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Show TOE WEEKLY REFLEX, KAYS VILLE.. UTAH This Is the Tough One! . r 9 Aluminum 'w" ? preserving kettles Kettle, stew, iargeT foronIyT.$1.19 Kettle, round covered..! SI .25 25 Lipped, handled Kettle A real sockdolager. its afraid the road . .SI. , j You never saw Buckets, Bread Pans .... ....... ... ............. 12-q- of. - More Goodyear plies in it. MoFfc Goodyear Rubber in it. Reinforced ribs in Its sidewalls. Tread on its face. . p er wuHrt ihw In iwi mI M Inn bwim UU CM? Ip I M Mka Cl mr Ini U w sin mm aUto. r iiNh fa, Wn ox am fatm klfitw. Mllu4 Mcfcta Km fa MO Dmi at ttw MMt fntt 4 mW wt fafayntMiylM 4 iMH KNNfa CMih, xninltM 1 fa fa wnlifc (niu. i mU Mfaf mS Ml trwt$ lty. W fa 41 I Dwrlif Ml MpfaS' M M MU slut 1 N fa laki4 fa MMWtfi Hfalfafa stead of paper. plates the Whiting family Havlland .china was used. Pigs for sals. Call Mr. Brough at Kaysvllle Phono 24J3. Adv.lt. A furnished houss for rent by Mrs. Mary Harvey. Phone 24J3. AdvJt Thomas E. Williams, his wife and son, havt returned from an auto trip to Arizona. , Samuel Morgan, principal of Davis high school, who has been spending his vacation is Starr valley, Wyoming was in Kaysville Monday, Some fine catches of trout have found their way to Kaysville during the past few weeks. We either have good fishermen or rich ones in our . midst. Ur. and Mrs. Leonard Robin spent II. C. Burton, superintendent of the Davis county schools, who with his the Fourth at .Bear Lake. , Born to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Major, on Monday, July 4, a daughter. William E. Galley, Gifford Strong, Barry Strong and David E. Layton, with their families, motored to Bear Lake where they spent the Fourth. George W, Barnes and family spent the Fourth with friends at Bear Lake. They drove their car, going up Friday . . and returning .Tuesday evening. , Mra. Evelyn Crockett spent the Fourth with friends and relatives in Logan. She will remain until the last of the week, Leo H. Bird end family of Salt with lake City, spent the week-en- d Mr. and Mra. Christopher Layton, parents of Mra. Bird. Mr. and Mra. Herbert J. Barnes entertained with a dinner party at their home last Thuraday evening. Covers were lain for eighteen. Joshua Conrad will go to Eastern Utah with Floyd S. Whiting, where he will be boas carpenter on a bridge i seven-eight- , 1 1 Its 1 1 your, choice, your choice, your choice, your choicd, your choice, lot, tot, lot, lot, lot, HOME TOWN HENRY . ..r,.. pair. pair. LAYTON DRUG COMPANY Layton, Utah 37 4Qf Phone No. 1 FOR SALE PEDIGREED POLICE DOG . TREMONTON IN TWO GAMES Kaysville won both games played in Tremonton last Sunday and Monday. Sunday's game ended with a score of 10 to 4, batteries Perkins and KBbins. Mondays game ended with a score of 3 to 1, batteries Mansell and Robins. Monday's game would have been a shut-oif it had not have been for an overthrow by Linford. JULY SPECIAL SALES these and Check-U- see what you can save on our prices p merchandise all this week. One article to a customer. 15c Lux 3 for 25c Palm Olive Soap 4 for 28c or 83c a dozen Creme Oil Soap 4 for 28c or 79c a dozen 10c Mission Bell Soap... 4 for 25c 10c Fair Skin Soap 4 for 25c 10c Diana Pure Olive Oil Castile Soap (With a 1 Oc Wash Rag free)... SPtuo Moue wrw thb miom WU3 gPCVPlt UMV4MKUOUC OP MyMOurtiOCS1D9uu Puis HOMES R3H MCRCMMJTS 04 DttTAWr Cmtt,Oft'TOBlXe4 cans fXPtwwv MJ I FlGURf WORK 1 xcocr PICUTY OF rCWMVDOU-ARSTOP- O , RJOHT MCftS IU MV. HOMS Crest of the Quail The crest of the California qnaft consists of several feathers with recurred edges, says Nature Magazine. These fit successively Into each other so that the creat when closed may appear to be one feather. The female la also crested, but the crest feathers are shorter than thoss of the male. NOT MERE LUCK It didnt just. happen as a matter of luck or chance that FOLGERS COFFEE brings to the world such a su- perior richness In mellow flavor. Its a ' matter of scientifically knowing how to select the best, and to blend It and roast it correctly. RICHARD DIX in Womanhandled Kit Guard and A1 Cook Chapter 2 Bill Grimms Progress CIVIC CENTER, Wednesday, July 13 8:30 P. M. Admission 10c and 2Qc for 3 35c Palm Olive Shaving Cream 50c Parke Davis Shaving Cream 27c 27c 45c socS Eveready Shaving Cream Eveready Razor Both for .. $1.00 J 33C We have many other specials in our windows and counters. KOWLEY DRUG CO. TOMU 1 LEADING DRUGGISTS -- Phones Kaysville Layton 38 45-- W . Shoes! Shoes! We have a large stock of iShoes and Slippers that are being discounted 20f(, 40 and 50. BUY A YEARS SUPPLY AT THESE PRICES Misses and Ladies Shoes and Childrens Shoes Boys and Youths Shoes.. $lt()0 $1.00 and BARGAINS IN EVERY LINE Plymouth Red Tag Binding Twine, per bale large H. O. Oats, 35c size. Special. ..!. Mothers Oats (Aluminum premium) Heinz Baked Beans, 20c size, per can Heinz Baked Beans, 35c size, per can Kitchen King Malt, per can 10 bars P. & G. Soap 1 can Mab Cleaner 2 pkgs. Rinso 1 $1.00 $1.50 $1.50 $7.75 .. 25 35 L...15 25 50 bar Tar Soap 5 bars Palm Soap White Enameled Bucket Mixed Nuts, per pound Uttle Queen Brooms, $1.10 values! White House Brooms, $1.00 values. Special 7( Peerless Brooms, $1.50 values cs i Bulk Coffee, Best Quality, per pound". 41 Mason or Economy Bottle Lids, per dozen 10c Bottle Rubbers, 4 dozen for White Star Sardines, per can McGowan s Columbia River 01 Salmon, large Salmon, Children s Vests, all sizes, each.! Misses Summer Unions, 50c values Ladies Summer Vests. ler o k r Childrens Hose, values to 50c. Ao 15 20 2 Outing Flannels, 20c values, per yard 3 ,.27-an- d. 32-inGinghams, 25c valnp 1 gj nnft $ Devpnshide Cloth, per yani Satin es, all shades, per yard . .. 1 SpedallZZIa Captian Salvation With Lars Hanson, Pauline Starke, Marceline Day, Ernest Torrence. Directed by John S. Robertson. ' Chapter OPERA-HOUS- Show at 8:80 6 Melting Millions Saturday, July 9 E, P. M, Prices 10c and 20c YOUR OUTLOOK for the Fall 'and Winter. v 25 c 35 Inland Printing Co. Now. is the Time to Condition Your, Car - .....19'1 If interested, see C.V.K. SAXTON of July in a formal manner this year but he people helped out about every, other community in Northern Utah which put on a celebration. Como Springs proved a drawing card for many of the young people of Davis county and the show houses of Salt Lake City and Ogden furnished entertainment during the evening for many of our people. As usual Lagoon drew a large crowd of Davis county young people. As a pleasure resort Lagoon is without comparison in the intermountain region and can always count on Davis county for a heavy patronage. KAYSVILLE DEFEATS ville. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thomassen Old Reliable pair pair pair. , d. .... The mr Boy! h lengths. length, sport length9 and These are manufacturers samples purchased below cost and selling 50 per cent below regular selling prices 1 just the thing for these hot days! . Visit the Fountain at Our Store There is always ample room' afour Fountain to properlyserve our customers. . .. . . If you are fatigued after completing your errands, a cool soda will refresh you. . We use the best of everything f . at our Fountain. 22-- W ice cream ut When You Have Finished Shopping Phone ket, and family and Miss Alta Criddle, were en route to Seattle to attend the convention of the National Educational association, were called home by the death of Mrs. Sussanna Burton, mother of Mr. Burton. LOST a pocket knife attached to GREAT CROPS IN IDAHO chain. Finder please return to Homer John R. Galley, cashier of the comp, Barnes Banking company, made an Vytn. Glen Kllburn of Morgan, was a auto trip to Eastern Idaho during the . week-enKaysville visitor Sunday, He. .went as far north as George Swan spent Tuesday in Ma West Yellowstone and is enthusiastic over crop prospects in the Gera state. lad, Idaho! Miss Juanita Phillips of Rockford, The seed pea crop in and around Idaho 111., is the guest of Mrs. A. M. Barnes Falla and St Anthony is looking fine as is also the potato crop. The acrethis week. age is large all through this district Miss Lillie Barton underwent an and gives promise of returns. The operation for the removal of tonsils, wheat erop is fine as big far north as the Saturday. Ashton district and the acreage is Mr. and Mrs. J. Geo. Barnes and ye,!ywUTe:. If Price this family of Salt Lake City visited Ktys-vill- e fall Mr. Gailey predicta great prosperrelatives Saturday. ity fon Idaho. Arnold M. Barnes spent the past week at the Kilburn ranch in Porter- rebuilding job. Mrs. Alice Sanders, Mr. and Mra. turned Tuesday from a four-da- y visit Fred Kershaw, Miss Faye Sandera and in Morgan. Richard Galley spent the week-eH- d Miss Emily Brough spent a few touring Eastern Idaho. They visited days during the past week visiting relatives in Morgan. Sugar City and West Yellowstone. Leland Watt. Andrew Watt, Lionel Mr. and Mrs. Willard Sandall and Talbot, Mias Annie Ware, and Mist family spent the Fourth in Ogden Leone Linford formed a party which visiting relatives. spent the glorious Fourth in Logan Mr. and Mrs. A. Frank Barnes and canyon! children of Salt Lake City, visited Floyd S, Whiting has completed a Kaysville relatives Sunday. large concrete reservoir for the Clear Irwin Sheffield, Reed Openshaw, field vaster system. The reservoir is located about a mile and a half east Orvil Barnes, Wayne Sheffield and of town and is of sufficient sise to Gerald Bennett spent the past week at Como Springs. hold a reserve water supply. Floyd S. Whiting will leave In a few . Mrs. Matilda McFprson of Clear-- I days for Eastern Utah where he has field, spent Thursday here as the a contract to build seven bridges over guest of her sister, Mrs. John G. M. desert washes east of Green Kivcr. Barnes. It will take about five months to com- - Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cottrell, Jr., Klete the job. He will take several of Salt Lake City, were last week-en- d and Layton men with himto guests of Mr. and Mrs.- - James A. work on the job. Cottrell. The Columbia swarm of Beehive Mrs. Bertha Beal of Ephraim, and girls entertained at a bon fire party Mrs. A. H. Lund of Salt Lake City, on the foot hills, last Tuesday even- visited with Mrs. 11. J. Barnes MonA rewas time very enjoyable ing. day. ported, Those present were: Le Rue W. P. and C. A. Epperson will atRobins, Marcelle Linford, Vera Webtend the meeting of the Utah State Hollis ster, Layton, Melba Maylin, Vira Rouche, Delia Whitehead and Press association at Cedar City on lily Meldrum. Mrs. W. C. Barton and July 9th to Uth. Mr. and Mrs. John Larsen and Josephine Barnes are the instructors. Mrs. Robert Birkin entertained with children of Teasdale, Wayne county, bridge and a luncheon at her home spent a few days here this week as Friday of last week. Seasonable guests of George Swan and family. flowers formed the principle table afid Mr. and Mr. Jed Sessions and famhouse ' decorations. Those present ily, Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Sheffield, Jr., were: Mesdames Sumner Gleason, W, and family and Mrs. Heber Sheffield P. Epperson, C. A. Epperson, G. D. the Fourth at Como Springs. Rutledge; J. J. Bowman, Nick Bonne-mor- t, spent The Child Welfare clinic will be Charles V. K. Saxton, A. Z. held in the Relief Society room H. M, Tanner, Ellison, J. B. Cooley and Wednesday, July 13th from 2 to 6 Miss Mariam Barnes. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Epperson, Floyd p. m. All mothers with children are S. Whiting and family, C. A. Epperson urged to be present, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Thomley and and family, C. V. K. Saxton and family, celebrated the Fourth with a pic family, Mr. and Mrs. J. J, Bowman . .....$1.25 ICE CREAM FREEZERS some of the best brands on the nic dinner served in th ammusement and children, Mr. and Mrs. John Robroom of the Whiting residence. It ins and family, Mr. and Mrs, Nick had been planned to celebrate in a Bonnemort and family and Mr. and shady grove beside a purling mountain Mrs. George' W. Lestham spent last stream, but, the threatening weather week-en- d in Weber canyon. made 'a change in the program. InKaysville did not celebrate the 4th M mUmn imm , (j We have a big assortment for new patterns for the little tots, small girls and boys, and for the younger girls. Half H. J. SHEFFIELD & SONS liaycvltlc, Utah tv wMri -- $1.45 We have Power traction mileage- - thats the new Goodyear Heavy Duty Cord. KAYOVILLE t. Roasters, round - All-Weath- Now is your opportunity to purchase Hosiery at ridiculously low pricesl , M Then heres your tire! no old patterns. : z r - . We have it. Come see for yourself. ' High grade, heavy body, Do you work hard, play hard, DRIVE, -- , r These are all new stock , hard ? . a f Ware Goodyear Heavy Duty Cord Hosiery Specials ' repairstires, Era Do these things while you are earning and make an easy winter. MUTUAL MOTORS CO; ' Phone 112 The Reflex will buy your clean cottoh rags S ZZZ P p P larfriZLZ3! jj Z ch Draa Straw Bat-s- 3 0 Kaysville Golden Rul Phone Groceries 103 uService and Qualify Phone Dry Goods, Shoes, Hardware, Etc. 15 |