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Show CAPITOL, Logan, Today & Sat. Vaudeville ArtUt and ModeUStarting Sun. Will Roger in judge THINKIN ALOUD Priett' What Right Have We to Demand Perfection in Others When They Cannot Find It in Us? N. P. S. arrangements have been The final in regards to the leasing of 57 South Cache Courier. Lavon will have charge Wahlen from' now on and ye scribe, of the job department w Pratt Smith, will be editor and for the Cache Publishing made publisher company. - . It has been- our endeavor to 1m- -' the Courier DWVe and strengthen ; Jfjjile this lease has been pending. ; Now that every thing is satisfactory i concerned we feel with all parties readers a good we can promise you community paper of sound policies and sympathetic service. I begins Our subscription drive it the I Monday. We are calling I You get the breaks" campaign because that is what it is; the f 'subscriber gets the breaks for a change. Instead of giving away a as an autobig cash prize such of that price we or something bile are taking the money that would be spent for the prize and returning it to the subscriber. So in this campaign every subscriber gets a prize. No tricks or gamble to it. You have been receiving the Courier for some time and know of its improvements and worth. It is now a well respected farm community paper that will compare favorably with papers of towns much larger than Hyrum. From the newspaper history of Hyrum I take it that the citizens of this place are about the most loyal I have ever heard of when it comes to backing the home town paper. We earnestly hope that we may merit your continued loy-alt- VOLUME IX HYRUM, WELLS VILLE Abe Murdock Speaks at Rally i birthday anniversary by a grodp of relatives and friends. seumfty-nint- h (Congressman Abe Murdock was the principal speaker at the Democratic Ralley held in the Elite hall Tuesday night. Due to the hour the crowd was not au large as was desired. An attentive audience followed the speakers throughout the evening however and were instructed profusely in facts of the 'New Deal of the present administration. Mr. Murdock gave an account of his actions and 'words while serving as a member of the House of Representatives. Optomistical words for Die outcome of Cache County Democratic nominees were spoken of by the distinguished guest. A desire that all who would see a continuance of the present start towards good times would stand wholeheartedly behind President Roosevelt and the New Deal in the coming elections was expressed by the Congressman. Mrs. M. Joseph Campbell enterLe-nor- e,' y. 1 -- . - breaks, 000 . PROVIDENCE Miss composed of Miss Cardon, Lundahl and Miss Peterson of Logan rendered two vocal trios. A talk on Christianity was given by Sylvan Needham, recently returned missionary and a talk on the government by Mr. Theurer. Mrs. Vesta Alder enterJned the club at members of the Read-Moher home- - A book review was given by Annie M. Pickett- Dainty refreshments were served by the hostess. Eleven ladles were included. The beet vacation for the school children started Saturday. The farmers are digging their beets in ful swing. Mr. and Mrs. George Carling welcomed a baby boy to their home on Friday evening. Mother and son are re - Pearl Zollinger of Malta, Idaho, is visiting with her parents. Mns. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Neddo, Relief The First ward Society held their work and business meeting op Wecjngsday afternoon in the Two quilts vyerd pmusement hal. Were quilted and various qther sewing dope for the bazaar to be held next month. Refreshments were sergetting along nicely, ved to about forty. Select From These On November 6th " OOQ DEMOCRATIC TICKET TICKET REPUBLICAN Term Commissioner, Two-yeEDWIN CLAWSON, Hyrum Term Commissioner, Four-yeSAUL E. HYER, Lewiston Clerk C. V. MOHR, Providence Assessor R. S. McQUARRIE, Hyde Park ar ar Treasurer E. N. MAUGHAN, Wellsville Attorney L. D. NAISBITT, Sheriff Logan W. H. SHAW, Paradise Recorder RHEA R. LAR3EN, Logan Suveyor EUGENE SCHAUB, Logan State Senate W. H- - GRIFFIN, Jr., Logan . Commisioner, Two Year Term LEO C. NIELSEN, Hyrum Commissioner, Four Year Term ALFRED W. CHAMBERS, Smithfield Clerk N. J. CR00K3T0N, North Logan Assessor R. H. STEWART, River Heights Treasurer MORONI T. BECK, Newton Attorney GEORGE D. PRESTON, Logan Sherriff JEFF STOWELL, Lewiston Recorder HODGSON, Logan' Senate Dr. WESTON VERNON, Logan ELEANOR Legislature Mrs. ANNIE McKAY FARR, Smithfield JOHN H. KEMP GEORGE C. NUHN, Avon County Chairman HARRY C. PARKER, Logan ' Legislature GEORGE G. HENDRICKS, Richmond MRS. SHERWIN MAESER, Logan JOSEPH OLSON, College Ward County Chairman JAMES McMURRIN PARTY HEADQUARTERS CHOSEN Not so early - finding a home the fact The County Republican? under the yet louder in acclaiming establishonce a headquarters were the County Democrats have leadership of Harry C. Parker have ed hung up a big bancharacteristically established headquarters in the Am- ner and say they are now at home Block in erican Legion Hall over the Capitol to everyone in the Baugh Logan. Theatre in Logan. The Chamber of Chairman says that we have been hav ng such wonderful prosperity un Commerce entrance to the. Thatcher der the New Deal that we coulblock bring you to the G. 0. P. dnt find a vacant building on Main street. The Baugh Block, recently vacated was offered to the Dems. Camp. - - Al-vo- rd re FRIDAY, OCT. NUMBER 1934 19, hon- Mrs. Gilbert Thorpe --of Logan, Mrs-Amand- Mrs. Jessie Woodward Woodward were the hostesses. - The afternoon was spent in visiting. A dainty lunch wan served- - to , Mr. Woodward, Mrs. Delila Jones, Mrs. Susannah Bailey, Mrs. Esther WilMrs. Mrs. Cyrena Hall, liamson, Jane Parkinson, Mrs- - Alvira Baugh, Mrs. Margaret B. Maughan, Mrs. Martha Hall, Mrs. Hannah Kerr, Mrs. Harriet Spence, Mrs. Esther Darley, Mrs. Veda Smith, Mrs. Mary Jane Hendry, Mrs. .Ethel Jonea and Mrs. Violet Parkinson. The Literary club met' Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Agnes .Price. A report of the northern district convention held at Garland was given by Mrs. Mary J. Parker, president of the club. Organola For to Love That Lives selection, for Aye, Mrs. Ruby Price; two tap numbers, Miss Mary Price; book review. The Great Hunger by Joan Bouger was given by Mrs.- Bessie Jones; organola selection, Mrs. Ruby Price. The following committee was chosen to select officers for the ' coming year; Mrs. Flossie Gunnell, Mrs. Ethel Jonas and Mrs. Margaret Bankhead. A social hour followed during which refreshments were sierved to 20. The junior Literary club which was organized recently met at the home of Mrs. Sarah Brown Wednesday evening. The officers are pres-ictent, Mrs. Venna Parkins; vice president, Mrs. Lucretia Maughan; secretary, Mrs. Carolyne Stuart; Mrs. Leora treasurer, Parker; amusement Mrs. Eva committee, Brenchley, Mrs. Ida Allen, Mrs. Alta A story, Good Little Brenchley. Egg, was given by Mrs. Wahnetta Parkinson. Lunch was served to thirteen- The club will meet twice a month, ,,The next meeting will he at the home of Mrs. Lewis Wednesday, Oct. 24. . ' Mrs. H6ward Jon.s - entertained Thursday at dinner in honor of her father, D. H. Maughan, of Grace, Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Maughan and Miss Ramona Maughan of Hyrum. The guests were seated at one long table which held a vase of alters for a centerpiece. Other dinner guests were Mrs. Jane Parkinson, Mrs. Audra Turner and sons, Leon and Wayne. The members of the Madre club held busy day at the home of Mm, Blanche Bradshaw Friday afternoon. Mrs. Sterling Jones who recently returned from a trip to the Worlds fair at Chicago, gave a talk on the trip. A social hour was enjoyed and refreshments iterved to twenty members. Mrs. Ernest Leishman entertained a group of friends Wednesday evening at a candy pull. Those included were Mr. and Mm. Ray Leishman, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leishman, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Leishman, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Preston Brenchley, Mrs. Lewis Brenchley, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Maughan, Mr. and Mrs. AlThe evening wan len Leishman. spent playing cards. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Leishman was pleasantly surprised Monday evening by a group of friend;. The occasion being the birthday anniversary of Mr. Leishman. Music and Supper was games were enjoyed. served to Mr. and Mrs. Leishman, Mr. and Mn?. LeRoy Leishman, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Brenchley, Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Maughan, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Baldwin, Mr. and Mrs. Preston Brenchley and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Leishman. Mm. Thomas S. Bradshaw entertained Tuesday at a childrens party in honor of her son Reid's sixth birthday anniversary. Games and music were enjoyed. Refreshment were served to Reid, Margaret, Jean and Marie Bradshaw, Dee and Nelda Stoddard, Clyde and Ivy Jean Smith, Gayla Lanen, Iris Williamson and Lou Poppleton. Mrs. Gretta Leishman wa; hostess Thursday afternoon to the members of club. The afternoon cards and was spent in playing games- - Luncheon was served to Mrs. Olive Jones, Mrs. Myra Perkins, Mrs. Marjorie Leishman, Mrs. Stella Just-A-Me- UTAH, Junior Democrats Last Rites For Held Meet Monday her R. H. Mrs. Mary A. Woodward wad ored Saturday. afternoon at tained at a birthday party on Friday afternoon for her daughter who was celebrating her twelfth birthday . Games and outdoor Three ladies wiijl be the authorized sports were enjoyed. At the close solicitqrs for Courier 'subscriptions-Mrs- . a dainty luncheon was served. Those Kathepne Wahlen and the Mis- present were Phyllis Buckley, Eileen Your Sorensen. and ses Opal' Myrtle Mae Loosli, Norma Kendciollar' t? them gges a long ways. Kendrick, Cloma Hammond, Lelmae Chugg rick, First you receive half of it baok ip Blanche Campbell, Margaret Clawprizes, merchandise; 2nd you help the son. Lenone Spuhler, Mary Ella Staltz ladles; 3rd you help the merchants June James, Theda Almond, Ella and 4th you help maintain a live Fuhriman, Jeannie Gibbons,' Marporie home town paper. Read the ad on Jensen, Clyde Campbell, Milton Camp the back page for full details. Verio Kendrick and Lenore bell, To explain briefly: You pay the Campbell- - A number of nice gifts regular subscription price for one were received by the guest of honor. year of $1jOO. In return you reMr. and Mrs- Seth Leishman and receive your receipt for one children of Wellsvdle spent Sunday 50c due AND a years subscription with her parents, Mr. and afternoon 50c in bill. This due bill is good for merrhandise at any Hyrum store Mres. Lois Frank. The following program was given that advertises in the Courier. Since we all have to buy groceries, overalls in the First ward conjoint meeting eoal, gasoline and etc. it is just like Sunday evening. . Lucille - Campbell getting a yeans subscription to the conducted the meeting. A ladies trio Courier fgv only 50c. Don't miss this opportunity to get your paper for half price, It's your campaign cause, .'You get the CACHE COUNTY, Maughan The Cache County Junior Democratic League met in a rally Monday night in the Chamber of Commerce rooms. Allen Blood, president of the Utah Le ague and John Boyden, National Committeeman were the prin-dp- al speakers. Everett Boyden, President of the Salt Lake league was also present. Understanding of the present setup and workings of our political parties and conditions generally were offered as primary reason? for joining the League. Interesting meetings and speakers are slated for the very near future according to Adrain Hatch, president All young folks are invited to attend. Eligibility rules are just: You must be between the ages of 16 and 36. GROWERS GET MONEY WELLSVILLE iFriends and relatives assembled'' Thursday at 2 p. m., in this Second ward chapel to pay a parting tribute to Robert II. Maughan,' 65, who died Monday of a heart attack. Bishop Evan H. Bankhead presided ,at the services-- The ward- choir furnished three numbers under thi direction of chorister, Miss Gladys Hill and Miss Gayle Berry at the organ. Special musical number? were a solo, Home Ties by Vernon Mtughan with Mrs. Anona Maughan accompanist; duet, Invocation by Mrs. Ctrolyne Stuart and Parley Hall with Mrs. Oal.a Murrty accompanist. Prayers were by Patriarch William H. Maughan and William T. Darley. Tributes of respect were paid by Heber C. Parker, Lewis Maughan of Hyrum, Thomas Lindley, C. N. Maughan, President John Isrealson and Bishop Bankhead. The floral offerings were many and beautiful and . were in charge ni charge of Mrs. Rena M. Leitsh-ma- n and Mrs. Hilda Wyatt. The pall bearers were Vernon Murray of Paul, Idaho, Wilford Wyatt, Archie Maughan John Kerr, Merlin Murray and Thomas Williamson of Poeaeello. Burial was in the Wellsville cemetery where ehe grave was dedicated by John Kerr. - ' Final payments for the 1933 sugacrop will be made to the farmers this month by the Utah-Idah- o Sugar company, it was announced by Willard T. Cannon, and general manager of th-company. A total of $623,950.80 will be paid this month bringing total payments for the 1933 crop to $5,442,733.81, of which $2,018,696.70 to goes to Utah and $2,119,096.74 Idaho farmers. this The payments being made 000 month are as follows: Salt Lake and Utah counties, $94,220.95, bringing FIRE DESTROYS BARN the total to $1,099,902.32; Box Elder county, $113,070.42; for a total of $918,794.38; Idaho, $253,076.37, makFire destroyed a barn valued at 4 ing $2,119,096.74; other states, and belonging to James M. $1500 $1,304,-940.3to make a total of Williamson of Wellsville Friday afThe average price was $4.94 per ternoon. The barnj'fras located just ton for more than 11,000,000 tons. south of the Morning Milk factory The average price in Utah was $4.68 in Wellsville. The fire was to a point almost per ton and in Idaho $5.11 per ton. beyond control when it wa3 first noMom-ti- g ;; The Hyruris . stake jfcelief Society ticed by an employee of the Milk factory at 4:17 p. n. The conference-convention will be --held fire " department -- - was Oct. 21, at the Hyrum Logan-Cach- e Sunday, called immediately and employees at Third ward chapel. the began pouring water on to 9 factory The first meeting Sunday, department 10:30 a. m. is for stake officers, the flames. The fire ward presidents, bishop;, county saved hay stacks near the bam from cimmissioner, social service director the blaze. The cause of the fire wa? unknown of FERA, advisory high councilman. to Mr. Williamson. He Sunday morning at 10:30 to 12 according noon is for stake and local officers said the loss was partly covered by ... class leaders, visiting teachers, bish- insurance. 000 councllmen. and ops high Mr. and' Mrs. John G. Wright left to '4 Sunday afternoon from 2 is a public' meeting.- - The general Tuesday by motor for California, public is cordially invited to attend. where they will spend two weeks A general board member will be with .relatives and friends. present. A good attendance is - desired. (Bishop L. P. Maughan, manager of Allen Merchantile Co., is a Salt A meat canning demonstration Lake City business visitor- was held Wednesday afternoon in the Third ward chapel for women - Mr, and Mrs. Ed Payne are visitof the Hyrum stake. Miss Elna Mil- ing with relatives in Provo. ler of the USAC extension service, t ' Dr. Etheleen Greaves and Miss Effie Larry Eliason, son of Mr. and Mrs . Merlin Eliason, suffered a Barrows were in charge. broken arm when he fell at his home last Saturday. Archibald, Mrs. Edna Bassett and Mr and Mrs. Lavon Wright and Mrs. Fern Murray. Mrs. Luther Baldwin entertained family of Murray and Mr. and Mm. Friday evening at a candy pull. Mark Bailey and children of Magna The evening was spent playing and Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Rose of cards. A delicious lunch was served Malad spent last week end here as to Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Maughan, Mr. guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. and Mrs. Melvin Archibald, Mr. and Wright. Mrs- - LeRoy Thorpe, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Leishman and Mr. andMrs. Mn?. J. W. Wright submitted to Baldwin. Mr. and Mm. Parley Hall, and an oper. tion for gall stones at a Monday morning. Mrs. Celia Murray motored to Brig- Logan hospital ham City Wednesday to attend the Last reports are that she is doing funeral of Orsen Polseru Mr. Hall as well as can be expected. 000 sang a solo and Mrs. Murray was the accompanist at the services. CARD OF THANKS D. P. Maughan arrived here Wednesday evening after Spending two We wish to express our sincere years in California. Mr. Maughan thanks to the many friends for their cams to attend the funeral of his kind deeds and sympathy in the brother, Robert H. Maughan, held loss of our beloved Georgia. here Thursday. He i? the guest of Yvonne and Donald A. Gill Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jones Mrs. Emma Klotz Among those from, put of town Mr. and Mm.' R. H. Nielsen who attended the funeral- of Robert H. Maughan held - Thursday were: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Williamson Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Clawson, Mrs. of Pocatello, Charles Moeslander, William S. Bailey and Mrs. LaMar Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mosslander and Larsen of Logan were Ogden visitMrs. Bessie Fraughton of Evanston, or? Friday on business and pleasure combined. (Continued on Page 8) r-beet vice-preside- nt $183,-583.0- 7, 4 - Many Attend Lecture Mon. B. J. Flynn, Director of the Industrial Division of the Federal Housing Administration of Washington, D. C., and Alfred B. Swiner-toRegional Director for the Pacific Coast, will be in Salt Lake City this week holding meetings with of local committees from' all Utah and the Intermountain West. This convention is for the purpose of deseminat ng the plan; of this great drive for modernization and remodeling to every community of this territory. The national drive is on and this is just one of the many meetings called for the purpose of making known the administrations plans. A new field appears for residents of Smithfeld, especially owners of information from homes, large gleaned at the Wednesday night lecture. There is a notorious shortage of rentable apartments in this city. There is also a large number of big homes that could be easily made over into apartment houses of from two to three apartments each. Convenient housing ;n three rooms can be had if the rooms are arranged right and modem conveniences are present. An investment of a few hundred dollars in one of such homes would soon pay for iteelf. Anyone with large or old fashioned homes would do well to read some of the very helpful literateure that is availn. p-- rts able. of material companies Building Cache valley are reporting some real encouraging activity in the building line since the inaugeration of thin new federal campaign The program that ws begun here some two weeks ago with Mayor B. M. Thompson at the head is progressing with long strides. The free show last Monday night attracted a goodly number, of home owners but not as many as was desired. Many helpful hints were given. The transformation a few dollars worth of well placed energy and materials was clearly demonstrated. 000 Andrew Hansen of Twin Falls, is visiting here Idaho with his daughters. unbel-ieveab- were guest? Sunday. of Mrs. J. A. Wahlen Mrs. John Eliason entertained a number of friends and relative? at her home last 'Friday in honor of her birthday anniversary. D.nner was served to about twenty-fiv- e guests. Music and social chat were the diversion of the evening. Many lovely gifts were received. Mr- - and Mrs. Ernest Larsen, Mr. and Mrs. Garnel Larsen and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Larsen and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Allen, Mn;. Bergetti Albertson and Mrs. Christine Larsen spent , last Sunday at Preston as guests of Mr. and Mrs- - Lavon Larsen. Mrs. R. A Eliason is spending two weeks visiting at Payson with her daughter, Mrs. LeRoy Waite n?. CONJOINT PROGRAM SUNDAY The M. I. A. of the Hyrum Third ward will hold their conjoint meeting Sunday evening, Octi 21, in the ward chapel. A special program is being prepared consisting of musical number by Floris Larsen and company; speech, George C. Nuhn and musical selection, 'Mrs Vem Miller. A good attendance is desired. Th& Hyrum Third ward M. I. A. are revealing elaborate plans for a Halloween party t6 be staged on mutual night, October 30. Further details will be announced later, but from the enthusiasm being shown already it is bound to be one of the outstanding 'mutual entertainment of the year. Subscribe For The COURIER During The TEE BREAKS -- CAMPAIGN Every Subscriber Gets a Prize le Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hall and daughter, Mrs. Elmer Turner and daughter of Salt Lake, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wahlen and son of Ogden I. YOU GET 5 |