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Show medical examiner NEWS SUMMARY. NORTHWEST NOTES. : 1 A heavy storm has caused considerable damage to crops in lower New Jersey. Pe-ru-n- a. An automobile mail service between San Juan and Ponce, P. R., was begun Women Also Reconv last week. mend I In Clinton, N. C., fire destroyed Grey, 174 Alabama street, forty-tw- o stores and residences, causIJSphis, Tenn,, a society woman of ing a loss of Sioo.ooo. Tob a At Union, Ark., llarvey Seaton threw ciety woman whose ner-- ! often taxed to the utmost is force a stick of dynamite under Pink Gibson-blowiniom lack of rest and irregular meals I him to pieces. tnow of nothing which is of so much few a took A it Lneflt as 1erunft. I conspiracy against the life of the Lnths ago when I felt my strength of Uruguay, Dr. Cuestas, has president kin away, and it soon made itself been in Iluenos Ayres. discovered lanifest in giving me new strength Blanch -Miss Miss Harrison was gored to Jennie ind health. Thirty-sevent- h death by a bull in a pasture at Ode-ma- h, Mrs. X. Schneider, 2400 lace. Chicago, 111., writes: in Greer county, Oklahoma, After taking several remedies with to take The last town of Shipshewana, in the I year result. began ut I was northwest comer of La Grande county f our valuable remedy, Peruna. complete wreck, llad palpitation of Ind., was nearly wiped out by fire. he heart, cold hands and feet, female c sink-Three persons were killed and more reakness, no appetite, trembling, than 100 injured in the celebration of feeling nearly all the time. You said was suffering from systemic catarrh, this year's Fourth of July in Chicago. nd I believe that I received your help followed The treaty of trade, commerce and time. I of your o the nick irections carefully and can say amity between the United States and hat 1 am well again. I cannot thank Spain was signed in Madrid on the 3rd. ou enough for my cure. locat-d- . Americans in Havana and elsewhere wherever catarrh cures Peruna In.tbe islands of Cuba celebrated the Peruna is not a guess nor an experiment it is an absolute scientific Fourth with a great show of patriotPeruna has no substitutes no ism. ivala Insist upon having Peruna. At Eskridge, Kan., E. J. Bowden A tree book written by Dr. Hartman m the subject of catarrh in Its differ-lwas drowned in a pond. He was In phases and stages, will be sent the water bathing and was overcome free to any address by the Peruna by cramps. Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio. Catarrh is a systemic disease curable News from Cauca, Colombia, is to the Inly by systemic treatment A remeffect .that the revolutionists there aim must directly edy that curescatarrh have been reduced to a few guerrilla it the depressed nerve centers. This is bands of no importance. that Peruna does. If you do not derive prompt and satis-ctor- v At Benton Harbor, Mich., Robert results from the use of Peruna, . . Wilson of Detriot, and Ward Kbfr, irrite at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case and he will aged 17, of South Bend, Ind., ad-lipleased to give you hia valuable drowned while bathing. gratia acciTwo hundred and eighty-tw- o j Address Dr. Ilartman, Pesident of O. of cause due Columbus, to the Hartman dents the Sanitarium, exploslvea In day were reIndependence celebrating ported at New York City. It is quite probable that the signal R of lh corP and it will toll you when to stop as it take away the desire fortobacco. You have no right to ruin your health, spoil your digestion and poison w.Ti.lelegrapby in the coming joint your breath by using the filthy weed. A guarantee in each box. Price army and naval maneuvers. $1.00 per box, or three boxes for $2.50, with guarantee to cur or H. L. Hurlbut, a Boston hotel mtn, us. Write for freo booklet lioney refunded. At ail good Druggists or direct from committed suicide la Seattle by taking La SUREKA CHEMICAL a heavy do6e of morphine. The motive for the suicide is not known. WOMENS ADVANCE IN JAPAN. The Imperial government has notified the acting premier of Cape Colony that Magnificent University Constructed the eolonial parliament should be asfor Their Benefit sembled as speedily as possible. Six years ago the drst conference A train on the East India railroad, was held In Toklo for the purpose of near Rampureha, was blown down an laying plans for a university exclusiveembankment by a cyclone. Thirteen ly for women. Now the university Is an accomplished fact. In April, 1901, persons were killed and fifteen were the buildings were completed, (50,000 Injured. having been expended In erecting The war department stopped the them. The number of professors and boxing contests at Lawton, Oklahoma, Instructors Is now forty-six- . The numscheduled for last week, by forbidding ber of students. Including those In th any soldier to eDgage in a fight with a perparatory school. Is 650. Both the offered. professors and the students live in prize balls or houses" similar to the High windstorms in the neighbordormitories at various American col- hood of Momence, 111., blew down sevGood Things to Eat From Iihhi'i(anftnhTiUnle kuhn. leges. Each hall has its matron. The eral barns and railroad buildings and vLrt purity proraila. Ail iumu owd im departments are three, named after Injured twelve persons. None are rethe study which forms the basis of in- ported fatally hurt. struction In each, though, of course, At Abiquiu, Rio Arriba county, N. many other studies are Included io the general program. There Is the de- M., the Chalma river has dried up for In partment of Japanese literature, the the second time lu 100 years. Water also is in section streams that other of and literature English department lower than ever before. the department of domestic science. Secret political agents are fomenting A Great Piece of Railroad Work. on work uprisings in the Caucausus, of peasant With the completion to the recent outbreaks against similar the western division, the Chicago, Comubby, mcneill a libby, chicaoo In the provinces of Kharlandowners Railway and Quincy Burlington doukov and Toltava, Russia. pany will have practically a new ble track main line through the State Members of the Royal Arcanum in of Iowa. For several years an enorto the number of 2,200, are Brooklyn, mous work has been going on and as detectives to discover enlisted be to been expendmillions of dollars have who shot Albert C. Latithe burglar ed In reducing grades, taking out of the order. officer an and putmer, track curves, building double a Near Metropolis, 111., A. B. Dusch If von .offer from snr ting In new steel bridges. hf the United States mends Treasury Recom-- ! kc Pe-TUn- a. f g to-da- y cer-aint- y. ot we ce "T CO., the - Crosse, WIs. r D LIBBYS Natural Flavor Food it ral Products PAY WHEN CURED. Upholds Unique Will. Chief Judge David Terrance of the Connecticut Supreme Court of Errors has decided for the validity of a be' K "'iiiinwiy ?!, ui llivi.vi mv o.ni. .nd .ddraoitw, quest of $100,000 made to controvert our cure. In orlr.ie dlMM.1 the doctrine of the Immortality of th egItt iuoii,h plolurM would betrr fr yn.d.nc., H.no. w. soul. The testator, Sidney Hall, was to iro?r our .kill In rl an eccentric who gave much atudy to gf imunlo. In 'Ur f. TUI. 1. our religious questions. He died In Hartiw wr too Oral tnd ford three years ago, being then a t n r.tton- member of the Advent church of that fre whn too ere wr.d. Ton ran plac. He left the sum named to th , Christian Publication Society uduronon, .orrt..nf Advent ' I ni HInii.ir J of Boston, which he charged with Its tbonund. ol ii.il.nt. .UdortOd U. how ?' expenditure for the purpose meno turn Clf, !' I'i.-w- IU , tioned. Relatives contested the will, ril.tlnot we I Ih.te fre but Judge Torrance has finally disU.UI d.uj.nd A. Z. IRORIR. Pit. 'V "" of the matter by holding the Mnhwd.H.mlnnl W..kn.., Virlrerelk, posed nrtbi,mnUonorrho... ttjphlltl .nd .11 clause valid. Con.ulieilon "1 f i..!'or In poreon. (.nil or write..nd .drlo. fro, mope the tMlighCoUl Work Off the WE CURE CATARRH Frlce-ao- . Laxative BromoQuiuiue Tablets. . '. J" Organized iron molders of New York City and, vicinity announce that they gained a peaceful victory, 2,200 of their number having been granted the nine-ho- ur day through arbitration proceedings between representatives of the, union. While protecting hie sweetheart, Anne Wilson, from the Insults of two men who, she declared, are unknown t ke I, n e i , Henri, nt to her, Thomas Ksne of Chicago was r WUd1rr. Nerr. Hfctn, air. - J wouii mod fatally atabbed. The affair occurred Consider Kaisers Dignity. subnear Ohio street and waa witnessed by Foreign comic papers are being W"tl0Uf! Kri In Gercensorship strict a I Sun to a number of persons. jected Is ended was the coldmany Just now. A special lookout in The month SHORES SII0RXS, being kept for those published con- est June In just Kansas City since th I America which contain pictures XMRT SPCCIALIST. establishment of the weather office, sidered disrespectful to th kaiser. June of 1989 losing the record. There jlYOff BLOCK. 56 W. Second Se. St. Infalllbls a Is for SALT LAKE CITY. rutoe Curs Coniumptloe N. W. Bamusl, has been much cool, cloudy weather, msdtclDS for cough sod eohlv but the rainfall has been .61 of an end Ocesa G inch below normal. ;?,W,ARD. E- - BURTON,', HIT.! mlo. nrann itireot, t V. l.reiltll, Gen. Cronje, the Boer commander, Stoppsd. Trick Sharp u.ild, : l,.l,1 . t,ilrer.7frii tlulil, 0P i' !,l,,'.tl.llilcl,stlr.ret:,ii...r,i.(m. kt.ll-a- -, r A new Catholic church at Heldet who with hia array was capture by lonor .ddroM. Llxilorf oy.ua hen work Lord Roberts at laardeburg, Orange "V w to Jfl Um., IK, berg was almost finished ''bidden. was entrance and Male. In February, 1000, has stopped of the Free ASHA VS. busta certatn Kriumr. It appeared that S .71 taken the oath of allegiance to King Hold .nd Sllrar... , ttol I.HIIrer .lid Cnri1'. I.S apoatles above the high Edward. Many of the remaining ' "SH UN kUU,SAMIl,KH. beard MEN ASSAY CO. UWfMS: choir, having large patriarchal srs following bis example. were auddenly visited by th parish prisoners Costs Itlca, th Fourth Jose, ban In Iboa authorities and their b,rd held in the American reception of July off. being nn,n8,J pulled, cam William L. Merry Mlnleter legation by formed of plaster of parts th of President Esquivel rest attended was by the rubbed to resemble aeon to and bis cabinet, the members of the then were busts The beads. th consular and diplomatic corps and be portraits of the architect, the aeulptor, end builder many prominent citizens of Sen Jose, ' fI, the I 7 h j' ?"' M ') thiki iff1! i set -i , put rojrt. ; nfF-''-, ' Is j with rd s I"'1 Dtl( shot and killed WillWoods during a quarrel. Woods accused Dusch of having insulted his sweetheart. Both belong to prominent families. Emit and Edgar Linberg, aged 13 and 11 years, respectively, were drowned at Rock Island, 111. The boys wars on a raft which capsized in a ravine which had been filled by recent rains. a pS. Cl: mil-- r I Edward A, Slack has been appointed receiver of public moneys at Chejsene, Wyoming. Iu Portland, Oregon, by order of the chief of police, all gambling houses in that city have been closed. August Schievie was banged at SL Helena, Or., last week for the murder of Joseph Sehulkowskl on December 20th last. A lone highwayman held up a gambling house at bpokane, Wash., last week and secured about (1,600 from the gamblers hacks. The robber left no clue as to bis identity. Articles of incorporation of the Montana Smelting and Refining company, under the laws of the state of South Dakota, have been filed in Butte. The capital stock is (3,000,000. Disappointment in a love affair and in her ambition to become an actress caused Miss Pauline Davison, aged 20 years, to commit suicide at Denver, Colo,, last week with chloroform. Judge Loud of the district court has rendered a most important decision affecting the wool growers of Montana. The judge ruled that the warehouse companies can incorporate under- - the law of the state. James Birch, a miner from Erie,. Colo., attempted to board a moving train at Redding, Cal., one day last week and met a horrible death. His headless body was found between the rails near the depot. John Valentine, of. Butte, Mont., was convicted of gambling In Judge McClernana courtand fined (2.10 by the court. This is the first conviction of a defendant accused of gambling out of nearly twenty trials. In southern Wyoming threatening clouds have obscured the sun for the hours and snow has past twenty-fo- ur fallen the greater part of that time, accumulating in the mountains to a depth of several inches. Fire at Carson, Xev., last week destroyed the Stale Orphan home. The fire is supposed to have started from fireworks used by the children. No lives were lost. The loss to the stale will be (20,000, covered by insurance. In a street car accident at Boulder, Colo., one woman was klllcdand twenty persona Injured. The cart were heavily loaded and the brakes failed to bold the train. It rushed down the bill with tremendous velocity, the train overturning at a bend In the track. In a wreck on the Montana Central railway, seventeen miles east of Great Falls, Mont., Engineer Charles Feck and Fireman William McCameron were instantly killed. The wreck was caused by a washout due to the heavy rains, and both the engineer and fireman were horribly mangled and crushed in the crash. The annual report of the Collector of Internal Revenue, Dunne, for the district of Oregon, Washington and Alaska for the fiscal year ending July 1st, shows that the sale of revenue stamps amounted to (1,001,885. After July 1st the district will be divided, W. D. Croker of Walla Walla having been appointed collector for Washington and Alaska. John Henderson, a famous soldier and scout, died at Havre, Moot,, Sunday, aged 73 years. Henderson was a scout in the Indian campaigns and went to the northwest for the Canadian government as representative In that capacity. Henderson assisted in the capture of Louis Reil and later at Leglna. banged that A most diabolical attempt was made at Butte, Mont., last week to chloroform a family of seven persons with the object, It Is presumed, of abducting Eva McGaffrey, a quarter-breeIndian girl. The perpetrator of the deed Is said to have been Peter Dempsey the condemned murderer who escaped from the county jail about a year ago. Dempsey Is known to have been enamoured of tho Indian girl prior to his arrest. Asa result of a cutting scrape at Denver, Colo., last week, one man will likely die and one man may lose a leg. William and EH Farris were horribly cut about the arms sod hands, the former also being stabbed just below th heart and will not recover. Frank Foster, who did the cutting, was terribly beaten and had his leg broken In two places, so that amputation is necessary. Tbe trouble started by Foster Insulting one of the Farris brothers. In Pboeolx, A Hr.., last week Alexander O. Brodie took the oath of office before Chief Justice Kent In th executive chamber of the capltol building and Immediately entered upon the discharge of his duties as governor ol half-bree- d d Arizona. In the stalecircuitcourtstFortlsnd, Or., Judge Frazer signed an order rt' straining the union teamsters, formerly employed by th llanfieid-VeyseFuel company, from Intimidating or Interfering with the employees of the y company. Fred F. Orosshsns, a former resident of Detroit, Mich., committed suicide in aPortlaud, Or., lodging house one dty last week by shooting himself with a revolver. Groashtns Is said to be joint beir to a considerable estate In Detroit. CHANGE IN CUSTOMS SOME ANCIENT th Modern Druggist Would Find It Hard te Fill. The leech of the middle ages had his own way of treating wounds aad disease. These methods were aot exactly In line with those practiced by For instance, physicians. here la what would hare been done for baby cutting his teeth la oldea Prescription TOMBSTONES DISPLAY FEWER TOKENS OF AFFECTION. Tributes to the Memory of Departed Loved Ones Are Commonplaoe pared to Those of th Past Com- . to-da- y t I : b lu, DOCTORS ARMY New Ovr Fifty SCARCR ARB Vacancies In Assist- ant 8urgeon List Vacancies still continue la th com- missioned medical corps of th army, notwithstanding the efforts of thesm geon general to secure , doctor! foi this branch of the sarvtc. Th professional examination Is more or less rigid, but to a ywang doctor, newly graduated. It ougjfit not to be suoh an Insurmountably obstacle, as In many cases It seemli to prove. Th physical requirements are also very strict, and quit a number of applicant fall t pass inis part of th examination wher they would doubtleae have succeeded professionally. There are over fifty vacancies, to b j filled, and the examining board la always in session. Applicant should address th surgeon general of th army at Washington, and receive la reply the necessary blanks containAn assistant sun ing Information. geon In th army commences his military life with the rank, pay, and allowances of a captain. He receives a commission which cards with It Ilf tenure. Nourishment analyzod chemically by him, and he finds that the wood has vastly mor albumen, nitrogen and fatty substance than the straw. The Inventor claim "a very cheap cattle food can be prepared In this manner, to which may be added potato peelings, corn husks and shells of grain, and the residue from the sugar beet after the sugar has bean extracted. Where Morality Is Unknown. "After two years of life In the Quar tier Latin," says Charles Theodord Murray, where I got my studies of French character for 'Milo. Fouchette, I may freely say that it Is the worst place in the world to send a young man or woman If you entertain an) hope of meeting him or her In heaven, I have had much experience In the rolt of Journalist and have Investigated th alums of Indon and Liverpool, know th Tenderloin of New York, and thi 'attractions' at Berlin and Vienna, but for downright Satanic Ingenuity anf viciousness and debauchery you must go to the Quartler Latin For It is here that Immorality Is ao cepted as a virtue, and real virtue has no line of demarcation to distinguish It from Immorality. No young man ot young woman can survive such environment untarnished, and many ar ruined for life. That which, like Lon don slums, Is repulsive Is not dangerous It Is attractive vico, sugar-coateImmortality, which Is dangerous and that Is what young men and women find In the Quartler Latin." d i. Mm. Wlmtowe Rootlilnff Hyrnp.' For children teething, eiftene Ilia gnrnt, reduoe, cure, wind oulln. tto n boll). for Cattle Than Straw. Wood Is to be the newest food, says Heinrich Reb, a professor of chemlBtry In Berlin. He baa secured a patent upon a form of animal fodder which has sawdust as its chief Ingredient He argues that animals have a decided liking for young shoots, roots of shrubs, tree bark and other heavy food of the same nature, and, since experiments have proved that the nutriment contained In such growth remains In It even after It has become wood, he observes that, with a little salt and water added to It, the sawdust will prove to be a highly nourishing diet. lie bas statistics to prove It Dine, birch, poplar, alder, acacia, beech and walnut woods and straw hare been gllt-edgo- d I . VALUE OF WOOD FOODS. More , i fire, hys syde; when ye wolde use It, lay it, with bladders of saffron, with a clothe to ye sore place" Should a boy, happy possessor e! his very first knife, cut himself, the bleeding of the wound may thus be stanched: Write y four letters, blood of y A, O, G, L, with y wtfund about ye wound." To preserve a family from poison or Infectious complaints a more complicated course Is advised: "Take ye two walnuts, two fygges, twentle lev ( rue and an ounce of alt, all atampt and myxed together, eatt ytt fasting, whyshe aa tldote, Kynge Mltbrldstes, he dydd so moeh us that when he dydd drynk poison to kylle hymselfe, yl dydd take non affect. said: It seems to me that the living of are not quite so affectionate about their dead as their forefathers used to be. Leastwise they dont show It on the tombstones. 8a!d to Contain I ! i times: Take a live Mowle and put hya in a braise pot and drowyne hymmo, cut bym In quarters and hangs thomme on a thred to drye by ye An old sexton In one of the down town burial grounds was arranging plants In the old yard where he has been for many years. Coddled a bit he talked, and this is part of what he If you will examine closely you will find on every tombstone In this yard some tender words. Here lies the beloved wife;' there, At rest In the bosom of God; over yonder, Tell asleep In Jesus;' again, In loving remembrance of a devoted wife; Just beyond, In the blessed hope of a glorious Immortality. There Is a tribute to every one of the dead In this yard. You will find around the corner a monument erected To the memory of a beloved aunL You see it made no difference a long lime ago what the kinship was. All these stones are not In memory of a husband, or wife, or son, or daughter. Do you remember the Inscription on that monument away up on Riverside Drive, in the shadow of Grants tombt Erected to the memory of an amiable child Is the reading, although few people ever quote It correctly. You will wander about the cemeteries of New York a long time before you will find an Inscription like thaL I suppose amiable children still live and die, but who ever thinks of saying so on a tombstone after the child Is deadT In the newer cemeteries are many costly monuments and tablets and mausoleums. They are erected, no as doubt, with as much affection those old stones were. But you dont find any of the tender tributes cut on them which you find here, granting that you have to look pretty closely ' for some of these. The 'beloved aunt' hasnt anything of that kind to her memory orf th On some modern tombstone. pi th costly shafts I have seen in the newer cemeteries I read the name jot tho dead, his birth and death. Nothing to tell whether the dead was a father, a husband, a brother or a son. They say it makes no difference to the dead. Well, thats so, I suppose. But I cant help thinking that It kind ,o Interests the living. It makes you think a little better of the world to read that it bas remembered a devoted wife; that It has missed a man who has passed away In the hope of better things; that the loved aunt was not forgotten. As you pass out through the east gate, sir, you will see a slab on which there Is hardly a letter to be deciphered. But before the cuttings wore away they read, Hlc Jacet a Noble Friend. Docs any modern stonecutter ever cut Hlc Jacet? And where will you find a slab or monument to a 'Noble Friend? The Blab's to the left as you go out" New York Sun. LORE. MEDICAL , U' Hall's Catarrh Car Is a constitutional cure. Price, 75a. HAD MIXED THE GENDERS. Frenchman Apologises for Slight Ml take In Hie Grammar. At th annual dinner of th Yal divinity achool President Hadley told this story as his contribution: A Frenchman called on the mayor of Chicago, and ae the visitor started to go h felt he must apologize for taking so much of the mayors time. " I fear I have cockroached on your time, Mr. Mayor, and I extremely regret 1L he said. "'Oh, no, not at all, ray dear sir. That word, though, my dear fellow, Is hencroached. "Pardon me. sir rejoined the Frenchman, as he shook hands with his honor, I was mixed up In my genders. Baltimore to Honor Schley. Baltimore Is considering a plan of changing th came of Its North avenue to Schley avenue In honor of the rear admlraL The present name Is no longer appropriate, th northern boundary of tbe city haring extended far beyond th avenue. iru lb PENSION I. C. this Weahliif ton, recalva quirk replies. H. Hh N.lI.Voll 1171 sutb since Corps rrotrculiot Claim guff 111 WHY LIVE ALCXF? ivlM (wr Mi - iiau-- t A LluL ImsiuUi 7 - W. L. DOUGLAS & SHOES $3 W. L. $39 Douglas shoes ar the stanThis Is a the reason dard of the world. W. L. Douglas mitkps and ee Is more mens (3.00 and (3.60 shoes than any other two manufacturers. 84 SHOES W. L. DOUCLA3IXCCLLED. , CANNOT ES a EE -- iU03, S20I . rUrtCtFf yt.,4 Hat. X I ngana. Thf Full "" 12,310,00 Calf. CW Color Z yrl-- t- hmmI. w. I, DOUOI.A W botluiu vAUilOQ biti mad pitiM Etatupwl mail, SJc. txtra. lllut. Catalog. Sho$t W- - L. POtOLAS, BROCKTON, MASS. b , |