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Show THE MURRAY nd Tht Thursday, N (Utah) EAGLE AdvtrMitr Cage Play Opens On December 4 Pie-Seaso- November 26, 1959 - 1 . . - - Volleyball Tilt To nr K A- - Brockbank Brockbank traveled Magna to Valley junior high Thursday, for their last volleyball game of the season. At the half the Valley team led, but the Brockbank "A" squad soon caught up and were victorious. The score jumped back and forth between the two teams but the final verdict was 8 In favor of the "Bees". Top "A" squad players were Ivan Turpin and Larry Headrick. The "B" squad were also winners by a score of Key players for this team were RanNester and dy Craig Ridd. Brockbank compiled an outstanding record losing only to Evergreen, which finished first, with Brockbank second. This record has not been exceeded In Brockbank's history and the student body are very proud of this year's team. Coaches were LJaVar Adams and Jerry Christensen. IK 72 S.1 J7 42 .21 11 V 18-1- 1. A Brunson, Doug Orr, Mike Hess, larry Denney, James Dang, Richard Roberts, Terry Teeples, Tom Palmer, Norman Halla-da- y and Coach Don Rydalch. Row Four: Coach Carl Ebert, Robert Van Meer, Richard Smith, LeRoy Cunliffe, Barry Moore, Lynn Wendel, Jack Mackay, Jim Thomas, Aaron Kennard, Mike Davis and Coach Don Snow. Back rows Doug Rydalch, Terry Orme, Myron Bloke, Jesse Kaas, Eldon Sorenseiv Glen Weidauer, Arden lewis, Bob Batt and Dean Whitworth. THE 1959-6GRID EDITION of Granger high school was the running for the Region Four championship most of the season before bowing out in the final weeks of play. In the front row from left: Ken MacKay, Mike Foote, Doug Taylor, John Taylor, Ed Bras, Clint Nelson, Steve Holden, Bill Riley and Roy Mackay. Second row from left: Duane Johnson, Robert Cowan, tynn Jacobs, Kurt Gleare, Raymond Coats, Bjorn Moksnes, lee Shjrgill and Bob McKay Row Threes Coach Harry W. 0 in , Opej In Reams Kearns Takings its place among Kearns firms this week Is Kearns Home Furnishings, which will be operated by a n businessman of the communituy Shelly Rolfe. The new store will be located in the Kearns Shopping Center 1st Winning Season in the building which formerly housed Harman's Cafe. For Granger Eleven The firm will feature such name brands as General s, Granger For young Granger rage 7, Col. 8) high school, the 1959 gridiron campaign was a notable success. In fact, by most any standards the charges of Coach Don Rydalch turned in a creditable year. Their 3 record for all games was one of the best in the Salt Lake area. Their 2 mark in Region Four competition netted the Lancers third place, just below their two conquerors, Murray and Bingham. Totalled, the '58 and '59 seasons now show seven victories and 11 losses for the Granite district high school which sprung out of the prairie only two short years ago; whose students donned grid pads for the first time in the fall of 1951 There were stages of the current season during which Granger loomed as a regional titlist. After four games they sported the only unsplotehed record In THE NEW the Salt Lake area in competition with Utah schools. ELEVEN QU I The Lancers launched the season by coming back from a 0 PORTABLE deficit to tumble Granite's 14-It was a notable A gift that (ivaa to much more..? Farmers in feather their cap. Even a writes so much morel The New 33-- 0 shutout at the hands of Reminoton Quiet-rit- e Eleven is Pocatello, Ida. the following th only portabl with so many major week-en- d didn't dim the lustre. ofEca typewriter eaturea: invaders, annually a power ppar capacity (10 and 810 inch The ttandari in the Spud state, have been a writing line); perennial thorn in the side of keyboard; swift, sura feather-ligh- t h frame; print-wor- k Utah opponents. touch; After trailing at the half, that's sharp and distinctive See this greatest, most useful gilt the Rydalch squad surged back Of all CVUtma time, to topple South s Cubs 24-- 6 in the third start. The PR 1 1 of extra cost! in what will following week-en- d Handaome luggage-typ- e go down in the record books as one of the first carrying case and Touch periods ever seen among Utah Method Typing Inpreps. Granger downed a potent Class B American Fork eleven, struction Booklet, Virtually the entire scor$125 A WEEK BUYS IT ing output came in the opening twelve minutes. No Down Payment The Lancers launched regional play by trimming Cyprus 14-Mecessaryl evening a series which will eventually develop Into a standing rivalry between the neighboring schools. Miners kicked Bingham's Granger titular hopes Into a rocked hat by halting the Lancers 14-- 0 in the second regional Office Machines, teuiement A SuMliet start Murray railed the Issue ARTHUR IAVIN a week later by winning a 13-- 7 43 East 4800 South battle. The IN Spartans, who won Reg-Io- n evenings Four honors, scored on .a Area Pep Clubs Plan Meeting At Granger pass in the final 15 seconds, after Granger had accumulated a 6 lead that looked safe. The fact the Lancers rebound-20-- 7 in final regional games ed to beat Tooele 0 and Jordan was a credit to their determination even though titular honors were beyond reach. Totalled, the Lancers scored 105 points in nine games; their 7-- Elec-(Flrni- 6-- foes, 101. 6-- d. 6-- ET-RIT- Stokers Continue 9-- Winning Ways Also 9. 11-in- by Ron Wright The defending Murrny champs from Murray 15th Ward downed previously unin a rugged beaten 3rd. tussle Thursday at the Murray stake house. Also continuing to boast an unblemished record were the "Stakers" who edged Murray 1st, The 4th won their first game as Blaine Moulton poured 19 points through the hoop. He was backed up by Lynn Pett with 10 and Ray Varoz with 12. as the club bounced 2nd into the cellar with a 6 victory. The winners Jumped off to a 16-lead and the 2nd cagers were never close after that. Shirtleff was the big gun for the losers, dunking In 17. Overson picked up 9 counters. The 12th crew won their second victory at the expense of with Chllds getting 8th. 40-212. Lvnn Noren, 11, and Wood. 9. D. Clove led Rth with 9. while O. Brown added 6 markers to the losing cause. There were a total of 35 fouls In the fenture game between 3rd and 15th. Mainstay. Bill of 3rd. fouled out In the closing minutes and several others were on the verge of following. It wns A close bnltle with 15th leading most of the gam. The victors jumped to a 1O-lead In the first few minutes, but 3rd came back to close the gap to 7 on some sparkling e sniping by Sammy Moore In the second ouarter. The half ended, 25-- 1 S. for 15th. nnd the champs managed to hold their edge through the lat half. landing the club to the win were Cl-- Smith with 20 points: Kramer nnd Ken Nunley aldod the cause with a snd 7 counters respectively. The nightcap found the 46-3- 9. 6-- 0- ue 36-3- 1. 20-1- 9. 55-3- Ofice. er first-quart- 5 0, 3. hotly-dis- puted De-Nl- ro I Save where you get Q insured safety, and more! 0 1H-1- long-rang- OH All high Granger Park schools in the Granite School District will send their pep clubs to a special clinic at Granger, high school Dec. 5th. Each group will demonstrate an original precision drill. Purpose of the meet is to discuss pep clubs problems. The four high schools are Granite, Granger, Olympus and Cyprus. , n Cyprus High Seniors Gain ABS Trophy thf lop bink iniereM on ouf money feJcral i ml tht nffry (rcgirdla ot imoum) bnk!n the fmat 110.000. jo on tnjoy Iniursnce up Mtik ll money w Krvt you? connection in ih community Bid WhGrO ? JuM decide, "for mj money. hi I f .... 9, 9. pre-seaso- s has announced a new en- listment program for the young man who would like to enlist now and remain home for the Christmas and New year holidays. The new set-u- p allows the person to enlist now, reserve their spot in the organization and leave for active duty anytime up to 120 days. At present, the Corps presents opportunities in aviation, electronics, communications, engin- - Record Cinderella Story er than 44-3- 6. s 65-ya- 9-- one-poi- -- '"U pp,1 9-- PERFECT CHRISTMAS GIFT FOR THE YOUNG MODEL RAILROADERI 7 Salt Ike., The U.S. Marine Coi-p- '59 Murray High Gridders 20-2- 19-1- er st ls st all-tim- 9 36-3- st 16-ya-rd once-prou- Mc-Brid- e, Redskins Eye UCLA Baffle ...... toy-Awo- y Planl pre-regio- BANK POWERPACKS 4830 South State Bulldogs 12-The Provo game launched the They moved Spartan Into loop play by shutting out It was title favorite Tooele, followed by an unimpressive 14-- 0 win over Cyprus and a 13-tilt over Granger, won. in the final 15 seconds. Though statistical victors, the Spartans had to settle for a 7 tie with Jordan, but clinched the regional flag in the romp past Bingham. lads The Oliverson-mentore- d scored 122 to their opponent's 86 for the year, shutting out three foes and limiting four others to a single tally. Individual scoring honors were shared by Glenn Pond and Ronnie Haun. Each dented the end sone four times. Dennis Sagendorf tallied three times for the Spartans and single TD's were registered by Jim Mismssh. Ken Schmidt, Dale Fuelling, Larry Charvoz. Tony Saunders and Joe Jensen. The latter halfback also booted 10 successful conversions during the year. The successful '59 year moved Coach Ray Oliverson's personal record at Murray to 13 victories, 22 defeats and a tie. It's a commendable mark when is given to the '56 and '58 seasons during which the Spartans totalled only two victories while losing 15 starts. The '57 team tied for regional to state honors but lost 14-runner-u- p Tooele In a play-of- f. Murray Bantam Basketball league will be conducted Saturday morning at 10 a.m. in the National Guard Armory. Last year, the league boasted six teams for the Murray area and plans for this season call for an eight-teaorganization. Club rosters are composed of boys between the ages of 11 and 13. Any adult desiring to aid in coaching the youths or in sponsoring players are asked to contact Maj. Lawrence Erick-o- n at the Armory. m Demo Women Plan Meefing District m of Salt Lake the Federated Democratic Women's Club will hold a convention in Carpenter's Hall, 120 W. 13th SaturSouth, Salt Lake City, . day. ' The district encompassed Salt Lake, Daggett, Summett and Tooele counties. Sessions will open at 10 a.m. with registration slated between 9 and 10 o'clock, according to Mrs. M. Phil Toulson. region president. Keynote speaker will be Reva Beck Bosone, former U.S. Congressional Representative foorn Utah. Many prominent democrats from the four counties will be present including Roxie Rom-nenational committeeman from Utah; Mrs. Jack Meickle, state vice chairman, and Mrs. William H. Henderson, county vice chairman. Election of officers for the coming year will be a highlight of the confab. Luncheon will be served at 12 noon and all Democratic women are invited to attend. For reservations call Mrs. Sunday Anderson, EL or Mrs, E, V. Chettle, y. AM win-strin- g. 7-- cliff-hang- 7 7-- ilMW IV At. 11 m . WHAT BUYS! -- hi 0 fr (I) I 1 :U vinyl ex-for- d. Heavy crepe olt. Sixes 6V'a.lt. Black only. II 11 21-1- 1 ! 10-3- X I out-w-ori- 36-2- 1. lt SB $195 I alninrle, Thanksgiving the champion Cowbovs fmm Wyoming will tarkte I)enver University on the Pioneers gridiron. The only other tilt Pits Utah State ncainst Hawaii at Honolulu Saturday, lHc. 12th, In othir action Saturday. New Mexico gave a sharp boost by downing the hlchly-touteFalcons of the Air Force Academy, 2S 27. In the vlrtnry. Loho halfback Don IVrkins busted a career record the Skyline with 2 001 yard. The prior mark of 1.901 was held by Utah Slate's Jay (ttomJormeri) from . . . fr Van He needs "something from the Drug Store.. he's on his way toCl timal season upwttinjf pl.n-f- i Colorado Slate, 14-1- In s downed and ion. ipne pliy. the IleMiins firrMl fourth with a 3 2 In tie Asrtk nd BYU tied for six with marlt. vitiilo PAINT SUPPLY 66 inches AM SizeiOVll. 1 BILL MARTIN'S try a 8 35?$. HI, rent or trad want ad. Ilinl AM - v MEN'S HEAVY DUTY 4 BUCKLE f OVERSHOES only $45 We're headquorfer for tht entire family in RUBBER Wmri 2-- 5 To fctiv, f -- Black only. 9-- 5-- 6" loafer. Heavy crepe tole. smd tilt. Mnho Montana. to firt win of the jaMS'tn. The Grir.r.iliPS also only one win for the year. Utah with a 4 overall reenrd to rime has the twM mark of fswhive state unlversitSis. Utah ,Ht,. boast s 4 6 mark and the BYU Cougars have recorded 3-- MODEL Ny. Men'i vinyl eloitic aor r.nelmm Young salvage some sat hf art inn from an otherwise hples earner thrlr locomotive, 3 con, coboove end tmk for only . . . felt average Grantsville and beat out Provo's 20-- Murray. A meeting of coaches, sponsors and players for the n 0 ts B TRAIN SET Powered A unit; dummy 3 coboot end unit; cart, track . . . jutt , . . STEAM SWITCHER e, team Bantam Cage Meeting Dafed p nn . Game-by-gam- d First Murray Branch of WALKER 1 rs Both tilts were close frays first half with the scores both games standing at 10--9 The ABS Sports of Magna at intermission. Day tie at Cyprus high w"as Highland and Bountiful con' broken Monday morning when tinned to battle it out on close the seniors downed the juniors terms in the second half while in a basketball playoff, Judge smashed its way to their Nab Region Title Loren Tracy, ABS president, lopsided win. The A final was played at the presented Ken Curtis, senior After '58 Cellar Finish president, with the winning tro- University of Utah Stadium, to The Rams jumped off the phy. The books are closed lead with a field goal andMurray the gear packed away at by Jerry Robinson In the first Murray high, but memories of quarter. will no the '59 In the second stanza, the doubt begrid campaign lengthy. It was one of Braves got it back with a 23 the best in Spartan history. yard three pointer by talented Coach Ray Olivet-son'crew, Tom Secrist. Bountiful then which went from rags to riches 46-3- 9 across a drive pushed Cinderella style, tucked away their only touchdown of the In the Region Four crown, their "Stakers" edging 1st in a de- game to lead, The Rams bounced on the Second in five years of Class fensive tilt. The losers were A play. They performed well without the services of their kickoff with Bill Wilson scamp despite losing a 12-- 0 semi-finwith the ering pigskin who star center, Reed Sanders, verdict to Bountiful's second was Injured in a game last and a Highland TD. The PAT region titlists. And they basked was held and the champs good week. Sanders took over the in reflected glory when the lead. a narrow squad coaching duties for the to The victors put across the Braves bowed stubbornly rVtnfh lr.itw11 T jimtnniat 16-- 9 Hams in the Highland's ne in plaved with the opposing "Stak- - rli?:n. with Wilson lugging the leather championship classic Friday. ers '. seame nnai zo yarns. For Murray, the the all a was tilt It tight three-year- s son's record was the best since of ended Judge Stakers with the leading frustration way by exploding in the the 1955 Orange and Black won 7 at the end of the first per- second half against Unitah in eight of 11, losing27--in the Class 5 3 at halftlme .and iod; had A finals to East. mark. the B tilt. The Bulldogs at the three-quartThe won-lolossers in the semi-finamark was The Stakcr squad stalled out been In In the past 12 seaprior attempts to gain fourth-bethe final minute and half of thetheir sons at Spartanvllle. It's exceedstate championship. play to protect their slim mare to a 10-- 0 lead ed by the Jude jumped great '54 in to vain as 1st tried grab In the firFt half of gin, to squad, which won all 11 tilts only play score. and ball the see it melt to 10-- In the final and the Class B state crown. 1 Leading the way for the and half of action In the It's bested, too. by the 1955 verdict was Dale Geddes who minute half. mark and by the 1953 one, In fired through 17 markers. He With a minute, 36 seconds re- which Murray won eight, lost was backed up by Farrell Lund-quito state runnerup Tooele. maining on the clock for the one and Ron Wright, each first So there's much for Murray half, the Utes picked up with 6 points. first points on a fans to be pleased about. Their First Ward did an excellent their field goal. d colors are back on The In Gillen. Cal job defensing The Bulldogs fumbled on thi top of the standards after two held scorer was league's leading first play after the kickoff with very lean seasons In the past to 4 counters by the guarding Unitah recovering. The losers three esmpaigns. of Cal Stringham. went to work and racked-u- p a It was a long haul back for The Ist's offensive punch was touchdown on Jim Lube's pass The '58 edition, exhibitMurray. lead by Arley Curtz and Al to Brlon Wright with 16 seconds who dunked In 10 and 9 left. ing great disinterest, won only games and shared counters respectively. The second half, was all Judire one of eight cellar with Cyprus the regional of Nov. 22ml KtaiMtint with the Bulldogs possessing the and Granger. The '59 campaign There will be no games play- ball for nil but nine la plays gave early Indication of being ed this Thursday because of the final half. a repetition and likely would Thanksgiving. The next round have been had not the Spartans of play will be on Dec. 3rd. possessed a world of determinaL W tion. the Murray 3 0 Fifteenth lads showed Improvement and 3 0 Stakers 1 2 the Cinderella likeness reached Third 1 2 Twelfth Suit Ijike The University its climax when the Spartans 1 2 of Utah will wind-u.... First Its 1959 ran roughshod over favored 2 grid Fourth l Saturday against Bingham, 26-- 7 in the regional 3 the powerful UCLA Bruins at title battle. Second ........... 0 3 Lo Angeles. In starts, Murray ..0 F.lghth 3 bowed 28-- to Olympus and The host club surprised Leading Scorers to Granite; blanked a strong by upsetting the nation's r.6 No. 2 team. University of South-rr- n an Glllrn., Stakers , 52 last SaturDale Od-lesStakers California, Clen Smith. 15th ....,.. ...'.,. f day. The Redskins continued to 45 B. DeNiro. 3rd ...... 31 show offensive punch by U. Samlers. 1st , . 31 rival Utah State.' D Nnrcn. 3rd ... ... 33 The Bruins will be favorites to It Moulton. 4th 31 cp the battle, but Coach Ray O. Moulton 4th ti 30 Nagel ran be expected A. Curtit. , 30 pull out all stops to down his R. Vamz. 4th 30 alma mater. S;im Moore, 3rd Only two other clubs In the Skyline Conference have games Mill scheduled. Today In a mm. r F-- N title-holde- in the -- Use our 1911 Salt Lake schools walked off with both the Class A and B state championships in finals played Friday afernoon. Replacing Ogden as A is Highland's Rams who in a dumped Bountiful, lb-tight battle. New B champs arc Judge Memorial who trounced 31-Last years's Unilah, champs, Millard, were eliminated in the semi-finaby the Marine Corps Tells Of Enlistment Program runner-up- s. This "Husiler" Train Yours' S all-stat- al , super-strengt- a HS Murray 15th Has Perfect Mark; Whips 3rd, REMINGTON pre-leag- L Schools Grab Crowns S. Highland in the Spartan gym. Granger's practice slate calls for home games against Olympus on Dec. 8th; East, 15th; Ben Lomond, 22nd. and Bountiful. 26th. They will travel to Gran, ite on the lUh for a tilt; Span Ish Fork on the 17th, and Web er on the 19th. Granite's schedule after its openers calls for the following home games; Bingham, Dee Pth; Granger, 11th, nnd Jordan, 22nd. Tilts to be played away from the Farmer court are Fen Lomond, Dec. 15th, and Provo, 18th. Cyprus will battle Orem on the Pirate floor on Dec. 6th after its opener against Granite. On the 8th, the club treks to Highland for a game and then will plav host to West on the 11th and Weber on the 15th. The Pirates will then rest until Dec. 22nd when they travel to Salina for a game against Salina followed by a tilt on the 23rd against Gunnison at Salina, ls Individually. Bill Riley led the touchdown parade. He registered seven TD's during the year, two more than teammate-JohnnTaylor. Clint Nelson hit pay-di- rt twice; Roy Mackay and Richard Roberts owned a tally each to complete the list. There's no sorrow in Lancer-lanFrom a 8 initial season to a 3 second campaign is indication the Granger school is on its way up the ladder. 3-- Area fans began watching with interest this week the cage workouts of preptiters as the n first games rapidly near. Murray, Granite and Cyprus will open the basketball season with tilts on Friday, Dec. 4th, and Granger's first tilt will be played the following day. For their first tilt, the Spartans will trek to South while Granite and Cyprus will tangle on the Pirate floor. The Lancers will host American Fork in the Saturday battle. In Region Four, the perennial champions from Jordan are again expected to repeat as titleholders but fans from Murray and Granger feel their clubs have a good chance of upsetting the "applecart". The Spartans boast a strons roster of returning veterans as do the Lancers. At Magna, the outlook is different with Coach Bry Sorensen expecting to have a squad. In Region Three, East and South look the strongest with both clubs having vets bark from last year's cage edition. Granite's Coach Rex Olson faces the large task of finding someone to replace his Ron Steinke, who was lost via graduation. After their Dec. 4th opener, Murray will host Payson on the 8th and Ben Lomond on the 11th. The Murrayites will then trek to Ogden on the 17th and West on the 19th for tilts. They n round out play on the 21st with a game against junior-dominat- Year's Record Of Lancers One Of Best In S. L. Area well-know- 44 3D, 1 New Firm To n Three Area Schools Slate Openers Then 22-1- Right! eers, duty about "Cspitol ships' of the Navy and many others. The Marines have 141 schools that train men for 450 various fubs. isThe local recruiting located at 428 So. Main in the Maurise Building. C J lYrsfrvp&oA r our Bpccialti FOOTWEAR W 4791 SOUTH STATE ESH I y) fiLZ riUlX |