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Show kwii wiiffft CAPITOL LOGAN, today & Sat. Volume IX , VAUDEVILLE Sttcday to Ifiursday PARIS- - HISHTS Will Rogers in DOUBTING THOMAS Number 38 Hyrum, Cache County, Utah, Friday, June 7, 1935 s For Ga lusir 1H SET mi, ion July 4t Jil UHit iox m yrum Lions inscai y Elects 10-- 15 Box Elder and Cache counties, already Laub, chairman of the events prominently known for their birds and Th Western Association of Rai! wild game are forging ahead as fishing LLUiibi'iLik'J at the fair grounds for the Fourth of July Celebration in Logan says the way Executiies has been conducting counties and unless all signs fail northern 1 tali will committee will give the largest and best a henceforth line up with the best cooperative advertising campaign balanced program for the money of any them in the matter of angling-- . for the past several weeks, ard this Monday evening June 10th at that has ever taken place at the fair Boxelder county, the home of the nat-- i will culminate on June 15th. To conVictor ill's greatest migratory wrild fowl depot Petjrsens camp in Blackgrounds for years. clude Fork smith this Canyon there will be advertising piogram the and one of the sport God's chosen places The one admission of forty cents for tur meoca become the will soon "Railwill a feed and party. All pheasants, adults, youths twenty cents and children western rarlroads sponsor six and under free, will take care of road Week, in which every railroad .for those who seek game fish other than men and their partners are introut. both events. It will be a five hour show in the west will vited to attend. 7 p. m. is the join for the purpose Cache county, with its deer and its elk with a snappy baseball game between of focusing public interest on the im- as time. chief attractions, is becoming a serious the Elks and the Collegians from 1 to 3 and passen- threat for first place honors in trout fishing Transportation will be providp. m and then the rodeo. There is the proved services, frieght fine The with is blessed oifered ed for all those who can not fui-nis- h many county keenest of rivalry between these local ger, by western railroads and clubs and both will strengthen for the organize local action in connection (rout streams and the plants made by the their own if they will be at tate fish and game department this yea! game on the Fourth. It will take only therewith. Post Office not later than the should make these streams have maximum a few minutes after the baseball game To carry out this plan the chair6:30 m. p. yield for the followers of Walton to get the grounds ready for the rodeo. Bear River marsh with its mammoth U. The rodeo is in charge of N. W. Kim- manship of each state in western terball, Parley Hall and Parley Reese. ritory has been assigned to one of the S. bird refuge and independent gun clubs FAREWELL SOCIAL These are experienced men and have railroads serving it for the purpose of Nvitli its public shooting marshes and fine now has a new morsel pheasant territory handled the Farm Bureau Rodeo at calling together representatives of the the Fair each year for several years. other lines as a committee to secure Locomotive Springs. The latest addition to the state fish and game department as-- a Parley Hall has been assembling for the Marion Thompson, son of Mayor proclamation by the Governor olc.ets has all the earmarks of being the last three years a good string of proand Mrs. B. M. Thompson, w'ho will fessional bucking broncs. His best will the state setting aside the week .June pest's best spot for assorted game fish. Denmatch with the best of the Colburn 10th to 15th, inclusive, as Railroad Llias, Pm'h brea,n mul raPPJ have been leave shortly for a missiou to in while and catfish the limited springs, mark, will be guest of honor at a string. Parley will furnish twenty five Week in waters , e'low perch have been placed head for the rodeo. Parley Reese who social ia the Hyrum second farewell in addition to this, in the larger ji,etweeiI Brigliam City and Locomotive will act as the arena director, will have ward chapel Tuesday evening at cities and towns each railroad has .Springs. In addition to these Lochleven a car load of horned steers from the I 8 m. p. These will come appointed representatives to work as and rainbow trout have been planted in Ogden stock yards. fish state the and !bie game by l'ounty a for secof the committee direct from the range and are plenty purpose j wild and wooly. They will be used for urinjj a proclamation by the Mayor department. The records of the state fish and game bull dogging and riding. Reese will al- and Fae Ames who has been spewby enlisting the support of news- show the following for Box- department so have plenty of fast calves for the of commerce, Rot- elder county. chambers papers, ing several months at Portland-ropers. N. W. Kimball will act as tim147 Locomotive Clubs civic and other 1, August Springs: ary organiza' Oregon, with her brother Harold er and secretary of the show. cers Hyrum Lions club held an interesting session on Wednesday evening, iune 5, at 7:30 p. m. in the Domestic I Arts room at the South Cache High WHEREAS this city has been servSchool. Lien President, Cantril Nieled for many years by the Union sen was ia charge until the newly Pacific System and the elected officers were duly installed. Central R. R.f and Thirty persons sut down to a tastily these railroads have WHEREAS pn pared luncheon, which was under long played a vital part in the lives the direct on of Miss Hendry and a of eur people, and bevy of girl aids who gave expert WHEREAS these railroads have paid attention to the individual wsnU of and continue to pay, large amounts the hungry lions. in taxes, and Three visitors from Providence were WHEREAS these railroads have furpresent taking notes, and getting acnished employment for many, and quainted with important points in WHEREAS these railroads have Lionism, with a view to organizing a joined with other Western Railroads club in their home tuhvn. in, first, reducing basic fares and Two new members were initiated, sleeping-cacharges, and, second, namely; E. II. Cush of the U L C. in all principal pasaat I ewe7 Bird, Mgr. of senger trains, and the American Food Slore. Lion S, WHEREAS this ha3 meant lowered A. Dunn olficiating. cost and improved travel service "to Lion C. F. Olsen gav a talk on the traveling public, and which was well recevied. Lionism, WHEREAS the Governors of WesTwo musical numbers were pleasingly tern States have asked that the rendered by Miss Jean Nielsen on the public pay honor to Western Railtrombone, accompanied on the pian roads for their continued pioneering. Miss Kathryn Larsen. by NOW, THEREFORE, IB. M. ThompPerfect Attendance buttons were son, Mayor of the fcity of Hyrum, presented to 16 Lions, who bad not Utah, ask our citizens to join in the a meeting during the past year. observances ofRailroad Week from The elected officers for the newly twelve inch bass; November 20, 400 four Monday, June 10 to Saturday, Junej Entries have returned to her home Wednesday. already come in. Buck tions. inch bass 130 six inch November and bass; ensuing year, weie duly installed by 15. You are invited to participate in Petersen of Tremonton, Keith Hunsac-ke- r 20, 1100 five inch bream; 3000 three inch appropriate and impressive ceremony, of Honeyville, Ferris Garrett of the Railroad Week activities in your bream and 190 yearling crappie. Mr. and Mrs. George B.' Niel- Lion B. M. The mp on officiating Deweyville and Marvin Dunbar of Lo- locality. Your railroad is a vital part Bear river: September 14, 1800 large sen entertained at a shower last they were as follows: President, H. RELIEF SOCIETY CLOSING gan will be among some of the top of your community life. Know it ratfish; September 19, 2000 large catfish; These boys, altho local can hold B. Andersen; 1st Vice President, W.. 1000 October 10, large catfish; January 22, Friday evening in honor of Mr. their own with any of the professional and its improved services better. no:) II. E. 2nd J. B. Mrs. and Hervin Nielsen. catfish; Terry; large February i9,5oo, bronc riders in, this part gfthe country. There is no better time to become inch, Lochleven trout 2 The Thh-c- ward Re i Louts e t r wH Music and gtypes- were. tbe pastimes NVilsoriJ; year directors, Tt is"a contest and open to all comers. acquainted with it than during d Boxelder creek, April 1.5, 50,000 Loch- -' hold their closing social Tuesday at P. Maughan and D. O. Nielsen; holdof the and refreshevening According to Whit Kimball many Week. leven 2 inches lon May 15, 8000 2 p. m. An interesting program is rodeo performers from counover directors, John II. Wright and ments were served. inch rainbow. eight R. A. Eliason; Tail Twister, D. D. being arranged and refreshments will try will be Headed for the big pione r On October 10, the state planted 1000 rodeos at Ogden and Salt Lake City and be served. five inch yollow perch in waters west of , Young; Lion Tamer, Garnel E. Lara number of these will come in advance Mrs. William S. Brown, Mrs. Brigham. sen; director, Cantril Nielfor the shows at Logan and Preston on A big- dike construction contract has Francis Olsen, Jennie Brown and Secret P. L. Clark. sen; Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Dunn spent the 4th, recently been completed and a CCC camp Dewey Nielsen attended graduatLion R. II. Adams, gave an .inter, For a hook-uthere are no better last week end iif Salt Lake. js now busy making other improvements exercises of the school for esting at Locomotive Springs. As soon as these ing grounds and corrals in the intermounreport on some thirty activities deaf and blind at Ogden on A tain country than at the Gaehe County engaged' In by the club duFing the past reorganization of the Hyrum improvements are made the state fish and Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Jensen Cleo , Smith Fair Grounds. Tjhe chutes and corrals Third ward will intenTuesday more evening. game begin department Suntook place year. primary announce the marriage on Wednes- are all arranged the proper distance To the District Convention to be President Julia Eliasonand sive efforts in fish culture in these waters.' of Hyrum was among the day of their daughter Blanche to from the spectators and for the most day when The fish and game department record Aleda in Allen and Connie for Cache Richfield, on June the Leonhardt Ulrich of Providence. speed in getting the show off. The Counselors county plantings show: OlMrs. ideal. are and Nielsen were Ida released. alternates for the Blacksmith following Fork: Mrs. Maud delegates grounds 9li,000 21, perforrers September Liljenquist entertained ta.be able to sen is the new president and Annie rainbow 6 inches long; April 13, 150,()0() It is an exceptional A bus load of members from the were chosen": H. P. Andersen, D. O. at her home Monday in evening Lochleve-- trout 2 inches long; April change so qu.ckly from baseball to rod- Jensen and Lucille lliller the First ward left Thursday to attend Nielsen, Cantril Nielsen, R. B. Maughg eo. compliment to the bride. The Not many places are so conven12, 15,000 rainbow inches long. the M.I. A. conference at Salt Lake. an, W. H. Terry, A. D. Allen, G. E. was spent in music and games. iently arranged. Logan River: September 81, 170,000 Larsen and Ezra W. Archibald. Refreshments were served to about rainbow inches; April A wonderful display of fireworks free 150,000 two These people received awards for A number of activities were and a halt inch Lochleven; April 12, achievements in drama, dancing and one hundred to the public will take place at the Fair reportguests. rainbow inches long-Grounds in the evening. social conduct in Mutual work dur- ed on as being under consideration, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Plowman and Bear River: September 20, 200 twelve which wilt he taken up and comThe Parade Committee for the Celeing the past season. Newbold Mr. Mrs. and Dave inch and catfish; January 25, 1000 large catfish; bration has decided to make the Statue pleted when the various committees Wellsville reservoir, 18,000 four to six NOW of Liberty Float the Central Theme for daughter Lucille of Smithfield were are named. Mrs. O. H- Birch spent Saturthe patriotic floats around which the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Homer inch rainbow on September 22. Similar A spirit of enthusiasm and bright plantings were made the same day in other floats will be built. This subject Nielsen Sunday. with her Mrs. Glen ' day daughter fork South and east canyon. hopes for future accemplishments U. 0. O' has been assigned to Logan City. Mayor On April 12 the state placed 1000 six to Rottman at Salt Lake. chanacterized the meeting. A. G. Lundstrom and the other comHen Utah-Ida'h- o AMI lift ce r I mis-ie- not-cher- s. in-1- Vice-Presiden- 4 t, -.- Rail-roa- , the-entir- ., p 5 set-u- p 4-- -2 eve-lin- 0 4-- 6 1 6-- . I - PAP has been received from wash iagton, D. C. that the President has Word directed the prompt expansion of the Conservation Corps, including 55,000 veterans of either World or prior wars. The Director, EmerCivilian gency Conservation Work, has auth orizsd the expansion of the Civilian Conservation Corps duringtheperiod lone 15, 1935- which will -- August 31, include the program to - normal July replacement maintain the Corps at full trength. The quota for Utah has not been but it is the desire of the Veterans Administration that as many applies-honas possible be on hand at an arly date to assume complete enroll nient of the quota set for the State f Utah. Aeterass may obtain applications work from the Veterans Ad. ministration, Salt Lake City, Utah. The rquiremenls are tjiat applicants k in good health, residents of the State f Utah, veterans of either World or prior wars and have an bunorable discharge. Former veteTan Members of the Civilian Conservation Corps who have been honorably therefrom with efficiency fating of Satisfactory or better are fr this d ,!3 eligible. missioners are actively interested in the celebration and have promised the city would be ltpresented with a float. Other subjects for floats to be assigned to the wards are Betsy Ross, Valley Forge, Wfn Penn. First Thanksgiving, Abraham Lincoln Freeing the Slave, Liberty Float, Liberty Bell, Signing of the Declaration of Independence, Pocahontas, Uncle Sam, American Legion. Some miscellaneous floats including popular flowers of Utah are Scgo lily, sunflower, black eyed susan and poppy, trappers, bee hive. The Logan Rotary Club, the Elks, the Lions, American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary Daughters of the Pioneers, and Sons of the Pioneers are expected to be represented with floats. Mayor Harmon Perry of Cgden has promised that the 'Big Pioneer Days Celebration in Ogden will be represent, ed with a float. Mayor Mareus of Salt Lake has made a similar promise for the Covered Wagon Days Celebration in Salt Lake City. Many floats .from the business houses and industries are ten inch rainbow in Smithfield canyon and a similar plant in High creek on the same (C. F. CMsen, Publicity Com.) Mr. and Mra. Edward Wilhelm day. and and Irene Beutler Garth Schwartz and Ernest, Beutler of Dayton were guests of Mis3 Pearl Johnson Wednesday evening. Mrs. Cantril Nielsen and children are spending the week end Mr. and Mrs. Louis P. Maughan at Whitney, Idaho. and family visited with relatives at Grace, Idaho Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Eliason are happy over the arrival of a Beginning Monday, June 17, all Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Montierth son born to them last fine grocery stores and meat markets will and of and Mrs. Bill Myers and close piomptly at. (1 p. m. on week children of Wellsville, and Mrs. days and at 8 p. m. on Saturdays Wesley Stokes and children of and days previous to holidays. Ogden spent, last week" end at the H. H. Jensen home. Mr. and Mrs. G W. Allen announce the marriage of their son Dale to Miss Fern Boudell of Mrs. Nels Jeppsonof Area, Ida- Harriman, Utah. The wedding ho is visiting in Hyrum with re- took place Tuesday in the Salt latives and friends. Mrs. Jeppson Lake Temple. was a former Hyrum resident. Mr. Mrs. Joseph Mousely of Riverton, spent last week here with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Morris her mother, Mrs. Wells McBride. and.daughter of Pocatello, Idaho A new shipment of white hats spent Wednesday and Thursday at the Louis P. Maughan home. arrived Friday to sell at a price to fit every purse. Prices greatly reduced on spring dresses, con- expected. The music committee has arranged for the Logan Senior High band, the North and South Cache High band and a small childrens band. Plans are under will take way for other bands. These a prominent part in the parade and other activities of the day and evening. Call 84w and us tell the news Coach J. K. Vanderhoff and Mrs. for Myra Ross, recreational supervisors Lcgan Ci'.y playgrounds, are working sports for the children on the taber r.ovv to have a large number of particinade square in the afternoon of the will conduct celebration. in the They parade. pants family Safford, Arizona spent a few days during the week with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Eliason. Mr. N. H. Woodruff of Sugar City, Idaho, is helping Mrs. T. Mrs. Lewis Madison aad Mr. and Hutton with her drug Store. Mrs. Hendrickson and daughter of Idaho Falls,. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Segry Rolfsen entertained at her Hiilvard and Mr. and Mrs. Jay home Monday evening in compli- Roarke of Pocatello spent last week ment to Mrs. Orlin Whitney ofMen-do- end at the George Gordon home! W. u. Luncheon was served to teen guests. fif- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shaw and daughter of Magna and Mrs. Ronald Mrs. Elgeva Johnson returned home last Wednesday from the Northwestern States Mission where she spent the past seven Erickson of Salt Lake .were visitors months She is now during the week .at the John Eliason June confereiice at Saltattending Lake. home. Postmaster Cantril Nielsen left sisting mostly of dark prints. A Leta Baxter was returned to her for Salt Lake to attend Thursday complete new supply of beautiful home the forepart ef the week from the annual Postmasters conventsummer dresses are on display. the hospital where she she has beeu ion where he is on the reception the past two months suffering with committee. He will also attend pneumonia. conference, Maud lifjenquist |