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Show The Spanish Fork Vol. No. 14. 1, SPANISH FORK, UTAH, THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1902 DR. W. E. WARNER, If mean Arkansaw, Ami likewise means Arkansas, Pray tell, should Then be pronouneed Newarkansaw Or simply Newarkansas? k CITY COUNCIL. and residence three and a halt blocks north Office of Drug Store. Under this head The Press will print I' tali, such At the city council meeting last articles, written by the pupils of Even rough men can be gentle tho schools, as the teachers may be Tuesday night the following business was w H. transacted: hen they meet a real woman. SLATER, DR- ) pleased to hand in. Copy must be in no later than Monday night. A proposition for surveying and John F. Bible was & supervising of proposed waterworks Office at The Origin of the Constitution. lad been received by the mayor mayor of Ioitia, Mich. He polled :rom F. C. Kelsey of Salt Lake, the church vote. Spanish Fork Drag Companys Store. also Messrs. Burns & McDonald of Abilene, Kansas, has a boy whose A state constitution consists of a Kansas City, Mo., which were read. name is Gee! . bn W. BUCHHOLDT, Sandy Mustard. bill of rights, a frame of governReport of city recorder of city whiz, he must be hot stuff. ment which describes the officers finances was read, and on motion and their duties, various minor pro- of Williams referred to committee Office Over Spanish Fork Bank. In some of the farming districts 5 , Hours 0 a. m. till p. m. Examina visions, defining the boundary of a on finance. of China pigs are harnessed to small tion Free. state, telling what persons have a The following bids for building wagons and made to draw them. ttah. right to vote, the method of amend- a new fence around the city square Spanish Fork, If a man is inclined to lead a ing and ratifying the constitution, were read; and requirements concerning the David E. F. THOMAS, fast life lid should lead it to the ; $387.00 Robertson, matand other schools, corporations and tie it. Davis Brothers, 389.00 nearest hitchiug-pos- t ' . i ters. D. T. Evans, 435.00 Men old before Simond 898.00 grow A bill of rights has the effect of Johnson, they know and ABSTRAC1ER. & 422.25 Chambers, it, but women always grow old limiting the power of an officer of Gay Boom No. 7, Knight Block, PROYO. R. C. Larson, iron, 1500.00 before they let any one else know it. government by specifying the Isaac Bowers, 399.00 rights and priviledgea that mu&t On motion of Councilor Brock Occassionally a man succeeds in Spanish Fork Drug Co, not be taken from a citizen. bank the bid of Dayid Robertson startling tho world, but fortunately A full line of Drugs, This part of the constitution is was accepted, provided he furnished be cant keep it startled very long. Chemicals, Medicines, derived in part from a document 7 Fancy and Toilet Artibonds. cles, Perfumery. Toilet memorable in English history, and satifactory An old bachelor says it Is eviThe proposition of the city leasSoaps, Sponges, Brushes. in it are the a recognized principles, I Physicians Prescrip-m-- or buying a gVavel pit was pre- dently greater pleasure to die for ing trial taxation some women than it is to live with by sented by representation, jgr tions Carefully by Jones; this was referred them. jury, right of a speedy trial, and to committee on streets ahd alleys. Utah. . . Spanish Fstl, compensation taken for public pur- The matter of buying a suitable Mrs. Daisy Gentleman of Chiposes. of ground for dumping rubpiebe SAXEY, cago has sued for a divorce. She The Petition of Rights, enacted A. bish was referred to the same com- sots 1628 Up the claim that he is merely in the House of Commons in Attorney-at-Lamittee. a 'gent. from Charles 1 explained some of Conveyancer and Notary Public. On motion of Councilor Brock-ban- k deand more these & plainly, rights Office Over Robertson If a man tries to stand on his the committee on public Argyles Drug Store. nied the government the right to inand was dignity the chances are that some . city property ttah. quarter troops upon citizens in the grounds SpanUh Fork, structed to get the sprinkler re less dignified chap will come along time of peace. paired and put in shape for use, and Bit on him. ltqtftfisoq. The Habeas Corpus Act passed also to advertise for bids for run l 9 9 9 9 in 1679 made it more difficult for Mimi,an elephant belonging to a We Dont Keep the sprinkler during the sumthe government to keep a citizen ning ' Frenchman, acts as nurse to a baby mer season. in prison without a just cause. of her trainer. Mimi is especially We Sell Them, Adjourned. According to this act if a man fond of rocking the cradle. Spanish Fork, Physician Entered Feb. 21, 1902, as Second-Clas- s Matter, Postrtnca at Spanish iorls, Utah, Actol Congress ol March 3, lwo. s u 0 Surgeon, DENTIST. H NOTARY PUBLIC t n W. O, Creers Building, Spanish Fork, Ut. Jgx Lumber Company, IB ED Bailed Hay & Produce I on Com-founde- d. Manufacturers of AND Building Material. w, BROOMS Spanish Fork, Utah and X(iclelsor HEAD STONES. That's All. thought himself unjustly impri- soned he oould apply to any court the vicinity, and if sufficient was not showed, the court cause F1MII031BLE must require his release. Town charters were used in EnOne block north of Ban , glish towns, which was a document .. ttah. that granted rights and pnviledges Spanish Fork, t to the people, and also contained a frame of government for the town. & The first document which reFresh and Cured Staple and Fancy ceived the name constitution in Groceries. America was the Grand Model preMeats. pared by John Locks iu 1069, This Highest Cash Frice Paid for Grand Model was called The FunHides and Felts. LORENZO THOMAS . ERDMAN PARK, ttah. damental Constitution Spanish Fork, After my five months trip East, Where 1 I have visited the large wagon and buggy factories, also plow works, I am now prepared to manufacture Wagon and Buggy Wheels, Buggy Polos and Shafts; also Plow Work. Always keep a large quautity of wagon material on hand. J. Pedersen. A. i First-clas- material and workmanship Guaranteed. Opposite Bank, Spanish Fork. s B. H. BROWN, Stable. ; of Carolina. Charters were granted to the Plymouth and London companies by the king, Rhode Island, like each of the ether colonies, had liberal charter, and at the time of the Revolutionary War it did not seem to take the trouble of adopting their old charter as a stato constitution, but used it as a constitution until 1S42. When an attempt was made to dispense with Livery i this charter and form a state con- stitution it created great trouble.; With the exception of Rhode Island and Connecticut, each o the thirteen colonies formed a state This constitution constitution.,. ,1 denounced the authority of the king, and set. forth, a documen tlah that the government of rights belonged to the people. The three departments of gov ernment fire, the legislative, which rnke Jhe laws; the executive, which enforce tlieiu, and the judicial, which carries .them out. New states wen formed by di viding Ptates, and out of territories Hack Meets all Trains 'rnoxe No. 12. ( Spanish Fork, Spanish Fork Co-Ooeratl- vD institution, that were nCvet connected to Dealers in General Merchandises Flour, Grain and Produce! - Manufacturers of Harness, and Boots Shoes. John jones, supt. pauUh Fork. GENTS and LADIES . ttah. State's A territory becomes a staid ns the population increases; hud as a desire arises for a stato constitu tion, then Corigreis passes what is called the ''Enabling Act.1 In pursuance to this net people of the territory agree upon having a constitution, and it to approv'd by Congress, the territory becomes a state. Hut in some instances Hie people of n territory form a constitution and it becomes a fctate without the AnnuJ Johnson. enabling act. WHEELS at Right Prices and Fully Guaranteed. HEBERC.JEX. For the Reunion at the B. Y. A sign writer wa3 directed to get commemoration of up a window card for a special sale I have the agency for the leading firm of the werld, The American Dr. Maesers management on May of ice skates and this is what he Cycle Manufacturing company of Chicago. Bowen & Jones Cheap 29th, and Commencement Excer-cise- s wrote: May 29tli and 30th, a rate of Skates. And then he got fired. one fare for the round trip will be Delinquent Notice. A who endeavored man Quincy given by the Rio Grande Western Blizzard Mine & Milling Comto Provo. Dates cf sale, May 28, to kick a cat off the porch fell and Location and principal broke his neck. In these bootjack pany. 29 and 30. Paris, less days it is much safer to use a place of business, Spanish Fork London , Utah, shotgun in the closing exercises of Berlin , HOME MISSION ART LIST. NOTICL-Th- ere are delinquent a feline concert. Vienna and upon the following described stock New York Appointments for Kebo Stake for Hello, Pat! haye you seen Mika on account of assassment No. 1, April 27, 1902. Published lately? Yes, begorra! Oi thought levied on the 11th day of February, monthly in 2 of for Time all Oi saw him across the street t'other 1902, the several amounts set meeting, p. m., places except Knightsville, where day, and ho thought he saw me, opposite the hames of the respective meeting is held at 7:30 p. m. hut when we got up to one another, shareholders, as follows: No. ot Payson First ward: bedad, it was neither of us! cer tl. Shares. Am' William S. Tanner, 2 Nick Fairbanks est 27 1,000 Joseph S. Bills, I Upon the graves ot the dead in 120 250 5 theTurkish cemeteries little vessels jLlew Jones, Payson Second ward: 209 2.500 John Stahila, 5 ( 210 o? water are placed for the benefit Elias Jones, 2.500 F. A. lluish. 1 ( 500 40 Ileber C Jcx, of the birds, and some of, the mar i 0 71 8 Lake: 1.500 Spring t bio tombs have basins chiseled out t Subscriptions taken hy ns. 400 131 Onemdiaw, Roger copies 5 cents. Single 2 ( . Ezekiel Greonhalgli, for.the, 1,0(10 pppere, thpeiipersti AarCj, raersoh, 41 All seams allowed In patterns. 200 131 tion being that biids carry mess- Santnquin: No guessing for a tit. A high 1 50 Adam 2,000 Burt, Peter Roberts, ages about the living to the dead, grade pattern for a cheap price. i 100 " 138 William Finch. and, like everybody else in Turkey, 20 139 10,000 North, Goshen: are suspected of being spiteful un- - George ,, 174 50,000 100 00 Alvah J Moore, less 'something is done to curry Martha II Moore, 207 12.500 25 00 BAZAR ( Win. 11. Page. their favor. Hi 2.500 5 00 Knightsville: 1 80 900 144 Geo. A Storrs, Few people have any idea of the Nephi.Otteson, 67 9 00 4.500 , Call and got the latest fashion Charles White. 6 00 B,000 sheets free at the (i enormity of the insurance business Joseph G Jensen, 50 1 45 723 110 Benjamin: ,, of the United States. It not only 11 nh eiis Bingham, 2 50 j Young Mens 1,230 108 exceeds that of any other country, 8. M. Richardson. 125 23 1G9 but is twice as great as that of all Consolidated Co-O- p, Lake Shore: And in accordance with law and At the the rest world of combined. Eli J. Clayson, , Directors the present time there is in the order of tho Board of Joseph S. Bellows. of Spring house cleaning call for 11th made on the day February, United States about S.OOOJKlO.OtH) new paper on your walls. We Spanish Fork First ward: each of par,sre i)"'Ning about 250 beautiful Screnus Gardner, of life insurance in force, including 1902, so many shares Good delivered in 21 be necesRufus P. Snell. ; assessment business. This meaqs cel of such stock as may lioms, will bb sold at tke o files of X' Spanish Fork Second ward: ovet$160 for every man, woman. sary f John II. Hayes, ?' fchiH in tt. countij, or SS00 Jaiul In jour spring deeoraling dont on John E. lluish. t Spanish bork, Utah, for risks annua! The forget that w,e Can frame your very family. the 2?jth day of April, 1902, at the Spanish Fork Third wafdl tho picture pietures lit wriien the tire insurance com by Johvi Mooro, hour.tf 10 oclock a. in., to pay the mans price. panics are estimated ut ?20,000,00( V delinquent awessment thereon, to--! . Joseph Crump, 000, which is $2.70 pet capita, or Sl MV't with the Cost of advertising tepaiilsh Folk Fourth Ward! A. B. Simmons,; 250 per family, Thmpit will be setn lant cirilsu-William GrotegUt, that eVory family in llm country, on Falthyfa! an aVernge; lms insurance assets of Ylll Academy in Sunday, I C MS CALL Patterns I . s. r ' f-'1- ". B uuc-hal- f ( Ted Wood Ut l , Rveii Evenson; N. P. Jenson, leloml wnrd: Edward Beddows, Joseph A. Stone. For the itchooi In Salt Salem Ward: John tl. ScharriVn George T, Wrido, tsAHAL Di Perry'S Su'd Annua! foi or$2(k)0. Mi'Oll 18 820 m tlm Uio Gfundc K; Clerk. II, e ttiU'I if diwrihcs crrtifir.t. ,h,. will i,4 a fifth lo ,rl-c- , of WoSlerrt fifty. For further patticulats aei'J II. J. Cooprf, agent Ppaulsb Fork. Also gives, li'a n i k ck'VT, r.i.. fisivC'if l,.iltUv. stab VVILKORD PERRY. Hack Me M.f.DSflAJf, tld w. Ornwr Sin-- i. lioyack tables) Feed, Sale &Tran$ University hdimnet hake June 9 to July nl.ko rnti ot one tar. . varieties Iroto t lh, VpBdiih |