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Show auurn cAcnis cuukiKi hykum, utaxi SOUTH CACHE 1 REX THEATRE f Local News AT THE Bring us the news. Are your wheels safe? Set them tightened tomake sure. At Jensen Three Rule Store HERE'S THOMAS MEIGHAN Mrs. Carrie Karras and Children of Ogden, are here visiting with her sister, Mrs. Nell Albretsen. FOR SALE 1 seeond hand electric range, cheap. Apply to D. C. Black, Utah Power & Light, phone 148-Fad Hyrum. "HOMEWARD BOUND A broozy yarn o' tho aoa $4.50 Mens Oxfords, Only 4.0 Mens Dress Shoes Only 4.00 Mens Work Shoes Only When you want Usual Prices of Admission Real Bar- gains, come to the Store, Logan. Friday and Saturday,. July 2 5 26 -- 3-Ru- AND 1 Watch for Further Announcement 1 Pantages Vaudeville Bill Capitol Theatre Logan Wednesday, July 23d FRANCIS RENAULT DILLY WELLS AND THE ECLAIR TWINS TELYOU AND ROGERS SONIA DE CALVE HART AND HELENE ERGOTTI AND HERMAN Get your automobile wheels tightened with the new and only way. At Jensen Motor Co. Hyrum. ad Federal building. THE TEN MILLIONTH FORD Miss Phyllis Liljenquist who has been attending the U. A. C. Summer School for the past six weeks has left for Salt Salt Lake Gity to continue her studies at the L. D. S. Business college. While at the Logan school she has served as one of the reporters for Student Life, the school paper. County chairman Mrs. Geo. Q. Rich accompained by Mrs. William Thain, Mrs. A. A. Law and Mrs. Jos. Odell, called at the home of Mrs. T. W. Petersen to discuss the outing of the ladies federation club, which has beer,postponed until August on account of other outings that take place this month. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Edison and children returned home the first part of the week after visiting with relatives and friends in Utah County. Mrs. J. J. Evans of Spanish Fork, Mrs. Edisons mother and Mrs. Martin Iverson of Golconda, Nevada accompanied them home and will visit here for a while. Mrs. F. P. Jensen A small boy of Mr. Arthur Jensen, accidently cut his foot while swimming the other day. It required the services of the dpetor, who was obliged to take several stitches te close the wound. The boy is getting along as well as tan be On account of the Big Centennial Celebration at Logan, on the 24th and 25th, and most of the people of And Big Feature Picture. I LOST a few days ago, somewhere between Wellsville and Hyrum, a Hallmark wrist watch, with black ribbon band and W H G and J C ingraved on back. Finder kindly leave at this offiee and be reward" ed. ad Bedford of this city. of the 2nd ward very t royally entertained a number of lady friends in honor of her daughter Mrs. Paulene Pitts of New Yerk, Fridy afternoon. An excellent luncheon was served to 35 guests, and most enjoyable a afternoon spent. Mrs. Jensen entertained a party of friends from Logan, the same evening. C 317 3, DDNTIQT Hyrum are expected to be there, a special 4th of July program has Office in Connection With Residence been arranged and will be given at block north of Bank the 2nd ward chapel, Sunday even Center Street, Hyrum ing J uly 20th, for the three wards Office Phone 17. Res. Phone 17. of Hyrum. All are cordially invited to attend. $ o JP 3 Look 3U Dont Fail to Attend 3p 37 37 3 37 3? 3 37 31 31 SC esC xf Sure COMING - J HYRUM Wed. July 23rd f THE SHOW You Have Been Waiting For Bud Fishers Big Fun Show 4 if Mutt 8 Jeff IN ' 30 1- -2 if ft if ft if if PEOPLE Not a Moving if if if if if if if HAVANA if if if if icture if UNDER CANVAS if if if Gome Early Show at 8 Dr. D. D. TEBBS $ pi ad Postmaster John A. Israelsen was in Salt Lake City Friday, attending the Convention of the State League of District Postmasters, held in the Save money by Daughters were born to Mr. and getting your Mrs. D. C. Black, at the Utah Pow- wheels tightened at Jensen Motor er and Light in Blacksmith Fork fiorapany Hyrum. Hd D. Mrs. and Mr. aBd A. canyon, I le Mrs. Oluf Olsen and Mrs. Isabelle Wilson attended a shower Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. H. J. DeWitt in honor of Mrs. Helen Bowen DeWitt. Human Wreckage .. Misses Sandals Only their trip. COMEDY .. Childrens Sandals Only The 2nd ward choir are planning an outing to Lava Hot Spring, Aug. 2nd and 3rd. The choir expects to sing at MeCammon and Downey, on Jungle Adventures $2.98 $2.98 $2.50 $3.98 $1.10 $1.25 6.00 Ladies Pumps Only 2, A Paramount Picture I CENTER STREET. LOGAN ad Motor Go. Hyrum. IN Goming BARGAINS I. A. Wfihlen. Publisher & Manager Ship Ahoy, rJJatoy , Here Are Real 1924 - -- Tne., July 21st and 22nd Good Muic. grazizraaii Entered the Poetoffu ..yrum, Ufit) m seeond do mad matter, ader the Act of Mar oh 3 1879 HYRUM Monday and Friday, July 18, COURIER if if if Note Jeff has his own whiskers f now for Pioneer Day. J b &&&4 4 4 4 44 4 |