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Show X ' S , . . line of Household. Utensils AT THE A0ST ASTONISHING PRICES Sink Pans. Bread Blue Four Coated Sanitary Enamel, Preserving Strainers and other Household Utensils too numerous to mention. Kcttlcs-Be- st llousonorli We shall be pleasedJcLshowyou our line and quote you prices II. Easy J. SHEFFIELD & SOWS, DEPARTMENT CASH STORE I & T. filcClurc Peters KAYSVILLE, UTAH for Cash Miss Elizabeth Harding, of Mrs. S. E. Taylor' entertained Mr. and Mrs. Hardy of Salt Lp&e, Willard, is the guest of Mrs. S. KAYSVTUE E Sunday. Kernrllle Bailer Mill a, VegMUhla and rmlt Canning aatabllahmaat, tag gTeet Brick Plant add ateadllr te tha waalth of the cltr. Oeneral arming, Prult and Vagetabla gr oaring ter ahlp ping and canning are Important Indue Haa a Coast trlea. High School, Chnrcboa and now Opera Honao. City Water and Electric Lighting are InHomo of ducement tor InToetmont. the Botox and It np-t- o date printing plant Mtorney and Councelor for the Least The Most of the Best TELEPHONE NO. L Taylor. Joseph F. Pratt, of Spokane, Miss 'Mattie Thornley, of Salt sisWashington, who recently re- Lake was the guest of her at Lav. . turned from a mission to the ter Mrs. Geo. W. Swan, Pioneer x: Utah X , Eastern states, spent the 24th in Day. Camille, M Barnes. town with Arnold Fred Major has returned to CLAUDE T. BVK.SK8 OtOBGS a BANOOCK of the most interesting his home at Kanab, Utah, after . One musical programs heard for some- a three weeks visit with his HANCOCK & BARNES John G. M. Dames spent time was given at Sunday evenirg brother Bruce. Attomeys meeting. A large number, of peoMonday in Ogden. John Watt, a former Kaysville 11 V alker Bldg. Phone W Match H IS ple were present. .boy visited here Pioneer Day. He Mrs- Ernest Kammyer was William' to SALT LAKE, CITY.- has sold his holdings in Idaho, has Blood gohe quite sick the first of the week. and will locate in Brigham City. visit with he will Idaho where Miss Wilson is in town this his daughter at Burley and with JAMES T. HAMMOND weik visiting Miss Evelyn Gailey. a sister living in the vicinity of Miss Blanche Layton, who has been visiting aelatives in Kaysvill Afornei astf Counselor it Lit Miss Lisle Bradford, of Salt Oakley. for the past two months, has reMeComick Rooms R. was a on visitor of The Lake, Kaysville turned to her home at Thatcher, approaching marriage Block J. Bonnemort .and Miss - Lucille An zona. Friday. . - - UTAH SALT LAKE V1TI has been Clifford D. Strong and Wm. K. Buller, of Centerville, Killed a Bear. arnounced in the Salt Lake papeBountiful were in visitors ; Gailey r.-. Mr. Bonnemorl is a mining Sam Criehlow, the herder in GAILEY Sunday. man who formerly lived here. charge of one of the Thornley-Stewa- rt -e Miss Marie Blamires has acsheep camps on the head ' NOTARY PUBLIC. , Lester Will ' Wf Hardscrabble, Gleason, TeleBell ted a Foxley the at position trapped a brown j X Cleve scaled the acd Stewart The ' cub office. cub bear phone Tuesdftj With Barnet Banking Co., Kaytville ramparts of the' Wasatch . arnge vcighed 131 pounds dressed and Mr. and Mrs. Frink L. Layton east of Kaysville Sunday. They van brought in by Senator Thorn-e- y wie visitors to Noith Ogden, the secured several good photographs C . D. rfc yesterday. James Chipman first of the week. of the cart side of the peaks. the careus and everydressed PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Mrs. A.n S. Thompson, of Salt Elder Charles Owen returned one in 'Kaysville is sampling bear Office and Residence on Locust Street Li.ke, spent a few days in town from England, wh ire he filled a sttfck. near Bamberger dejtot. Utah- ,- during the week. mission .forHthe LrlVS. Church, Kaytville , the morning of Pioneer Day. He J George Barnes, of Salt Lake . was DR. A. Z. TANNER Cty, was a' visitor to his old alivesin a his old hom with his rel good part cf the.time. koine in Kasyville on the 24th. " George Williams, was an Ogden Telephone 99 R. 7 Mrs. visitor and Barratt 2 to 5 Monday. Benjamin Office Hours Mr. and Mrs. Wilkie II. Blood, p. to. Mrs. W. H. Thompson have reof few are a Logan, spending Miss Katie Tree is spending Layton Building, Layton, Utah. turned from Los Angeles where the week in Farmington. dya in town visiting relatives. they attended the great Christian Mr. and Mrs. It. W. Bares and Ei deavor convention as delegates. Domer Thomas, of Salt Lake, daughter Ileene, of Kamas, are Tl ey returned home via. San is spending a few days in town. Fresh and Cured Francisco and report a very enspending the week in Kaysville. A, large number of Syracuse Mr, and Mrs. Will Varney and joyable trip, people spent the 24th in Kayschildren, of Ogden, spent the 24th J B. Berkheol and Clifford ville, in town, the guests of relatives. Dcppe of Salt Lake and E. 0. of Denver, were in town Adolphus E, Christensen return v weeks vis Dr.Morton is again taking care Harris, the of Arnold M. cd Friday from a three guests Sunday, his it of Bear Idaho. as to Lake, practice at Kaysville Lard Barnes. Mr. Berkhoel rendered usual. - Office, Kaysville Hospital two very beautiful organ solos in Miss Nora Stoker spent the (Adv.) meeting Sunday evening, past week in Kaysville with her OUR SPECIALTY Mrs. Frank B. Flint and child- -- Miss Francis Richards ho has sister, Mrs. Everett Johnson. ren of Downey, Idaho,. are down taught in the Kaysville High J. C. Jensen and x daughter, for a short time, visiting relatives school for the past two years Will Christina, of Ogden, were visit- , and friends. Highest Price Paid not return to the school this fall. ing with Mr. and Mis. J. II.N By: for anything a : She had signed up f,r the coming ers Saturday. Mrs. Edward C. Barnes, of IdaButcher Can ..Use but has resigned, much to year ho Falls, Idaho, is visiting with "Fred Waite and family have the regret of the pupils and the moved Inr parents Mr. and Mrs. John board from the Davis County of education. Flint this week. cannery to the llcrry ChristenProf. P. J. Sanders, professor son residence. Mrs. Elizabeth Layton and of thWgriculture extension work Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Brown and daughter, Louella, of Thatcher, in the Davis countyschools, will a few conduct a fruit and of Ogden, were in town Arizona, are spending vegetable can- family the guests of Mr. and wtfks in Kaysville. Sunday, ning demonstration at the church The two year old daughter of Mrs Waite. Fred estry on Monday, August 4th KEEP OUT Dr. and Mrs. Morton has been Ah ladies 'and girls are invited .The Dormitory a I the Davis seriously ill for the past few days to be persent and witness' this County cannery will be completed but is now much better practical demonstration. The girls this SCREEN DOORS weej, andwill be occupied are especially invited MUTUAL, the employees of the compIn regular szes in by Mrs. Ellen Barton, of Salt Lake any. program for Following WINDOW-SCREENnxt Sunday evening. Angqst 3rii, y ,wifc-e- f 4hei'4ate -- Pete - Bar- TKF're'pairs'"kre''''pr6grcs'smg Sing, Eilward Edmonds; Reci- ton, fell from her invalid chair satisfactorily at th i Davis County In all the ergular sizes tation, John II. Coles; Song, Mrs. wh:le being wheeled over a street canning factory and everything frames. Odd sizes made to Ellen Marston; Instrumental car track in that city on the 24th. will be ready for tomatoes in anorder. Dr. Gleason; Select Read- Site was on her way to the cele- other week. ing, Mrs. Jr R. PrOudfoot ; Song, bration at Liberty park when the JOHN BARTON, Kaysville, Utah Mrs. Sarah Miss Retta Sessions and Miss accident occurred. Late reports Clayson. Mand she is as well as Willey leave this week for doing say that n has-beean extended visit in Evanston She conld be expected afflicted with rheumatism for Wcmiyng, where they will . he guests of relatives. many years' and uable to walk. r - -- f -- at-La- w Cold Creams, both greasless and plain. Talcum and Baby Powder of the best. Face Pqwders, both liquid and dry. Nail Enamel, Nail polish, Nail Files, Emery Boards, Orange Wood Sticks both large and small. Cuticle Acid, Almond Meal, Dry, Liquid and Bar Shampoos- .- Chamois, any size. Rouge, liquid, paste and cake. The better line of Brushes and Combs, Toilet soaps, Dental Powders, Creams and Liquids. KAYSVILLE PHARMACY " ' IJt J SPECIALISTS. Phone us, we deliver. , as 315-S1- 6 J.R. Myron W. Phillips, Confectioner 1 K.ayj'dille, Jta.h ! : : K-Utfed- rsyascoss. Are You Looking for a WE HAVE IT . MEATS Sausage are offering Ladies Missels and Chil ens OXFORDS 50 per cent, Discount We i Ladies' SHIRT WAISTS SKIRTS ONE HALF PRICE WHIT Alf STRAW and CANVASS HATS 50 f i ' cent. off. 1 Bob While and Crystal While Soap 8 bars for Co-o- p (aysville the Flies is-th- and r XSheyHoxiJc of Quality e S UTA C-t- nflntv' , There is no,, edition of Standard Music that has attained the The lofty position which is accorded Centuniy Edition. unprice is but 10c a copy, yet H has no equal ii stands matched regardless of price. We also carry the well known 1 to 4. liatheus GiudedStudiea',-fo-r piano students,-boc-k THE LAYTON DRUG CO. Mail Order Drug Store. j Miss Mary Me Frrson left for Salt Lake City this week, where she will spend a few weeks, the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Claud Q. Cannon and family. o Model, tMotar .... J. PEERY, Vice UTAH Pres.: A. F. HcIKTOSH, CuthUr BEOOJTEaiHEDGlIOra ' WHISKEY war Cut we da beZsvt that a Eifia Gccd WtLiry b house Is a COOP THING IN CAP! 07 rCTTrSS tJ Cycles and Motor Boats at bargain prices, all elmakes, brand new machines; Lt,rd composed by J. Y. Roberts easy monthly payment plan. Get Tht parts are alloW as follows: our proposition before buying or Sopranos, Vina Nance, Olive you will regret it, also bargains Abrams ;ljdtos, Eioise Burton, HunsedL MotorJCyclesJVrite us Dorris' Cottrell; tenors, Alfred today. Enclose Stamp for. reply. Schofield, Clifford Strong; bassos, Address Lock' Box 11, Trenton, ' Druse Jkedegr, Dtr. J. XL Crest Michigan Ad. B AN K Vice-Fre- t. H. FOR SALE. 1913 -- N A T IONA L Capital and Surplus . $180,000.00 The Utah National Bank has always maintained a position of stability and offers to its depositors and clients a banking service of exceptional valne. Checking accounts (large or small) are cordiaXy invited. ' RALFP E. HOAQ, Hret ; W,J. PARKER, ; n, The work of the choir, under the leadership of Wm. M. Holmes is deserving of special mention for the very fine choral work which is a regular feature of the church services. Last Sunday the rendation of Dudley Bucks composition. Lead Kindly Light, was of especial interest Next Sunday the main musical H Ln m doctor cm W Ui filoa j, that m kkbaMMtodMlU KVhUSjty and DMm Aa4 pua. Ub iMnU to alvays ton a Utah liiqudp a mm O |