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Show 4 SUtitt CACtlJK CUUK1EK, HYKUM. UTAH South Cache Courier Published Every Friday at Hyrum Utah. J. A. WAHiEN. Publisher. tm STATIiffiSASSSClAT Business Versus Pleasure Two men were walking along the beach at Brighton when one of them accidentally stumbled against a childs pail. exclaimed the My dear friend, other, I cannot tell how much I la ment your sad death. Whatever do mean my you ' death?" You have just kicked the bucket, replied the first, with a laugh. On the contraary, said the other, I just turned a little paiL" Sale 'Clearance Inly All Week, Sat. July 19th to Saturday 26th. Dresses Imperative. Whats the matter, old boy? asked Jimmies friend. Ive never seen you looking so seedy. Ive got to go abroad at once, reexciteAmong our pleasures and marked Jimmie, gloomily. ments as American people is what Nonsense! These doctors musnt There are frighten you out of your life like is called Politics. Over One Hundred Dresses to pick from. Many of them just arrived from the market and all to sell at sensational low prices, elements of sport, gambling, speculation and all the chances and ups and downs of a lottery or horse race. Politics for this reason has a fascination that amounts almost to a passion in the minds of thousands of good citizens. The concusicn of an exciting race at the primaries, nominating conventions and elee tions always sees a great deal of money change hands although betting on elections is strictly forbidden by law. The interests of a great nation of 110,000,000 people, with commerce running into hundreds of millions and billions, when we add at a saving of manufacturing, transportation, riculture, mining and public agim- provements, must in the final correct solution of problems become more and more a matter of business. The most serious question before Our Country is the relation to ourgovernment to foreign affairs especially the restoration of fairly normal conditions in the late nations of Europe. Morally, politically and economically, and above all to ourselves, we owe it to the world to aid in bringing this about as soon as possible. To keep American industries and payrolls on a steady foundation, to see that our farmers and producers have open access for their surplus products to the markets of the world, will take something more than the trickery of politics. It will take the application of the, best brains and the soundest business principles, which is statesmanship far beyond party lines. We must forego the pleasure and excitement' of politics and serve and the interests of Our Country The Manufacturer. all humanity. war-stricke- that. It wasnt a doctor. was a law- Brisbane Mail. yer. One-Ha- Lawyer Got an Earful. And what time did the robbery take place? asked the lawyer. "I think began the witness. We dont care what you think, put In the attorney; we want to know what you know. I Then, rejoined the witness, might as well get down off the stand. I cant talk without thinking. Im no Success. lawyer. Roshanara, Crepes, Canton Crepes and Printed Silks, Georgettes and Crepe de Chines Ladies Kayser Silk Gloves Special for this Clearance Sale in all shades and patterns, a pair One lot of Childrens and Misses Slippers to closeout, a pair at Gowns, Envelope-ChemisePrincess Slips and Under-Skirt- s Step-i- n Bring gains, come to rihe Store, Logan. Bar- le ' ad IJ. V Warners rust proof Corsets every pair guaranteed, Dr- v - $1.00 mine. Soft Drinks Dispenser It wont do you no good to gimme the eye. We dont keep a drop of the hard stuff here. Investigation. Investigation often finds A way to lend this life a charm. It helps men to relieve their minds And does nobody any harm. The Usual. You and your wife have decided, then, to "No. You got wife has decided. it wrong, Bill. My I have merely LOGAN, Public Should be Fire Conscious EIL - - tion. August is usually the worst month for forest fires. Now is the time for the greatest caution and persons guilty of negligence with fire in forests should be dealt with severely. y .am..-'.- . UTAHS BIRTHDAY Bug Heavens, here Ive been near a powder can. , The Lonely Pine. Upon the azure wonder of the West Is etched the figure of a lonely pine; From its firm base in every stately line It seems the spirit of grace made Oh, the Times! Oh, the Manners! Brown (getting on at way station to friend) Hello, John! Traveling alone? Friend No, Indeed. Wifes in the smoking car. Sit down. that the way she and her mother ran the old man, I judged theyd make short work of me. Well, from The minister of a certain church called upon a woman, a member of his congregation, and, finding no one at home, slipped a card through the letter box, after scribbling upon it the words, Sorry to find you out. When the woman returned home, Mary, the maid, met her at the door and presented the card with a whispered: Here, muin; I took charge of this. It would never do for the master to know' the ministers found you Halls Catarrh Medicine Those who are in a "run down condition will notice that Catarrh bothers them much more than when they are in sood health. This fai t proves that while Catairh is a local disease, it is greatly influenced by constitutional conditions. HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE consists of an Ointment which Quickly Relieves by local application, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which assists in improving the General Health. Sold by druggists for over 40 Years. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. h JULY 24. Utahs tory of settlement and civilization began seventy-seveyears ago, when Brigham Young with his brave little band of Pioneers entered the Great Salt Lake Valley. n Like the Pioneers who geve birth to our State the Pioneer of today is a man of vision and1 fearless action, translating his dreams into achievement, in the interest of community and state progress. We honor the Pioneers of yesterday who blazed the trial of progress for Utah, we serve an in- creasingly large number of Pioneers today who are preparing the future with a growing bank account. .. A Deep Plot UTAH ininwiiiiiaii, The girl? When you want Real d Quoter Drink to me only thine eyes and I will pledge Got Wise" In Time. Why did you break off with ti Smart line of Ladies knickers and hiking pants at Greatly Reduced Prices. Bloomers, s, Cat learance Sale, each of stndy on these lines in the school us the News. $1 50. 95c Sale 4 Hundreds of pairs of Strap Sandals and Slippers, patent leather, kid, suede, white buck, not all sizes in all styles; but all sizes in different styles. Shoes that sold for 15.00 00 and $6 $7.00. Prices for the Clearance Sale $3.00, $2.45 and $1.98. $1.00 Ladies Silk Hose, in all shades, worth SPECIAL at this Clearance 50c Shoes, Shoes, Shoes $1.50 Already Settled. Mother If your husband wont give you a maid and finds fault with you for the way you wash the dishes, why dont you make him wash them himself? Daughter He does. Thrift Education, advocates courses y $9.50 $17.50 $6.50 $12.50 A Neat Distinction. Campers and smokers being by Visitor Is Juggins, of your far the biggest factors in number of town, a good lawyer? forest fires, the closing of all roads The Resident Hes an able lawyer, but hes not ranked high among the into the national forests to campers good. is being considered by the North The recent session of the NationPacific District of the Forest Serv' Reason Quite Sufficient. al Education Association at WashYou a make life burden to me, ice, to reduce the danger of a genington, D. C., emphasized the im- said the busy man to the persistent eral conflagration. portance of thrift, teaching econ- life insurance agent., From March 1 to June, of this In that case you cant take out this omy in school administration and year, 124 forest fires were reported introduction of universal savings policy any too soon. in the 22 national forests of Oregon systems. DANGEROUS and Washington, 57 in the last ten Arthur H. Chamberlain, chairdays. 'This is a most unusual situa man of the National Committee on systems of Our Country. General introduction of school savings deposit systems, with millions of small depositors drawing interest, are to be introduced in the common schools and colleges. Progressive banking houses are taking this matter on practical lines to counteract the tendency of children learning to spend money before they have acquired earning ability. The morality and stability of character, to say nothing about individual honesty and saving habits of the child can be conserved by such systems for the welfare and pros-pertof the individual, the family and Our Country. Printed and plain VOILES Per Yard Prices Multirox? He went over to your table on purpose to speak to you. Miss Goldie Miner Gee! Was he the bird I snubbed? He was so polite I must have mistaken him for a waiter. NOTHING DOING $1.50 or More lf Materials Some Men Are Like That Mr. Fixit Why did you snub Mr. n Thrift in Public Education Tt Printed Georgette and Crepe de Chine by the yard ' This Bank will be closed Thursday, Pioneer Day. HYRUM STATE BANK HYRUM, - - UTAH All Kinds of Job Printing Promptly Done at This Office |