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Show Washington REGISTER FOR THE News-Lett- er BIG mm JOHN DRAWING Washington Correspondent L Finding About child to be born on New Years Remarkable Man Day is the one to make the Tilings that "make news" in- headlines. clude the biggest the smallest $?; K It is not: nftovn tTunrtthe most, the least tho hvcf d cover book rates any and the worst, the first and at me last. For example, altho special, but manus-fler- e tention, a recently manrv may be in bahips hnm 'rwr. miw;, an the first day of the year,1, ate has price range the one infant that is the first to say which merits something comment. A I The semi-har- J GOME SEE OUR "BIG JOHN" I'm in business for myself, and I'm not doing badly. As I look at it, I am working for the future as well as the present my wife's future, l: case she l'cs longer then I do. Is t'lero ar-- kind of life insurance that I could use in my planning? A. For your information, life insurance is used in many instances such as yours. You do not say whether your business is a sole proprietorship, a partnership or a closed corporation, but the principles are the same. To begin Q. SPECIALS FOR ENJOYMENT IN EATING OUT J $50.00 Enjoy Your Meals at LaSalle's Spacious Cash Big John Days, July 1 0 AIR CONDITIONED BRING THE FAMILY - ANY TI3IE REGISTER HERE FOR $50 DRAWINGS The LaSalle DINING ROOMS - HELPER CARL'S RECORD SHOP you would with, Dining Uooms SPECIALS All SYLVANIA TV's and STERIOS Marked To Sell - Come See ! 1, 2, 3 At first glance, the book in question doesn't appear to have a "gee whiz!" feature which would make it newsworthy. Titled "J. Edgar Hoover Speaks Concerning Communism," the volume was oompi'eJ largely for use by scholars, speakers, writers and teachers interested1 in knowing what, when and where the famed Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation' said something about the Communist criminal conspiracy. The book was compiled and edited by Dr. James D. Bales, who is well known by experts in the field as an exper lanced and qualified researcher wfho has previously authored several excellent books on the subject of Communism. From material gathered from such sources as the Amerrican Legion Magazine, the Elks Magazine, the Lions Magazine, the Christian Harold, Christian Harvard Business ity Today, Review, the Congressional Record, the FBI Law Enforce-jmen- t Bulletin, and other pub s lie material, Mr Hoover's and statements have been broken down by Dr .Bales such headings as "Infiltration," "Informants," "Espon- writ-'ing- Sale on Records and Popular Sheet Music Results of recent intensive research have shown that cars and trucks equipped sj that their parking lights were always, on during the day have less accidents. The vehicles used in the experiment were modified so that when the ignition switch was turned on the parking lights were also switched on. (The front "amber" parking light and the tail light). Accidents included in the ex periment were those that oc curred during daylight, df.wn or dusk. The types of accidents studied were rear end collisions; head on collisions except for cases when a ve hicle is obviously out of control because of a vehicle dofe'"t or having struck a fixed object first; and sideswipe accidents with vehicles traveling in the opposite direction. 'olhr Questions Ansumd by h'jtitute of life Insurance, 277 rurk Ave., N. Y, N. Y, 10017 Pt.;'v - -- Car Light- s- PROTECTION A Remarkable THE TRUTH un-d- IS... er JULY THURSDAY, FINANCIAL LYLE H. MUNSON, EDITOR THE HELPER LEAVE 'EM ON ! need: (1) a lawyer, an accountant and an insurance agent to work out rn effective plan for you; (2) a firm agreement (now, not after your death) about the dollar value of the business to your family and how taxes would be met; (3) a potential buyer of the business; (4) enough life insurance to fund the entire plan and provide immediate cash when needed. Unfortunately, many an astute businessman neglects an orderly approach to the translation of his firm's value in dollars for his family at his death, and a forced sale may result, with consequent leases to his heirs. Q. What can you tell lue about We insurance poHcies that will pay the mortgage if I should die? A. Hundreds of thousands of homeowners have policies of this type. They range from inexpensive "reducing term" insurance, of 1 per cent costing less than of the face amount of the mortgage annually, to higher cost permanent-type policies. Many home mortgage institutions have group life insurance for borrowers. On the other hand, a family may; want to add a permanent policy, such as straight life insurance, to the insurance, with mortgage protection in mind. The advantage would be that the cash values could aid in reducing the mortgage at some later date; or after the loan is paid up, the policy could be continued as part of the family's overall protection. The test results wero based on millions of miles of travel by vehicles in the New York City area. The final result not only showed a substantial reduction in the number of accidents but those accidents thai aiuv'-did occur were less severe. Because of the obvioius safe ty contribution offered by the lights modification, the Utah State Department of Highways h:.f decided to conduct its owr. test by equipping certain highway vehicles. The State Safety Committee meeting June 21st unanimously adopted the pol- (Utah) .JOURNAL PAGE THREE 1, 1971 People, Spots InThe News BIG SKY country of Mon- tana is proud of this pane- -' rama of St. Mary's Lake and her cradling crests.- 6$. ' Mm - m cameras controlled by stabilizers bcinir assembled at Picker Corporation in Cleveland. luiuu-iuuiau- u C,1 V B'rfP foX.ifcviiV'i motion-pictur- 3are . e Bulges x-r- WHO'S AFRAID? just a bit apprehensive is this London tot, at stoveWell, maybe pipe monster. 5 f icy. Jim West, Engineer for the Maintenianee Dept. has issued a directive to all departments thlat beginning now "Whenever amy of the classification of vehicle named for the test are scheduled for the shop train, first in world, in test run at Munich, Germany. For 1980's it's planned 2 m.p.h. they'll make intercity runs at MAGNETIC-FIELD-GUIDE- D 310-37- for inspection or other mechan ical work, the madifioation of the ignition is to take place at that time." Following this procedure all of the vehicles will be modified without too much effort and cost by January 1 of 1972. age," "Fronts," "Cuba," "Oswald," (Lee Harvey), and over a hundred other classifications . . . all of which makes interesting reading. What is unusual? Just one finding by Dr. Bales, a prudent man, who spent nearly 20 years to compile the material and quotations by J. Edgar Hoover dating from the year 1920 over 50 years ago; that in all the years of his public service, Mr Hoover (and we quote) "has never been wrong about the nature, the objectives, the stra tegy land tactics of That, my friends, is some thing which is altogether Fascism Still At Kent State After the tragic death of four Kent State students last May, it was revealed that for at least two years prior to the violent e goons of the riots, variety, many cf them had been permitted free reign of the Kent campus. Radical speakers, with fees paid by university funds, had appeared to urge the students to kill their (parents, break the laws, an.I commit acts of violence. About 250 of those at Kent responded by breaking windows, setting fires, daimaging cars, and violating laws not only on camn Kent as pus but in well. When the violence got completely out of hand iaed be yond the ability of local police to control, the Governor of summoinidd the National Guard to deial with what he called a "strong, well .trained militant revolutionary group" then running rampant. Since then, some 25 individuals have been indicted by an Ohio Grand Jury, charged with complicity in the crimes. But the University president, Dr. Robert I. White, has in turn protested the findings of the Grand Jury. His pleading, giv en wide circulation in the press suggests that National Guard, and not the riot instigators, were responsible. ' Now, however, there is more disturbing news from Kent State. Under the leader-sfofof Kent State student Tom Atwood, a university chapter of Young Amerdcfans for Freedom has been formed. But at the ffirst open meeting, it is reported that nearly 100 "campus crazies" forcefully attempted to disrupt the meeting, and1 that the same (group is attempting to oust the YAF ohtaipter as a recognized student organization the sarnie ascist-tylattemp ts to deny freedom of speech to anyone except those in with their own radical tremist views. ac-or- d ex- One would think that after four deaths and other uncount ed acts of violence, President White would take steps to expel those who refuse to abide by the rules of academic freedom and intellectual integrity. Apparently, however, Neanderthal types whose interests are not in getting an education, are still being allowed to roam the Kent campus. Isn't it time to establish some minimum rules of behavior?. Gummed Tape Rolls Journal Office II I1 9 150 ROOMS COMPUTHYNEW FREE CARACE COME SEE OUR J: "BIG JOHN" REGISTER FOR $50.00 Nazi-styl- SDP-Panth- er non-studen- ts, down-tow- io AdlveirifeoDD Ihelps you inmate are hetter informed today about the newest and most convenient ways to live through advertising. And advertising helps you make a better choice. and Advertising is news about what's new, where it is, when is the best time to buy. American business is constantly searching for new and for less. And ways to make better products for you, Today, you hear about its success through advertising. of the truth Is you enjoy modern, life more with the help . advertising. Wp -- a word about your phone service A big part of good phone service means giving you the lowest Long Distance rates possible. And even though you can't dial your own Long Distance calls in this area yet and must go through an operator, don't be concerned when you hear the phrase, "Dial Direct and Save" You areand have been getting the lowest direct dialing rates. It's the possible rates-t- he 's least we can do until here. direct-dialing- o e I Mountain Be!l SPECIALS CASH |