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Show SOUTH CACHE CITIZEN, HYRUM, UTAH I BARGAINS GALORE BARGAINS GALORE ItWWVWWVWWWWWVW wwhvwhvwwwww REMEMBER REMEMBER LAST GOLDM DAY OF SALE SATURDAY, AUGUST 7TH RULERS OF LOW PRICES WMVWMWUWHUUUtUM LOCAL ITEMS HYRUM, Aug. 4. Funeral services will be held in the Third ward chapel Friday at 2 p. m. for Cliff Anderson, 24 who died in Weiser, Idaho Sunday evening following an attack of stomach trou ble. Mr. Anderson was a former resident of Hyrum. Several years ago he left with his father to reside in the Idaho city. He has suffered from time to time with his stomach but it was not regarded as serious until recently. son of Mr. Anderson was the Joseph C. Anderson, who followed the barber trade in this city for several years prior to his leaving for Weiser. Elder Hollis Allen has returned home from the Western States Mission. He is looking and feel- ing fine and reports having enjoyed his mission very much. Three trainloads of the old folks of Hyrum Stake took advantage of the excursion to Ogden Canyon Thursday morning. All seemed to be in the best of spirits for the trip which all no doubt, will greatly enjoy. Mrs. Sumner P. Nelson and children of Ogden are here visiting her mother Mrs. Josephine Johnson and other relatives and friends. Miss Dyrene Tibbitts is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Herzog for a few days. HYRUM, July 30. A court of honor was held in the third ward chapel Sunday evening for the Bee Hive girls of Hyrum. This is the first attempt in this stake to make official awards to the girls in a court of honor and according to Miss Constance Peterson, stake Bee Keeper, the afair served as a stimulus to the girls enrolled in the work. Ten girls were given first rank awards and forty, second rank. The included: Community program singing; Invocation, Miss Muriel McBride; talk, The Theory of Bee Hive work, and awarding of honors to the first rank girls, Miss Constance Peterson; vocal solo, Mrs. George Lemon; awarding of honors to the second rank girls, Mrs. Malinda Liljenquist; talk, Mrs. N. W. Christiansen; girls chorus, Third ward; benediction, Miss Maye Israelsen. The exercises for the third rank girls will be held some time in the fall. .The serious situation which has been facing the farmers in the Bear River territory, due to the un usually dry summer season, is being almost entirely eliminated by the use of water from Bear Lake. To augment the flow of the river, which has fallen to practically nothing at Bear Lake, the Utah Power and Light company is now operating its huge pumps at and is pumping approximately a thousand second feet of water into the river, from the lake. All of this water is being used for irrigation, thus providing relief to thirsty crops'. Cache Man Severely Hurt When Automobiles Crash Lif-to- n, much-need- ed PARADISE, 'July 22. Russell Oldham was severely injured yesterday afternoon in an automobile accident which occured in the southern part of Cache valley, when a car driven by A. 0. Jackson, Sr. of Avon, and one driven by Lloyd Olsen of Paradise collided. Mrs. Russell Oldman and a child were thrown clear of the auto by the force of the impact, but escaped serious injury. The ligaments of Oldhams hand were completely severed when his hand passed through the windshield. He also suffered bruises and scratches, which were treated at a Logan hos pital this morning. Mrs. G. N. Cole, parents of Mrs. POULTRY MAIN THEME L. E. Allison who has been in LoOF THIS YEARS MEET gan visiting since June. In accordance with the plan of the Farmers Encampment of feaMrs. G. N. Cole was pleasantly turing one phase of agricultural surprised one day last week by a life each year, poultry problems number of her friends in complireceived special attention at this ment to her birthday. years encampment. They were discussed at a series of poultry Members of the Logan Dancing meetings which included a session Club motored to Salt Air Monday of the Utah State Poultry Produc evening to spend the evening. ers association. Poultry culling demonstrations were the subject of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hall and a demonstration, and the problems daughter Marcelle were up from of production and the intestinal Salt Lake spending Sunday with parasites of poultry were discuss- relatives and friends in Logan and ed by Professor Byron Alder and Hyrum. Dr. D. E. Davis of Petaluma, Cal, Dr. Davis also conducted a departMr. Fred A. Parker of Rexburg, mental meeting at which he dis- Idaho is here on a visit, and doing missed various phases of the poul-fr- y temple work this week and is the industry. guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wah-le- n and family. FRANKLIN Details have now been complex ed and everything is in ship shape for the annual Pacific Islanderi Reunion WL REMAIN OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 P. M. LOGAN, UTAH MHHHHVHHHUUUHWW Saturda, 12 MISS LINWOOD BELL UTAH HOLSTEINS BEING SOUGHT FOR RUNS NAIL IN FOOT PORTLAND SHOW OGDEN, Aug. 2. Earl J. Cooper of Chicago, director of the extension division of the Holstein-Friesia- n Association of America, and R. E. Everley, formerly of Ogden and now field man of the association in northwest, were in Ogden ttoday looking over Holstein to be held here and Sunday August 7 and 8 I public meeting in the Tabernacle with speaches, songs, music and Maora Haka as the chief eventi will be held at 11 oclock, with Apostle David 0. McKay and other Salt Lake officials present. Social hour will be held from to 2 p.m. during which native food will be cooked on the ground and served in connection with European lunches. Two tons of water mellons will be served free to partisipants. A general program will tab place at 2 P. M. A1 kinds of native contests, singing, Hula dancing, troubadore music is planned on the tabernacle square to entertain the general public. A cricket game tween the natives and the Englishmen, a baseball game between the Japanese team and the Indians a grand concert featuring Marion A few days previous to the Twenty Fourth of July Celebration Miss Linwood Bell owned by Geo. Be Smith, run a nail in her foot and was not able to race on the Twenty Fourth. The mare has now com pletely recovered and will be in Browning, a dance in the evening herds. fine condition for the fall races. and other specialties are scheduled Their purpose in visiting Utah She was in excellent trim for the to make this day the best ever in is to make a survey of cattle good been another the history of the Islanders. story enough to be taken to the national adbe an classic sale which will junct of the Pacific international livestock show at Portland. The herds of Weber county, which were inspected, were those of the state school for the deaf and blind, the state industrial school, E. M. Cooley and C. S. Potter. Mr. Cooper and Mr. Everley will meet tomorrow with Professor George B. Caine, County Agent R. L. Wrigley of Cache county and C, Z. Harris, president of the Utah Holstein-Friesian Breeders association at the Utah Agricultural college. Other officials of the All work and no play makes life very dull and hardstate association are expected there to consider the sending of a ly worth while. With the call of the great out doors, sea Utah state herd again this year to northwestern livestock shows. or camp lure you far. Pleasure and enjoyment becomes EARLY PIONEER a matter of finances. Will the pocketbook cover all? OF CACHE COUNTY Should a storm of expenses rise, would it mar your ANSWERS CALL Mrs. Hopkin Lluellym is here from Salt Lake on a visit with her Pri4. The FRANKLIN, Aug. sister Mrs. Ellen Charles and other mary election was held here in the relatives and friends. school old building Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Christiansen Mr. and Mrs. Hans Olsen and and family and Mrs. A. W. SquirMr. and Mrs. Frank Olsen were at es and son Boyd of New York left Preston Tuesday. for a week end trip to W. L. Wickham and family have Thursday Lake. Bear returned from the park. They had a very enjoyable trip. Mr. and Mrs. Torgenson, Mrs. ' Mr. A. E. Fuhriman , was a Hulme and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Preston visitor Tuesday. Parker and family left Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. James Jensen are Yellowstone Park. a through trip having a new home built, which seems to be going up quite rapidThe Crimson Club will meet Mrs. Sally Allred Hyde, 91, one ly. eleventh at of Cache valleys oldest pioneers, next the Wednesday Mr. H. H. Stokes was at Presthe Bluebird. All alumni mem- died yesterday afternoon at the ton Tuesday. bers are expected to be there. home of her daughter, Mrs. CaroMrs. M. E. Crandall of Spring-vill- e line Turner, in Logan. Death was is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Erroll W. Palmer caused by general debility. Cecil Woodward for a while. left Sunday, for a weeks trip thrMrs. Hyde was the widow of Wil Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Packer and the yellowstone park. liam ough Hyde, after whom Hyde Park family were at Preston Tuesday. home until about fifteen years her Monwas bom A fine baby boy Mrs. Vaud Peart of Sandy spent ago, was named. She crossed the day July 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. L. the week here visiting with rela- plains from her birthplace, Salt G. Parkinson at the Preston Hostives and friends. Creek, Mo., with her grandfather, nice babe Mother and doing pital. with an ox team in 1849. She was iy. Miss Francis McCallister of the daughter of James M. and Mr. Harold Baker and family Hollywood, California has been Mary Huskett Allred. were at Preston Tuesday. visiting here for the past two Mrs. Hyde was bom December Among the number of Franklin weeks with her sister Mrs. Howard 31, 1834. She had lived most of Tueswho were Preston at people and Miss Sarah Maughan. her life in Hyde Park, where she Baugh day, were Philando Packer and was a prominent church' worker family. Grant Lewis and family, Mrs. Joseph Newbold, gave a tea and was well known as president Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Morrison, Herafternoon from 5 to 8 for of the Relief society. Seven childman and Joseph Wickham, Mr. and Saturday Mrs. Clyde Squires of New York. ren survice: Don C. Hyde of Wein Mrs. Wm. Biggs, Mr. and Mrs. The rooms were decorated with a ser, Idaho; Frank Hyde of MetWickham, Mr. William Stock-dal- e, of fall flowers. The tea ropolis, Nev.; Heman T. Hyde of Jack and Earl Olsen, and Mr. variety table had a basket of roses and Wells, Nev.; Ezra B. Hyde of Garnet Woodward and son Dallin. sweet and silver candles hold Idaho Falls, Idaho; Mrs. Caroline peas, Mr. D. L. Pack of the Pack Aucandles. About one hun- Turner of Logan, Mrs. Rose Wolf pink ing to Co. of Preston was at Franklin dred guests called. of Cardston, Canada, and Mrs. ClaTuesday. ra Burnham of Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Wasley reFuneral services were held in to Pocatello after the Seventh ward Wednesday after turned Sunday WHITNEY spending two weeks here as guests noon, and burial at the Hyde Park Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Elliott. of Cemetary. and WHITNEY, Aug. 5.-- Mr. Mrs. Bert Weaver and family were The 1st ward relief society were PRESTON WOMAN DIES at Preston Tuesday. entertained at the Earl summer AFTER BRIEF ILLNESS busiMr. George Foster was a home in Logan canyon. The day PRESTON, Idaho, Aug. 1. ness visitor at Preston Tuesday. was spent in music, dancing and Sarah J. Kidd, age 46, died in Pres Lester Dunkley and wife were games. A luncheon and dinner ton Friday evening at the home Preston visitors Tuesday. was also served. A program was of her sister Mrs. Thomas GreaMr. and Mrs. Howard Swainston in the afternoon. Sixty-fiv- e ves, after an illness of ten days. were at Preston Circus day, Tues- given were guests present. Miss Kidd had been a resident of day. Preston for twenty-si- x Mrs. Charles .Reese and family years, havDr. and Mrs. E. S. Budge of Los ing moved to this city from Logan. who have been visiting at WhitAngeles and formelly of Logan an She had been an invalid since the ney returned to their home at Ben nounce the engagement of their age of 13, when she-w- as thrown son Ward, Tuesday. daughter Cloteel to Thair Cozzens from a horse and suffered a fracRich, son of Dr. and Mrs. Edward ture of the spine. For the Rich of Ogden. The marriage will ten years she had been confinedpast to take place in the early part of Sep- an invalid chair, and a great spent tember. deal of her time in newspaper correspondence. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Sidwell of Miss Kidd is survived by three L. E. Allison of Fresno, Calif., Manti anounce the engagment of sisters and three brothers-M- rs. !s visiting in Logan with Mr. and their daughter LaFoe Sidwell to Lydia Eames of Logan, Mrs. N. E. Llyod Peterson son of Professor Miller and Mrs. Ivie Hone of ProMr. and Mrs. L. S. Naisbitt are and Mrs. Henry Pederson of Lovo; William Kidd of Bingham, Har receiving congralations on the gan. old Kidd' of Logan and Hugh Kidd son of a birth bom Friday night. of Preston. Tuesday evening the following Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Thatcher ar- girls motored to the summer home rived home this week end from a of Mr. and Mrs. John Christian- SCOUT MEN ON INSPECTION motor trip thro the Northwest. sen in Logan Canyon and had a TRIP SOUTH chicken dinner. Miss Franscis Me Scout Executive Victor Lindblad Miss Hattie Smith, Miss Mary Callister of Hollywood, California, Sorensen and Miss Drue Smith Miss Danszelle McGee, Miss Elva and Dr. W. S. Hawkins leave Sathave left for New York. Miss Boden, Miss Edna Wright and the urday for Ogden and Salt Lake Mary Sorensen will spend the year Misses Katharine and Connie points where they will inspect at Columbia. Christiansen and Miss Sarah Mau- camps and camping facilities in ghan. Cards followed the dinner. the camps there. They will also Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Peterson and confer with Me Kirkham on the family spent the week end in Bear Mr. and Mrs. Sam Burgess mot- Eagle Scout Caravan to Grand Lake. Daddy Lakes. ored to Ogden Wednesday. 1 SHELTER i In Storm or Fair! complete enjoyment? Provide yourself with ample shelter account. start a savings Hyrum State Bank per cent Interest on Savings 4 La-vo- Allgaier Candy Co. Ice Cream Sodas JOd A Stein of Root Beer Ice Cold 5d How can it be done? TRY IT! V- - A. SPENN Y SHOE REPAIRING THATS ALL LOGAN LOCALS CENTER HYRUM, UTAH STREET . FOR THE SAFEST AND BEST FIRE INSURANCE - For Legal Papers and for long time, low rate loans, Call On G. F. OLSEN Office at Anderson & Sons HYRUM - - HVlA |