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Show ?outh roun TMir: for thankful that e:ir-- , and am so found relief from I this torrildo aflliotion Hut I will gladly answer unjoin; wilting luo for Information. Mrs. Anna Fautz, P. 0. Box 825, Vancouver, Wash. Til. Adv. Laboratories NUE-OV- O Oil t Coal FunrmcES ADMIRAL Electric Appliances Electric & Oil WATER HEATING JOnOEfJSEri and CREAKED Heating Engineers 1st No. 108 So. State OS Y. LOGAN TRESTOX SAW FILING ALL KINDS OF SAW FILING. C. J. Bauman, Phone 211-' 1 Smithfield. R, FOR SALE BABY BUGGY for sale. Mrs. E. Morris Gibbs, Ilyrum. Call after 7 pm. 53 FISH and Game licenses for sale at Wendell Jensens Service Sta. TIRE RELINERS All sizes. Wendell Jensens Service Sta. Two 7.50 x 20 NEW Firestone 10 ply Truck tires. Wendell Jen-sService. Hyrum. ns WHITER CLOTHES, less laundry expense if you use Hospital Soap Powder and Farm Bureau Water Softener. Everton and Sons, Logan, Utah Sons, 25 W. MISCELLANEOUS 1 for-mei- ly Commissioner and Mrs. Parley Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leatham, President and Mrs. Preston Rrenchley and Mr. and Mrs. Geddes Maughan spent Saturday in Salt Lake City where the men folks attended the Repubican convention held at the Coconut grove and the ladies spent the day Tre-mont- NOW is the time to rent our sprayer 'to kill those weeds, Hy- rum Feed and Seed Co. FLOOR SANDERS. o, shopping and visiting. Mrs William P. Baldwin and Mrs. Norman Baldwin left MonMrs. Annie J. Riggs entertained day for San Francisco to.vlsit rel- at a family dinner at her home in atives for two weeks. They will Wellsville on Decoration day. Covbe guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Oras Baldwin while there. iel Nelson, Mr, and Mrs. Ellis Nelson, Mrs. Eva Jeppson. and familMrs, MaryG. Parker, Smith ies of Mantua, Mr. and Mrs. Edd Parker and their guests Mr. and Olsen and family of College ward, Mrs. M. Kay Olsen and children Mr. and Mrs. Earl Riggs, Mr. and and Miss Larraine Glenn of Card-sto- n Mrs. Don Riggs, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Riggs and families Alberta motored to and on Sunday where they Lloyd Riggs, all of Wellsville. Mrs. Orval Anderson entertainspent the day with Mr and Mrs. ed at dinner on Tuesday evening Rudy Hupp and family. in honor of her husband who was his birthday. Covers observing Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Murray and Mr. and Mrs. Leiand Hansen were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Anspent Sunday and Monday in Salt derson, Mr. and I.rrs. Leslie BailLake on business. Mr. Hansen al- ey, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Riggs, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Leishman and Mr. so attended an Insurance convenand Mrs. Thpmas B. Bradshaw. tion while there. He received some lovely gifts. The remainder of the evening was Ernest Bailey of Ogden and spent socially. Mrs. Effie Bailey of Salt Lake City were Memorial Day guests Mr. and Mrs. James R. Thorpe of their sister, Mrs. Amanda Murreceived a telephone call from ray. their son in law and daughter, Mr The Wellsville 4H Culture club and Mrs. H. A. Bergman from met at the home of President Kansas City, Mo. sending birthMaurlne Leishman Tuesday, May 21. Mothers were guests. Miss day greetings and also a call from H. R. Copeland stationed Amy Ivearsley demonstrated cloth in who sent birthday Virginia lng for second year members. greetings to Mr. and Mrs. Thorpe Refreshments were served. and greetings to his wife, Mrs. The following week the club A dele Thorpe Copeland. He was met at the home of .Vice Presito North Carolina for disgoing dent Anna Murray. Miss Maurine and would soon be on his charge Leishman gave a demonstration wav home. Mrs. Copeland and on the patch. Time was spent in have made their home with baby Refreshments were patching. her parents while he has been served. overseas. Rena Leishman, Reporter WANTED TO PENT OH BUY, apartment or house In Smithfield. Phone 10-Mrs. W. C. Raymond. RENT Poc-lutu- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Gunnell entertained at a dinner party on Friday afternoon honoring Mrs Vernon Murray and son Jack of Rupert, Idaho. Guests beside Mrs. Murray and son were Mr. and Mrs. Rulon B. Maughan and son Boyd. WANT ADS FOR Mi.. Lite;. I. ill of Oakland, a kw da.va in oello.Uie motored to Sait Lake on Frivi it u u knives on her v.ay to where they combined visiting day tailed iuai.o, i.awng LiJ tor the day. and ol shopping death the of account on there forher Moitr, Mrs John Bailey, Futierrl service! Were held Frimerly Annie Kerr, who was at the Pocatello First ward day of Wellsville. cbupil for Mrs. Annie Kerr BailMr and Mrs. George May and ey, wife of Janies Bailey, former Mrs Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Owen Garrett of Wellsville residents. a (laughter of the late Thomwas Memorial Rupert, Idaho spent as and Jane I.elshman Kerr. Wells-vill- e Day and the week end in The following relatives from brother as guests of their Wellsville attended the services: and wife Mr and Mrs. Henry Messrs, and Mesdames Wm. H. Bankhead, Henry B Murray, KenB. Murray, Out of town relatives who were neth Murray, Robert M. Allan Archibald, Oliver S. Bailey, Win. Mrs. Mr. and of guests II. Stuart, Reece Bailey, Jones on Memorial Day were Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Wayne Garrett, Mrs. John Bailey, Jr., John L. Kerr, S. Bailey, Mesdames Arman- John Garrett of Garland, Mrs, Wm. Bessie Leatham, Car- Murray. Murray and feon Jack of ric' Marian Casterline, and I!aiIpy Mrs. La Mr. and Idaho, Misses the Tressa Kerr, Alease Mar Merrill and son Taft of ThatLou Bailey and John Anna O. F. Mrs. Jorgensen cher, Idaho, Sr. of Logan, Mrs. Emma Sorenson Bailey, of Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. John Hilton and Wm. II. Hoskins, Mrs. Thomas their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Hilton of Salt Lake City, Larsen, the Misses Renee and Keith Carol Wiiglit of Ogden spent were dinner guests of Mr. and Williamson on Memorial Day in Wellsville as the Mrs. Wilford Thursday. Clark. Mrs and Mr. of Hugh guest Everton No, Logan, 10 & 72 MISCELLANEOUS I WANTED Used automobile. Highest Cash Prices. Also sever al good used cars for sale. Wendell Jensen Conoco Station. Ily-ru- ir&Y"' h WHEN YOUR APILIWCIN MLIC WANTED TO BUY Used kitchen cabinets, cupboards, Ice fioxes, en amel coal rancs. U and I Furniture Exchange. Phone 41 SJ. 52x Mr. ru SEE US n HA SCO t (Home Appliance and Service Co.) 81 WEST tat NORTH LOG AX Phono 8il W Bill Jones, Manager i . r K! to Success ? v i JUST SOUTH OF LOGAN COLLECT) (PHONE niONE LOGAX 49 Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Allen of Santa Monica, California and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Brown and family of Salem, Oregon spent the past week here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. S. Glenn Mr. and Mrs. Emil Von Almen of Bedford, Wyoming returned to their home on Saturday after spending four days In Wellsville as guests of Mr. and Mrs. How- doubt youll want your new BENDIX soon. Most do. So come and see us quickly. Lets talk it and over, get the details done! Maybe youd first like to see what this washday wonder does how it washes, rinses, damp-driecleans itself and shuts itself off all without your lifting a finger. Then its even more urgent that you come in soon today if you can! Because if you want your BENDIX quickly and chances are you will well both be pleased if you are one of our NO ard Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Maughan and family have moved back to their home in Wellsville after living In Ogden for the past three years where both Mr. and Mrs. Maughan have been employed. s, Mr. and Mrs. Hershall Bradshaw entertained at dinner on Friday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Allen of Santa Monica, California who spent Decoration week with relatives Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. WesleyBrown and family of Salem, Oregon, Mr .and Mrs. Wm. S. Glenn and Mr. and Mrs Wm. H. Glenn of Wellsville. A social evening was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Allen "first-to-be-serve- What you do - pat dial, i- clothes, ?et a add soap. What the BENDIX does: mu it. self, tumbles clothes clean, thoroughly tumble n rises, dries clothes ready for the line or dryer, cleans and empties itself, and shuts off all automatically! TheBendix takes only 4 square feet of floor space fits perfectly m kitchen, bathroom, utility room or laundry. re- EXCLUSIVE i & )) ri! ACTION: TUYBLE tumbles clothes through suds 60 times a minute, yet so gently that even fine fabrics Si 'aunder beautifully. Leatham, for FATHERS DAY... ioffcsi3 J. THE Uundiy 17. EARL COMPANY IS West Center St. i 2; ''A B 55 A C55E285 Logan, Utah "9 iNr "H a a f 1 to: A X, IjT Y J 4 ? U H mm , p handsomely presented Flagons Flated in In Rich, U rj L.4 Gleam-in- g Cold! , Fired in I . K ' E H 17 I C K E L O I.OG UN, UTAH - V. eVf" t f u i a. A f k; !.: L N, !J r. W-- . "X. t: L UTAH V v s; . VX -- W7T j0 f OUu.X r fi fc. rrinvpj R l0 ,!le many 'J.ty. Icrfectiv locate.1 "ty ami comfort. Tour .S? i; o ' j: EACH Vi IT II BATH : coms i-- ,' 4 1 ilu I SL q " Till, ti.lt.u. nil i""t. .1 K U,e ,re couvenicm N, ihcu-e- . c s H i Ci oirsipt; s. n,l tie it, a T ' ' , I,oJ. h. v.-- to Slay at HI 460 As featured in Life Csquira Vogue n iis anl ."I Cold 23-Kar- at he hkvUiouse niters imm-Jia- -t0 in 5 Lak. roums 'f 1" eCuG"vai Colognes . . . lotions . . . ehav ing requisites... $3.00. Essence... $10.00. Sets of varied com hinatious ta $15.00. Refill for most items. patterns. See em! r - TCUE7KSES f i v Want to influence people? Then wear Arrow Ties ! Their t is: ally blended colors and designs attract : (Inuring stares . . . xneke people x.t up and t..ke notice of them and you! Weve a s.vell collection of newest ARROW TIER-- CO. TS in Starc-zva- y h BY-PRODUC- and c ccu SAwcA V UTAH Evelyn and Miss Margaret Bradshaw went to Salt Lake on Sunday to attend the stock show. They returned home Wednesday evening. T. Niels Larsen and James Lncseu spent the past week end Ij ll at Bl.ckfoot, Idaho on a fishing (rip. vjsisxssai ( Horses, Sows, Sheep and Hags Jr. and daughters Virginia and : o Pressing Darn Darn on the right side, but steam press the finished darn on the wrong side, then brush the right side to lift the nap. Mrs. Harrison Davis and children of Ogden, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Durfrey and family of Beaver Dam and Mr. and Mrs. Molen Pet-- l erson and family of Hyrum were out of town dinner guests of their mother, Mrs. Mary W. Maughan on Memorial Day. Mr. and Mrs. John week. i and USELESS AflOlLS DEAD bc--- n Rexburg, Idaho are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Reynolds in Wellsville during the gan. Mrs. Leroy James and daugh- ter Carolyn of Salt Lake, to their home at Santa Monica. California on Saturday after a three day visit here with relatives. While here they received word of the safe arrival borne of their son Paul who has in the Pacific for the past two and a half years. , WANTED TO BUY TOP TRICES paid for new bora calves. Call Hyrum 6? 40x parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hersliall Bradshaw of Wellsville and Airs. Ross Pickett of Providence motored to Salt Lake City Sunday where they met Pfc. Farrell Pickett, husband of Gayle and son of Mrs. Pickett who arived at Fort Douglas Saturday evening for his discharge. He has been overseas for the past ten months. Mr. and Mrs. Pickett arrived home on Wednesday morning, " 0 i o Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Gunnell entertained at dinner on Memorial Day for relatives. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Gunnell and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gunnell and family, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gunnell and familj, all of Soda Springs, Idaho, Mrs. Vernon Murray and son Jack of Rupert, Idaho, Elmer Kerr of Fairview, Idaho and Mr. and Mrs. Waldon Gunnell of Lo- HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR turned Miss Bonnie Seamens and Miss George Wyatt of Burley, Idaho Margaret Glenn are spending this came Tuesday and spent the Dec- week at Salt Lake with Bonnies oration week here as guest of sister, Mrs. Helen Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Niels Larsen. Mr. and Mrs. Heber Jensen of 1 y, Mrs. Gale Pickett and daughter Carolyn accompanied by her II.. and daughter La Nell and Jars Wesley Brown and Mr an of Salem, Oregon motored family to Salt Lake on Sunday and visited villi Mr and Mrs. Warren. Leishman and Mr. and Mrs. Lorin liaslam and families. Ch-n- ti.fir si ;ter Mrs. Manilla Kent and tiini went on to Sait Lake for the day. Upon returning to Lay-to- n a lovely dinner was served in Bradshaw and family. honor of Mrs. Kent who was her birthday. They return Dinner guests at the James R ed libme that evening. Thorpe home on Decoration Day were Mr. and Mrs. Jay Brown of Mr. and Mrs. Dewrey Beck of Promontory Utah, Mr. and Mrs. Paradise, Mrs. Karl Olsen and Ralph Bennett of Logan, Mr. and family of Brieham City, Mrs. En- Mrs. Marvin Poppleton and famid Wilson and children of Hyrum ily and Mrs. Adele Coptland. were guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Bradshaw Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Baxter during the Decoration holidays. and son Dan who was recently released from the navy, wTere the Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hansen and guests of the Misses Marge and son Jackie of Salt Lake and Mr. Hazel Hendry on Memorial Day. and Mrs. Jack Hirst and children Bonnie and teven of Ogden Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Spence turned homeSunday after and family of Magna were Wellsing four days here as guests of ville visitors on Memorial Day. their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. William S. Glenn uel Bankhead. Sam-Baiie- 7, 1910: V.'iinam Mr. and Mis. vvith Mrs. Archie Maughan entertained at a dinner party on unday evening for their brother anJ family, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Brown and family from Salem, Oregon. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Win. L. Ioppleton and family and Mr .and Mrs. Hershall Mr .and WELLSVILLE LOCALS nfcccmaticr.? Ar.d Art!mt?r, I bill iVi oil June rniE courier I,!,.!, !!ii1i1,ili,11!li,llij1;;;1; ,! |