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Show f r- - - SOUTH CACHE COURIER NEWS NOTES from WELLSVILLE WELLSVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Alex Saturday evening t a shower dance in the Wellsville 'ward recreation hall, given in honor ..or their daughter, Mary who was married Wednesday, December 5, to fjCccar Dunn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Dunn of Logan. The marraige ttook. place in the Logan temple. A program in charge of William I. was as follows: two comet fsolos by Howard Dunn; two vocal solo by Kay Sorensen; song and Sorensen; reading by William I. speech and song by Mr. Dunn; talks President by H. I. Sorenson and Charles Dunn. " Refreshments were served to 150. The remainder of the time was spent in dancing. A number of people were present. A beautiful trousseau was The display at the Burst home. young couple received a number of beautiful and Useful gifts. A'dinfter was given Thanksgiving day. at the home of Mrs. Margaret P. Jones, who was observing her ;Buiat entertained Sor-ienso- out-of-to- A trimmed birthday anniversary. Mrs. birthday cake presented to Mrs. Jone3 by her daughter-in-laMark Jones, was the centerpeice of the dinner table and vases of carnations at each end. Those included were the guest of honor, Joseph! Jones,, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Jones, Mr. and, Mrs. Mark Jones of Benson Wi.rd and families. Following dinner the time was spent in visiting. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Cooper en- tertained Friday at dinner and supper. The occasion being their second wedding aniversary and the birthday anniversary of Mr. Cooper. A trimmed birthday cake, centered the dinner table. Places were marked for: Mr. and Mres. Joseph Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Baker, the Misses Olive and Lucile Baker, and Horace Mrs. Baker of Mendon, Mr. and Lu-thMrs. and Mr. Brenchley, (Preston Cooper, Carl Cooper, Norma and Ruth Cooper and the host and hosetss. The time was spent in visi- ey ting. Russell Hall, Myron Brenchley, Brenchley Ray Leishman, Preston and Lewis Brenchley returned home Sunday after . a five day hunting trip in Southern Utah. They brought back five deer. Utahs 1 934 Babies Dr. T. B. Beatty, with the assistance of the U. S. Census Bureau will provide every UT-AiBABY, born in 1934, with 1T3 "FIRST CITIZENSHIP PAPERS. He.1 says,.. "There are 14 reasons for proper registration. Congratulations Dr. Beatty, very commendable. H There are 16 good reasons why every BABY should be provided with a BENEFICIAL CONLIFE INSURANCE TRACT. The BIG HOME PANY offers more for your INSURANCE dollars. IS Your LIFE INSURANCE Beneficial? 1, 1931 "DECEMBER CITY BUDGET A group of teachers from WellsThe following is the Hyrum City NOTICE There are delinquent on ville, South Cache high school end acLincoln school together with a numbudget as 'set for 1935: the following, described stock, on $1,400.00 count of assessment levied on the ber of local people have organized Salaries ' 1,500.00 second Police Department day of October, 1934 (and an extensio nclads in English. $1,000.00 assessments levied previously thereto Road Maintenance to is of the class The objective $100.00 set seamounts of the several Cemetery the the great poetry study if any), $2,815.00 Interest Water Bonds opposite the name of the respective venteenth century poet, John Milton, Interest Electric with particular emphasis upon , the shareholders as follows: $2,706.74 Cert. No. Shares Amt. immoratl epic, "Paradise Lost. The Light Bonds $4,600.00 Water Department 673 Ya $1.15 instructor is Dr. Wallace J. Vickers Phillip Albertsen 4.60 of the U. S. A. C. Electric Light Department $7,500.00 Rebecca O. Allen 382 2 1.15 - $4,000.00 John E. Allred Sinking Fund Once a week the class meets at ?5'000-00- ! 1.51 the Lincoln school. HenT'Ames Contingent Regular college Pubilc Grounds 221 2 23.04 extension credit will be given. i 000.00 A. J?Andersen $o, 5.18 Elite Gymnasium 2 29 O. E. Andersen Anyone interested in joining may 2.30 do so by seeing Principal S. A. Dunn 1 Russell Baugh $26,621.74 Total 2 4.60 immediately. 36 Cyril Baugh 2 4.60 pie SALE 139 Any or all protests to above bud- Jennie Burris 6.051 629 2 get will be heard in special city Charles Carlson Wednesday, November 28, during council meeting held in council room M. A. Gill 5 1E50 ,the noon hour, the (sixth 166 grade child-of city hall, December 17, 1934 at Annie N. Hansen 2.30 j reni under the direction of Mi3s Bes-- 4 164 8 p. m. 12.08 j 234 Maria Haws Brown, conducted a pie shle. Earle W. Allen, 4.60 j 2 34 Haws The objective was to obtain' enough Garland 4 Adv. 7.80 money for each; child in the room City Recorder Charles C. Jensen 107 2 -- OOO1 3.45 J t0 have a subscription to My Week- 444 B. Jensen James 640 2Ya 5.75 ly. Reader, a childs newspaper of HYRUM BLACKSMITH FORK IR- Mr:. Arthur Jensen 2.30 condensed worlds news, RIGATION COMPANY - 1 Wm. H. James Annie IC. Lauritzen Through the cooperation efforts 4.60 of the mothers who nx.de and do2 232 Hyrum, Utah Est 7 16.10 nated the pies, and because of the NOTICE There are delinquent on Heber Lauritzen.... 276-21- 0 6.90 excellent organization by class nad 3 236 the following stock on account of H. F. Liljenquist assessment levied, September 29, Rass Liljenquist - 2 4.60 teacher the sale was a huge 2..30 1 1934, the amounts set opposite the Melvin Liljenquist 4.60 2 255 names of the respective charehold-a- s Annie C. Lansen follows: 219 15 34.50 Wm. O. McBride Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Nielsen and Cert. No. Shares Amt. children were dinner gueSE; of two 2? 12 26.50 Mr. and w yfTndM Mrs. Levi Cooper, at Wells52.39 ville, Thursday. 22 Charles A. Nielsen 223-23- 0 . 7-- - 1 1 1 3-- 12-1- Mrs. Martman Hanson Lake City was the guest ter, Mrs. Jennie Burress Don Jensen returned to Insurance and Notary Public. er FOR THE FUTURE WITH THE WINTER QUA RTER THE OPENING OF ' , AT , , BEGIN YOUR TRAINING AGRICULTURE EDUCATION V VVVVV VV de- Miss Bess Crookston spent the forepart of the week at Pocatello, Makes a GIFT And the finest way to Address the Presidents Office, Logan, Utah, if you wish a Catalogue, or any additional Information. gie time D. O. Nielsen and daughter, ginia, were visitors in Preston, Wednesday. Vir- FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOM APARTMENT. Mrs. H. Andersen. ' Adv. I Greeting Cards WENDELBOE JEWELRY CO. Logan, Utah P. & Ww Mi vv v v v w 7 77 : Style Shop COLD Weather Here! SPECIAL SUBSCRIPTION OFFER ITS POOR ECONOMY TO "GET BY WITH INFERIOR COAL. CALL US NOW FOR COAL SERVICE! O We Will KNIGHTS SPRING CANYON COAL l 1 m m m m m m ns AND FINISHED SERVICE When it becomes necessary to select a funeral service, you will find that every detail that can contribute ,to the beauty and dignity of these find rites has been included, if the service is conducted by Lindquist. Yet this lovely tribute is not extravagant, but well within the reach of every family. G W. Lindquist & Sens Undertakers LOGAN, UTAH.. gHBgggHHiffiliWIKwfel Mr. and Mm. Joseph A. Pearce and daughter La Vem, spent Thanksgiving in Ogden. SEE THESE BARGAINS! NOTHING BUT GOOD COAL WILL DO! This Year. ' Mrs. Eliza Hulse wa? a Wellsville visitor Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hulse. MAUDS Is Engraved THE COURIER city. XMAS DRESSES model to suit every taste and , Prices Surprisingly Low. Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Nielsen receiv-e- d word of the safe arrival of a fine daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bradford, at the hospital in Preston, Idaho. Mrs. Bradford was far. merly Miss ASleen Nielsen of this Must Be Cleaned Out Elgins from fig Bring In Your Own Selection. James Buck and baby 0f spent Sunday visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J4me3 L Jensen. (Mrs. Smithfield, is an Elgin watch. Theres a every budget. Come in today. See our huge assortment. Cards, or You May ing. COATS Idaho. SPLENDID LOGAN. UTAH FURNISH Rexburg Just A Few Left. TIME HOME ECONOMICS COMMERCE ENGINEERING AND MECHANIC ARTS -- their return from Mr3. Norma Baxter, member of the stake board, was a visitor at of Salt the Relief Society in Wellsville on of her, sis Tuesday. last week Iris and Eldon Nieliren, children of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nielsen, are Ogden,' af- - very sick, suffering from pneumonia. i 10th, 1934 HAVE YOUR XMAS on Idaho, where they spent ThanksgivI AAAAA AAAAAAA AAAAA AA AAA CM UTAH STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE Its rum CALL Students are not handicapped by starting their college work with he opening of the Winter Quarter. . Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Walters of Payson, Utah, spent Sunday in Hy- Highest Prices Paid UTAH STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE FORESTRY ARTS AND SCIENCES Carmen Christensen who is attending school in Pocatello, spent the week end with his parents, Bishop and Mk. James G. Christensen. WE BUY Winter Quarter Registration Over 000 courses la SOO departments will be offered. The partments are grouped in the following Schools: Mrs. T. W. Mutton and daughter Virginia, spent the week end visiting with relatives in Lewiston. - John A. Israelsen MONDAY DECEMBER Mr. and Mis. Thomas Adamson 0 Los Angeles,. California, are in Hyrum, visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. J. H.- Wright will give a reAnd in accordance with law, and view of the book, "Dusk at the order of the Board of Directors of sen. Grove, by Samuel Rodgers. Musical said Company, made on the 29th day of September 1934. So many share of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Jensen were numbers will be given. e..ch parcel of said stock as may Mr. ana Mrs. William Leavitt of be necessary will be sold at AnderProvo, were the guests of the'r dasen Sons Store at Hyrum, Utah, on ughter, Mrs. Victor E. Petersen on the 21, day of December, 1934 at the hour of 12, noon, of said day, The Ladies Literary club will hold Thanksgiving Day. assessment to pay the delinquent thereon, together with the cost of CHRISTMAS TREES FOR SALE. advertising and expenses of sale. Adv. SEE KEN ALLEN. , And in accordance with law, and1 By C. C. Petersen, secretary-treasurAAi A of the Hyrum Blacksmith-For- k an order of the Board of Directors j l of said company, made on the '2nd j Irrigation Co. Dec. 6, 1934 Hyrum, Utah day of October, 1934, so many shares! -- ooo of each parcel of said stock as may be necessary will be sold at Ander-- t All kinds of Grains, and can furnish any amount ens Lumber Co.s store, at Hyrum, Utah, on the 21st day of December, of same at Granery. 19 3 4; at the hoar of one p. m. of 3?.id d..y, to pay the delinquent assessment there .on, Jogether with the ' cost of advertising and expenses of sale. HILLER By C. C. Petersen, secretary-treasure- r of Hyrum Irrigation ComPHONE 86-HYRUM pany. Dec. 6, 1934 V 7V1 Hyrum, Utah V ooo Mr. and Mrs. Alton Miller and children, spent Thanksgiving Day in Wellsville, the guests of Mrs Mil-ler- p parents, Mr. and Mrs. James A.; Leishman. Let me help you with your Insurance problems. Pohne 72, Hyrum ' LINCOLN SCHOOL NEWS COMPANY HYRUM IRRIGATION Hyrum, Utah UTAH BLUE BLAZE COAL -- CALL- MILLER FEED AND COAL PHONE 123-- TO Wellsville Residents FOR THE REGULAR SUBSCRIPTION PRICE OF $1.00 WE WILL GIVE YOU A YEARS SUBSCRIPTION TO THE SOUTH CACHE COURIER AND 50c IN MERCHANDISE . . , AT THE GOLDEN RULE STORE OF WELLSVILLE. SUBSCRIPTION WILL BE SOLICITED YOUR IN THE NEAR FU TURE. SUPPORT THE PAPER THAT SUPPORTS SOUTH CACHE. REMEMBER THE COURIER FOR VIRTUALLY 50c , |