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Show tr V South Cache Courier NO. 44 Hyrum, Cache County, 6tah, Friday, Sept. 15, 1922 VOL. XII- - Notice To The Program, Dance American ' Legion Sunday School Good 'News Weed Grower And Festival Entertainment For Fishermen Convention FISH! FISH! I SHOULD FISH! year afro the Hyrum Sportsmans Club started to work for the stocking of Blacksmith Fork river with more trout and through their untireing and united .efforts they got 25,000 fingerlings which were planted up" Blacksmith Fork river by Mr. D. C- Black and WarSince the Sports den Seeholzer. mens Club'has been changed to the Chamber of Commerce we have continued to work for thff same movement, and through our unceasing efforts, and a great deal of persuasion which was brought to bear upon our Fish and Game Commissioner, we received another shipment about six weeks ago, of 8,000 more fish which Mr. Seeholzer planted up Blacksmith Fork river. Oa the 11th of this month the Secretary received a telephone call from Mr.' Madsen, the jState Fish and Game Commissioner, stating that on the morning of the 12th, he would send us two truck loads of fish, about 50,000. These two trucks were met at Wellsville Tuesday morning by a committee from the Chamber of Commerce, composed of O. H. Birch, Harry Hamberg, D. C. Black' and the Secretary. This committee escorted the trucks filled with 50,000 fish, to the head waters of Blacksmith Fork river and the were planted there. While the Secretary was talking to Mr. Madsen, he was also informed that we would .receive another 60,000 to 75,000 fish within the very near future to be planted in the waters near Hyrum. la all this year we have had 83,000 fish planted in Blacksmith Fork river and when we receive the other 75,000 that wilhmake 158,000 fish for us this year. And if we continue our efforts we will receive this amount each year and more than likely About on - -- - more. Just Tuesday Sept. 19th, the Hyrum Second Ward Sunday School will entertain in Festival and Danc- ing. The following program will be rendered at 8 p. m. af the Ward Chapel: Selection, Scout Band Trio, Rosabelle Larsen & Co. Reading, Mrs. E. Ray Gardner Instrumental Trio, Roy Halverson & Co. Stump Speech. John Allred Instrumental Selection, Heber Shipley Comic Reading, Jennie Chris-- tiansen. Violin Solo, Roy Halversen Selection, Scout Band Did you ever eat a Dutch Lunch, served by a real Dutchman? If uot, try one. Come and enjoy yourselves eating Hot Dogs, Fruits, Ice Cream, etc., and at the same time help a worthy cause. Everybody Invited. Mr. and Mr8. Redford of Logan paid their daughter Mrs. Allgaier a short visit Saturday. Miss Agnes Andreason returned from a short visit with relatives and friends in Salt Lake city, this Saturday morning. Mr. John Roza of Logan was here Friday looking after some interests of the Mineral Point Copper Co. A stockholders meeting of that company is to be held here Monday evening, Sept. 18th. Mrs. Alice Barney, and grandson Burns Barney "and wife, who 'were visitors at Dr. and Mrs. Tebbs residence last week, returned last Saturday to their home in Panguitch, Utah. Mrs. Barney is Mrs. Tebbs mother. The lst,Ward Primary Bazaar, held at the meeting house Friday evening was a real success both From socially and financially. the beginning of the program until all saleable articles were gone everything went off in tip top style. In addition to the useful articles, refreshments consisting of ice cream, candy, popcorn, sold. The officers of the Primary wish to thank all who turned out and in any way help ed to make the affair a success. On Tuesday evening Sept. I9th, The secretary of the Hyrum The Fourth AnnualCouvention of the Third 'Ward Sunday Schoo Chamber of Commerce has been the American Legion which i3 to be will give an Entertainment auc asked by several farmers of Syrum held in Logan, Sept- 21, 22, and 23, Social at the Ward Chapel, com- and Wellsville te notify the farmers The fol- of the two towns that if they do not will have the zest and pomp that no mencing at 8 oclock. previous Utah Legion1 convention lowing program will be rendered: clean and help rid the fields of Invocation weeds that a complaint will be sent has had and a precedent in the way Boys Chorus into the the offioers of the county of Legion gatherings wpl be estab-lishe- d Reading, Geneva Olsen who have this work in charge, according to the present plans Solo Dance, June Larsen and that .there is a state law to the of the- committees of Logan Post Song, Fern Wahlen No. 7, who hare completed all areffeetthat these effieers can hire Instrumental Selection, the weeds cleaned eut, of the field rangements. and Nettie Jorgensen of the farmer who refuses to clean To start with the convention will Martha Dancing, his own field and that the expense Allgaier as an have appendage the First AnClara Athleen Olsen, Dally of the cleaning will be added to his nual Convention of the American Max JSong, Worley taxes. This is a very important Legion Auxiliary which was organComic ChristianCarmen Story, ized throughout the state this year. matter to be attended to, for if the sen weeds are cleaned out of your stock This in itself is a great thing and Floris Larsen Song, will get better fall grazing and your will help make the Legion convenInstrumental Mr. Selection, tion what the department officers crops will be clean when harvest Mrs. W. N. and Christiansen time comes another year. Some aim to make it. ; & Vocal Larsen Rosabell Trio, Two thousand dollars will be people say that the weeds are so Co. bad that they can not let their spent in proridingventertainment Violin Mauriae and Flora Trio, stock into the fields. for the Utah Legionnaires who atIf you do not clean your fields tend the convention according to Jensen and Maybell Nielsen time After the the program the county or state will clean it for the budget of the finance committeeBesides this the Auxiliary will be spent in games and danc- you and the farmer "will pay the committees are spending a great ing. The Admission will be 10c bill whether he wants to or not. Everybody turn out So Get Busy. deal for the entertainment of its and 15c. and a worthy cause. support convention visitors. A great patriotic street parade, a magnifieient fireworks display, three dances including a carnival ball, a rifle meet, Mr. Elmer B. Call of Rigby, a picnic and 14 mile trip up scenic and Miss Lillian Wilson, an Idaho, Logan Canyon, a band for the paraccomplished young lady of this ade aad high class music for the A Republican Precinct Primary eity, were married in the Salt Lake dances, rental" of the convention is in to conveve called the hereby Temple on Wednesday Sept. 13th. halls, and many other items are A wedding reception was given City Hall, Hyrum, Utah, on Monsome of the things that this money day Sept. .25th, 192 2, at 8 oclock the newly weds, at the home of the is going to buy for the entertainp. m. brides parents Mr. and Mrs. E. J. ment and pleasure of all .Utah' The purpose of this Primary Wilson, Friday evening. The young and Auxiliary women is to elect delegates to attend the people were the recipients of many who attend the convention. Republican County Convention beautiful and r.seful presents. Charles H. Kendrick, national to be held in Logan, Utah, on We join with their many friends of the American Sept. 30th, 1922, and participate in wishing them happiness and prosLegion will be in attendence at in the nominating of candidates perity on their journey through life. ' every session of the convention. for State and County Offices. 15 Mr. Kendrick is a former departMr. Clifford Shaw, formerly of delegates are to be elected as folment commander of California and lows: District No. delegates this city, but now of Brigham City, is one of her most brilliant lawyers. and District No. was married to a Miss Moss of that delegates. Practically all of Utah state offiIt shall also be the business of city on Friday Sept, the 15th, in the cials, including Governor Mabey, this Primary to reorganize the Salt Lake Temple. himself a strong Legionnaire, will Precinct Mr. Shaw is the son of Mr. and organization and to atbe in attendance at the convention. tend to snch other business as Mrs. II. G. Shaw of this eity, and Many other notables will be In at- may properly come before the is very favorably known here. He tendance. Primary. ias a host of friends with whom we Alban T. Clawson, leartily join in wishing the couple Precinct Chairman. lappiness and prosperity in their Hans Mikke'sen, wedded life. They will make their Precinct ad. Secretary. xome at Brigham City. - - Call for Republican Primary er 18 27 what a little united effort will do for a community. ' If the people of Hyrum would only work for each others interest and their own, for the many opportunities which are ringing our door bell, and if we would open the door for opportunity and let the knocker The following speeial program out, we would have the very best "LET'S GO TO THE FAlfc'1 will be given at the 3rd Ward little town in Northern ' Utah. Sacrament Meeting Sunday Sept. To do this it This is the slogan that the loyal only takes the work1922: to 17th, have Utah adopted of ings of a united eommunity push- residents boost the State Fair October 2 to 7. Singing, Congregation So come ing for the same ideal. The Fair is one event on the calPrayer, Bp. Louis P. Maughan We need you and you endar each year when all the resijoin us! Singing, Congregation dents of the community get together need us. common on meet Violin Duet, N. W. Christianand rub and elbows, and sen and interested is Everybody ground. Raymond Jorgensen everybody is going to attend the big Address Report of Summers Fair. In many families, father, mothProvo at Elder E. Ray Work er, sister and brother have entered ribGardner. exhibits and will try for the blue Bee ete-wer- Special Picture Show and Program The Second ward M. I. Av. will give a Special Picture Show and Vaudeville Acts, ia connection with Special Music, Classic Dancing, Singing, etc." At the Rex Theatre Monday Night, Sept. 18th. . Regular Admisssion Prices. A fine Entertainment. Be There Proceeds to go for the' benefit of the Assossotion, We have just received a large shipment of Knit goods, consisting f caps, dresses and sweaters for all ages. Call and inspect them. Hyrum Millinery, ad Maud Liljenquist, Prep. Bring us the News. e bon and prize money. The Fair is a modern melting pot. It gives all of the residents of the territory a chance to get acquainted with their neighbors and see just what they are doing. A visit to the Fair can be made both educational and recreational. The counties have long been famous for their educationand this al products and livestock and of years showing grains is going to surpass that of any other year. It is the duty of every man, woman and child to get behind the Fair and boost for it. Lets show the world that the residents of this state are 100 per cent loyal to their biggest institution the FAIR. Everybody is interested in the big exposition this year. They are en. thusiastic over it, and speak of it as Our Fair.' This is the right kind of spirit and augurs well for the Fair. As a matter of fact, this is perfectly proper. The Fair doesn't belong to the beard of managers or any certain clique, but to esery resident of this section. - live-stoc- k, Wedding Bells Church Notice Vocal Solo, LaReta Wahlen Reading, Elder G. F. Olsen Piano Solo, Etta Warr Singing, Congregation Benediction, Elder Dewey Niel- M. I. A. Conjoint At Second Ward The M. I. As. of the three wards will hold their Conjoint Meeting at the 2nd Ward Chapel Sunday evening Sept. 17th, at 8 p.m.' Pres. D. M. Bickmore will be the main speaker, and Mr. and Mrs. Heber Shipley will render musical selections. Everybody invited. Convention News . Box Gar Society of American Legion Forms Degree Team Officers lected at Annual Meeting. La Seciete de 40 Homines et 8 Chevaux Voiture No 286, the Amer-iea- n Legions inner circle met Wednesday night in Logan Canyon and prepared for the initiation of candidates into the orderduring the Legion Convention to be held in Logan, Sept. 21, 22, and 23. Am-eriea- n The annual election of officers for Mr. and Mrs. T, W. Petersen, son Voiture Locale No, 286 took place sen Thornton, R. B. Maughan aad wife also. The officers which will aet The Smithfield 2nd Ward Choir and son Murry, Mrs. H. H. 'Peter- for the eoming year are as follows: will furnish the musical program sen and Miss Ebba Petersen motor- Chef de Gare-- L. Boyd Hatch, Chef for Sunday Sept. 24th. President ed to Sugar City, Idaho, last week de Train Harold Trotman. CorCommis-sair- e Jos. B. White will be the princi- to attend a reunion held there in respondent R. L. Olsen. Indendant Fred W. Thomas. honor of Peter and Christina Larpal speaker. Bulien. de la Garde sen of Manti, which took place Sept. 5th and 6th. A vety large number Cheminot Locale Spencer S. Clifford Warr and Otte A. of the deeendants were present and Applications for the position of had a most enjoyable time for twe Weisley. An organization was perfeat- store manager for the Hyrum Poul-dayWe understand that Mr. Louis P. try Association well be accepted by ed with T. W. Petersen as President H. P. Andersen or .Arthur Jensen. and H. H. Petersen as Secretary. Maughan and his sister Miss Mae To "be in no later than Tbes Sept. The next reunion will be held at Maughan, will take over the Elite 19. Position will pay a salary plus Hyrum, the latter part of June, Confectionery formerly operated by Mr. E. Frazier. ad 1923. a commission. port-i-Bry- ant Ec-cle- Wanted B s, |