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Show I J THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN CAEBON COUNTY VOLUME XXI TIMES ink, Helper, Carbon County, Utah, Thursday, July 2, Helper Citizens Respond To Relief Drive County Fund Emergency Will Assist Workless; Dispense Food AN OUTSTANDING SUCCESS Price Invites Entire Couniy For July 4th WILL BE REPLETE WITH VARIED PROGRAM SPONSORED BY LEGION HOLIDAY The county celebration of the Fourth of July will be observed in Price this year in keeping with the reciprocal plan of exchanging the county observance of the Fourth and Pioneer day between Helper and Price. According to information from the American Legion headquarters in the county seat, the promoters of the day's program, everything is in readiness and all plans completed for the biggest and best Fourth of July celebration ever given in Price. Much time and effort has besn expended on the gigantic parade, one of the most interesting and picturesque events on the program. Many of the instances in the founding, settlement and subsequent freedom of our nation will be portrayed by living characters and will be included In the parade. .Floats of business houses, civic organizations throughout the county and comedy acts will be of Interest as will the auto show including cars of ancient as well aa modern types. The Elks' band will furnish music for the parade and will also give a concert later in the day. r Legionnaires from all parts of Eastern Utah have been invited to take part in the line of march and significant objects such as the Army and Navy goat will bring back memories of "over men. there" to the S. J. Sweetring, Price attorney, will be the principal speaker at the patriotic program to be held at the tabernacle following the parade. Mr. Sweetrir.s; has chosei as his subject the "Doctrine of Liberty" and will also discuss the present economic situation in the country. Mayor W. F. Olson will also be one of the speakers. Fitting musical and vocal selec- tions will also be presented. The afternoon will be devoted to a ball game between the Price team and the Helper entry in the Utah State league. Although the locals got a whitewashing at the hands of the Helper crew on Helper day, the team will be strengthened and a fast game with plenty of excitement will he provided. Children's sports this year have received much attention and many games and contests as well as water sports are assured according to Wallace Wayman, chairman of the sports committee. Helper Suspect Held To Answer Robbery Charges Helper Comargo, Cipriano holdup suspect, was bound over to the district court on a charge of attempted robbery following preliminary hearing Monday before Justice J. W. Hammond. Bond was fixed at $2500. According to the testimony of witnesses Camargo and a companthe ion, yet at large, entered Last Chance resort at Helper shortly before closing time on June 3rd and attempted to hold up the proprietors Aquilin Alver-e- z and Aurelio Lopez. The latter two gave reeistence and in the struggle that followed Lopez suffered slashes on the wrist and arm. The two men escaped without loot. Comargo was captured by Helper authorities six days after the attempted holdup. - o- Small Damages Caused By Blaze At Dance Hall Fire discovered in the cloakroom of the Rainbow Gardens dance hall shortly before midnight Monday was extinguished be'ore much damage resulted. The blaze was confined to a box and the of rugs and supplies window frame immediately above the box. There had been band practice in the hall earlier in the evening, at which time rugs are placed on the dance floor. It is ashes thought that cigarette dropped In the supply box as the rugs were being put away was responsible for the blaze. Steel Contract In ! Coast Job Will Offer Many Work A million dollar contract with a prospect of summer work for hundreds of additional Utah men will be awarded the Columbia Steel company of Ironton, Utah county, according to an Associated Press dispatch received last week from San Francisco where bids were opened on the con$31,000000 struction of the bridge over Golden Gate harbor. The Steel corporation, a subsidiary of the U. S. Steel Corporation, submitted the low proposal on construction of the approach, spans on either side of the Golden gate. Their low figure was $996,-00o- The Columbia firm lost out on the major contract of the enOf Mine tire project by but a small margin, the McCHntlc' Marshall Corof the a subsidiary poration, Bethlehem Steel Corporation, submitting a figure of $10,494,-00- 0 In for the steel superstructure of the bridge itself, while Colum comindustrial The Utah State bia's figure was $188,000 higher. I i ,aa onnrnvprl nf a StlDU- o lation between the Standard Coaln, Comp-tpDavid Vaughan arrived Suncompany and May Springer of Orville day to spend the week with his as guardian the parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. gpringer, a minor, whereby mother la to receive, as guardian Vaughan. He Is a stuent at the for her son and for his benefit, Boeing air school at Oakland, after California. Luclan Beelar re$9 a week until six years the death of the lad's father, R. turned to his home in Provo this A preweek after visiting at the VaughE Springer, have expired. vious award of the commission an home in Helper. of awarded full compensation Orville to Springer $16 a week his Omahne, residents of Jugoslavia and to Vesa Ray Springer, Six months after the and parents' of Adolph Omahne, r. died will receive $8 a week for 125 award was granted the girl commis- - weeks is the ruling of another In December, 1930. The Warded the full $15 a decision given by the commls son ;Ut slon. The son was fatally Injured week to the surviving an apr-a- l took by falling coal at the mine of company coal the Under tae the United States Fuel company, to the supreme court. o In November, 1929. Is The par stipulation the company ents were able to establish parti have' its appeal dismissed. Martin Omahne and Franchko al dependency. Dependents Accident Victims Awards Benefit lialf-alste- 0. ar o Application to Join Navy Made By Helper Youth G. L. Evankovlch, son of G. L. Evankovich, Sr., of Helper has made application for enlistment In the United States navy, according to advices received at the Navy recruiting station at Salt Lake City. In accorance with the policy following his name will be added to the waiting list of applicants and he will be call ed for enlistment when designated by the Navy department to fill district quotas. o Mr. and Mrs. August Litizzette and ' daughter, Lucille, accompanied by Mrs. August Lltlzzette, Sr., are home from an extended vacation trip along tlia Pacific coast. When Mr. Litizzette Joina ed his family at Dan Diego month ago they had bren sojourning there since April. They motored to Los Angeles und Han FranciMD, and also toi'redi t northwest as far as Vancouver, Canada. Local collections for the CarRelief County Emergency fund are progressing under the supervision of Mayor Frank R. of Porter, appointed chairman Helper by J. E. Pettit. general chairman of the county work. Six Helper citizens have the .collections in charge and are y making a canvass of the at the present time. They include Victor Litizzette, B. J. Vieta, Mrs. R. P. Barrell. Mrs. z Jack Sullivan, Mrs. Arthur and Mrs. A. F. Dury. Contributions will also be received at the City hall, where pledge sheets and receipts will be given those who have otherwise missed the opportunity to contribute. Wherever it is possible the Relief fund workers are urging contributors to follow the suggested contribution plan proposed of by the executive committee the county. Under this schedule business and professional people, executives and wage earners are divided into groups with a specified amount proposed for the contributions, to extend over a four month period. At the same time contributions are not being confined to money, since any old clean clothes; foodstuffs, garden produce or fruit and staple goods are welcomed for distribution among the county needy. The anticipated monthly collections from this community to extend over the four month plan has been set at $400 per month, making a total of $1600 expected to be donated by Helper citizens. A similar plan Is being followed In all communities of the county; and it Is the- hope of the executive committee to dispense the assistance among the county needy in such manner as to greatly improve local conditions among the workless during the slow summer months. Every possible means of furnishing employment is also being investigated by the Relief fund committee. Numerous calls for help have been received by Mayor Porter, and assistance given so fas aa time. possible at the present Committees will be appointed at the close of the present drive to investigate the calls for help and of to supervise the distribution necessities. This humane work Is being carried on by the united efforts of civic, church fraternal and Individual efforts, with no salaries or fees deducted from the money contributed. bon coni-munt- Dai-pia- Scofield, Emery-Pric- e Arthur Scott Gains Freedom Highway Jobs Progress In Jail Break CONTRACT 19 FOR MILES OF COUNTY HIGHWAY IS AWARDED COUNTY Work on the new highway route between- - Colton and Scofield is rapidly progressing, Erin Leonard, county road supervisor has announced. Three miles of the stretch is fully completed and ready for graveling, while three more miles are about 75 percent complete. The survey of the section of the road from the Scofield dam to Scofield, a distance of almost five miles has been completed. Highway construction work in the southwestern portion of the county received impetus Wednesday when the contract for construction of 19.23 miles of gravel surfaced highway between the county seat and the Emery county line was awarded by the state road commission. A. O. Thorue of Springville was the lowest of nine companies bidding on the project. Five comparatively large bridges of cement and steel construction will be built on the route, which will in all probability raise the total cost of the highway by $90,000 or $100,000. The engineers' estimate of the cost of the highway work was nearly $185,000. Contract for the bridge construction will be let later in Arthur Scott, 30, awaiting preliminary hearing on a charge of attempting to rob the Helper State bank a month ago, figured In the third Carbon county jail break made in the last six months PRISONERS EFFECT ESCAPE IN THIRD JAIL BREAK SUNDAY - when he escaped early Sunday morning. Henry Palmer, 19, convicted of cattle theft in Emery county and held pending appeal was the other prisoner to effect the escape. Palmer made a similar getaway in the second jail break January 27. In all three instances locks on the jail have been OH BOY the open- ed by duplicate crudely fashioned - keys. An automobile belonging to Dr. Frank Migliore of Price was stolen early Sunday morning and it was believed by officers the two prisoners made the getaway in the car. The abandored automobile was found Monday near Huntington. No trace of the prisoners has been found, although it is believed they are hiding out in Emery county, which Is Palmer's home. the month. The contract awarded Wednes- day calls for completion, of the highway work within 180 working days. BANG!! BANG!! o WHAT FUN WHAT JOY Dugout Cavein Injures Maple Creek Workers TWO GRAND & GLORIOUS HILARIOUS DANCES Fri. July 3rd CAL'S Rainbow Ramblers Helper CELEBRATE GLORIOUS 4th Hotel Utah's Roof Garden DANCE ORCHESTRA OF SALT LAKE CITY 4th Thrilling Music Joyous Crowds! WOW! WOW! WHAT FUN! On Visitation To Helper Legion FAMIL1E9 FIRST HOLD SUMMER OUTING AT SCOFIELD Official visitation of Deputy Grand Regent Nellie May Pugs-le- y of the Mooseheart Legion of Utah was made at regular meeting of the Helper chapter. Women of Mooseheart Legion No. 887, Tuesday evening. Mrs. P. Adams, senior regent of the Salt Lake lodge accompanied Mrs. Pugsley. At the close of the lodge ses sions the meeting was open to the public for a social time, card games, luncheon and a program. Entertainment numbers were given by Mrs. George Pearson, vocal solo; Moose bulletin read by Mrs. Rhorla Hrenson; vocal duet. Miss Alice Carlson and Max Thorne; talk, Mrs. Pugsley; vocal selection, Jack Mlllarich. Sixty guests were In attendance. On Sunday the Moose orders and their families from the district held their first annual summer outing in Scofield canyon. A ball game between the men and women teams, horseshoe pitching contests and children's games and sports featured the day. Basket lunches were served to 250. , k Railroaders Win From Gunners . At Ogden 10-- 9 Helper staved off a ninth inning rally on the part of th Gunners at Ogden Sunday to,.wla -a 10-- 9 decision in a slugfest. The Helperitea touched Cliff r, Vest, Ogden five runs in the opening frame and added single runs In the third, fifth and seventh Innings. They concluded their scoring in the eighth, with a pair of scores. Ogden came within one run of tying the score after an uphill battle, but lacked the punch iu the final frame. In the ninth Zito opened with a double and advanced to third on Vest's foul fly. Hosklns went out on called skied to strikes and Flinders Vecchto for the final out. The Gunners collected 16 hits as against 15 for thu visitors. Brasher was batted hard, but tor right-hande- -- his support was in airtight the pinches. Castello, for Ogden, clouted a homer in the eighth with Bon ham, on the paths. A H O A HELPER 6 3 3 1 Ward. 2b 4 2 2 3 J. Allison, 88 2 6 4 0 Vecchio, cf G 1 8 0 A. Allison lb 2 4 0 5 Jackson, 3b . . 1 0 3 0 Zaccarla, If 0 6 S 1 Tlzack, rf 0 3 2 5 Carmonl, c S Brasher, p Jf 1 t Totals 41 15 27 8 OGDEN WORKER FOREMAN, EXTRICATED FROM TONS OF DIRT ....... ....... 10 - Rainbow Gardens Helper Mooseheart Officer 1 S 3 0 Hosklns, It 2 5 2 2 Flinders, ew 1 4 3 2 Bonham, 2b 2 3 5 0 Castello, cf 1 3 10 6 Mclvor, lb 1 2 1 5 3b Gibbs, mine 50, Farrimond, Spencer 0 3 0 0 foreman at the Maple Creek Coal McBride, rf 1 1 1 2 mine In Spring Canyon and Ray Skeene, c 2 1 4 4 inc Zito, were 23, workman, Walker, 4 5 . . . when Vest, p jured Tuesday afternoon tons under were Imprisoned they 42 11 27 IS Totals in a of dirt while excavating dueout at the mine entrance. SUMMARY: Errors Farrimond suffered a fractured Ward, spine, dislocated shoulder and Zaccarla, Flinders 3. Castello 2, Home runs Castello. bruises. Walker received body Mclvor. bruises, lacerations and back in- - Three base hits A. Allison, Tljury. They were brought to a zack. Two base hits Ward 2, J. local hospital for treatment. The Allison, Zaccaria. Brasher, Flinmen were excavating for a mine ders, Bonhm, Castello, Gibbs, supply building when the roof Zito, Vest. Stolen bases Vecchcaved in. They were extricated io 2. J. Allison, Zito. Sacrifices Carmonl 2, Bonham, Vest. Wild n Passed balls Vest. county Pitch rlmond is a Is married Double play with He Carmonl. man. Skeen 2, mining Mclvor to Flinders. Struck out a family residing at Hetner. Vest 6, Brasher 5. Bases on balls Brasher 2. Umpires 'Vest acF. W. Archdeacon Bulkley companied by his wife and son, Barney and Kapple. , o of Salt Lake City and Mrs. L. G. Condon of Provo spent Sunday In Standard rille Man Is Named Helper. Mm. Condon visited a t Deputy Sheriff the home of Mrs. L. R. Metz to while the Bulkleys attended Ruvie Monroe of Standardvllle, church buslnera in Helper and will succeed the late traffic ofPrice. ficer Walter R. Bennett, who Mr. and Mrs. David Brown of died tn Salt Lake recently. The Spring Canyon departed Wed- appointment to county traffic nesday on a vacation trip to the duty was made this week by Pacific northwest. Sheriff S. M. Bllaa. MINE JULY li No. MAKE HELPER CELEBRATION The most successful holiday event in the hietory of Helper was celebrated Thursday when over six thousand visitors thronged the community to join in the first annual Helper day program. It has been' estimated the crowd was the largest to gather in the county for any event outside of a state or national holiday attraction. The holiday crowds came from the Uintah basin, the surrounding coal mining camps and many the other towns throughout state, until the streets, the park and swimming pool were crowded long before the program was to commence. Everything on the program was free of charge, with all comers invited to enjoy themselves as guests of the business aud professional people of Helper. A proclamation by Mayor F. R. Porter closed all stores and offices during the afternoon program, and the full citizenry of the community joined with their visitors in merry holiday. The day's program was officially opened with a ball game between the Helper team of the Utah State league and aa all-stteam of picked players from the various ball teams of the county. The visitors were snowed under in an easy contest for the locals. Over seven thousand barbecued sandwiches were quickly relished by the crowds after the ball game, the Kiwanlans and business men and women serving the delicious sandwiches and coffee. The women visitors were given useful household utensil souvenirs and candy treats were distributed among the children by the Business and Professional Women's club. The community swimming pool was one of the most popular treats of the day, and was crowded by hundreds of bathers. Musical entertainment was furnished at intervals during the day by the Helper City band under the leadership of Mr. Reese. A concert was also given at the park in the evening. The street dance given in the evening was something new in the way of entertainment for residents of this community. A half block was reserved for dauc-in- g and proved none too large for the many danca space ers of all ages who taak heartily to dancing under the stars. Oneway traffic was routed on the east side of the street, while every available space was crowded by interested spectators. Music was furnished by Pat Markey and his orchestra. The celebration was sponsored by the Kiwanis club, assisted by the Business and Professional Women's club. M. P. Street was the general chairman in charge by of arrangements assisted eight committees. The celebration will become an annual event. CAE.BON COUNTY 1931 July the Fourth THOUSANDS OF VISITOR THE BEST ADVEBTISIHG MEDIUM IH i J well-know- -- |