Show c I V Garland Utah Friday June 17 1932 Vol 4 No 35 Good Program Planned For Band Concert EARL HALES GETS PAINFUL BURNS $2000000 Earl Hales of Riverside suffered painful burns on his hands last wliile operating a Friday afternoon for Box Elder county outfit spraying on the farm of Charles Hubbard west The right hand and little of Corlnne The bulk of the $2000000 beet thinon left hand were tadly the finger burned He was given first aid by J ning advance money has been let his J Thompson and out to the farmers of the Bear River companion where he was atbrought to Garland Valley during the past week accordtended by Dr T E Betenson ost ing to the word given out at the Gar to the report flames According land office of the 8ugar caused by friction burst from the rear of the truck Mr Hales went back to Company H D Wofflnden is the new cashier The balance of the money loaned extinguish the blaze and his coat at the Garland office of the Utah will caught fire the spraying material be be released Just Idaho Sugar Company here nature In as soon as the fleldmcn inspect and been transferred from Idaho having ing cf rn inflammable Falls pulling off his coat his gloves caught report on the plats which will be but where he has held a almular post Ion fire and his hands were burned be- a short time 6lnce his transfer from Garland last fore the gloves were removed The first of the loans were let out December He reports that much of the pain Saturday and considerable activity Mr Wofflnden is well known in has left and the Injuries are healing has been shown since and at tills time Garland and has a number of friends more than 65 percent of the amount here' having worked in the local office nicely signed for by the farmers has been under J L Harvey for a number of released to them years and also at the Brigham factory The advances for hoeing will be previous Stake Boy The newcashier is here to take the paid at a later date probably two or three weeks Those farmers who have place of the late JL Harvey and is not at this time taken advantage of experience In this position having been Final these loans will not be able to make associated in this work at the local at this date states the re- Brigham Lehi Elsimore and Idaho application Falls factories port was Elwin Caiiield of Tremonton successful in winning the first honors contest in the Ptibli: Speaking held in Salt Lake City last Saturday night as a part of the M I A conference President Elmer G Peterson of the U S A C was the principal speaker at the meeting of the Garland Lions club held Wednesday night at the Garland hotel Floyd Davis president of the Alumni association at that school was also present and made brief remrks Clinton Smith son of President C E Smith rendered two pleasing numbers on the cornet at accompanied the piano by Mark Nichols As a college feature of the program Mark Nichols led the group In singing the U S A C school songs “Our Director” and “Utah State” in which all Joined In heartily Lions many being former students of that school Three roars were given for President Peterson Mr Davis and the Alma Advanced To Bear River Farmers New Cashier Takes ts The success of the band concei held in Garland every Saturday has stimuated the leader J H Kirkham and others in charge to prepare a concert for next bigger and better Saturday evening June 18 beginning at eight o’clock A girls chorus has been enlisted an will give a number on the program are the numers outlined Following for the next concert at the and stand in Garland: Moon Little Galnt March O R Farra) Bombas to March C E Duble Bravura March K L King Mooning Sernade K L King Loyalty March K L King Fidelity March Tie A Little String Around Your Fin- Simou: ger Girls Chorus and band King Royal Husars March King Friendship Mazurka King The Centain March King Columbian Hummer Spirit of the West March Be sure to here the concert and the girls chrus in “T:o A Little String Re You'll So Around Your Finger member Me” The following members of the girls chorus will Join in to make for bigger and better entertainment: June Venna Kirkhan Stayner Alice Christol Muriel Christopherson pherson Dorothy White Edith Lnr Grace son Beth Thompson Bishop Sarah Shumway Hazel Manning ant Beth Innis fA $150 THE YEAR ELMER G PETERSON SPEAKS TO LIONS P ilear River Takes Honors Elwin is p member of the Tremonton ward arJ took his first step up when he won first place in the contest in that v in! Following this he was in winning the Judges’ desuccessful cision in Be r River stake the di vision and row he honors his people count at the finals by taking Mr Garfic d Is the son of Mrs Ada Garfield of Hast Tremonton At The Factory Mater Lion C K Smith urged every Lion to attend the Lion convention to I5e held at Heber City in the near future Instant Death Conies To Shelley Farmer Death came Instantly to L R Allen of Shelley Idaho when the car which he was driving ran off the grade near Bear River City Wednesday morning and turned over smashing the cab and crushing Mr Allen beneath The deceased is the father of ten one - daughter Mildred children15 being In the truck at the time of the accident but escaped uninjured except for a minor bruse on the arm Dr T E Bentenson of this city was called an examined the body which was later taken to the Stohl mortuary at Brigham City According to the information given by the daughter she and Mr Allen left Shelley at morning Wednesday 2 a m with a load of potatoes for Salt Lake City Mr Allen having slept a few but hours the night previous and had stopped a number of times of times on the way down Jis "they Bear River City the girl approached said her father went to sleep atul the car ran partly down into the barrow pit As he awoke he turned the truck to the left to get back onto the grade when It capsized on the highway Surviving are his widow Mrs Sabra May Higby Allen and 10 sons and the oldest 22 and the daughters youngest 2 years all of Shelley Idaho National Guard Returned From Camp Wednes tlj Riverside J t at 4:15 the Wednesday afternoon train pulled in the local station bringing back to Garland the members of the National of the 222nd Guard Field Artillery who spent the fifteen days at Cam Williams Jordan Narows in traning in the field artillery manuvers When the train came to a stop those waiting at the depot could see from the counternances of the boys that they enjoyed coming home and that each had had a rugged experiences out there sun tan being very much in style The boys were successful in bringing home a cup for winning the prize for the best keep mess halL The also one their first game of llise ball Joe Butler carried the wrestling honors of the unit up to the finals where he lost fat lve ' u The boys report that they have had a better time than ever and have learned considerable from the practical work at the camp They report they had to work harder than last year but enjoyed the time spent Those who attended the June conAmong those from Oarland wlio atHorace Udy manager of the Udy tended the temple excursion of the vention in Salt Lake City the weekHot Springs was host of a party given were: Mrs Ursel Rose Mrs Rule® Bear River stake to the Logan temple In honor of the members cf the local last Mrs were: Mrs Mrs Friday Joseph Murray Henry Manning Manning unit of the National Guard Thursday Mrs Mrs Gleason Qeorge Holmgren Lydia Nathella Griffin Mrs E night Diving contests relay races Mrs P C Petterson Mrs John ChamRowley Mrs C H Hales Mrs Mag and swimming was engaged in and Hall Mrs Mr and Stokes Mrs Hite J J bers Mrs Harold Persson greatly enjoyed by the boys Mrs J M Gaddie Mr and Mrs Ralph Thompson Mrs John Garett Mr and Stayner Alf Michaelis Evan Gee and Mrs Leonard Bishop Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs G G Sweeten at tend Andrew Westergaard Mr and Mrs Elmer Anderson e the funeral services for Richard J H Klrkham Mr and Mrs Peter visited the Miss Irene Cockayne Allen at Snowville Allen Mr Sunday S ORPHA LENARD Boss were Mr and Mrs H P The Daughters of the Pioneers Swinyard first part of the week at the home of was a pioneer merchant of the Curlew REPRESENTS UTAH entertained Thursday by Mrs Mae Mr and Mrs George Beal Mr and Dorothy Riser Valley having lived there 44 years Mr and Mrs Dean Bishop and Mrs Maud Tar bet at the Mrs Prichard Hall Mr and Mrs Brigham M&rolott The meeting comhome Bishop menced at 1 o’clock with Captain Mr and Mrs C H Last Mrs George Mrs Lenard of Orplia formerly Louis Linford Mrs Johnson Mrs Song presiding Garland was chosen to represent Lorelda MrsCapener Elizabeth Linford a brief Frank Munns Mrs Marvin Nellson Utah at a ‘garden party held at the prayer sketch of the life of Brigham Young David E George Henrle Mrs Wlilte House in Washington given by Vera VenAustin musical selection Manning Mrs Ray Louis Mrs Mar-n- a and Mrs Herbert Hoover in TJorman Tubbs and girl friend from President Klrkham a sketch of the life of garet Jensen Mrs Nathan Koe Mrs Mr and Mrs Oliver Johnson had as disabled Veterans of War honor the oi fore Lake part City spent the Salt Gam the Tom Wise Mrs Charles Munns Mrs Mary Magadeline Vogt their d Mrs Guss guests to word received cccrding by Mrs the week with Mr and Mrs! Henry who died at the age Mammie Sassor Mrs Grace Haws Korth and children of Garland Lenard’s patents Mr and Mrs G G fifth generation Tubbs of 91 and left 210 decendants Mrs C L Plnder Mrs Ray Hougaard Mrs Cleon Hunsaker entertained 'Mr and Mrs Ira Ward and Mr and Sweeten Mae Bishop Reading reading Art Felstead C E Smith Lawrence Saturday evening at a birthday praty Garland Is honored In this event as were in Malad Mrs Joe Forsberg Tarbet D Captain Capener spoke Woodard i nhonor of Roy Hyatt A very pleasH Arthur Marriott the party is an annual event for the Ruth Mrs Muriel Elcock Saturday evening of at be to the the ant quilt was given refreshaway evening enjoyed Manning A young lady Is chosen to next and two children returned home with veterans when all chances are ments being served to 12 friends represent each state of the union and sold meeting them remarks concerning Pioneer Next Tuesday Elaine Hanson and Bertha Germer a Relief afternoon assist in the and entertaining vetej’ans Mr and Mrs John Munson relics and the new show case for them Society are visiting this week with friends in district will be COMMITTEES conference CHOSEN Mrs Lenard last year was on the at Lowell Farnsworth of Rupert Idaho the tabernacle hedl in the Deweyvllle ward benediction BeatBlackfoot Idaho chapel 800 INSPECTION OF when are visiting with Mr and Mrs Ronald entertainment committee rice Porter Mrs Lawrence Christensen for the Tremonton Elwood Beaver and son veterans the enjoyed garden party Hales A social hour was then spent with Dam Ronald spent the Collinston and Deweyvllle visiting in and Alvin Bowcutt Jack Forsberg members and twenty following ward ladies the Ogden The following are those chosen as Ruby Bowcutt of Garland spent the visitors: Mrs M A Andrus Louis George Record is moving his famCLYDE WOOD SHOT an Inspection committee of the Yard in Sat Lake City visiting d Peterson Vem Mrs Louis O Johnson was a Brig L L Bishop We wish them sucily to Honeyville and Garden Contest PISTOL FRIDAY J J ThompsonBishop with friends and relatives by the general cess in their new home M A Mulliner ham City visitor Monday committee composed of George Henrie Edmund Udy and John Potter left James Frasier T D Davis Nate Coe Ardella Tubbs of Holbrook Idaho H Klrkham and Mrs J M Gaddie J Saturday for Arizona with a load of Sam Hoursley and Mrs Venna Hanis guest this week of Berniece JohnCupid scored with the following eveEast and south of Malad river: El cattle They returned Monday Clyde Wood was injured last Friday sen Club will meet witth Mrs Beatson couples this week: Oscar M Udy Plymer Anderson from George W Aus when a gun which he and Dean Wood rice Porter and Lottie ning Austin Mr and Mrs Chancey Gardner and July mouth and Velma May Steed Ply- tin residence east to Malad Mr and Mrs Glen Ward and sen were playing with discharged The 21st running children of Tolman are mouth Burke Honeyville visiting with River both sides of the street Max of Cropley spent the bullet severed the middle finger of his Mrs Mr Gardner’sLiberty Maudell Seager East Tremonton Earl J M Gaddie and Mrs parents Mr and Mrs at the George Ward home George Davis left hand and entered his abdomen The 4H county training class met Archibald Jos S Gardner Nina Silvester Plymouth From the bank corner east to Mrs Mrs Wm Fowles of Ogden Is here causing a minor wound there at the high school Mrs Plymouth B Glen Marble Wednesday peoFriday morning the following Dewey- - L home and north to the RR track He was attended by Dr T E Betentaking care of her daughter Mrs Lloyd Hill in charge George Buford vllle and Vera Marchant of Salt Lake Mrs George Nye and Mrs Harold ple from this place were among those Horace Bourne who is confined to her son and taken to the Valley hospital of Ogden demonstrated who went to Logan from making City the Bear the Persson bed Blue From Light station where an examination at Tremonton and baking of tfread Mrs Hill talked stake to do temple work Mr east to Kemps and south of River Rudy Bowcutt Mrs R D MacFar-lan- d was made Later the bullet was found on different games Leroy Burbank Mrs Sterling Huish was hostess to running and Mrs O W Snow Bishop and were in the yard where and Miss Beth MacFarland Factory street: Mrs Emily Rhodes Mrs M G they were playing spoke on the serving of a dinner and a very delightful shower in and given Perry Mr and Mrs HorMrs George Scott in Elba Idaho Thursday From Beth reDean The finger had: to be cut off but the ace Barnard Izola Jensen honor of Mrs Keith Drlggs a bride of Mr and Mrs N P Marsetting of a table mained to spend the next two weeks there was no serious trouble develop- - emphazlsed north on both sides of the ble Mrs the possibility of local last week at the home of Mrs Frank Capener’s J A Gardner Mrs Jos L street: Charley with her Grandmother Mrs MacLar-lan- ed and he was released Wood and Very Anfrom the club for leaders and leaders for social Driggs Heusser Mrs D B Marble and Mrs The afternoon was spent in derson: From R R track to J Wise hospital Wednesday then social chat and the ttylde was the night Susie E Dewey community development They both sides 'ot the street: James Wise Mr and Mrs Ross Smith and took up departmental Mrs Gene Bowen Mr and Mrs Jcs work recipient of many beautiful and use- and Lenard Bishop From Drug Store daughter Joan and Dwight Smith of Bowen all of Beaver Dam were visitful gifts ' A dainty lunch was served corner west Holbrook and north to R R track Idaho Mrs Muriel Elcock HATCHED MAN" Mr and Mrs D E Manning and to e ing relaties in town Saturday guests White Block runWm King and J and two daughters Thella and Betty went COMING TO daughters Alissa and Margaret Bishop Marion O Perry and childof Salt Lake City and Melvn Ward of ning west to R R tack from Shell ren drove to Brigham City Tuesday to Kanesvllle ward Sunday Among the one hundred dcscendents evening station: guerts of Mr Logan were Joseph Lewis and Frank and spent the where they Joined Mr and Mrs Victor 5t the late William P and Olive Jen- day returning late In Block running wet to R R Hansen and Mrs Ira Ward Edward G Robinson comes to the J Bott and left tty motor for the nie Peck pioneers of 1848 which met the evening track from Stevens corner: Mr and Mrs Edmund and Paramount theatre today In his latest East Sidney Ifdy in a family reunion June 11 at Lagoon Thursday afteroon the ball team Last and Charley Ralph daughter June and Mr aid Mrs characterization that of the heroic Stayner went to At Ames Iowa they will attend the were: Mr and Mrs F S Peck Mr from Texaco Brigham and played a lively Earl Moon of Farmrgton were In Wong Low Get in "The Hatchet Man” station: Mrs M E An with the 3rd warders to a 6core Manning and Mrs Mlllan Pack Mrs J Delos wedding of Miss Bone drus and Mrs Eugene Cache Valley Thursday Block game In a First National and Vitaphone adap- and Miltcn NelsonMargaret son of Ml and Thompson favor of Deweyville Jennie Peck Sherry Jean running South and West to R R Miss Edith Manning returned to her tion of a play by Achmed Abdullah Mrs Fred Nelson of Irvin Marble was shopping In BrigBrigham City Peck and J Bruce Thompson Block running West to R R track home In Farmington Saturday after and the late David Belasco ham Friday The young couple are former stu- and Andrew Wes track II Lwinyard a two weeks visit with her sister Mrs Gorgeously and photo- denW of the U S A C Miss Mann staged Mesdomes D Mr and Mrs Charles Burbank were Henry LeRoy and Herman Potter and family graphed the thrilling scenes of the ing having graduated from the Nor Rulon H Manning entertained at a tergaard All the district west of the visiting relatives in Brigham Sunday R R track Mrs Ora Harris and Mrs Mr and Mrs George Ward Irene melodramatic romance in mal School are laid Mr apd Mrs S A Marble announce Mr Nelson received his 6hower Tuesday afternoon in honor of Wm Vanfleet Ward and Thola Jenson attended the China — at Hangkow and on the Yang Bachelors Degree and has been at the Miss Margaret Manning a June bride the marriage of their son B Glen Morris reunion at Lava Hot Springs tze River — and In the Chinatown of Ames to Miss Vera Marchant of Salt Lake teaching Progressive were Agricultural games played college prizes San Francisco Friday Mr who and doing research work for the past being won by Mrs Robinson City on June 23 J J Shumway and County Commissioners Congratulations Mr Newel and Glen Udy were In won recognition as the greatest Miss Melba Nye Reed Giles and son of Tremonton year Ogden Saturday and Sunday actor of the screen in “Little Change Boundry were Friday guests at the home of The bride was the recipient of many They will reside in Ames where Mr Beth MacFadhnd Caesar” “Smart Money” and “Five Nelson Rudy Bowcutt Jos L Heusser will continue his work at the lovely gifts were refreshments Light and Vera Bowcutt were In Hyrum Star Wlnal” —presents an Mrs Fred Farmer was visiting for served to twenty guests utterly dif- college Wednesday ferent character in “The Hatchet Mrs D a few hours of Tuesday at the home The party will then continue to The Couty comissioners passed a Manning and Miss Julia Mr and Mrs Edward Tubbs and son Man” where Mr Mannlg spent the in their meeting changing the of her parents Mr and Mrs Chris New Atlantic City in Salt Jersey ' Bl&in of Ogden were Sunday As the Honorable guests Mr Wong he is Bott will attend the N E A conveLake City and Simonson boundry lines of the Temonton of Mrs Francis Tubtts commanded by his tong to execute an ntion Bex Elder in Precincts Emma Lou Marble celebrated her Rawlins Mrs Pheobe Ward is visiting with enemy Sun Yet Mr and Mrs O G Sweeten enter10th birthday will also visit points of interSep who had been a County They anniversary Friday relatives in Macammon Idaho boyhood friend Sun wills Wong all est including stops at New York City tained for Mr and Mrs R B Davis The border line between these two A lovely childrens party was given In Mrs Earl Moon and two sons his property and secures his D C promise Washington Boston Chicago Miss Orpha Davis Dr Gerald E Davis precincts has been placed two or three her honor at the homfe of her grandGlenn and Lloyd rtturned to their to marry his return its to of west Louis location parents A jolly good time was had Lloyd and Roland Davis all of Malad miles daughter Toya San and St original They expect home In Farmington Monday after a then but six The at dinner Monday story recounts the about the middle of July Dr Gerald E it being now located as a center line playing out door games Refreshments ten day visit at the Edmund Udy exciting Davis ts home for a brief visit after of Salt Creek This change will allow were served to twelve boys and girls adventures of Mr Wong as home protector and later as husband of R S Ellis had as his guests Satur- completing his course Norma Hanson Is visiting relatives number of families that belong to at Columbia a Mr and Mrs J H Ward and child- pretty Toya San — whom he ward to vote In that In American Falls Idaho gives up day and Sunday his parents Mrs and and two years interne work at the the Tremonton ren Mr ’and Mrs George Ward Irene to her' lover — and finally Mrs C W Ellis his sister Mrs A R Methodist Episcopal Mr and Mrs Lester Perry of PleasHospital In New precinct rather than in the Rawlins and Newell Ward Mr and Mrs Delos rescues from in old China Howard and her daughter Orlean his York City He will asume the position precinct ant View were calling on friends and slavery Jensen and Mrs Pheobe Ward atBrilliantly directed by William A son Merrell Ellis all of Woods Crocs of resident physician relatives here Thursday at the St Lukes tended the Ward reunion at Lava Hot Wellman the In star and his brother C M El ns of Los hospital in San N P Marble spent play Is unique Odell Thompson and George Bishop Francisco on July Thursday and on page five) (Continued 1st support situations and settings California Angeles spent Wednesday in Brigham Friday in Brigham as a Juryman end t If Deweyville CITY WITH J THE THEATRE J Y I V s' Lines ' K t r |