do to conserve the oest interests of ourselves and the people at large, is to facilitate the tran- si tion, from the old sj stem with all its manifold discrimination, oppositions and cruelties, to the new and more humane civilization under which tho effulgent Sun of Righteousness will be permitted to disiicl every cloud that is now gathering upon the horizon. To retard tn progress of the rapidly growing and widespread demand for more equitaule conditions would only be to invite all the evil consequences of an explosion that may be easily avoided. Common sense and a due regard to the demands of common justice, is ail that is needed today. With this, the future is bright with hope, without it, the scourging must come. Equity The Chicago gas companies WILLIAM Breakfast 8:oo a. m. Dinner i:oo p, m. 6:oo p. in. Supper Mrs. GEO. MORRIS, Proo. "?3SSS388sS8SSSS88eS3 ' BflHBEK Haircutting, Shaving and Shampooing in latest style. Sole agent for the celebrated Hair Tonic. Dan-derin- e, Dipfherla Rsmsdy Cures diptheria, croup, canker, quinsy, tonsilitis, diseases of the skin, etc., etc GREEHHALGI! SALVE Will cure any skin disease, old sores,, ulcers, stiff joints, burns, bruises, etc. For sale by Mrs. Si. Sarah Alger. Gem & accomodation at reasonable rates.. Location the most central in City. Finest sample rooms for display of Good ) promptly procured, OS NO FEE. Send model, sketch, i Book How S or photo for free report on patentability. J to Obtain U. S. and ,' y Foreign Patents and Fairest terms ever offered to inventors.! Jfp.EE. J PATENT LAWYERS OF 6 YEARS PRACTICE. 20,000 PATENTS PROCURED THROUGH THEM. , All business confidential. Sound advice. Faithful ( service. Moderate charges. ( ; Trade-Marks- 1 iwCC. A. Goods. A share of the public patronage soli- cited. Passengers from Modena will bs furnished team on application. SNOW & CO.i PATENT LAWYERS, ( GRAY, THE GREENHALCH connection. iculed for foreseeing and foretellin g Drus Cigars, Candies, Stationery, Perfumery, etc., etc. 4 Good Sample Room and Bath in. I have come and. the world shall be shaken Like a reed at the touch of my rod, And the kingdoms o time jhaU awaken To the voice of the sntnuions of Clod; No more through the dim of the ages Shall warnings and chidings divine. From the lips of my prophets and sages. Be trampled like pearls before swine. Ye have stolen my lands and my cattle, Ye have kept back from labor its meed ; YTe hnve challenged the outcasts to battle, When they plead at your feet in their need; Add when clamors of hunger grew louder And the multitudes prayed to be fed, Ye have ausivereu with piisons or powder The cries of your brothers for bread, Patent fledicines, opposite d If Christ Should Come Today. dealer in at Mrs. Clifts - The Ladies Democratic Club held a meeting in the Social Hall Saturday evening and a very entertaihing program was rendered., A dance was given in Dodges Hall by the republicans Monday evening. J. R. MICHELS, Prop. 0pp. U. S. Patpnt Office, WASHINGTON, D. Directly opposite Tabernacle, F. L. DAGGETT, Proprietor. r.n SSSSSSSSSSSS SORENSON STORED plants are estimated to have cost, $20,000,000. They could be duplicated with the mo it modern appliances for $180,000,000 or less. They are capitaliz'd at $80,000,-00This means that some $60,000,000 of water have been pumped into the g A full stock of everything )you need, want, or expect toi) Gwant. Everythin? reasonable.? H5 AyOUR MONEYS wr an is our motto The m Call in and see us even if 0. capitalization of Chicago gas. Dividends a id interest to the amount of $8,500,000, are annually daid on this huge capitalization, when $1,200,000 would be ample return for the investment. balance $7,300,000 represents the power uage: A revolution is at the door. It de- of the monopoly the cotnmun-- 1 pends like a cloud on the horizon. .)' payIn one part of lue city the Whether we shall accept it and its res Gas Company, otherwise the sults remains to be determined; but People that a great transformation of political ' hicago Gas Trust, is selling gas at 40 society is in dawn let no man longer cents per thousand. In other parts of doubt. What a few thinkers have been tne city the housekeepers pay one dolable to foretell and what they have rid thohsand.- - lar per 4 TH& V fyou dont buy. Opposite the Fair Grounds. GS3SSeSS3CSe3SS6S$3i53686S if) |