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Show ttmmmmm aammmm-xst LOOKING BACKWARD k-.v. Rulon Bird, Thorold White, I T oonard Muir, Ellis George, Charles Glenn, Owen Stoker, Arvilla Muir, Louise Levi, Jennie Jen-nie Erickson and Lillian Thorne. The Eighth Grade gave a very enjoyable program in assembly..; The program was as follows; Story, Eva Coleman. Piano solo, Misses Johnson. Story, Lu-zene Lu-zene Jennings. Poem, Jesse Hickman. Story, Bud Stephenson. Stephen-son. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Cottrell left to go on a month's trip to Kansas City, stopping in Salt en route to Kansas City. If you lost it, a Want AJ will find it. TEN YEARS AGO Mrs. E. E. Gray this week received re-ceived word from Glendale, Ky., of the birth, April 10, of a 9 lb. baby son, to Mr. and Mrs. Chester Ches-ter Hornback. Mrs. Hornback is the former Miss Gale Gray and her sister, Miss Winnie, is visiting visit-ing with her in Kentucky. A number of young folks surprised sur-prised Miss Beverly Vincent, Monday night, it being Jier birthday. birth-day. Among those present were Maxine Cook, Peggy Lee, Jane Yeppsen, Jim Hickman, John Grimshaw and Bill Kirk. Madelyn Kohler is able to be about again after being confined to her bed for more than a week with an injured knee. Madelyn fell on a pitchfork while playing at a birthday party at the Des Hickman home. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Speck: man of McGill, Nev., spent Tuesday Tues-day visiting with Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd F. Kohler. The Speck-mans Speck-mans and their two children were en route home from a trip to Fillmore and Richfield. Mrs. Speckman is Mrs. Kohler's sister. sis-ter. Mrs. Sadie Tanner and Mrs. Edna Baker entertained the Social So-cial Hour Club. Those present were Mrs. Ben Lewis, Mrs. Clair Gillins7 Mrs. R. W. Jones, Mrs. Ivan McKnight, and Mrs. Carl Elmer. Plans for Clean-Up Day were discussed. Delicious refreshments re-freshments were served by the hostess. Mrs. Marion Walker (nee Janet Jan-et Rollins) is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Rollins. Rol-lins. 25 YEARS AGO A baby girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Schow, April 8th. The Misses Erickson and Thorne chaperoned a jolly party of the younger set on a truck ride and picnic to Minersville Canyon. Those making the trip were Melvin and Marvin Stan- |