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Show WHAT CAN YOU DO) ?- 1JTjg7- little question but that the Salt Lake w ill postpone the opening until next spring. The days are getting shorter. Hie golf play has dropped off. Time would forbid a big grand opening. Despite the sunny weather today, winter is getting close. The season would he short. Considerable damage could be done to the course. And, above all, waiting until spring would give the grass consider- seems Meadow Brook Golf Course a Reality , report on te Up.to-the-niinu- a Course. major Vital interest to Murray and the sourround- - fr Wvx lungs are moving forward very toward the completion of the Salt Lake' rapidly county Meadow Brook golf course in "1 avlorsville. importance to the future dc- the Meadow Brook Golf vital j 0f c rUP .area The course could he opened this fall, There is course would will he official decision while no prove. However, i cached as to the opening until next Tuesday, there I no (jucstion about that as a visit to the lc s county-official- able opportunity to develop. However, the course could be ready, despite the tough growing weather- encountered this spring, which set the course development back at least 45 days. The farmers of the area know this. Commissioner George W. Morgan expects the club house to be completed this fall. The county commission already has advertised for bids to complete it. Commissioner Morgan hopes fo have the club house open this winter for private group rentals. Mr. Morgan, who inspects the course once or twice a week with l Mickey Riley, is pleased with the development of the course, but he has many plans for Meadow Brook. One of them is the planting of several hundred more trees on the course. He hopes to get at last 300 of them in this fall. While Pro Riley's big pride is the layout of the course for the professional and dub alike, Mr. Morgan's eyes beam when he inspects the club house, as he visions what it would look like in a matter of weeks. The club house, undoubtedly one of the finest for a public course in the west, was once just a barn. In the club house will be 127 lockers for men, 38 for ladies, lhe men's locker room will be on the north side, the ladies on :he south. Both will have lounge - Jb life I Jjlr felll. 4AnAv,; -Xytt-- cHl - u;- i "s ?4, . t -- Manager-Professiona- '1 Xl IfM, v.v V?i?s aS!. . vv , VttB T 'i-.- , PARKING AREA ' & quarters. BIRDS' EYE VIEW OF COUNTY'S MEADOW BROOK GOLF COURSE -- 18-ho- le UHd FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER Athletic Benefit iBusiness Notes Dance Slated along Tonight at MHS Street State Iran Math is is the new assist- at superintendent of the Murr- Extra Caution Many fond memories of past Murray High school athletic tri umphs will be recalled tonight (Friday) at the big Athletic Benefit Dance at the high school: 9 gymnasium which starts at - was at the Pioneer station for seven years and at the1 win post office for 18. At the litter spot he hold numerous portions and before coming to was claim clerk. He with his wife and family irl Slt Lke City where he is active LDS church affairs. re-i-d- es The Labor Day week end pro-v,ikseveral Murray City busi-terne- n d and their families art opportunity to get away for a It days. and Mrs. motored with Warren S. another couple Lake and on to Monti Per. Ida, where they stayed "May night. On Monday they jivclcd over through Wyoming; Ot-w- y &-a- w.'on for awhile, and on home. to- and Mrj. Don C. Blair snthiT couple of days, , home Wednesday evening l"ir trip through Yellowstone ri: and on over to Sun Valley. C!.n , tV J1 Tuckett, Murray's base-- ' Ur, is working part time at Rose Ml'ns nd Boys' store attending the University of Glen will work afternoons sPnn training starts next a and Mrs. ir?Mand Mrs" J- - Kingston Harry Robbins just More Labor Day urm-- 'fl,,r " 'd uL Ulp rH'nfr l,) 3000-mil- don rrlland train e San Fran- Scat- - t0 Victoria. 4 A y b'dl home i' e- T--- . a Vic-hi.- r. - Z-St- ate Sp,, Silver " M Murray high school's gridders ,,iv working hard to polish up the rough edges apparent in the brT!Onct .lot name rauuu.i nirtllt .'.ill which the Smelterites droph c1 7 to 32. The Sir.eltentes are idle thusj we. k. giving them a chance to, playing: ,ei in top shape ,() t(u, jU(Re Memorial team Friday night in the league u finalist in (iJirn,,r j;i;e was ,,,c SUll(, 5 championship lasi ear. colirhogf Allan DavU ' K Fj,rrcif werc well picas-b- y out of ttl(,t their charges came in lew Jordan game wiin It has McBride .i.mt miv urfi . ... J'" bem out of unitorm. 11c suiwu a leg injury. whiV the Murray boys were t ,.11 lhe in. oy Vt ; '' " r....,t. i t,h ,..-..- . r 7 i, Paell, The 2 soph-ionior- Hearings Slated In Assault Case Preliminary hearing for Karl j Marx Black, 15, of 56 Columbia St., just noilh of Murray city limits, und Franklin U. Wester field. 15, 86! Iieblo St. Salt Uke - i runners in vtate meet, of j UtEX vcS 1 t state - for nine-year-o- I to forego the on bk Can-'"""- pfe) a.--, including favored Walace F. Bennett over Rue L. Clegg for the Republican nomination for U. S. senator by almost six to one. Dennett's vote totaled 635. Clegg's 107. Mrs. Reva Beck Bosone won the Democratic tally in the race for U. S. representative by more than ten to one in the area. She defeated Charles R. Peder.sen, (547 to 53 As. expected the vote cast on the Republican side of the ticket was heavier than the Democratic vote. It was exacted because of the Bennetl-Clegfight for nonv ...!-.- IX-m- MjfJ-ie- . I r . - h m " Citvl'dt' , J j j t . i ? Rnl". he l)ilricl Court Judge J. Allan nod 8tld she tumbled d , nine-yea- - 1.- -.. , I ShrI a Appointed by ( .court-appointe- - area, ld 10 Th ir la lysine attack. a (1,M,,.' t imr lhro,lgh the air with, jj1' 'state ,!,!. IVnirj snagging - Murray charged with the brutal IIKlllOll in th Murray area Dr. Sund iheating and indecent assault of Six Coeds of MHS a Murray boy, has wall piled up a vote of 674 to 76 'been set for Wednesday, at 10 ' Smith. Injured in Mishaps iJiwrence A. Jones, the . me T.....I mou n.... iiMiiii r ii: MiiM.lV lecn aCC ll S Wore a. n..01. ill . .1... cratic nominee for county I .1 0,0 cnarKcu commissioner defeated his oppon- ""' injured We Inesday afternoon in an auto!i."lile mishap on State with intent to commit murder, n Paul R. McDonough 396 to St 2:ir in this region. Robert L. and indecent assault. m. ions of the injuries stdomy lost the Kepublican Cianmer the Juvccomplaint against by Durlene Ham-jT. were .. . tn ,m it'it inn fnr fhn " rwict r or 01 ; grew .out , ine Dealing J, ; ,;i st niies Mm. i , Kin Sw. 310 Cotlrcll. The county .1 L , ' scnous face n jr-- 1 She vulf-i.25n Murr8y m Murray wu Dtrell, 407, " 33 is f.eld free youth jCr.nmrr. n,,v, r . f the car. Jcrrv Bell, The We.te. posted by Marie 17 f 4747 Hanauer St. suffered " s" Moijif " Niii-.H.i u 8 as did Rita Arthur, nut'.oi 111 w Kill con-TThe Mum Anne Ju Dr.i lJ Board th, Sal, Uke Co.. Rerf . ' W t ..... S..U.h: " kett. The bearing was re- at Following a hfghway guested by Har.ey W. Cu.tin, ch.np,ons attorney for the b, ,be ho.p.tal "IpM,!.. t-- ptp two r ime. the s goal .. . Arthur, the other cir juvenile. . . ffliLi minulrl i,a veariacroi tne v HIV 11m r rem..m.o r old boy, enroute The For tirn the car ram,riri.ri in Idaho r. r Murray ; .i. mod into a trmk at 23rd South inomc aiu im: ininunK ui mu.i.jr ru cuiinr. m. n riding ........ c, "c """" . . , - .t,u ouueiuu. r,v nark.' 101 i.ua . . aril ...nj link.! fow. " .1 1 1' euun their bigger fisl.ting year's event. 3 1027 to 508. three districts on the outskirts, City, 1 1 four-yea- I Th-i.- e '';! ir-,- e Smelterites Lose, Wait Judge Tilt mn .---. - ht-v- : Murray City voters followed the state-wid- e pattern in casting their ballots Tuesday. However, Murray voters did support a local resident. Dr. O. Sundwall, giving him the highest vote of any county candidate. Dr. Sundwall won the Republican nomir nation for the county commission race over George K. Smith, 11,946 to 7713. Richard C. Howe of Murray won the Democratic nomination for state representative in District 17 by defeating George J. r durin8 Z 7 - 1 Silver Spurs Grab n 'It HI i Drill is Preliminary hearing scheduled for today (Friday) in the Third District court at 10 a. m. on the case of Murray City Corp. vs. E. Rex Thompson, charged with misusing public funds while serving as Murray City recorder und deputy treasurer. Mr. Thompson was appointed to the position in June, 1X13. He resigned in March of this year. The charge fol Sowed an audit of city accounts, allegedly revealing shortages in a special curb and gutter fund. The complaint' was signed by Mayor J. Clifford Hansen eaily in June. I ' YEAR Murray Vote Hearing Set Today at 10 a. m. In County Race ti...-ughou- . $2.50 Dr. Sundwall Tops Rex Thompson An.: 'o it:ng an increase of 100 the school students district, the school officials in many cases have been on the hop finding teachers and roonv, for all the students. been While the increase li.i greater than expected, it has not 'T.d the cupauties vt jump' d the schools. How ver. what the h of thics to enrollment f r worn- of the eh come is tl !s i. ' . l.ool board. school off For in hi't ehol 'c, tr. j !.' i yar totaled gradual" 103. To ur llKt seniors an about U5 jun- are ,.n e loth grade or i' is. Hut. ti las this year numbers th graders, who 178 ani the soon will 1? at the high school, nuinlM't .iliout the same. The enrollment figures are most astounding, however, at the and first grade kindertail'-' are 232 pupils startlevels ,nf! kind, t jtarten this year and (cniiiinui'd on back page) . - SUBSCRIPTION endent, reported Thursday. ! y 1950 Murray City's school enrollment, thoi. 'h still incomplete, already has exceeded the expectations of all scl.ool officials, J. Easton Parratt, schools superint- "Ten fires in six days in an area the size of Murray is too much", declares Murray City F.re Chief Deb Townsend in appealing to residents to help the firemen in reducing the fire hazards. With tlie continued hot weather every field and lot is a tind r box, the fire chief said. I..' urged parents to caution children and supervise the n so they will not be playing with matches. Chief Townsend said mor than half of the fires during August Wi re caused by Children play ng with matches or adults being careless while burning w.eds. don,, Can-o- n through Idaho, e ten day tfm , ,hcy said- At Vic- w a t' Hotel ltaycd Bt lhe Express L . " thpy trmi-- one df Vfit! T lhe "ncnt. , 0,(1 country citv tmn. America, lri.ln was particu- Urly Hie L ;ling 10 u,cm- Fo . dance, dedicated to Murray high school athletes, past and present, is sponsored by the athletic department to help defray expenses of an expanded athletic program at the hij;h school. In charge of the affair are Coaches Alldn Davis. Ken Fundi and Cleo Tetty. The three coaches join in appealing to all the alumni to come to the dance tonight. They p.'int out that this year Murray's grid dors have new. expensive uniforms and equipment and that oth.r expenses of the department have increased. They promise a good time for all at the parly. Many former athletic greats of the school are expected to be on hand and many of the uld grads will relive the Murray triumphs of yotei years. An event of special ni ' ivM to the present students and ath "e letes at the school will announcement during the dance of this year's football raptain. t tim uftorrwion manv finnM Murray gridders will again lt'Vi the togs and take on the on the squad in u practice game im tiom street field across the school. high l Tickets for the affair are n r p. cents 50 p. ing sold for the athletic Ha 7',H t iV,,. ...... . te;mi arn lk w.. Vil llll f.ni be available at the door 8, r la) Murray Schools' Enrollment Tops Estimates Cify Fire Chief Appeals for . ay branch post office. Mr. Ma-&- s m. is a veteran of 27 years post- - p. 11 The service, the last 25 in Salt Lake City. He professional-manage- MoDtnrfflv 59, NUMBER 50 VOLUME formal opening of the course for next spring. The of course is J. M. (Mickey) Riley, who has engineered the course and seen it grow or not grow day by day. S. I Tribune photo marsh land. The club house is at the extreme right or west part of the course, just south wf the parking area shown in white. Commissioner George W. Morgan is expected to announce Wednesday a Here's a birds.eye view of the Meadow Brook Golf course in Taylorsville, just west of Murray City course was developed by the limits. The Salt Lake County commission from a farm and Between the two locker looms will be one of the finest count- ers, buffet and dining combinations in the county, with a lounge south of the dining area. With native stone and many flowers the inside of the club house will be a beautiful sight. The club house is entirely windows on the east side, looking out over the beautifully landscaped practice green. All around the practice green in what used to be a watering trough are beautiful flowers and shrubs. But Mr. Morgan's interest iS not all inside. Beautiful, clean grounds around the club house are planned. He already is planning installation of another well for stand-bemergency use. The parking lot will be surfaced. It will lie to the west of the club house. TJvemnll, Nest of the parking area, is planned two double tennis courts. Pro Riley, who has mothered the course like a child, shares Mr. Morgan's keen Merest in all the fineries, but he's primarily interested in that green grass on the fairways and greens, his shop and the starter's office and the practice fairway and tee to the north of the club house. That's where Mickey will spend many hours helping others cut down the hours and strokes it takes them to get around Meadow Brook. Mickey ha3 worked day and night for many, many months in laying out the course easy enougfi for the novice and tough enough , for the veteran. The 72 a offers wide var par layout iety of holes from 166 yards fS a par 4 and a 560 yar'd par 5. Mickey helped select the site, planned, developed, planted, watered and in general supervised the entire development of the course. He will also serve as pro fessional and manager once the course, is opened. To help readers follow the (continued on back page) ' The Murray City board of education, meeting Wednesday night at Arlington school, approved the appointment of Mrs. Ruth Cooper as the new nurse for the school district. Mrs. Cooper formerly was with the Granite school district. She replaces Mrs. Mary Ijimksay who had served the Muray distiict for 10 years prior to her retirement in June. 6800-yard- 450-yar- d Building Permits Top '49 Record Valuation of new construction and property improvements in Murray City this year is more than $100,00 ahead of the corresponding period in 1949. Based on valuation of building permits issued to the end of August, this year's total is $630,-09Lsat year permits for a lilte period totaled only $513,930, a gain of $126,769. August permits totaled $178,850 compared to $33,175 in 1949. Last month's big total, however, included $140,000 in 20 permits issued to Valley Housing for 20 new $7,00 homes in Western Park, a subdivision just sout.i of 61st South and west of State St.. east of the Liberty Gardens subdivision. City Engineer Dave Wood said Thursday two other large subdivisions for Murray are in the planning stage. Building permits issued during August included: Mrs. Helen Orlich, Murray, asbestos siding garage. $500. Valley Housing. Western Park, 20 units at $7000 each, $140,000. Leonard Allmark, 4433 frame residence, $3000. Dale Markham, 85 W. Wdson (continued from pace one) 9. Fair-bour- n, |