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Show fcmlion John A. CAPITOL, Lcp, Today & Sat MIKE WAV FOR Volume XI SMB STOP FOR O. San to Wed Kathryn Hepburn in LADY' Bank Rite Thursday WOMAN REBELS A Number Hyrum, Cache County, Utah, Friday, Dec. 4, 1938 IE' Dr. A T?jrr ifii FARMS J. Wheatley, Extension min iif Funeral services were held for Lio nel Jensen Friday, November 2', in the chapel of Turner, Stevens, and Berry, at South Pasadena, under the direction of Mr. Erastus Petersen. Mr. Jensen, a son of Mr. and Mrs H. H- Jensen, died at his home in Arcadia, California, after a three day illness of lobar pneumonia. Among those attending the funeral from Utah were Mr. and Mrs. H. H Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Jensen Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Jensen, Mrs- 3yl via Myers, Mrs. Carl Petersen, Mrs Wesley Stokes, Mrs. Lila Bullough Mr, Roy Jensen and the Misses Rosa Mae and Elease Jensen. at the Utah State Agricultural College points out that accord Cache ing to 153 recently tabulated who Farmers farm accounts, county had an unusually high percentage of their total farm investment in live' did not secure substatially itock greater returns than farmers who had i more moderate or low investment In livestock. The records from w hich these tabulations were made were supplied by farmers who cooperated in the Extension Service and W.P.A. Another farm account book project. tabulation taken from these records relating operators labor income to the value of milk produced per cow, showed that farms having a high prono uiouuoo rLF.no duction per cow failed to return incomes greatly larger than iarms with CHRISTMAS ENTERTAINMENT mote moderate production. The reason for this rather unexpected result of the tabulation is proA( a recent meeting of the Hyrum bably due to the fact that most of Lions club plans were discussed for the farmers with a high density of livestock per farm and who had high the annual Christmas entertainment for the children. Committees for producing dairy herds failed to prowere appointed, duce any substantial amount of cash the various activities E- N. Larsen was named general and crops to supplement their dairy or livestock income. Dr- Wheatly ex- chairman. Economist FBI BIHO Nolice of Sale of Delinquent Wafer Slock HELD FI - - m - - plained. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gulbransen The farms which, according to the and daughter LaRee! spent Thanksstudy, were returning their operators day in Ogden as guests of Mr in 1935 the greatest labor income giving H. R. Dodge and family. Mrs. asd were generally those upon which a substantial number of reasonably high Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Andersen and producing animals were kept but son Charles Andersen speat Thanks which also produced a considerable in Ogden at the home of Mr. giving acreage of one or more intensive eash and Mrs. Cervantis Andersen. crops. Generally, a substantial number of livestock on the farm assists in 10 WILL The Hyrum Irrigation Company, whose principal place of business is Hyriim, Utah. There are delinquent on the following described stock, on account of an assessment levied October 5, 1936, the amount set opposite the names of the respective shareholders, as follows: Certificate Rebecca 0. Allen (Leland Curtis) E. Delos Andersen Andrew Albertson Peter H. Anderson Peter Baugh Cyril Baugh Mrs. Jennie Burris . Charles Carlson Hyrum Gulbransen Mrs. Maria J. Haws William Holmes Garland Haws Andrew M. Israelson Niels C- Jensen (Christian Jensen Est.) Raymond 0. Jensen Shares No. No, 2 4 382 . 2-- 5 1 9 1 2 2 4 2 2 ?. 2 2 Win. H. James James Larsen 4-- 4-- 2 2 - The Utah State Farm Bureau will again award six gold medals te outleaders of Utah 4 H clubs, Amount standing according to D. P. Murray, slate $4.80 Three medals will be club"leader. 10.56 2.40 given to leaders of home economic 6.30 clubs aad three to leaders of agricult2.40 ural clubs. The contest is open to 4.80 leaders or supervisors who bave 4.80 ferved for two years oi more. Each 6.30 8.04 leader who enters is required to fill 14.60 out a regular repSrt form and write 4.80 a brief narrative report. These re4.80 relative to information forms or 4.80 port the contest can be secured from tho 5.40 4.80 county extension agents. 2 40 This is the seventh year, that the 4.80 Farm Bureau organization has spon. 2 40 sored the leadership contest for local 8.20 cllub leaders iu Utah, Mr. Murray 25.60 stated, 12.00 1- -4 1 2 1 Mrs. Carrie Larsen 1 2 Annie K. Lauritzen Est. 4 Heber Lauritzen 5 Hans Mikkelsen VVm. S Miller 2 4.80 7 16.80 Nielsen Henry 1 4.65 Lavere Nielsen 9 4.80 Joseph Nyquist 4 4.05 Cornelius Olsen O. P. Olsen 3 4.80 3 1.60 Harris H. Petersen 1 2 8.10 Geo. W. Stanton (Gurl ir.d Haws) and in accordance w kL law and order of the Board of Directors of the said company, made on t .e 5th day of October, 1936, so many shares of each parcel of said stock as may be necessary, will be sold at Anderson Lumber Cos, store at Hyrum, Cache County, Utah, on the 18th day of December, 1936, beginning at the hour 12 oclock noon, of said day, to pay the delinquent' assessment thereon, with tho cqjtsf advertising and expense of sale. ' 4-- 3-- 2-- Notice is hereby given that City Council meeting, scheduled for the first Monday night in each month, will be postponed this manth until Wednesday night, December 9. . C. C. December 4, Petersen, Secretary Treasurer. Hyrum Irrigation -- Co. 1936 Notice 0; sola Of Delinquent Wafer Stock A number of lady friends called at the home of Mrs. C- F. Olsen Wednesday afternoon. A delicious luncheon was served and social chat was enjoyed dur- - ing the afternoon. The Hyrum Blacksmith Fork Irrigation Company, whose Mrs. Leon Bradley was visiting with Mrs- Annie Bradley and principal place u business is Hyrum, Utah. - Larry Petersen, small son of Mr. in Salt Lake last week. maintaining the fertility of the land and Mrs- Molen Petersen is critically There are delinquent on the following described stock, on account of an family She so that these desirable yields of these was accompanied home by ill at a Logan Hospital buffering assessment levied September 29, 1936, the amount set opposite the names of the . obtain-dfollows: as cash crops may be more easily Verna,. Jane and Gale Bradley respective shareholc rs, with pneumonia. - and Joe Mcquiston of Salt Lake. Dr. Wheatley points out that anMilk Strainer between LOST other reason for the desirability of main stieet and Millville Hyrum both eash crops and livestock is that field. Finder please return to HB. during the winter time the livestock ad Nielsen productive woik not ordinarily available to the non livestock farMr. and Mrs. Von Wahlen accmer, while in the summer time the farmer is generally able to care tor ompanied by Mrs. Leon Anderson his livestock and in addition do a pent Tuesday in Ogden on business. considerable amount of work in the provide And in accordance with law and order of the Board of Directors of tha said company, made on the 29th day of September, 1936 so many shares of each parcel of said stock as may be necessary, will be sold at Anderson Lumber Companys store, at Hyrum, Cache County, Utah, on the 18 th day of December, 1936, beginning at 12 oclock neon, of said day, to pay the delinquent assessment thereon, with the costs of advertising and expense of sale. Chas. C, Petersen, production of cash crops. Mr. and Mrs. C, J. Jensen had as December 4, 1936 The records further showed that a their guests at dinner last Thursday few tiuck garden farms and some dry Miss Delores Thorstensen of OgdeD, land and grain farms returned adeSTAKE SINGING Bill Lewis of Salt Lake and Mr. and or no little with incomes quate Mrs. Henry Scheby of Logan. live-itoc- But where the farmer Mrs. Carlos Jensen and two small sons spent last week end Charles Bitner of Jamestown, in Hyde Park with reNorth Dakota, is visiting at the visiting latives. home of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Young. M , tin pro- r, Hyrum Blacksmith Fork Irrigation Co. k. duced a considerable amount of hay and feed grain crops the records clear Secretary-Treasure- Mr. and Mrs. VVm. S- Browa Mrs. Norma ly indicate that a sufficient number left , Relief Society recently for Seattle, Washington of livestock to consume these feeds that has announced where they will spend several weeks Stake Chorister, Mothers resulted in a higher farm income to as guests of their daughter. members of the Singing the operator. choruses of the stake are asked to meet at the Hyrum Third ward Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Kidd and Dec. C, at 3:30 p, ni. Mr. Dallas Jensen left Hyrum family spent last week end, visit The combined choruses will furnish Thursday to resume his work at ing in Park City. selections ior the Relief Society conthe Paris Co- in Salt Lake. He ference to be held Sunday morning, has been visiting here with his Mr. and Mrs. August Clawson December 13. J. Jensen entertained the members of the Coterie Club Mrs. - - entertained at a family dinner last Sunday. Shop at Jensens Variety Store, Mr. and Mrs. Elra Miller and largest selection c f gifts we have Mrs. Marvin Miller spent Wednes- ever had now on display. Come ad f off on all permanent day in Ogden. and look aroundwaves. Admiration DeLuxe treatment and shampoo before each Mr. and Mrs- August Clawson wave. , New equipment, no pull Mr. and Mrs. William S. and Santa Claus in person will be and no burn. Vivians Beauty and were Jensen Variety Store, Decat Bailey guests daughter Salon. at the home of Mrs. Lamar Lar- ember 12th and 19th with gifts ad 3 sen of Logan Thursday evening. or the kiddies. i holiday specials One-hal- - - . c . C- - A Mrs. Gladys Baxter and Mrs. at her home Wednesday. was lunch served after which Isabell Wilson were visitors in Preston Wednesday. chap-Sunda- parents for the past few days. Joe Petersen Jr. is at home again after having spent the past two months in Long Beach, California and other cities along the Pacific Coast. He also had a trip through the Panama Canal to the Phillipene Islands and to Japan. The Ladies Junior Literary club met at the home of Mrs. Garnel Larsen Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Minnie Miller gave two readings and Mrs. MindaHendersen talked on Radio Characters. Instrumental selections were rendered by Margene Mall, Lois Petersen, Lora Terry, Grace Kendrick and Jane white, all S. C. H. S. studDelicious refreshments ents. were served to 20 members and the guests. Special guests were Mesdames H- P. Anderson, Herman Fonsbeck and Norman Osborne of Logan, Leon Allen, Lynn Kidd and Lamar Andersen. - cards were the afternoons pastime- Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Nellie Peirce, Mrs. Erma Bird and Mrs. Lynn Baxter. Special guests were Mesdames Elva Scheby, Pearl Yonk and Myra Cooper of Logan and Lynn Baxter of Hyrum. J HOLIDAY SPECIALS All permanents at 1-- 2 regular An Admiration DeLuxe treatment and shampoo before each permanent wave. Vivians Beauty Salon. a(j price. e i . |